
#1 [en] 

Temporary Insanity

Race = Fyros Based but all races welcome
Faction = Kami
Guild Hall =Located (on Dexton Street) in Pyr
PvP = Most definetly
RP = We generally don't roleplay, but we won't discourage anyone from doing it
Guild Leader = Nitrouss
Hig h Officers= Gymsko, Stitch,Yakapo, Kwipers, Mathea, Monje.
Officers= Abrasion, Cabelyn, Dregra, Fyrestorm, Jon, Khandoma, Keeblerelf, Liliang, Morbak, Zhola.
Website = http://www.temporary-insanity. org/
Code of Conduct =http://www.temporary-insanity .org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2

Temporary Insanity ( TI )

Temporary Insanity is a growing guild with both new and old players
who like to help each other out whenever the need arises.
Since we have members from all corners of the world, there's always someone online.
We do all from Hunting Bosses to Supernode Digging
and pretty much everything in between.

The members of Temporary Insanity are a mature group of people and so are our conversations.
We try to keep our Guild Chat as clean as possible.
We would also ask that you download and join us on our ventrilo chat room
as communication and fight readiness is greatly improved with it.
Our Ventrilo chat room has pretty much no restrictions as long as it is not vulgar and/or offensive.

Want to see what Temporary Insanity is all about?

Want to give us a try?

You are most welcome to apply for a guild invitation
in the recruitment Thread at our Website. And we will
get back to you ASAP.

If you find us interesting and are 18 years old or older contact any of our High Officers or Officers.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#2 [en] 

Saturdays at 22:00 GMT. TI are going after Marauders. This place will be our Ingame Blog about it. Well keep you updated in our Goal to Have a NPC Armour Crafter from all the NPC Bosses.

Saturday Nov 28 2009:

Pei Ziao is our target this weekend so check in later today for and update on our
hunt. Last Weekend with the help of some our very good friends which i dont want to mention names so i dont leave someone out ( am old and the mind is not as sharp as it used to) help us take down Pei Ziao in 32 minutes time. Today we will try to beat it.

Wish us Luck and see you next time......


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#3 [en] 

Update on TI Marauder hunt: Sat 28 Nov 2009

After we got all our assignments , setups and we got ready to go we took on Pei.
I wont lie to you was a bit chaotic at the begining and it seems like all our work
planning and organization was not up to par with our normal boss hunts and regular Plod
hunting teams but we hang on and even after a server hiccup that throws us off when
we had pei with 5% hit points left. Still we came back and took him Down.

Still savoring the moment of Taking Pei Ziao down as a Guild Only and with our
confidence riding High we decide it on the spot to go after Aen on the desert and with
quick and bold decisions we got working on it with only 5 minutes preparation.
needless to say Aen was not a challange as it fell to quickly.

Next week we will try to beat our combine time of 2 hrs for both Marauders and
keep going on our goal to have a Npc marauder Crafter.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#4 [en] 

Thursday Dec 3:

This coming Saturday at 22:00 GMT. TI have a meeting with Pei Ziao and Aen
this will be a Guild only event. Last weekend we easily took both of them out and
we are looking to repeat our feat and beat our 2 hours time record.

We all at TI our very excited and dedicated to complete our goals and this is a
challange that was in the works for quite some time and we have finally decided to
go for it. As you know to obtain all bits, plans and crystals could take a while but
as i stated before we are here for the long run and no matter how long this will take
we will acomplish our Goal.

Our Plan of Attack is to hit Pei and Aen untill we have all we need from them both
then move after Lixie and Sirgio. Our Jewel Crafter is already hard at work finding the
"right" recipe for our high resistant gear and we will be ready to take on yet another
challange. We are looking Forward to them.

Keep tuned for the next update on Saturday december 5th after Our Hunt and if
i have the time i will finally post the list from our gathered bits, plans and crystals.

Till next time.......


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#5 [en] 

Sat December 05:

Today was a mix of High and Lows. We got our teams setup with not much
of a problem as we are getting better and better on our response time to do
the weekly hunt and taking Pei and Aen was a breeze.

Pei Ziao didnt offer much of a resistance as it took us 18 minutes to take him
out. We even have time to take a group picture then we ported to dyrom and
withing minutes we have our attack working on Aen.

Is Getting much easier each passing Week and Aen is definetly not a challange
anymore. We have take them both out in less than 40 mins.

And the low part of the evening was Lixie. Oh the shame :(
The setup took a bit long as it was our first time. Lixie Virgins if you like.
and after the whole you stay here and please stay in a straight line, dont move
stay in your place. And a few WTH you doing Noob.(ok that is not so) but i bet the
Thought cross our Mind :)

We were ready or so we Thought. Lixie didnt beat us but we ceirtanly were not
able to beat her. But is just a set back and one we need it to learn from our mistakes
am sure we will meet again and this time i assure you we will be more than ready.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#6 [en] 

Sat Dec 12:

Last night We Helped our Allies the Crafting Junkies attack Font porch Outpost
we were definetly ready for this one and the great work and discipline showed
during our attack. As usual and as expected some "friendly' banter occurred from
both sides. Nothing Big just the usual.

The Defence Round is already set and this time we are going to be there with
full Force. Big Kudos to all the Karavans that came ready to Fight, you all Fought
Valiantly. Am sure we will meet soon again on the Battlefield.

Also later Tonight we will have our Marauder Hunt, so we will have a rather busy
and eventfull day. Ill keep you posted on the next Update later on tonight.

Almost forgot to tell you the Firewine festival starts today Sat 12 at 16 GMT
there will be PvP competitions, Races and Prizes to the contestants and much
more. Come Join us and have fun with us.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#7 [en] 

Sat Dec 12:

What a Awesome Day full of Competitions, Races, Scavenger Hunt and Team boss Killing Competition. Wow so very busy and fun Day. Thank You from all of us at TI for
your Time and Energy into a Great Firewine Festival.

Our Weekly Marauder Hunt was Fun as well and is becoming a very simple Task now
Pei Ziao was Killed in 20 minutes and we move on to Aen but this time we deploy a
Different Strategy pulling 2 Fake Aen and in consequent 8 Aen Guardians which made
it a lot more fun but also twice as short. :(

All in all a very Fun Day. :)

Till next Time......


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#8 [en] 

Merry Xmas from all of us at TI.

We will take a break from our Schedule Hunts during the Holidays
but will be back with more updates and crazy outings.

Enjoy the Holidays and be Safe.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#9 [en] 

Hello Everyone:

All of Us in TI hopes you had a great Holiday Season
and wishes you only the Best In the Coming 2010 Year

We are back on our Schedule Weekly Hunts and we
just completed our Slaughter of Pei Ziao and Aen which
dropped a couple new plans we did not have before.

We also went after Lixie this time and took her down
with a bit of an effort but we think we got her Figured out
and we hope next battles will be much easier and effective.

It was a Great Outing from TI and we all had a blast we
are very close to completing our set for Pei and Aen.

Lixie and Sirgio will take a bit longer but we will shift our
full attention to both, soon enough.

We cant wait ...


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#10 [en] 

Saturday Jan 09:

Today was a very Rewarding Day we completed the sweep
of all 4 Marauder Bosses for the first time. I got to tell ya it felt
great and we had a lot of fun in the process.

We Took out Pei first with not much of a trouble then Move
to Aen, which didnt put to much of a fight. Sirgio was next , this
one was very surprising and we had our doubts as we had no
really much of experience dealing with this Marauder Boss and
the Story Telling was great, he was killed with a wicked smile in
our faces and Lixie was Last. This one always gives us a bit of
trouble but in the end we persevere.

All in all was a great 2.5 hours full of excitement and fun and
we at TI would like to give thanks to our good friends from HoT
for coming along and join us. You Guys are Awesome :)

till next time.....


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#11 [en] 

Saturday Jan 16:

Today we had a Late Start to our Weekly Hunt as a some of us were
indisposed or drinking ( i wont say names but you know who you are) :P
we are not mad or bothered that some were late or didnt show up but
the no invitation to the drinking really sadden us and is even worse when
you are sober. :)

Seriously thou thanks for the heads up that some would not make it
but anyway back to the update. We did our usual Killings Pei Ziao and
Aen were dispatch very easily and quickly, we also get a new Plan so it
was a great TI outing.

see ya next week............ maybe.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#12 [en] 

Sat January 23:

TI Update on Marauder Hunt:

We went after all 4 Marauders and beat our Time by 30 minutes
so taking then all down in 2:00 hrs is quite an acomplishment and the
Marauder who gives us the most trouble was killed very quickly. in less
than 9 minutes. Lixie we got you figured out now:)

We also got a couple new plans and the Crystals count is getting
bigger each passing Week. And with the Killing of Pei in midweek also
gives us a good feeling as we can Muster the Firepower to Take Down
a Marauder in a moments notice.

Special Thanks Goes to Our Friends at HoT you are awesome and
Sexy Hot :)

Stay Tuned for the next Update.....


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#13 [en] 

Monday Jan 25:

All of the 4 NPC Marauders were "visited" by TI and
needless to say they were Taken Down, we got some
new plans and more crystals.

We are so close to complete a couple sets and soon
our Crafter will have his hands full but we still a long ways
to go to finish what we have set up to do.

It was a very Productive couple Days and our Second
Sweep of all 4 Marauders in 3 days and a "battle" in between
kept us busy and entertained.

Thank you to all that help us and we will hopefully see
you back on saturday.

see ya soon....


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#14 [en] 

Sat Jan 30:

Wow what a day :)

Well we had a very fun day :) TI Thanks all who participated
even those from the other side of the Fence. :)

As most of you Know we were busy defending and Attacking
throught the Day, We came up very well and is not over yet, i
assure you.

We even had Time as Every Saturday to kill Pei Ziao and Aen
and we did Complete our First Set. which mades us very Happy.

We will Continue To Kill The Marauders as you Know whats the
point of Learning all the Plans if you dont have the Crystals to craft
with :)

see ya next week :)


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#15 [en] 

After a long debate with guild members, friends in both factions and the friendly CSR team, we would like to announce, we are giving the following outposts back to the karavan faction, Ginti Workshop and Fearing fen farm, this is to keep the balance of outposts.

The guild leaders of those karavan guilds will be contacted ASAP to disscuss the transfer. Sorry for any harm that we caused to the community by owning 3 outposts in karavan lands, but as a guild we offer no apologies for pvping and having fun doing it.

We also offered to return Ootn there outpost on the 27th of february, to which we have not recived an answer.

We are doing this to serve the best intrests of the game.

peace, hugs and all that stuff :)


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.
Last visit Sunday, 19 January 10:48:09 UTC

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