
#1 [en] 

NOTE: Please put comments, suggestions, bugs ideas etc. in this thread

Bunny Tools 3.0 - Bugs, Ideas, Feature Requests, Comments

Bunny Tools are accessible out of game at ... Thanks to again to BM for the hosting and Karu for the WebIG programming

NOTE: If you use try and view image links given in a IG chat, use a browser NOT the IG Viewer, especially for images.

Start here:

Bunny Tools Host Site

And click Bunny Tools in AppZone

Bunny Tools does not require an API key and does not have access to any of your toon's or guild's "personal information"

BUNNY TOOLS ARE BACK (Version 3.1) 6

As many of you recall, Mirakel's server was attacked and he left game shortly thereafter. As a result we lost our host site and Bunny Tools has been down for about a month. BM subsequently offered to host the Bunny Tools and Karu (I can only assume Level 290 in WebIG) has managed to knock off the programming in just a few short days

After a short test period, In Game access has now been restored. Everything below will be updated as time permits. Please send IG mail to FyrosFreddy with any bugaboos, questions etc.


Post / thread is work in progress ....

Would like to get as many guilds involved as possible doing demo videos, contributing data, proofreading instructions, noting what might not be obvious to others using tools for 1st time.


Tutorial: Bunny Tools Installation Guide
Demo Video: Pending

Tutorial: Home Screen
Demo Video: Pending


Tutorial: Gear Calculator
Demo Video - Hechicera (Celebrity Spokesperson)
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file

Tutorial: XP Calculator
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file

Tutorial: Mats (Armor) Calculator
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file

Tutorial: Mats (Jewels) Calculator
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file

Tutorial: Mats (Weapons) Calculator
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file

Tutorial: Mats (Ranged) Calculator
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file

Tutorial: Mats (Shields) Calculator
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file


Tutorial: Mob Data
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet, PDF or JPG
Image File:

Tutorial: OP Registry
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file


Tutorial: Occupations
Demo Video: Pending
Alternate Forms: Also available as a spreadsheet file


Links to IG Forum

Editado 43 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (8 meses hace)


#2 [en] 


Until we get more "Celebrity Spokespersons" from Atys to do videos, here's the start of instructions for installing and using each of the Bunny Tools:

If you don't have the App Bar visible, then just type "Shift-W" (no quotes) without having ya cursor inside any dialog boxes. It will bring up this image:

Click on the APP ZONE button to get to this screen:

While you are here, you may want to "Enable" Web App Bar". Mine is already anabled so only the "Disable" option showing.

Scroll down the list and you will see the little Bunny Icon for "Bunny Tools". Click the green dot with + on it to load the app in game.

Alternate Method: If you have the App Bar visible, then just click the "Gear Icon" on the far right side of the bar which gets you to the same place.

Once installed, if using the App Bar, you will see the Bunny Tools (BT) icon. Lil Bunny on black background, in your App Bar.

Alternate No. 1 - If you don't like having the App Bar visible, just go to the APP ZONE as above, scroll down and the tool will be there.[u]

Alternate No. 2 - Type "/appzone 1823"

Editado 9 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (8 años hace)


#3 [en] 


Upon Launching the application from your App Bar, you will be presented with the "Home Screen" which is the launch point for each of the tools.

This window is divided into four (4) sections


This section contains seven (7) calculators:

- Gear Calculator: Enter your toon's characteristics and it will tell you what level gear you can wear / use.

- XP Calculator: Ever wonder how many more [insert mob name here] you got to kill before you hit a particular skill level goal ?  Enter the goal and current skill levels and this will tell you the number of mobs you must send to their ancestors.  Also works for number of crafts and number of harvests.

- Mats (Armor) Calculator: Ever get frustrated after a crafting session to find 145 of one mat type in your bag / packers and yet you can't craft anymore because your are short of another mat type ?  Enter your used bulk for your toon and packers and how many you had left over from last dig session and it tells you the correct amount of each mat to dig so that, when craft session is over, you won't find yaself in the above situation.

- Mats (Jewels) Calculator: As above but for Jewels.

- Mats (Melee) Calculator: As above but for Weapons (incl. amps).

- Mats (Ranged) Calculator: As above but for Ranged.

- Mats (Shields) Calculator: As above but for Shields.


- Mob Data: A Consolidated Mob Resistance Guide for all Atys Mobs or "Everything Ya Wanted to Know About Atysian Flora and Fauna But Were Afraid to Ask".


- Occupations: Particularly designed for the CRS (Can't Remember Shi .... er ... Stuff), this tool displays the status of all your cool down timers associated with Occupations and New Horizons:
  • Occupation Timer:  Eight (8) 21 hour cool down timers are provided, one for each Occupation that you can practice.  Look at these to see how long you have to wait for your next opportunity to practice that occupation.
  • Occupation Special Item Timers:  Four (4) 47.25 Hour Special Item timers are provided, one for each Special Item that you can obtain.  Look at these to see how long you have to wait for your next opportunity to obtain those items.
  • Occupation Teleport Timers:  Four (4) 47.25 Hour Teleport timers are provided, one for each Almati Woods TP that you can obtain.  Look at these to see how long you have to wait for your next opportunity to obtain those TPs.
  • New Horizons Timer:  Use this timer to be aware of how long you have to wait (23 hrs) until the next opportunity to hand in occupation produce into new Horizons.


- Forum Link BT 3.0 : Link to this thread
- Forum Link BT 2.0 : Link to old thread

Editado 10 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (7 años hace)


#4 [en] 


Hit the IDENTITY button on your Game Pad and look at the CHARACTERISTICS on the right panel. Upon launching the Gear Calculator, you will see five (5) Drop Downs into which you should input your toon's characteristics for:

Maximum Level - Your highest level in any skill.  See ACTIONS tab.
Constitution - As indicated on IDENTITY tab.
Strength - As indicated on IDENTITY tab.
Intelligence - As indicated on IDENTITY tab.
Balance - As indicated on IDENTITY tab.

Hit CALCULATE and the level of gear and weapons that your toon is capablle of wearing / using is indicated below

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (8 años hace)


#5 [en] 


So it's getting late and you just wanna get that master title before going to bed. Launch the XP calculator and enter your current level, your level goal and other average XP that you are getting per kill. Hit the calculate button and you will have an idea of how much XP and many kills (or harvests / crafts) are required.

Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (6 años hace)


#6 [en] 


It's always frustrating finishing a crafting session with a ton of leftover mats that you couldn't use because you ran short of one of the mat types necessary for the particular craft. The Mats Calculators allow you to avoid this dilemma.

Launching the Mats (Armor) Calculator, you are presented with the window below:

The left hand column is for "Bulk Used". Let's say you are going out to dig w/ Packer No. 3. When you open your INVENTORY window and mouse over the line in upper right for your bag, let's assume it says 110 / 300 so you would select 110 in the drop down. Packer No. 3 says 8 / 500 so you would put 8 in that drop down box.

Since you left your Mount and Packer Nos. 1 & 2 safely stabled or in other regions, they are unavailable for storage. To eliminate them from consideration in the calculations, uncheck the boxes next to them. Check ONLY the boxes for packers you have with you.

The right hand column is for "Mats on Hand". These are the mats left over from your last crafting session. Entering 8 Fiber, 4 Resin, 3 Oil and 1 Sap tells the calculator that these can be used in next session. Note that 16 mats = 8 bulk you put in left column.

Below let's pick High Quality / Light Armor / Vests. When we hit CALCULATE, it tells us that we "should" be able to craft 98 vests using the 682 bulk available.
  • The 1st column indicates the number of mats of each type used per craft.
  • The 2nd column indicates the number of mats of each type you have to dig.
  • The 3rd column indicates the number of mats of each type you will have when done (just dug + already had as leftovers).
  • The 4th column indicates the number of mats you'd want to have in bag when starting.

1. The reason for the 4th column is that the way you can be most productive and gain the most dappie w/o TP'ing back and forth is to craft in region, where you dig, at a nearby Hawker. If you have 3 mat types on packer and 1 in bag, your bag will be full and you will waste lots of time transferring back and forth. By having the correct balance of each mat in your bag, you can craft and sell without having to do that.

2. We're oft asked why we don't limit the number of mats to collect to result in an even number of crafts. The reason is, you have failures. So if it was to say give the exact amount of mats for say 50 crafts, after a failure or 2, you may find yourself a few mats short. So the tool is designed to use 100% of available volume rather than completes X number of crafts.

** Usage tip from Saija: The tool is designed for a single player and can not account for an alt whose bulk would also be available. While the tool can not account for an alt ... note that an Alt and a Mount have the same bulk capacity .... so as long as ya alt doesn't get PO'd by calling him / her a mount, that will work.

Editado 11 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (6 años hace)


#7 [en] 


It's always frustrating finishing a crafting session with a ton of leftover mats that you couldn't use because you ran short of one of the mat types necessary for the particular craft. The Mats Calculators allow you to avoid this dilemma. Since Jewel Crafting requires just 2 mats in the same quantity, it would be very easy to do this in your head but, for sake of completeness, the Jewels Calculator was included

Launching the Mats (Jewels) Calculator, you are presented with the window below:

The left hand column is for "Bulk Used". Let's say you are going out to dig w/ Packer No. 3. When you open your INVENTORY window and mouse over the line in upper right for your bag, let's assume it says 110 / 300 so you would select 110 in the drop down. Packer No. 3 says 8 / 500 so you would put 8 in that drop down box.

Since you left your Mount and Packer Nos. 1 & 2 safely stabled or in other regions, they are unavailable for storage. To eliminate them from consideration in the calculations, uncheck the boxes next to them. Check ONLY the boxes for packers you have with you.

The right hand column is for "Mats on Hand". These are the mats left over from your last crafting session. Entering 16 Amber and 0 Seed tells the calculator that these can be used in next session. Note that 16 mats = 8 bulk you put in left column.

Below let's pick High Quality / Jewels. When we hit CALCULATE, it tells us that we "should" be able to craft 138 vests using the 682 bulk available.
  • The 1st column indicates the number of mats of each type used per craft.
  • The 2nd column indicates the number of mats of each type you have to dig.
  • The 3rd column indicates the number of mats of each type you will have when done (just dug + already had as leftovers).
  • The 4th column indicates the number of mats you'd want to have in bag when starting.

1. The reason for the 4th column is that the way you can be most productive and gain the most dappie w/o TP'ing back and forth is to craft in region, where you dig, at a nearby Hawker. If you have 3 mat types on packer and 1 in bag, your bag will be full and you will waste lots of time transferring back and forth. By having the correct balance of each mat in your bag, you can craft and sell without having to do that.

2. We're oft asked why we don't limit the number of mats to collect to result in an even number of crafts. The reason is, you have failures. So if it was to say give the exact amount of mats for say 50 crafts, after a failure or 2, you may find yourself a few mats short. So the tool is designed to use 100% of available volume rather than completes X number of crafts.

** Usage tip from Saija: The tool is designed for a single player and can not account for an alt whose bulk would also be available. While the tool can not account for an alt ... note that an Alt and a Mount have the same bulk capacity .... so as long as ya alt doesn't get PO'd by calling him / her a mount, that will work.

Editado 4 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (6 años hace)


#8 [en] 


It's always frustrating finishing a crafting session with a ton of leftover mats that you couldn't use because you ran short of one of the mat types necessary for the particular craft. The Mats Calculators allow you to avoid this dilemma.

Launching the Mats (Weapons) Calculator, you are presented with the window below:

The left hand column is for "Bulk Used". Let's say you are going out to dig w/ Packer No. 3. When you open your INVENTORY window and mouse over the line in upper right for your bag, let's assume it says 110 / 300 so you would select 110 in the drop down. Packer No. 3 says 8 / 500 so you would put 8 in that drop down box.

Since you left your Mount and Packer Nos. 1 & 2 safely stabled or in other regions, they are unavailable for storage. To eliminate them from consideration in the calculations, uncheck the boxes next to them. Check ONLY the boxes for packers you have with you.

The right hand column is for "Mats on Hand". These are the mats left over from your last crafting session. Entering 1 Bark, 3 Fiber (Grip) and 12 Amber tells the calculator that these can be used in next session. Note that 16 mats = 8 bulk you put in left column.

Below let's pick High Quality / Melee Weapons / Magic Amplifiers. When we hit CALCULATE, it tells us that we 'should" be able to craft 41 amps using the 682 bulk available.
  • The 1st column indicates the number of mats of each type used per craft.
  • The 2nd column indicates the number of mats of each type you have to dig.
  • The 3rd column indicates the number of mats of each type you will have when done (just dug + already had as leftovers).
  • The 4th column indicates the number of mats you'd want to have in bag when starting.


1. The reason for the 4th column is that the way you can be most productive and gain the most dappie w/o TP'ing back and forth is to craft in region, where you dig, at a nearby Hawker. If you have 3 mat types on packer and 1 in bag, your bag will be full and you will waste lots of time transferring back and forth. By having the correct balance of each mat in your bag, you can craft and sell without having to do that.

2. We're oft asked why we don't limit the number of mats to collect to result in an even number of crafts. The reason is, you have failures. So if it was to say give the exact amount of mats for say 50 crafts, after a failure or 2, you may find yourself a few mats short. So the tool is designed to use 100% of available volume rather than completes X number of crafts.

** Usage tip from Saija: The tool is designed for a single player and can not account for an alt whose bulk would also be available. While the tool can not account for an alt ... note that an Alt and a Mount have the same bulk capacity .... so as long as ya alt doesn't get PO'd by calling him / her a mount, that will work.

Editado 4 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (6 años hace)


#9 [en] 


It's always frustrating finishing a crafting session with a ton of leftover mats that you couldn't use because you ran short of one of the mat types necessary for the particular craft. The Mats Calculators allow you to avoid this dilemma.

Launching the Mats (Ranged) Calculator, you are presented with the window below:

The left hand column is for "Bulk Used". Let's say you are going out to dig w/ Packer No. 3. When you open your INVENTORY window and mouse over the line in upper right for your bag, let's assume it says 110 / 300 so you would select 110 in the drop down. Packer No. 3 says 8 / 500 so you would put 8 in that drop down box.

Since you left your Mount and Packer Nos. 1 & 2 safely stabled or in other regions, they are unavailable for storage. To eliminate them from consideration in the calculations, uncheck the boxes next to them. Check ONLY the boxes for packers you have with you.

The right hand column is for "Mats on Hand". These are the mats left over from your last crafting session. Entering 8 Bark and 8 Seed tells the calculator that these can be used in next session. Note that 16 mats = 8 bulk you put in left column.

Below let's pick High Quality / Ranged Weapons / Launcher. When we hit CALCULATE, it tells us that we 'should" be able to craft 69 Launchers using the 682 bulk available.
  • The 1st column indicates the number of mats of each type used per craft.
  • The 2nd column indicates the number of mats of each type you have to dig.
  • The 3rd column indicates the number of mats of each type you will have when done (just dug + already had as leftovers).
  • The 4th column indicates the number of mats you'd want to have in bag when starting.


1. The reason for the 4th column is that the way you can be most productive and gain the most dappie w/o TP'ing back and forth is to craft in region, where you dig, at a nearby Hawker. If you have 3 mat types on packer and 1 in bag, your bag will be full and you will waste lots of time transferring back and forth. By having the correct balance of each mat in your bag, you can craft and sell without having to do that.

2. We're oft asked why we don't limit the number of mats to collect to result in an even number of crafts. The reason is, you have failures. So if it was to say give the exact amount of mats for say 50 crafts, after a failure or 2, you may find yourself a few mats short. So the tool is designed to use 100% of available volume rather than completes X number of crafts.

** Usage tip from Saija: The tool is designed for a single player and can not account for an alt whose bulk would also be available. While the tool can not account for an alt ... note that an Alt and a Mount have the same bulk capacity .... so as long as ya alt doesn't get PO'd by calling him / her a mount, that will work.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (6 años hace)


#10 [en] 


It's always frustrating finishing a crafting session with a ton of leftover mats that you couldn't use because you ran short of one of the mat types necessary for the particular craft. The Mats Calculators allow you to avoid this dilemma.

Launching the Mats (Shields) Calculator, you are presented with the window below:

The left hand column is for "Bulk Used". Let's say you are going out to dig w/ Packer No. 3. When you open your INVENTORY window and mouse over the line in upper right for your bag, let's assume it says 110 / 300 so you would select 110 in the drop down. Packer No. 3 says 8 / 500 so you would put 8 in that drop down box.

Since you left your Mount and Packer Nos. 1 & 2 safely stabled or in other regions, they are unavailable for storage. To eliminate them from consideration in the calculations, uncheck the boxes next to them. Check ONLY the boxes for packers you have with you.

The right hand column is for "Mats on Hand". These are the mats left over from your last crafting session. Entering 11 Sap and 5 Wood tells the calculator that these can be used in next session. Note that 16 mats = 8 bulk you put in left column.

Below let's pick High Quality / Ranged Weapons / Launcher. When we hit CALCULATE, it tells us that we 'should" be able to craft 65 Shields using the 682 bulk available.
  • The 1st column indicates the number of mats of each type used per craft.
  • The 2nd column indicates the number of mats of each type you have to dig.
  • The 3rd column indicates the number of mats of each type you will have when done (just dug + already had as leftovers).
  • The 4th column indicates the number of mats you'd want to have in bag when starting.

1. The reason for the 4th column is that the way you can be most productive and gain the most dappie w/o TP'ing back and forth is to craft in region, where you dig, at a nearby Hawker. If you have 3 mat types on packer and 1 in bag, your bag will be full and you will waste lots of time transferring back and forth. By having the correct balance of each mat in your bag, you can craft and sell without having to do that.

2. We're oft asked why we don't limit the number of mats to collect to result in an even number of crafts. The reason is, you have failures. So if it was to say give the exact amount of mats for say 50 crafts, after a failure or 2, you may find yourself a few mats short. So the tool is designed to use 100% of available volume rather than completes X number of crafts.

** Usage tip from Saija: The tool is designed for a single player and can not account for an alt whose bulk would also be available. While the tool can not account for an alt ... note that an Alt and a Mount have the same bulk capacity .... so as long as ya alt doesn't get PO'd by calling him / her a mount, that will work.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (6 años hace)


#11 [en] 


Ever run across a Atysian Creature which is unfamiliar or for which you can not remember what magic resists it has or what type of damage it does to you ? The Mob Data Tool has your CRS covered.

Many years ago stumbled onto this handy resource on mestemaker site, added mob aggro ranges and edited a bit here and there over the years. Also available as PDF, JPG (see 1st post) or Spreadsheet file.

Simply pick a Mob from the drop down and click "ENLIGHTEN ME". It will tell you ...
  • Is it aggro ?
  • How close can I get to it before it does aggro ?
  • Does mob dodge or parry ?
  • What magic and physical attacks does it use ?
  • What weapon is best to use based upon its physical resistances ?
  • What magic is it resistant to so i can use a spell that does the most damage ?
  • What affliction immunities does it have so I don't try a stun a mob that resists stun and get deaded in the process ?

If ya want more info and an 'at a glance" view, see link below:

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (7 años hace)


#12 [en] 


One of the most annoying things we have to do as players is remembering all the different Occupation related cool downs. These fall into four (4) categories:

- Occupation Practices: Though you can collect as many materials as you want from the two missions related to each Occupation, you can only practice that Occupation once every 22 hours. In the image above, I practiced both Water Carrier and Magnetic Cartographer. After completing each one, I selected the appropriate occupation and hit the REMIND ME button.

- Occupation Special Items: I then run around to collect my Occupation Special Items for improving materials.  After grabbing my 4 Lucky Flowers, 1 Stimulating Water and 4 Ambers of Protection, I again selected the appropriate drop down and clicked on the REMIND ME button to track how much time I have left in the 47.25 hour cool down timer.

- Occupation Teleports: I don't have any TP related occupations active so I have no entries here, but this works exactly as the Special items Cool Down Timers above.

- New Horizons Turn In: My last stop was the NH Dood in Pyr; after giving him my stuff, I found New Horizons in the drop down and selected REMIND ME again, it shows I can hand in again in 23 hours.

The next day when I log-in to game, i will open the tool and hit REFRESH to remind me how long I got until I can do those tasks again.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (7 años hace)


#13 [en] 


First off, I can't talk about Ryzom Tools w/o first mentioning the other great tools that are available to Ryzom Players:

Kipeecraft - I had the pleasure for a time (yes it was enormously fun for a math geek) of participating in the development of Arcueid's wonderful crafting simulator. Now at version 1.2 it's the best way to keep your hair and blood pressure down while trying to figure out new recipes

Ryzom Forum Thread - Kipee Craft Pre-1.2
Home Page - See above
Download Location - See above
Manual and Install Instructions - See above

Zyroom - The Guild Officer's favorite tool allows you to monitor toon and guild inventories for multiple toons / guilds, tells ya when new season starts, saves chats, backups up ya files, etc.

Ryzom Forum Thread - Tired of Losing your Keybinds and Markers
Home Page - Misugi's Zyroom Home Page
Download Location - Misugi's Latest Download
Manual and Install Instructions - Install Instructions

As for other available tools , that are not "in game" ... at least 'as yet"...


This tool is based upon the Season Availability Data, which most folks currently access from BM's maps

The original spreadsheet based Bunny Tool from years ago, was checked against BM Maps and a significant number of corrections were made based upon BMs current Map Data. The old "X's which indicated "available" were then replaced with either an open circle (indicating Day) or filled in circle (indicating night) as per in game mechanics:

Much of the credit here for this tool goes to BM's mapping crew, all that we added, if you will, was an "at a glance" GUI to save peeps the effort or bouncing back and forth between web pages.

Th tool simply combines the two stated sources of information in one "at a glance" place. Just look at the tables by season, look at the location table and the times that the material will be available are listed by row. Of course by time, we are referring to the time (day or night) as defined:

Day = 03:00 => 22:00
Night = 22:00 => 03:00

Use your browser to best view this thread and its images.  Click on the image when it appears to zoom in.

Burning Desert
Exe Mats Availability Guide - Desert

Aeden Aqueous
Exe Mats Availability Guide - Lakes

Exe Mats Availability Guide - Jungle

Verdant Heights
Exe Mats Availability Guide - Forest

Black Text on White Background = Day
White Text on Black Background = Night
Black Text on Gray Background = Day or Night

Instructions on how to use the guides and interpret Atys Weather can be found here:

Exe Mats Availability Guide - Instructions


This tool is similar to the above except all the supreme weathers have already been mapped and that spreadsheet version includes a "last dug feature".  Opening the app tells you what sups are in what season, in what weather, how long till that weather appears and how long till the nodes refill. Sample below:


Yubo Maps is basically an offline reader for the Ryzom Raum Maps that are now hosted on site.   After installing the program, ask it to update the maps; it will visit the silenda site and d/l the latest maps. Comes in handy when the site is down for maintenance or if you have trouble running ya browser and Ryzom at the same time. Maps are also resizable which comes in handy for those hard to locate spots.

Key feature here is that by registering on the silenda site, you can add your own locations.  Keep supporting silenda by registering on the silenda site and updating the maps when ya find a new resource. Special thanks to Selene and all Silenda contributors for participation in this effort.


This spreadsheet based tool summarizes all of your craft points and let's you know how many more skill points / levels ya need to "get all the [insert your craft here] patterns" ? This should help but as many were bought years ago, looking for folks to cover my memory losses (CRS Syndrome) and changes over the years.


As above, this spreadsheet as above, tracks your skill points, how many ya got, how many ya need, etc.


Similar to the other Bunnynet spreadsheet based tools, this spreadsheet provides suggested combinations regarding mix of basic versus improved practices to reach ya goals most efficiently and also provides progress tables for each profession.

The progress stables let you look at how many experience points you have earned and thereby experiment with what choices you have to most efficiently reach the experience threshold for advancement to the next level.


This spreadsheet tool has some potential updating to be done as I haven't looked at it in a long while.   Basically this tool was developed by collecting all my old notes, Game Release Notes and archived forum posts into a single file.  You can plug in your crafted item QL and determine what stats are potentially available.

Looking for peeps to confirm data and formulae as it hasn't been looked at in years and the formulae and thresholds have oft changed over time.  Contact FyrosFreddy IG if interested in participating.

Forum Post:  Crafting Ranges

These are images including the latest changes that have been uncovered so far:

Crafting Ranges - Weapons

Crafting Ranges - Armor

I will see if I can push this one up on the priority list to be converted into an in game app.  The red numbers need to be confirmed.  The blue ones is where ya put in ya level and it calculates the relevant columns.


This tool exists basically as a spreadsheet bit is most oft used as an image file. It lists:

Tribe Name
Tribe Race
Tribe Religion
Tribe Location
NPC's in Camp (w/ fame required to get missions)
Wandering NPC's (no fame requirement)
Wandering NPC's (fame requirement = 0)
* - Means that a normal "Camp Position" NPC is pout wandewring around or visa versa
=>- Means that a position exists in duplicate and thet the NPC is actually in the position to right

Tribes Table


Yubo Maps and the spreadsheet based tools may be obtained by sending an IG mail to FyrosFreddy w/ your e-mail address.

The spreadheets are Excel based (*.xls) files which can be opened and used in just about any spreadsheet program .... I use Open Office which can be downloaded here:

Open Office Suite

Editado 35 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (6 años hace)


#14 [en] 

nice work :)

#15 [en] 


1. Minor spelling corrections to IG Tools.

2. Headings added to Mats Calculators.

3. Occupation Timers are now "static" and visible after closing / reopening.

4. OP Registry added.


1. Tribe Table added to "Other Tools".

2.  Armor Crafting Ranges & Thresholds added to "Other Tools".

3.  Melee Crafting Ranges & Thresholds added to "Other Tools".

4. Mats Calculators are now "Static". You close, ya keep the numbers. (Edit: Added 2016-05-21)

5. OP Registry now live,

Pending Improvements:

1. Misplaced Shield formula, can anyone provide ?

Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (8 años hace)


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