

#83 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 2019/05/27

News from the Wiki Project Team (Tamarea)

A brief word on the progress of the new group working on Ryzom wikis: the contributors are now "clearing" the wikis: they are searching, sorting, reflecting, organizing. It is a long preparatory work but very promising for the future! They will tell you more about it at a future meeting.

Arionasis Memorial Ceremony (Tamarea)

A video is available on Youtube:

Fixing patch (Tamarea)

We are listening to your feedback.

NH and modifications on all missions of the game

Q: What is being done about the loss of faction points?
R: Nothing directly for now, the fixing patch was only about dappers and fame. On the other hand, it is always possible to earn faction points via delivery missions. The new Involvement system available during Dynamic Events allows you to earn crystals and raw materials. The number of Involvement that can be won during an Event probably needs to be balanced, but the basis is there.

Q: The NH no longer accepts bouquets of all qualities : only Q40 and Q10. But I have lot of other qualities in my bag. Is that a bug or a feature?
R: When I'ill have no more 40 and 10 Q bouquets in my bag, NH will accept other qualities. Its a feature!

Q: I wonder how we will be able now to buy raw materials of turquoise, green and purple color to craft pretty armors. Can't we lower the prices of raw materials or let us win some of all colors at the Wheel (not only brown)?
R: This could be a valuable RP reward, against Involvement. We have a list of future RP rewards to add, but we didn't have that idea in there. Besides, if you have other ideas for RP rewards, don't hesitate to share them with us on the forum!

Q: What was the point in making the change at all, unless you just wanted players doing more missions?
R: Our intention with the NH modification was to revalue the 11670 unused missions due to NH's absolute supremacy. However, this was supposed to be done smoothly, in steps, and not as quickly. But the NH database being totally broken, we decided to modify NH as of this patch, even if the mission balancing was not ready. Following your feedback, I will bring the Game Design team together again and we will discuss a possible step back. In other words, we will consider putting back in place, at least in part, the old NH system. While continuing in parallel to make the other missions more interesting, so that you can freely diversify your gaming experience.
Ryzom used to be about freedom of choice. A player, choosing their own destiny, their own style of play etc. Now, new Ryzom: Seems to be more about Ryzom dictating to players.For example, every reward seems to be Gubani Tokens, but what about players who don't want to play the Gubani wheel? RP rewards, what about players that don't want to get involved in RP etc. Dapper missions, it used to take 30 minutes to earn dapper, then you were free to do what you enjoy. Now, to get the same dapper you need to do 13 Corporal missions.
To offer a suggestion : maybe it would be useful to put some effort into completing some of the unfinished Rites or Encyclopaedia missions.

The new interface of the K/K pacts (Tamarea)

Were you able to test it from the fixing patch earlier?
I can't cause artefact disappeared since reboot.
There was a problem with the artifact, but normally everything came back in order... except for those who logged in at the time of the bug, like you two.
I was able to test it a little bit, it works pretty well, but I get scared at first. I didn't immediately understand that it only buys back the *last* TP. On the other hand, if we could have the names of the TPs in the interface rather than in popup, it would be ideal.

New colors for icons

What do you think of the new saturation of the icon colors?
Nice job for me. I have some regrets on the tryker blue that turns grey, but nothing excessive.
French said it's nice.
I strongly dislike the grey that has replaced tryker blue.

End of meeting


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#84 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Compte-rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge - 10 juin 2019

Intégration dans le jeu de DeepL translator

Tykus (RT) - 19:38 UTC
Cette intégration est en cours de test sur Yubo et pourra bientôt être testée sur Atys par les joueurs volontaires pour participer à une « Heure de test DeepL ».

Q : Sait-on quelles langues seront traduites ?
R :
Pour l'instant Deepl traduit l'anglais, le français, l'allemand, l'espagnol, le portugais, l'italien, le néerlandais, le polonais et le russe.

Q : Les langues atysiennes seront elles prises en compte ?
R :
Les langues d'Atys ne sont pas gérées par Deepl, désolé.

Équilibrage du patch JY 2603 : correction des missions de livraison

Tykus (RT) - 19:47 UTC
Les changements suivants, apportés aux missions de livraison, visent à contrebalancer la perte des récompenses en points de nation accordées auparavant par Nouveaux Horizons :
  • Diminution du poids des colis à livrer
  • Diminution à 8 heures du délai imposé avant répétition d'une même mission
  • Augmentation des récompenses accordées dans les zones de niveau inférieur (régions 100-150)

Q : Le délai proposé n'étant inférieur à l'actuel que d'une heure, est-ce que la situation sera vraiment améliorée ? Ne devrait-on pas augmenter les récompenses suffisamment pour qu'elles soient aussi élevées que celles qu'accordait New Horizons, même si plus difficiles à obtenir ?
R :
Le raccourcissement du délai de répétition n'est pas tout à fait négligeable et surtout il ne vient pas seul : l'augmentation des récompenses en régions de bas niveau diminue le besoin de répétition et la diminution du poids des colis, en permettant la livraison par téléportation, raccourcit le délai d'exécution de la mission elle-même.
En tous cas, si ces changement s'avèraient insuffisants d'autres seront implémentés : ces premières mesures sont des mesures d'urgence dont l'impact sur les points de nation reste à mesurer précisément. Nous suivons en fait un plan pour l'équilibrage d'ensemble et comptons sur vous pour nous faire des retours constructifs sur cette première étape comme sur les suivantes.

Q : Pourquoi ne pas demander à New Horizons d'effectuer les livraisons, plutôt ? On paye New Horizons pour transporter le colis qu'on lui confie, et on reçoit les points en retour.
R :

Q : Est-il prévu de diminuer les délais de répétition des autres missions (celles d'artisanat ou de combat) ? Et de donner un autre moyen d'obtenir des cristaux que la seule livraison de colis ?
R :
Pour les autres missions (c'était un des sujets de la dernière réunion Ryzom Forge) les délais de répétition ont en effet été beaucoup augmentés, mais les gains l'ont été aussi ! En tous cas, notre plan est bien de mettre en lumière, de rendre plus attractives, TOUTES les missions d'Atys.

Amélioration pour toutes les missions

Tykus (RT) - 20:06 UTC
Pour aider les joueurs à trouver un PNJ particulier, nous ajouterons une option « Où est... ? » à la boîte de dialogue de TOUS les PNJ.
Afin d'encourager les joueurs à augmenter le nombre de leur missions (vu que les gains ont été sensiblement augmentés) la fonction d'aide pour trouver les autres PNJ confiant des missions sera ajoutée.

Q : Pour autant que je me souvienne, les guides touristiques n'indiquent pas pour l'instant la position de New Horizons. New Horizons sera-t-il ajouté à la liste « Où est… ? »?
R :
Tous les PNJ utile le seront.

Q : Qu'en est-il de ceux qui ont choisi d'améliorer leurs compétences en artisanat uniquement par le biais de missions et qui doivent subir de longues attentes et stocker d'énormes stocks de MP ?
R :
Si vous remplissez toutes les missions de craft sur le continent, je pense que votre stock de MP sera très allégé…
Q+ : Mais si vous travaillez l'artisanat au niveau produisant de la qualité 200, vous n'allez pas prendre une mission d'artisanat qui demande et récompense en qualité 60 !
R+ :
Vous trouverez des missions de niveau adéquat dans tous les pays d'Atys, dans les tibus etc. Vous n'êtes pas près d'arriver à toutes les remplir…

Q : La plupart des missions affectent d'une façon ou d'une autre la renommée auprès des tribus. Qu'en est-il des joueurs qui ne souhaitent ni perdre ni gagner de renommée ?
R :
Avec le nouveau système de missions, si vous ne voulez pas changer votre renommée, vous devrez équilibrer les gains et les pertes de renommée des missions que vous prenez, il n'y a aucun moyen pour l'instant de ne pas perdre ou gagner la notoriété… Peut-être à l'avenir, mais l'objectif pour l'instant, c'est l'équilibrage.
Q+ : C'est bien mon souci : il est quasiment impossible de faire ça sans connaître exactement combien de renommée auprès de quelles tribus chaque mission vous offre ou vous ôte.
R+ :
Si vous nous demandez de publier une liste de toutes les missions en précisant la renommée que chacune d'entre elles donne ou ôte, la réponse est non… La meilleure partie de Ryzom est la découverte. Si nous donnons une telle liste, nous la perdrons. J'ai bien peur que vous ne deviez faire la liste vous-même.

Q : Pour que les Factions soient équilibrées, ne devrait-il pas y avoir des missions neutres, comme il y a des missions Kami, Kara et Maraud et des tribus faisant allégeance aux Rangers comme il y a des tribus Kara, Kami, et Maraud ?
A :
Désolé, pas pour l'instant. Mais vous pouvez poster vos idées sur le forum.

Amélioration du jeu Maraudeur

Tykus (RT) - 20:27 UTC
Des tribus et des missions Maraudeur sont en cours de création et certains changements dans les missions (les récompenses en renommée de certaines d'entre elles) constituent une première étape de l'intégration de cet ajout.

Nouveau contenu de jeu

Tykus (RT) - 20:36 UTC
• En test : Ajout de la zone Maraudeur près du Nexus Mineur
• Travaux en cours :
  • Création de la Cité Maraudeur, avec l'emplacement des PNJ, dans la zone principale de la zone
  • Ajout d'un vortex entre le Nexus Mineur et la zone Maraudeur
• Prochaines étapes :
  • Déplacement du Camp des Maraudeurs vers la nouvelle zone
  • Création de la nouvelle Cité Maraudeur
  • Déplacement des PNJ du Camp vers leur emplacement final à l'intérieur de la Cité
La nouvelle zone Maraudeur est déjà sur le serveur de test Yubo, le travail avance.

Q : Pourra-t-on s'y rendre pour les tuer ?
R :
Bien sûr !


Tykus (RT) - 20:53 UTC
• L'Équipe de traduction recrute des volontaires !
  • Pour traduire vers / relire l'espagnol
  • Pour traduire vers / relire le russe
  • Pour traduire vers / relire l'allemand
• L'Équipe d'assistance recrute des volontaires !
  • D'Amérique du Nord
  • D'Amérique latine (parlant espagnol et anglais)
  • Des fuseaux horaires australiens
  • D'Espagne
• L'Équipe d'animation recrute des volontaires !
  • D'Amérique du Nord
  • D'Amérique latine (parlant espagnol et anglais)
  • Des fuseaux horaires australiens
  • D'Espagne
Nous avons maintenant des événements dynamiques faciles à lancer, mais nous avons besoin de quelques lanceurs d'événements vivant dans les fuseaux horaires américains.
Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez envoyer un courriel à

Q : N'avons nous pas aussi besoin de plus de testeurs ?
R :
Si. Pour ça contactez Tamarea sur Rocket :

21:00 UTC : Tykus clôt la réunion.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Typo


#85 [en] 

Q: Are there any plans to reduce the repetition time for other missions (crafting or killing ones)? And to give another way to obtain crystals than just delivering parcels?
For the other missions (this was one of the topics of the last Ryzom Forge meeting) the repetition times have indeed been greatly increased, but so have the gains! In any case, yes, our plan is to highlight ALL of Atys' missions, to make them more attractive.

Is there any more detailed information regarding this question and the crafting missions? Maybe it is just the translation, but it seems like all missions are just being lumped together, yet Overseer missions ( craft for dappers ) were not broken before, but they are now. Craft missions specifically did NOT receive increased rewards.

SOrry, please delete, I found the rather unsatisfactory answer several lines down :(

Last edited by Placio (5 years ago) | Reason: please delete

#86 [fr] 


Équilibrage du patch JY 2603 : correction des missions de livraison

Tykus (RT) - 19:47 UTC
Les changements suivants, apportés aux missions de livraison, visent à contrebalancer la perte des récompenses en points de nation accordées auparavant par Nouveaux Horizons :
  • Diminution du poids des colis à livrer

Je trouve dommage de perdre tout l'intérêt de ces missions en réduisant le poids des colis… et par conséquent, supprimer le Mektoub de l'équation.
Ajouter des missions du même genre qui demande l'utilisation de monture et/ou toub de bât aurait été plus intéressant ! Là on a un unique colis à transporter, pourquoi ne pas avoir une missions qui demanderait d'en transporter plusieurs très volumineux et lourd à répartir sur plusieurs toub ?

Last edited by Ekoh (5 years ago)


#87 [en] 

As promised Ulukyn, I am updating all my recent posts to say thank you for reaching out. Your customer service and real understanding matter a lot.  Thank you for your messages and your efforts. I will wait to see the announcements and the fixes.

I was trying not to get involved because it's only going to make me angry

However, this is so bad, so uncaring, such terrible customer service, I must speak

Crafting missions have straight up been nerfed. The times are days long not hours, the dappers are the same as the Fame which was always bad, is now worse

Then you have the balls to say oh just go to other lands? Listen, I've done all lands high level missions. It's not enough.

Don't you order me to do tribe missions. This is my game, my play. Not your pushing your agenda on me.

Don't say all missions were increased for the time. That's a lie.

Don't tell me that a little package mission boost is enough. I declare, you are not right. It is not enough.

The slap in the face which was the nh Nerf, then being told hey you can go dig.. no. That's not the right way to treat customers.

Sorry we don't sell chocolate anymore, but you can have the vegan beer...

How about I just go find a new shop?

Guess how many people are going to unsubscribe? More than zero,I promise you.

Forcing a mission AGENDA , yes, agenda, is against so much. It's not like the missions are fun either.

No thank you. At times I have kept my sub going just to support the game, not even playing. But no longer.

If anyone is looking for something else to play, it even read, please send me a message. I can recommend lots.

Last edited by Loved (5 years ago)


#88 [en] 

I think that that may have been the goal, Loved; to rid Ryzom of players like you and I who have better things to do than just run around "exploring" a place we already explored repeatedly, who like freedom, and/or who simply did not come here to be treated like second-class citizens.

Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#89 [en] 

I think that that may have been the goal, Loved; to rid Ryzom of players like you and I who have better things to do than just run around "exploring" a place we already explored repeatedly, who like freedom, and/or who simply did not come here to be treated like second-class citizens.

I don't think things are this bleak. The changes seem well intentioned, just a little hamfisted. They definitely need tweaking. I agree that right now, there is no point in doing crafting missions compared to hunting or digging ones. That needs to be adjusted. Same with faction point rewards.

I don't know about overseer missions in cities, since I obviously can't do those, but tribe prospector missions are great. It's not difficult to make a million dappers in 20 minutes once you know where to dig mission mats.

Don't get me wrong, I was upset by the changes as well, at first. But then I figured out that they're really not *that* bad.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#90 [en] 

As promised Ulukyn, I am updating all my recent posts to say thank you for reaching out. Your customer service and real understanding matter a lot.  Thank you for your messages and your efforts. I will wait to see the announcements and the fixes.

Hi Lum

I'm not saying there's nothing good. I'm happy some* people got their cake and ate it. I always* advocate more, not less. So, great, we got a well needed buff.

That said, the disrespect to the* section that only got nerfed is laser focused, and very clear. It's not classy at all. The agenda is absolutely transparent. Don't like it? Too bad, suck it, go do something else, stop complaining.

I'm not saying you're doing that. This is the official response. There is no empathy, compassion, understanding or sympathy.

I am not a thing to be talked down to. So, to those of you who enjoy what you got, good. But know this, your day will come. When the make-it-harder crew decide it, your Nerf will come too. They had no care for the lack of balance.

I will not support quietly.
Sorry for the human emotions for a place that was once my home.

I think that that may have been the goal, Loved; to rid Ryzom of players like you and I who have better things to do than just run around "exploring" a place we already explored repeatedly, who like freedom, and/or who simply did not come here to be treated like second-class citizens.

I don't think things are this bleak. The changes seem well intentioned, just a little hamfisted. They definitely need tweaking. I agree that right now, there is no point in doing crafting missions compared to hunting or digging ones. That needs to be adjusted. Same with faction point rewards.

I don't know about overseer missions in cities, since I obviously can't do those, but tribe prospector missions are great. It's not difficult to make a million dappers in 20 minutes once you know where to dig mission mats.

Don't get me wrong, I was upset by the changes as well, at first. But then I figured out that they're really not *that* bad.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Loved (5 years ago)


#91 [fr] 

Like say some days ago, changes on mission will be done step by step, hard to balance it correctly in a single shot.

We are working on it, and will apply some fixes soon.

About craft mission, the way to give dappers are different than all other missions.
The missions give the cost in dappers of the crafted items. So to adjust that we need change it, calculate the cost of each items and apply a bonus.
But will not enough, since some missions ask to craft 1 ammo.. for sure we can't reward this missions with 100k of dappers. So, some missions must be adjusted into objetives too.

About replay timer, since we can't change each mission one by one we have apply a formula to calculate the cooldown based on the reward. We will rework the formula to have something more easy like for example 10h, 15h, 20h or 30h and not X hours and Y mins

#92 [fr] 

Like say some days ago, changes on mission will be done step by step, hard to balance it correctly in a single shot.

We are working on it, and will apply some fixes soon.

About craft mission, the way to give dappers are different than all other missions.
The missions give the cost in dappers of the crafted items. So to adjust that we need change it, calculate the cost of each items and apply a bonus.
But will not enough, since some missions ask to craft 1 ammo.. for sure we can't reward this missions with 100k of dappers. So, some missions must be adjusted into objetives too.

About replay timer, since we can't change each mission one by one we have apply a formula to calculate the cooldown based on the reward. We will rework the formula to have something more easy like for example 10h, 15h, 20h or 30h and not X hours and Y mins

Really glad to see you guys are working on it! Honestly, a lot of the anger from the community could be prevented if we got frequent updates from the dev team, just like this one. It won't work for everyone, of course, but a "we're on it" is quite reassuring to me.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#93 [fr] 

As promised Ulukyn, I will update ALL my posts to say thank you for reaching out. Your customer service and real understanding matter a lot. 

Thank you for your messages and your efforts.
Like say some days ago, changes on mission will be done step by step, hard to balance it correctly in a single shot.

We are working on it, and will apply some fixes soon.

About craft mission, the way to give dappers are different than all other missions.
The missions give the cost in dappers of the crafted items. So to adjust that we need change it, calculate the cost of each items and apply a bonus.
But will not enough, since some missions ask to craft 1 ammo.. for sure we can't reward this missions with 100k of dappers. So, some missions must be adjusted into objetives too.

About replay timer, since we can't change each mission one by one we have apply a formula to calculate the cooldown based on the reward. We will rework the formula to have something more easy like for example 10h, 15h, 20h or 30h and not X hours and Y mins



Honestly, a lot of the anger from the community could be prevented if we got frequent updates from the dev team,

I completely agree with this. There is a complete lack of communication between the deve team and the player base. I truly belve there would be less people rage quitting and quitting there subs if there was more communication.
Like say some days ago, changes on mission will be done step by step, hard to balance it correctly in a single shot.

We are working on it, and will apply some fixes soon.

About craft mission, the way to give dappers are different than all other missions.
The missions give the cost in dappers of the crafted items. So to adjust that we need change it, calculate the cost of each items and apply a bonus.
But will not enough, since some missions ask to craft 1 ammo.. for sure we can't reward this missions with 100k of dappers. So, some missions must be adjusted into objetives too.

About replay timer, since we can't change each mission one by one we have apply a formula to calculate the cooldown based on the reward. We will rework the formula to have something more easy like for example 10h, 15h, 20h or 30h and not X hours and Y mins

Thank you for the update. It's greatly appreciated.


~ Ranger Aspirant ~ Officer of Fluffy Bunnies ~ Generally Mischievous ~

#95 [en] 

Well unfortunately we did get updates, basically telling us that our concerns were not relevant..

Letting us know that the timer is connected to a global formula and would require more study, to see if it could even be changed, is much more helpful.

#96 [en] 

@Ulukyn - Thank you for addressing our concerns and letting us know we were heard. That means a lot!

* * * * *

@Luminatrix - It's not the fame or dappers or cooldowns so much as the imbalance and feeling forced to behave a certain way. I already go to multiple cities/tribes on multiple continents for overseer missions anyways, but that was by choice. Now it's no longer a choice; the decision is made for us all. And when you add in the Ranger-specific fame issues and the unique hassles of traveling Aeden Aqueous for camp tours/prospector mission (Greenvale is a looong swim from FH compared to the short jog Matis get, not that I'd do that for 40% of the rewards others get for the same thing), it's a bit hard to not feel punished for choices I feel are valid, like being a Trykette Ranger who enjoys her homeland more than the other regions. I've felt pressured to be Kara/Matis to match my guild/friends for most of the time I've played (which is a restriction I also dislike immensely, but that's a separate discussion), and now it feels far less optional.

Now more than ever, the mechanics are forcing me in ways I don't feel are right. Hopefully there will be tweaks that will lessen that feeling....


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#97 [en] 

Don't take this game too serious. If you think about it more like a hobby everything will be fine. I'm here for jena knows how many years, I saw many homins come and leave, devs come and leave, csr come and leave, but the game is still functional. It might not be the game I used to play and love, but I'm curious where it is headed.



Last visit Monday, 10 June 03:24:34 UTC

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