
#57 [en] 


I'd like to give my point of view, expecting this can cool down the topic (despite I know this barely works^^)

Like on the K/K opposition, it seems communities have different way to play.

On Aniro the assemblies were not all the same. Depending on countries the protocol was different, sometimes heavy, maybe impractical, but this give spicy, and fits to the Lore. For example it was common to mock the impossibility to attend to a chamber of Nobles without invitation if you were not a subject, even for a ambassador.

It seems to me that in several monthes all the internationnal assemblies will be "flatten". Discussions will occurs in full english with always the same people talking at the same level. At the end we'll only need one super-meeting at the ranger's camp.

According to IRL standards it will be very efficient, definitely. But ? what do we want ?
Well, one may say this is logical after living togother 8 years of exil in the same place...^^

On Aniro again, it was logical for someone who wants to involve for his country to pass some rite -citizen first- and then higher ones like Taliar, Akenak, Nobles and Awakened, or ambasador, etc. It was admited that those people had louder voices and responsabilities in their country, a advantage given for assuming a roleplay.

Feylin's proposition does not came from nowhere, and certainely not from her supposed wish to control theocraty, even if she loves to be involved for it. I think she only tries to perpetuate the traditions she had learned. I guess she feels a bit alone as a awakened. They should be more, and rotate for the role of orator (one per circle). Sometimes the orator is usefull as a fuse, not directly impling the Sage by arbitrating (I can tell even for zorais, the debates could be hard).

I do not say "Aniro is right". I just wanted to give my feelings.


Edited 3 times | Last edited by Zendae (1 decade ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#58 [en] 

[OOC] Thanks, Zendae. I am aware that Feylin's proposals do not come from nowhere, as I knew a bit of Aniro even before the fusion, and observed several parts of the french language community's RP and most of forum communication since.

I do not say Aniro is wrong. But equally I do not say that the other communities, as far as they had lively roleplay, were or are wrong either.

As to the flattening, I fear that RP, when imposed the way proposed, will end in Aniro RPers conversing in English with nobody else listening. This will only be different in the Rangers' camp, the only place where interlingual communication and participation seems to work without major frictions.

As to the question of having to be Awakened or whatever to assume an office, nobody is demanding that exceptions approved by the authorities in the past in another world have to be generalized as a rule in the new world. But it is a legitimate demand and was assured before the fusion that those regulations in existance before the transition have to be honored. While I do not agree with Zhoi in a couple of questions, I here see a matter of principle and advise my fellow players not to give in. If the representative of the circles of Hoi Cho is not respected by her fellow Zorai in other regional circles, joint RP is not possible.

How the national assemblies have to be organized, is not my business, strictly spoken. I gave my opinion which is that as a non Zorai and non national, so it may be considered or ignored without any problem.



Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#59 [en] 

(OOC: thank you, Zendae :)

Yes, we on Leanon also had different protocols and organization for Assemblies. I think they have been much like on Aniro - well, at least in the beginning, when many players were still interested in political roleplaying. I already explained IC that a lot of "rules" have just turned out to make Assemblies inefficiently. But OOC there's more to it! In the beginning there were quite a bunch of representatives for each country. But rigid rules but most of all lazy, blocking, sometimes illogical acting "officials" drove them away one by one.

Also for "listeners" the Nation's Assemblies were very unpopular back then. When I started with politics in February 2011, there was an "audience" of sometimes only three characters; sometimes even none at all! The election of Ambassadors, sometimes enabling political influences on events and especially giving the audience the possibility to actually take part and give inputs made Assemblies livelier and more popular :)

No, I totally do not believe that national Assemblies will "flatten" - not at all. Just on the contrary; I was glad to hear more characters speak their mind at the last Assembly in Zora. This is a great development; and I would love to keep on encouraging them to continue doing so :)

On the other hand the very "structured" and organized Assembly of the Akenak in Pyr was a sad sight; as there were only two Akenak attending it, and the audience has significally shrunk compared to the Assemblies before. The regional Akenos of Dyron are confused about the behaviour of the Akenak. Akenos Malin has disapproved of that during the last Assembly of Dyron. I fear that she and Akenak Arrlon might even feel driven away. It's high time to talk about this OOC after no Akenos attended the last Assembly of Dyron.

Yes: what DO we want?
Well, I can tell you what I would wish for - OOC as a player of course:
I want more players roleplaying representatives of their Nations, and I want Assemblies to be interesting events for as many players as possible

* for that end I think the most important factor is that Assemblies should have an impact on the world by initiating Events - like the Ranger's Assemblies do. It should be that way of course - but sadly we from the former Leanon-community did not get any support at all by our Event Team for even one political Event that we have suggested since RP-politics has started once again :( I think that the Ranger's Assemblies are so lively mostly because of that; if there were no Events (like collecting materials or exploring the Kitin-Nest) the Assemblies would surely become less and less popular, just like all the National Assemblies...

* also it cannot be too hard to become representatives. The higher the hurdles, the lower the interest in doing political RP. That's why I think that the title "Honorary Initiate" is very valuable. You can use it to tell players OOC: "come and give RP-politics a try; you can see that there are ways to take part in RP-politics without leaving your guild or having to change your playing-style" :) IC Zhoi has worked hard to earn the title of "Honorary Initiate" by being politically active, by services for her Nation! I think that should be worth a lot - maybe more than merely passing a "test" without having much political experience

* players seem to need more motivation to take up political RP at the moment - especially nowadays as either speaking English has become so important during Assemblies; since this already had a devastating effect on the political representatives from the former server Leanon :( Some German-speakers feel that merely having good translators is not enough to help them to actually take part in RP as equals...

* German players have expressed more worries that prevent them from taking up RP-politics: there has been lots of talks about some French players trying to dominate "our" players in many ways, to force "us" to change "our" playing styles, including using dirty tricks in RP-politics, drowning out the opinions of their "colleagues" by not treating them as equals, or even to drive "us" away on purpose.

* national Assemblies are seen as rigid, even as "unfair", and such are becoming more and more unpopular for representatives and audience alike - it is something some German-speakers blame mostly on imperious French players; in reality it's of course because of decisions made by Event Team

* so I think that the Event Team should start doing their best with motivating players to take up RP-politics, by listening to their worries and smoothing the way - as much as the Lore allows of course. Sadly many think that at the moment the Event Team does exactly the opposite; demotivating players and making RP-politics more and more un-fun. To be honest it has already been so before, but lately has become worse

* no, it's not like I want every Assembly to be alike! Not at all. They aren't right now: just take the Akenak and the Assembly of Nobles for comparsion. Still every Assembly should take motivating players to take part into consideration in my opinion. That can be accomplished in different ways, so each Nation can be different.

What does Zhoi want IC?
Yes, she definitely wants Assemblies to be efficient - because Assemblies are the instrument to decide about national matters. Some matters are urgent and must not be delayed for too long, especially not just because of "honoring" time-wasting protocols. Yes, she has a history and keeping up contacts with other Nations for many, many AtysYears have of course formed her personality and views of the world.

I can fully understand Fey-Lin Liangs (the character's) motivations as a player of course. Do I seem to be stupid, or do you think I'm inconsiderate as a player? As a character Zhoi might be that sometimes, true ;) Still understanding does not mean supporting. I have my own reasons OOC and Zhoi has IC too.

Well, IC the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang and Zhoi will of course keep on fighting for the time being :D Nothing you can do about that I fear. There might be some votings at Assemblies about all this. But in the end it's the Event Team that will decide, as has always been, using their roles of officials and rulers.

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#60 [en] 

Zendae (atys)
On Aniro the assemblies were not all the same. Depending on countries the protocol was different, sometimes heavy, maybe impractical, but this give spicy, and fits to the Lore. For example it was common to mock the impossibility to attend to a chamber of Nobles without invitation if you were not a subject, even for a ambassador.

(ooc) On Leanon, none was allowed at the Chamber of Nobles but the Nobles and the Ambassadors (on whose the Chamber had to agree). There were - very, very rarely - public assemblies. (ooc)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#61 [en] 

After travelling for a long time through rarely visited places in the jungle, with thick undergrowth slowing down his pace, Irfidel gets back to Hoi-Cho. During his first contact with the trainers he picks up a few rumors here and there and wonders about the gossip.

Saddened, he shakes his head. "There is a political conflict between the Fyros and the Matis, personal conflicts between representatives of different races, remains of the Kitin mounds, mysterious followers of the Trytonistes, goo infested Igaras in the Upper Bog - wow, so much has happened. And what do the Zorai do? Start worrying about the seating order in the Assemblies??? What is Jen-Lai thinking they are doing?"

One thing is obvious to Irfidel: He will never accept a seating order during a Zorai assembly. A Zorai by heritage, but neutrally aligned to all of Atys, he will happily attend Assemblies and sit near his friends and near the sages if he is allowed to. But the Assemblies are not reporting meetings, they are not "top-down" communication sessions, they are discussions between the wise, and sometimes not so wise Zorais and those who hold the jungle in their heart. It is a time of talking and a time of learning for all.

The Zorai culture thrives on discussion and listening to alternate viewpoints. Irfidel goes to the nearest bar. "There was no need so far to put a Fyros or Matis attitude to our meetings." he exclaims to the barman. "What would you think if the capital next sends an order to you restricting who's allowed to talk in your bar to whom at what time? And who's allowed to sit with whom here enjoying your drinks?". Both he and the barman chuckle. But somehow it does not feel right. It is not a happy time.

#62 [en] 

Lol. Sounds like you should have been a Tryker Irfidel :P

#63 [de] 

Record/minutes from Frutor 25th in the first cycle of AtysYear 2573 (OOC: May 12th 2013)

* Sage Sens / Sinn / Sense / Gangi Cheng-Ho
* Sage Supplice / Sorrow / Bai Ji-Mao, der Leidende
* Awakened Sartyrica
* Awakened Fitis
* Awakened Fey-Lin Liang
* Initiate Valandrine
* Initiate Sari Sarisa
* Honorary Initiate Zhoi
* Filira Salazar Caradini from Davae
* Patriot Gladeusgladeus from Dyron
* Patriot Jarnys from Dyron
* Ranger Daomei Lin Carthan
* Mahija, Zorai from Windemeer
* Wasari Kealey-Abygrian from Windemeer
* Seternulon from Windemeer
* Guardi, Atys-Citizen from Windemeer
* Seranie, Tryker-Citizen from Windemeer
* Lunamoon from Windemeer
* Rasaya Di Carlo from Dyron
* Lilsis, Ma-Duk-Blessed
* Diwu, Fyros

List of Topics:
* ceremony for the second Great Swarming of Hoi-Cho, together with Min-Cho
* goo-infested Igaras in the upper bog in the Verdant Heights
* organisational issues
* still unanswered letters and motions to the Sages and officials
* news from the burning desert
* news from the Verdant Heights
* about Honorary Initiation
* petition for a mediation with the Sages by the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang

Detailled records can be found in the dialect of Hoi-Cho at the usual notice boards: #274

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#64 [en] 

Letter to Hoi-cho Circles

Deles Silam Umaenai

I have to warn you that my sisters have discovered a trafic of contamined Igaras

One of us was killed in Loria while enquiring, be cautious please.

Igaras are transported asleep in covered cages, always by night time.

Departure is close to Black Circle, delivering point in Heretic's hovel, close to Folly farm, supposed to be received their by Darkening sap.

Of course this may have changed now...

Expecting this help the Theocraty for inquiring.

Best regards,

Zendae from Hamazans

Last edited by Zendae (1 decade ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#65 [en] 

Atys'ata, Zendae-miko!

Thank you very much for this valuable albeit shocking information.
My condolences for the loss of your sister.

All of this is especially sad when considering that Hoi-Cho has asked the Sages and Dynastic Circle on Fallenor 7th in the 2. cycle of AtysYear 2567 (OOC: May 5th 2013) to find a scout to be stationed near the tribe Black Circle for permanent observation of any suspicious movements, since our fair city has become officially "responsible" for "relations" with the Black Circle...

The Matis Nobles won't be pleased to hear about this either. Well at least the solution to stop the Igara-problem in the upper bog seems quite easy now... Please take care of yourselves during the battles.

Mata Zora
Zhoi, representative of Hoi-Cho


#66 [en] 

Official apology

In private I have already apologized to the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang for going too far with my suspicions about her maybe selfish status-oriented intentions; and now I want to offer my apologies in public as well.

Since the day the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang told me that she disapproved of my status as Honorary Initiate and wanted to appeal against it, to take away my rights to vote at national Assemblies and to act as an official representative of the Theocracy, I felt quite bitter. I feared - or rather expected - that the Awakened would succeed in pushing me back to regional politics only, and such would exclude the voices and suggestions of Hoi-Cho from national politics completely, as the Awakened Sartyrica unfortunately often lacks the time to attend national Assemblies in person.

Fortunately and to my utmost relief the Grand Sage Mabreka Cho was so magnanimous to approve of my status loud and clearly during the last national Assembly of the Circles in Zora; so the danger of being driven out of national politics has been averted. As for the new organization of the procedure for national Assemblies a compromise was decided by the Sages, for this some parts of Awakened Fey-Lin Liangs suggestions have been granted, and some of my contradictions have been considered too.

Still with these decisions coming into effect no national Assembly on Atys now grants free speech any longer, at each and every Assembly handsigns are now obligate - such the biggest difference between the Nations has been eliminated. As a novelty the seating-order is a little bit different now and each city can have 3 self-chosen votes at national Assemblies, Awakened and (honorary) Initiates for a new balance and fairness.


#67 [en] 

Here are the 5 different design-models we Zorai can choose from (3 representatives for each city are allowed to vote) for the new information-signboard that will be put up in Zora next to the stables.

Jen-Lai suggested that such a notice-board shall be established so that representatives from the amber-cities can inform the public about events and the like.

Some cities already had permanently set sign-boards before the second Great Swarming as a custom over many, many Atys-years. There have been notice-boards at the main-entrances of all 4 capitals on Atys for instance, presenting the most important informations about the political systems of the according Nations, about political active guilds/homins, and also pointing out a number of important laws to be observed - like the prohibition of showing weapons during official Assemblies in Zora or the ban of goo-infested items and munition back in those times.


#68 [en] 

Report/minutes for the regional Assembly of the circles of Hoi-Cho from Dua, Fallenor 2nd, in the 3rd cycle of AtysYear 2573 (OOC: June 17th 2013).

* Initiate Zhienkao Pai-Du, representative of the circle of Dynasty
* Messenger Jeoi Chan-Quang
* Initiate Sari from Hoi-Cho
* Honorary Initiate Zhoi, Ambassador of the Zorai
* Filira Salazar Caradini, Matis-Noble
* Curtos Nizzo, Ex-Akenak of the Fyros
* Keldreth, Matis from Davae
* Ramunra, Zorai, Kami-awardee
* Daomei Lin Carthan. Scout and Ranger
* Seternulon from Windemeer
* Zendae of the Amazons Mysticia
* Xoween, Zorai-refugee

List of Topics:

* deciding on a design for the information-board in Zora
* suggestions of names for the proposed Academy in Zora
* considerations about a water well drilling project for the desert
* still unsolved issues of the city-charter for Hoi-Cho
* commemorative ceremony for the second Great Swarm of Hoi-Cho and Min-Cho
* rewarding ceremony for the amber cube decryption for Filira Caradini
* goo-infested Igaras in the Upper Bog of the Verdant Heights
* communication-issues amongst the jungle-cities

More details can be found here: #314

The next national Assembly of the Great Circles will be on Prima, Fallenor 19th in the fourth circle of AtysYear 2573 (OOC: July 6th) in Zora.


#69 [en] 

Latest version of the draft for the suggested law against irresponsible handling of Goo:

The Theocracy of the Zoraï hereby bans the production, use, unauthorized possession, import, export, trading/transfer, advertising/offering as well as non-reporting the knowledge of such illegal deeds of all kinds of objects, item-parts, fillings or components and the like, that are mixed, filled or processed with Goo of any kind in the Witherings.

Especially weapons and munition made with or from Goo are strictly forbidden to be made and/or handled; as well as any kinds of drugs made of Goo. Also transport of and dealing with Goo-infested items to make profit is forbidden. Any counteracting will lead to a court proceedings and will be punished severely.

Any findings of Goo-polluted objects, item-parts or the like (especially weapons and ammunition) in the Witherings has to be reported to the officials of the cities of amber as quickly as possible. Trusted scholars can ask for an official permission to scientifically research Goo and will be advised to use utmost caution; not least because of the danger of Goo for their own body and mind.

It is not forbidden to harvest Goo of any kind with the intention to destroy it - but on the contrary: this task is very welcome; we encourage every homin to do so as often as possible. Goo and Goo-polluted materials should otherwise be delivered to officials in the cities of amber. Goo-infested materials shall never be used to produce items of any kind as this is extremely dangerous.

The Theocracy of the Zoraï wants to remind all Zoraï and Initiates that the most respected Kami have bestowed the honorable task of fighting against the Goo on our people. Please remember this duty at all times and also let the officials of the cities of amber know if you hear of any problems or dealings with Goo wherever on Atys. Thank you.

(OOC: please note that the "handling" of Goo-mission-materials and even Goo-polluted animal-loot is not forbidden RP-wise. Some Goo-polluted loot might be used for crafting - but since the products are not specifically labelled as Goo-polluted you won't have to fear of getting "in conflict with the law" :) )

* possible addition to the law following a suggestion by the Awakened Astarth:

- the Theocracy has renowned scholars and scientists who will receive and handle any Goo-samples delivered to them with utmost care and all due respect to the Kami, avoiding incautious experimentations.

* possible additions to the law following suggestions by the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang:

- as Goo is a plaque and a manifestation of nothingness, so Goo-contaminated items, item-parts, fillings, Goo-drugs and the like - of any kind - are not to be seen as "wares" nor "goods".

- the Goo is a disease and abomination that threatens all life on Atys; it's not part of the natural world. Destroying Goo is an important task to protect nature and to ensure the health of the ecosystems of Atys.

- Goo can be destroyed by the hands of homins, so this is recommended to do with small amounts of Goo like the kind that can be found under the bark. Even though fire can be used to destroy Goo please refrain from it and remember the fire of Coriolis: sap is dangerously inflammable even in it's veins under the bark and if fire should ever spread on a large scale in the Witherings it would cause horrible damage to nature.


#70 [de] 

Minutes/records for the national Assembly of the Great Circles in Zora on Nivia 28th in the fourth cycle of Atysyear 2573 (OOC/HRP: July 11th 2013)

* the Grand Sage Mabreka Cho
* the Sage Sens / Gangi Cheng-Ho
* the Sage Supplice / Sorrow / Bai Ji-Mao, also known as Fen Han-Go
* first dynastic Physician / healer Tao Sian
* master crafter Lu Fan-Wan
* the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang
* the Awakened Fitis (after the Assembly had ended)
* the Awakened Astarth (after the Assembly had ended)
* Initiate Pao-Len
* Initiate Denakyo
* Initiate Sari Sarisa
* Initiate Komato
* Honorary Initiate Zhoi
* Filira Salazar Caradini
* Wasari Kealey-Abygrian from Windermeer
* Ranger Daomei Lin Carthan
* Diwu, Fyros
* Ranger Kiwa-Lie
* Phaozhu of Amazons Mysticia
* Kwel of Talian Zu
* Zdrogu, Zorai, Fyros-Defender
* Indigo, Zorai-Refugee
* Rosellia, Homina
* Xiao-Mei, Zorai
* Ezek, Poignardeur (at the end of the Assembly)
* Akenak Bardor
* Mjollren, Atys-Citizen
* Osquallo of Amazons Mysticia
* Akenak Icus

topics that were actually addressed (a very personal view of the events by me, Zhoi):

* about Goo: Zorai-researches of Goo, how to destroy Goo, law against handling Goo

First physician Tao Sian, the personal healer of our beloved Grand Sage Mabreka Cho, declared that methods have been found how to destroy Goo, but did not explain how. At least natural fire is known to be able to destroy goo, but Tao Sian's words indicated that there are other ways too. She agreed with the suggestion to give any goo-items and the like found to the officials in Zora to be destroyed, as was planned for the text of the goo-bill. Tao Sian is one of few experts who are allowed to do research on the Goo within the Theocracy; so it seems that experimentation is still forbidden for anyone who is not especially authorized, even though it was not mentioned clearly during the assembly since the discussions became chaotic because of the intemperate imputations of an attending Fyros.

* about the Goo-contaminated Rangers in the Kitin-Lair who are being treated by Tao Sian

Tao Sian is taking care of a group of Rangers deep within the Kitin-lair in the dark mines where they have been infected with Goo. In that same cave remains of an old Matis-like camp and a Karavan-transporter-device have been sighted. It was revealed that the condition of the Rangers is getting worse every time they are trying to leave this place. It might be because of a special kind of goo or something else in there, perhaps it has to do with the old camp? Unfortunately Tao Sian is struck by health-issues every time she uses the Kamis magic transportation to the Kitin-lair, so she has to take a break and regenerate.

* suggestion by Jen-Lai to form a peaceful/non-deadly deployment force

After the tryker are considering a federal army to fight against marauders and other threats to their cities of New Trykoth, Awakened Fey-Lin Liang suggested to form a Zoraian group of defenders who should not resert to killing but find other ways to keep different threats away from our amber cities. One of the tasks of this group - called Pak-nédai squad - would be to hinder wild Gibbai from desturbing attempts of the Zorai and other homins to destroy/close kitin-tunnels, for instance by destroying termite-mounds...

* review about the visit to the Gibad(d)s, still open question about who should make/deliver containers

The spiritual leader of the Gibads, tribe chief Amagastai, spoke with a delegation of the Zorai and friends on Pluvia 9th in the third cycle of Atys-year 2573 (OOC: June 19th 2013), led by the Awakened Fey-Lin Liang, Initiate Pao-Len and myself, honorary initiate Zhoi. Chief Amagastai did not seem to know any better solution for the kitin-tunnels that are still present under the bark through all of the Witherings and the other New Lands. However he confirmed that the Gibads could provide us Zorai with magic potions - probably more safe for the environment than those that the Rangers are using on the termites... I informed the Sages that we have promised the Gibads to send them containers and am sure that this has been enough for our wise leaders to send them some from either the Icon-worshippers or our merchants.

* announcement of a date to meet with the Ancient Dryads and the Siblings of the Weed

A meeting with these two tribes from the verdant heights shall take place at the Kami-altar in the grove of umbra on Harvestor 18th in the first Atys-cycle of 2574 (OOC: July 21st 2013).

* a sudden assassination at the end of the Assembly terminated any further talks

All of a sudden a stranger stormed into the audience and drew something weaponlike. He attacked the Zorai Xiao-Mei who was said to have been held captive by Marauders and treated with goo-drugs for a while before she was saved. The male homin fled before anyone could stop him, but was recognized as a Marauder by those who were sitting next to Xiao-Mei as it seems. Xiao-Mei then started to behave strangely - she spouted words of enmity, took out a dagger and attacked initiate Pao-Len from Jen-Lai.

Judging by the words spoken it seems that Xiao-Mei had originally "wanted" or had been commanded to assassinate Sage Supplice / Sorrow, but initiate Pao-Len has prevented this and so happened to be wounded. As initiate Pao-Len died almost immediately and after that everyone realized with a shock that her life-seed had been destroyed and even the mighty Kamis were not able to bring her back, it was clear that the dagger had been poisoned, most likely with goo of some kind; just like goo-filled ammunition had been used to assassinate the Tryker governor Still Wyler long ago who was beloved by all. Investigations were decided upon, Xiao-Mei was brought away under the observation of healer Tao Sian, and the dagger given to the Guild of Cho who guards the amber cities and our spiritual leaders.

More details can be found here in the dialect of Hoi-Cho (German):

List of topics scheduled:
* introduction and listing of pending issues:
- How to fight goo ? how to be safe from it ? What to do in case of contamination
- The state of progress on the Goo Bill draft (future law)
- Alternatives to the termites solution (Ranger project):
Gibbad Tribe : report on the last meeting
Botany : about the future meeting with Dryads and Siblings of the Weeds
- Academy of Zora
- About the Information sign in Zora:
Voting on kind of panel.
Decision on where to put it ?
+ about Jen-Lai's plans of re-writing of the treaty of the four peoples with Thesos
+ renewal of the free trade agreement of the four peoples?
+ changing the seasonal endowment of Jen-Lai into a national project
+ clarifying the facts with Tao Sian about Rangers and Goo in general

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#71 [en] 

Minutes/records of the Assembly of the Circles of Hoi-Cho on Fallenor 18th in the first cycle of Atys-Year 2475 (OOC/HRP: July 24th 2013)

* Sage Gangi Cheng-Ho / Sens
* Initiate Sari Sarisa (for a short while)
* Wasari Kealey-Abygrian from Windermeer
* Ranger Daomei Lin Carthan
* Diwu, Fyros
* Nalani of Wings of Freedom

List of topics:
* putting an end to the regular Assemblies of Hoi-Cho
* suspending talks about the ceremony for the second Great Swarming until Min-Cho shows interest
* official petition to the Sages to clear up differences about how to destroy Goo
* differences amongst the amber cities
* advisements how to keep national Assemblies short but more efficient

At the same time befriended homins were talking to the royal botanist Cuiccio Perinia and shortly afterwards to (former) General Mizza Triva in Yrkanis about the famous master botanist Gilado Almati.


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