Bunny Tools 3.0x / 3.1x


Upon Launching the application from your App Bar, you will be presented with the "Home Screen" which is the launch point for each of the tools.

This window is divided into four (4) sections


This section contains seven (7) calculators:

- Gear Calculator: Enter your toon's characteristics and it will tell you what level gear you can wear / use.

- XP Calculator: Ever wonder how many more [insert mob name here] you got to kill before you hit a particular skill level goal ?  Enter the goal and current skill levels and this will tell you the number of mobs you must send to their ancestors.  Also works for number of crafts and number of harvests.

- Mats (Armor) Calculator: Ever get frustrated after a crafting session to find 145 of one mat type in your bag / packers and yet you can't craft anymore because your are short of another mat type ?  Enter your used bulk for your toon and packers and how many you had left over from last dig session and it tells you the correct amount of each mat to dig so that, when craft session is over, you won't find yaself in the above situation.

- Mats (Jewels) Calculator: As above but for Jewels.

- Mats (Melee) Calculator: As above but for Weapons (incl. amps).

- Mats (Ranged) Calculator: As above but for Ranged.

- Mats (Shields) Calculator: As above but for Shields.


- Mob Data: A Consolidated Mob Resistance Guide for all Atys Mobs or "Everything Ya Wanted to Know About Atysian Flora and Fauna But Were Afraid to Ask".


- Occupations: Particularly designed for the CRS (Can't Remember Shi .... er ... Stuff), this tool displays the status of all your cool down timers associated with Occupations and New Horizons:
  • Occupation Timer:  Eight (8) 21 hour cool down timers are provided, one for each Occupation that you can practice.  Look at these to see how long you have to wait for your next opportunity to practice that occupation.
  • Occupation Special Item Timers:  Four (4) 47.25 Hour Special Item timers are provided, one for each Special Item that you can obtain.  Look at these to see how long you have to wait for your next opportunity to obtain those items.
  • Occupation Teleport Timers:  Four (4) 47.25 Hour Teleport timers are provided, one for each Almati Woods TP that you can obtain.  Look at these to see how long you have to wait for your next opportunity to obtain those TPs.
  • New Horizons Timer:  Use this timer to be aware of how long you have to wait (23 hrs) until the next opportunity to hand in occupation produce into new Horizons.


- Forum Link BT 3.0 : Link to this thread
- Forum Link BT 2.0 : Link to old thread


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Last visit Sunday, 1 September 02:38:15 UTC

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