

#166 [en] 

Site looks really nice thought, great job.


#167 [fr] 

Je pense que les réunions ne se font pas le dimanche car le dimanche est le moment privilégié pour les event ou n'importe quelle rencontre informelle entre joueur sur atys (OP, réunion entre joueur etc). Donc oui, c'est dommage que les réunions ryzom forge ne se fassent pas un dimanche, mais si c'était le cas, ça bloquerait un créneau pour le reste.


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#168 [en] 

Je pense que les réunions ne se font pas le dimanche car le dimanche est le moment privilégié pour les event ou n'importe quelle rencontre informelle entre joueur sur atys (OP, réunion entre joueur etc). Donc oui, c'est dommage que les réunions ryzom forge ne se fassent pas un dimanche, mais si c'était le cas, ça bloquerait un créneau pour le reste.

Thank you for actually addressing the complaint instead of ignoring it or insulting me or simply censoring me. That's more respect than I've got in a while.

I would bring the scheduling up at a Forge meeting if it were possible for me to do so, but this thread is really my only chance to have any input.... or so I thought.

While Sunday may be a special day, I think that RL jobs are more important than in-game events. The implication that OP battles and socializing are more important than including anyone more than a time zone or two from the server is a bit demeaning. It sends a message that non-EU players are, at best, second-class. My thought was that by moving the meetings to a time when all could attend, Ryzom could be a bit more inclusive.

But the last few responses I got (other than your's) indicate that the exclusion of others is intentional. Being told to stop trolling, or simply having my words deleted is no accident.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#169 [fr] 

Ce n'est pas une réponse officielle, je ne suis qu'un joueur.
Et oui, vous pouvez donner votre avis ici, il sera pris en compte. Vous ne serez pas le premier ni le dernier à faire ainsi. De plus vous avez l'ordre du jour de la prochaine réunion pour vous aider.


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#170 [en] 

Can you please stop with that lie? Thank you.

There's always that someone who *has* to victimise themselves, over and over again, endlessly. I thought you had to work ;-)

Ryzom Forge, is as I understand it, a collaborative project between volunteers and Ryzom team (more volunteers). Its meetings are mostly informative, the real work happening on varied schedules behind curtains. You're such a cry baby for not realising none of them have to meet any of these ridiculously childish demands.

Ryzom is already very inclusive, they explicitly request players to volunteer for them. If you don't feel included its because you don't want to be.
Being told to stop trolling, or simply having my words deleted is no accident.

Well... If you'd stop spamming the forums over and over again with the same pointless argument perhaps your word would have more of an impact. But all you do is complain about a pointless informative meeting (which isn't the only space where you get the information either, its posted a few days later here) and contribute nothing to either team or this one project.

Maybe shift your criticism towards actual ideas and stop nagging about a meeting which out of pure convenience is held at a particular time instead of constantly victimising yourself about this very fact.

Alternatively do go to work (apparently you are always working to not be able to join any team or attend a meeting) and stop wasting your precious free time on forums posts.

Or stop following these threads dedicated to volunteer projects and focus on the actual current game instead???

Just an idea.
This is not an official response, i am just a player
.. and one that gets easily fed up of mimimi on forums.

Yours truly,


#171 [en] 

Ce n'est pas une réponse officielle, je ne suis qu'un joueur.
Et oui, vous pouvez donner votre avis ici, il sera pris en compte. Vous ne serez pas le premier ni le dernier à faire ainsi. De plus vous avez l'ordre du jour de la prochaine réunion pour vous aider.

I am aware, but that does not change the fact that I am thankful that you have shown me more respect than it seems some other folks here are capable of. I asked to be heard, you listened, and that is very much appreciated.

Sadly, I suspect that you may be the only one that would consider anything I have to say, and therefore have reconsidered both my desire to attend meetings, and to have anything at all to do with Ryzom Forge.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#172 [en] 

Which confirms the original thesis.

You're just a drama queen with no interest to contribute beyond void complaining.

Pretty much like me. Ironic :-)

#173 [en] 

Gidget, honestly. You'd like to attend the Ryzom Forge Meetings. Good. But writing and bitching and repeating doesn't really help. If you're really serious about it, try to help the team first. Be there and get to know the team behind Ryzom. The more people from your time zone there are, the sooner it will be possible to change the times for Ryzom Forge Meeting. That's a fact.

Don't demand, demand and demand again, but get involved. The fact is, people work here and they do it voluntarily in their spare time. In order to change things here, you need to show commitment, just like any other group of people. Show that the game is not only a pastime, but that you also invest time. In this way you can rather change something. It is only a small advice :-)

Think about it: Who are you more likely to listen to in real life? Someone who is constantly grumbling or someone who goes along with the game?

Get in touch with Tamarea :-) Whether it's translations, proofreading or tests in the game. People are always needed.

(I am just talking as a player and of my expirience in the team, not as official statement :-) )

Last edited by Heernis (5 years ago)


Nicht klicken!

#174 [en] 


Ryzom Forge meeting report – February 17th, 2020

Storyline release

Tamarea (RT) – 20:38 UTC
Season 2, called "In Black against White", will begin on Wednesday, February 19 with its prologue, entitled "The one where you get informed".
During this prologue, which should last about a month, ...

Q: Will the episodes remain playable after their allotted duration?

Last edited by Khalaoden (5 years ago)


#175 [en] 

Gidget, honestly. You'd like to attend the Ryzom Forge Meetings. Good. But writing and bitching and repeating doesn't really help. If you're really serious about it, try to help the team first. Be there and get to know the team behind Ryzom. The more people from your time zone there are, the sooner it will be possible to change the times for Ryzom Forge Meeting. That's a fact.

By saying this I highly doubt you have understood Gidget's point.

#176 [en] 

By saying this I highly doubt you have understood Gidget's point.

May I ask why? The point was that the RF Meeting should be happen in times when people from other time zones than EU can be there also?! Or did i misunderstand?

Last edited by Heernis (5 years ago)


Nicht klicken!

#177 [fr] 

It's actually the point. But when you say:
But writing and bitching and repeating doesn't really help. If you're really serious about it, try to help the team first. Be there and get to know the team behind Ryzom. The more people from your time zone there are, the sooner it will be possible to change the times for Ryzom Forge Meeting. That's a fact.

It's basically wrong. It is not fact. What the fact is: nobody in the team wants to take into account those who can't attend RF meeting.
Also, why someone would have to get involved in a team to be able to attend RF meeting?
But in any case, by not attending those meeting you don't miss much.

#178 [en] 

Call me arrogant but I think my reply is so far the most accurate and reactive to the actual point.

And your post is contradictory Sinvaders,

You say not much is missed by failing to attend RF meetings, yet something should be done to shift the schedule of everyone who puts actual effort into the RF-Team in favour on someone who apparently* has no real interest, and who only "bitches" (Daddy-Heernis' words) for something by which you say yourself, he wouldn't be missing much.


Apart from my own "bitching" and on a much friendlier tone, I fully agree with Heernis, a much easier/productive/rewarding way to get what you want, Gidget, is to maybe motivate yourself and any other aquaintances in US-time zone(s) to join the different teams (you don't have to live in Eu nor have a fixed time availability) to drop in your cents for the different projects.

The more people on your time zone also means the more viable it is that someone holds a meeting at your desired time.

I stand by what I said, that RF is way more beyond the occasional meetings and what counts is actually what happens behind curtains.

Of course, theres always the alternative to just distance yourself and stop suffering because of something that doesn't really matter, like attending a meeting, and instead play the game and enjoy the occasional changes.

#179 [fr] 

Gidget is complaining about the fact she can't attend RF meeting ... and I do agree with her that nothing is done (yet?) to include non-european peoples in the meeting (differents time-zone and schedule etc).

And, yes, I still say, if you don't attend the meeting most of the time you won't miss anything.
I don't see where you can see "contradiction" in this, it's only 2 facts (yes, I'll resay them)

- Nothing is done to include non-european in the "discussion";
- If you are not able to attend the meeting, you won't miss much;

#180 [en] 

...And, yes, I still say, if you don't attend the meeting most of the time you won't miss anything...

Not true. The report will only show you what has happened. Your possible contribution and the atmosphere will be missing. Ok you can read full log on RC to see how vital the conversation has been, but still, you miss your opportunity to ask with every meeting. We (not just Ryzom teams) loosing opportunity to meet players directly. And in situation when you are constantly unable to participate...

I would be nice to have at least one meeting per month in different time and probably another day, however weekend days are probably even worse. The problem is that there is no one who can lead such meeting.

And if *you* will not join, then it will never be.
Last visit Monday, 10 February 07:11:43 UTC

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