

#54 Report | Quote[en] 

great post elvenae, this should actually be posted directly to the ryzom team in my opinion.


#55 Report | Quote[en] 

Maxxye (atys)
Since that reply was a reply for another player's saying , taking it for you is a bit out of context.

I dont think I did take it out of context, the meaning of it is plain and clear. Did you enjoy seeing "French" players leave was what they asked, because the latter put in so much effort that the only thing left to do was to leave the game.......
Maxxye (atys)
But, yes, i think "french" karas/maras/kamis had to change their way to play because of Aris'/Leanon's way to play, adapt to them or play alone and be treaten. I don't say french are the best in anyway they did mistake as the other communities did theirs
And btw, for the french players who left, they weren't only karavans but kamis and marauders too...

I was kara follower before and i did some efforts trying to play with your way to play by closing eyes ( because i didn't wanted to lose my RP but didn't wanted to play only with french players either), so you could play as you wanted even if it annoyed me. I didn't lost my RP because of that.

So saying WE ( french players because they are all bad and do nothing to make Atys life a dreamland ) do/did no efforts, i just a huge lie.

That is not what I was trying to say at all.

I tried to be as clear as possible in that last post. I gave you a specific example of one of my earliest experiences post-merge with RP. And sadly it was a very negative experience for me. Maybe you are not aware that my real-life partner is Virg, who back then was a Kami and I was a Kara... someone is telling me I can have no interraction with him in game... now you do the maths... and yes I made players aware of this because sometimes these things blew up in Kara chat where certain players would note that I was training with him...

Anyways, it was MY own personal experience that I wanted to share so you can understand that, unfortunately I do not have very many, if any, positive experiences with RPers.

I never said you didn't put in effort at all, La Firm continues to be a part of the Karavan faction and I have nothing but respect for the guild's leaders. They did not join us in battle last time because of the Marauders but they still interract with us so we know them and do activities with them. 

We still blame eachoher that we have "faults" but I made it clear in my post, we are a product of the failure of the Devs to sort this out for the merge. And yes, we are likely to still have some  RPers who have strict beliefs but if you don't compromise here and there then sadly people will leave the game, RPers and non-RPers. You can be smart enough to come up with something which in terms of RP can try to appease as many players as possible.


#56 Report | Quote[en] 


While I agree to much you wrote (though also to a lot Maxxye wrote), I definitely disagree to blaming the Devs or the event team.

As to the Devs: After the merge, even before when having changed the original plan to axe all skills on demand of the community, they were drowning in work. The good decision to preserve the skills (which saved Ryzom in my opinion) left them with a lot of additional work unifying the three shards. After the merge, a lot of new, unexpected bugs appeared. The dev team is tiny, and what they achieved during the last years is a lot. I fail to see that they had any minute free to meddle into community issues.

As to the CSR and ET: They are volunteers, players like us all. The fusion posed a challenge and lots of workload as well, moreover some of them left before or short after the fusion. I recall one feedback meeting with a german event guide where the players complained that there were - at least for the language community - practically no events comparably to the old times. The event guide then revealed that the whole team was caught in organizational work such as translations, inter-community cooperation etc., where the Germans had an overproportional workload because more of them were in mastery of English and French than vice versa. She hated not to have been able to create nice events due to these circumstances much less to even play her own player character a single time.

And, to say that, while changing or even fixing the game, much more creating and guiding events etc. may be and probably are satisfying even if a burden of work, meddling into players' quarrels is possibly the most frustrating and unsatisfactory thing a developer or admin may be confronted with. Personally, I always hated to have to interfere and to mollify conflicts between my children, that is among the worst in education though necessary here and then. But we are not the children of Devs and CSR, though some used to behave like spoiled brats at times.

What I want to say: we are the ones who have to settle our conflicts inside the community in the first place. We may appeal to event team, CSR, or developers as a last resort, and hope for adequate assistance. The work to be done remains with us, anyway.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#57 Report | Quote[en] 

I wholeheartedly agree with your last comment, because it is the only thing we can do to move forwards.

The rest of your post, to me, was excuses for the Devs, and  I dont mean that in a nasty way. Lets accept they didn't do what they should have, lets accept they struggled and had a lot of work to do to achieve many other things (I highly respect them for the work they did do) and lets accept that we need to stop taking chunks out of eachother (most importantly) because the reality is, for me, it is not our faults that we played in the manner we did on the different servers and now in the small community that we are, lets understand and communicate and be mature enough to compromise and discuss things.

Anyways, I feel that I am only repeating over and over the same things which I hope will actually get through to some people and sorry to the rest of you that read the same post in different words! lol


#58 Report | Quote[fr] 

approuve de la tête

your right....

Last edited by Aelyne (10 years ago)

#59 Report | Quote[en] 

once more i'll say this: "let's put the sand back in the sandbox"

ok, so ryzom has RP, and each player is able to do and act out RP as they see fit. i would like to remind everyone that ryzom was made as a PvE game, and that rp was to help the progression of the story of atys.
the fact that each server had a different progression from the base story that all 3 server shared means that now we have 3 truths of the histories of atys. because of this confused history, ANY rp that i personally do will have nothing to do with either the lore or the histories because there is not a single one to base off. my personal rp has nothing to do with any one faction or group, but has something to do with ALL of them at once. (keyword: upper branches)

it seams to me that because group a does X in rp they get a real physical change in the game related to their RP. if this doesn't fit in perfectly with EVERYONE else's rp then there should be no changes to the physical game that we all play. many of us that do not RP more then a little bit (or not at all) should not suffer changes that are one sided for a group of rp's without consideration of the impact on non-rp's or those that rp a different way.

when i thought up my ideas for the "upper branches" i spent much time speaking with different players of all walks of atys life, and tried to think of everyone. the mara were told that one day they would have a city that was welcoming of mara, upper branches have towns where all homins (other then npc bandits) are welcome. there was talk of the trytionist (sorry if spelled wrong) and rangers coming along in the future and so i sought out players that had chosen these possible paths of play. i found a german guild that was already following trytionist ways, and some players that were also seeking this line; from them i learned what i could and tried to keep that in mind as i wrote the ideas and stories. i sought out players that were following the ranger ways, and spoke with them, again learning about them. after some time doing research i finally started to put together the ideas of the upper branches, trying very hard to include something about every group known on atys and even left it open for future additions with a few choice words "not yet known". i'll not keep ranting about this, it's all posted on the forums, both the ideas and the stories to support them.

if RP is the path we must take to get things done, my now over one rl year project still has no word on when or if it will even be considered. it seams that only the most selfish RP is rewarded and the RP that could be beneficial to the entire server is of no merit. anyone that wants to try and help translate the ideas and/or stories is welcome to, and if the person(s) wanting to can speak english i'll be happy to use voice chat (teamspeak3) to help with it.


Remickla (atys)
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#60 Report | Quote[de] 

Talkirc (atys)
it seams that only the most selfish RP is rewarded and the RP that could be beneficial to the entire server is of no merit.

You somehow lost me here. What kind of actual "reward" does RP have? You gain no riches from it, nor do you (usally) have any influence on the development of a story. The gain you get is the satisfaction of playing a character who, ideally, gives the impression of a living and breathing being played by observing the rules the game sets, straining them only so lightly that you leave the cardboard setting and make them round and believable. Respecting the borders, though, is the great challenge, I think.

Having said that, I see that we slipped into another of those discussions where the original point made seems to be by now buried somewhere under it. But probably it's just me who got lost here. Originally it was the question if the Marauders are allowed to have a stall at the Tryker fair, right? For from what I understood they are not hindered to appear there and buy stuff from other stalls. The fair, I think, will not take place in the town but outside, so at least that shouldn't be a problem (unless the Taliari decided to have it heavily guarded, but I can't imagine why they should have). Now we could discuss how a marauder could be identified in the first place (not counting, say, Akilia, Melkiar, or Muang, (in-)famous individuals and/or leaders). I see quite a few possibilities here. It might me far more complicated if it was, say, a Fyros Fair and Matis would not be allowed there, or vice versa - and that situation is quite possible, if not to expect.

Taking a larger view on the Marauders as such, I do see that there's much to wish for, like trainers and merchants in their camp etc., and the fact that there are few, if at all, marauder-based events (and I very much feel with them there; I loathed the event-less time for Matis until we sort of highjacked the "botanic solution" story, which was originally only a Zorai plot). The Kitin Study Group, which sprang from it, is, of course, a player project.

Sorry if I missed the target here, but I'm tired and half on the run to the airport ...


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#61 Report | Quote[en] 

Salazar FH already has anti mara guards and some other towns now (they check db if you did mara rite you are kill on sight), Taliari has asked them to be added to the place where the fair will be held and event team has said yes we will add them there so mara can't show at all.

Would be really nice if we could buy a stall and try to sell some stuff but think each and every mara would be happy already to be able to show up and buy some stuff there atleast but now we will be kill on sight by the guards.

Mara have trainers and matis merchants in camp and today we finally got access to hairdressers and tatooist. Still not a single mission or anything tough, no occupation, no ... so it's actually mostly a death camp with guards that don't work at all. (Kind of funny they can make anti-mara guards in 12h and not pro-mara guards to protect the mara camp)


#62 Report | Quote[en] 

Salazar (atys)
What kind of actual "reward" does RP have?

1 Bullying is one reward - as mentioned above - usual rewards of bullying include feelings of power

2 Addition of extra anti-mara guards all over - leading to yet another english guild unsubbing - this can also be seen as bullying - but more harmful is the fact that the anti-mara guards are not needed to keep an odd 20 homins under control - they are there for purely rp reasons and so are symbolic of the powers of the French Role Players

3 The reward of baiting ex-Aris homins - quite a few of whom are livid about all this - and cannot understand - in terms of keeping the game alive - why this is happening. No new homin is going to sit through umpteen years of role play before they role play - but anything they do or suggest in role play will be destroyed by French Role players

I realise Icus will say - good get out - and Maxxye will say we/I am blaming ALL French role players - but this is just their way of dividing the community even more (power trip) there are many role playing French who are lovely homins - they are not extreme and they can be talked with - BUT something is going wrong somewhere - I'll vouch for Jazzy and the Tryker role players - the guards at FH were quickly moved - but what about the Fyros and Zora Role players?
Salazar (atys)
Originally it was the question if the Marauders are allowed to have a stall at the Tryker fair, right? For from what I understood they are not hindered to appear there and buy stuff from other stalls.

Yes they are hindered - it was made clear at the meeting that extra guards MIGHT be brought in - one extreme role player speaking again, and part of what we are writing on here is saying Aris had a Tryker Fair for everyone - why not this Tryker Fair - to which the reply is "go have your all-Atyss fair somewhere else" - which is okay - BUT if I get involved in role playing in Trykers then I have to Role Play the French Way? I suppose I could have organised the Tryker Fair via the English speaking Trykers (only me at the last meeting - think other English speakers have thrown-in-the-towel and given up) but then I would have been told - This is against Lore ... so - what can we do?

Also events are organised through meetings - so it you want to organise and event you HAVE to go to a meeting ...
Salazar (atys)
The fair, I think, will not take place in the town but outside, so at least that shouldn't be a problem (unless the Taliari decided to have it heavily guarded, but I can't imagine why they should have).

I am thinking you have missed out on some of the posts - event organiser and french role players have made it very clear that Mara eat babies, etc and are not welcome anywhere ... so guards MIGHT be reinforced


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#63 Report | Quote[de] 

Well, am glad to hear that you got at least a few of the things which until more or less recently you hadn't got.

Re. guards: I guess it's easier to copy existing models than to create new ones. But I know nothing about computer stuff, really. I also never tried to enter your camp. The guards would not keep me out of it? I should visit it - no idea how it looks like there ...

Sorry to hear the Taliari ordered anti-marauder guards. I always find it suspicious that they sort of "smell out" homins. I'm sort of fine with it during a war (in the Temple Wars, the military camps were secured that way), but it might be doubtful from a RP perspective with something like a fair. There it should be enough to watch it and throw out people who behave disrespectful or more than just a little suspicious.

Last edited by Salazar (10 years ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#64 Report | Quote[de] 

Binarabi (atys)
... event organiser and french role players have made it very clear that Mara eat babies, etc and are not welcome anywhere

That's what I, as a Matis, hear all the time from at least the Fyros. ;)

Regarding the bullying - it's always a thin line between bullying and RP. Some is actually bullying, some might be misunderstood as that. As a character, I take it very seriously if the Matis are attacked; as a player, I don't. I try (succeeding or not) to be careful in turn with other players, as I don't know how well they can abstract the one from the other, although on the political level I expect my fellow politicians to be able to take a some biting, just because that's part of a politician's job, I think.

I don't know, really, how good or bad it is in the other countries, of course; probably we Matis are lucky? While the whole translation thing is very tiring, I have good experiences with both the French and the English speaking players here. We all make efforts, and we try not to touch too much of our various server's past.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#65 Report | Quote[en] 

a little thought about RP and gameplay: yes marauders arent the nice guys, we all know that, I agree that nations should guard against them and other enemies, its natural and understandable and i might even concede that it springs from prejudice rather than facts. As far as gameplay allows, it lets players to train everything to mastery, and a lot, if not most, players have trained their skills for hours to become powerful, and many of them have taken vows for a certain civilization or faction. so speaking about the logic of roleplay in an MMO is that your character should be able to face the dangers of the land. if we were to follow that simple logic than adding more guards is detrimental to RP both of marauders and players.

1- the new guards are too poweful to even be confronted, so the answer is fleeing
2- marauder cant even come close to attack a city and play the ROLE that the current roleplay gives them 3- if you trained your character and Love your nation/faction then you should be the guard

#66 Report | Quote[en] 

In all i think anti marauder guards shouldn't exist even under the premise of RP, regarding activities such as thr fairhaven fair, we should make an effort to make events that are server inclusive, and if you are to PUSH marauders into being hateful, and fearful, then include that RP as part of the event instead of putting a ban to it. if youre doing a national event, then talk to marauders and get them to RP in tagged pvp as part of the event. but keep the current model and youll get is angry people (and with lots of reasons for it)

#67 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, I cannot say that I like the idea of anti marauder guards. Before the merge, the attack threshold of normal city guards was -40 fame of their nation (or -40.01, don't ask me) to attack anybody on sight no matter whether marauder or not. Only since the change, the threshold has shrunk to -50 or so equal to tribe guards. That was declared a bug though not fixed since.

It gave marauders a window to enter cities, and at least for me, it was no problem. Instead of setting up anti marauder guards with supernatural abilities to sense the faction (instead of knowing about the reputation which may be established without tapping into marauder rites) simply resetting the attack threshold to -40 would have sufficed.

Moreover, I fail to see the need for such guards right now. In former times, there have been attacks against assemblies (or at least tagged players inside assemblies) but those attacks have largely subsided.

Concerning the FH fair, I can understand a decision of the Taliari to disallow marauders or other homins hostile to the Federation to take part in a Tryker market. I could as well understand a decision towards the contrary, at least allowing everybody access as a buyer irrespectively of alignment and reputation. Trykers are known to be tolerant, freedom loving, and much inclined to do trade and business with everybody, and to stay in contact with everybody to satisfy their inborn curiosity. I do not know about majorities in the FH assembly, but I am quite confident that Windermeer would take a more tolerant stance, and do not know about Crystabell. But it should be possible to find solutions in the future.

That the Marauders from the Ancient Lands are a hostile force, is established in the Lore of all three language communities I am easily able to check (I doubt that there is a different Spanish or Russian Lore). It is commonly accepted history that the clans of the Marauders in the Ancient Lands have been united under the hegemony of the clan of the Stranglers (Egorgeurs/Kehlenschlitzer) led by Melkiar the Black Varinx, a Fyros, and Muang/Marung Horongi, a Zorai. I am not aware when and how the command was transferred to a new generation of marauder leaders, Melkiar's daughter Akilia Ash Storm, her right hand Mezix, and the Scarlet (Escarlate/der Scharlachrote) from the Clan of the Ashes, and did not find out the fate of Melkiar and Muang/Marung so far. There are rumours, but nothing established.

As to the marauders of the New Territories, in my opinion we should treat them like partisans of the opposite side of a frozen conflict, or a long lasting guerilla warfare. It is natural that the governments are considering and treating them as deadly enemies, and nothing short of can be considered or expected, at least normally. On the other hand, a friend, brother, sister, father or mom joining the "dark side" does not automatically become a villain in the eyes of friends or relatives. So the RP behavior even of loyal citizens or pious worshippers may deviate from the official view (This is where I found the French "extremists" irrational, manichaeic, hypocritical, and simply incomprehensible, and, moreover, shitty RPers. I tried hard to understand the RP e.g. of Icus but miserably failed, especially as I refuse the notion that he is simply an idiot which he is definitely not).

Under such a notion I deem it not only possible, but even a possibly vivid element of RP when loyal nationals hide a marauder, allow her or him to slip into apartments and GH etc. But denying that marauders as a force are enemies of the nations is not ok in my opinion. Sure, marauders are their own lawmakers, as long as they are able to defend their "laws" by their strength, bound by no ethics except their loyalty to their own clan. So, a marauder may decide on her own to be a friendly marauder towards other homins, or not. Those who cannot stand to be healed by a marauder should simply run into the goo or strip naked and kiss a kincher. That is not RP, but a shame.

Nuff said, if not too much. We may delve into contradictions in our Lores and traditions, and further try to harmonize and identify points of interest. I think that the marauders' faction still has potential and can and should contribute to the life of Atys.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#68 Report | Quote[en] 

omg can I kiss you daomei?

(push bulleted it aswell need to reread it at work tommorow)


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