

#37 Report | Quote[fr] 

Astarth (atys)
maxxye to your questions: yes it has been that the issue. the whole kami/karavan alliances were formed on an RP notion that came from aniro, we were even told off for ressing karavans or training with them, it has been that roleplay which gets marauders insulted for no reason other than "its roleplay".

Because it's supposed to be your ennemy, lets take easy example even if it should not.. if there is war IRL, would you help your ennemy to stay alive, would you help him to stuff for after behing "killed " by that same guy ? ( RL and IG should not be taken as examples, but maybe it's more clear like that and maybe understand that we take RP as a big part of ryzom)
Astarth (atys)
and lets see what should happen if we were to actually follow lore to the letter: first almost every country should hate and wage wars against the matis, as most have more reasons to hate them than marauders, so i take it we should put antimatis guards in FH to avoid them from kidnapping kids for slavery, probably trkers shoudl also get guards to stop zoraîs from entering their cities, and ofc fyros shouldnt be allowed to go into primeroots as they're likely to start anther fire of coriolis.

Yeah well you going far too ..
Astarth (atys)
i hope that for us going trytonist you dont plan to put guards all over atys to stop us

Well if you all stay together in a kami guild ( so kami/mara/tryto) it is obious that it's going to speak about that..

#38 Report | Quote[en] 

Maxxye (atys)
Well if you all stay together in a kami guild ( so kami/mara/tryto) it is obious that it's going to speak about that..

Elias Tryton had no alliances - except to homins - so all homins could be in a guild
Elias Tryton had a magic key for all transporters - we will wait for this - until then we use our magic key for kami ones - and mara ones - and ranger ones
The Trykers have Trytonists hidden in their midst - they will never bend-the-knee to Matis - or the Real Karavan so no problem there either


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#39 Report | Quote[fr] 

Binarabi (atys)
Maxxye (atys)
Well if you all stay together in a kami guild ( so kami/mara/tryto) it is obious that it's going to speak about that..

Elias Tryton had no alliances - except to homins - so all homins could be in a guild
Elias Tryton had a magic key for all transporters - we will wait for this - until then we use our magic key for kami ones - and mara ones - and ranger ones
The Trykers have Trytonists hidden in their midst - they will never bend-the-knee to Matis - or the Real Karavan so no problem there either

Elias Tryton did some copies of the key and gave them to homins ? Don't think so.
Elias Tryton is a traitor, against higher power.

Btw, you have a overflowing mind or is it written somewhere ?

#40 Report | Quote[en] 

Not where you can see it sweetie :)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#41 Report | Quote[en] 

As i thought in your dreams

#42 Report | Quote[en] 

Elvanae (atys)
Well, regarding your last point, I mean, would you even think to go so far as to say that as part of the Kami or Karavan you should not be able to enter particular cities? Indeed, the RP hatred between Matis and Fyros is undeniably strong, why should I as a Mati be allowed to freely roam the Desert lands and enter their cities? Well, I believe that it is the FTA which allows this free movement and the issue we have now is that the Marauders are not directly cited as a nation because some don't consider them to be a nation but instead an organisation of members from different nations. So why can't RPers and all game players take it upon themselves to rectify this directly on the FTA for example.

That's not really the point I wanted to make. Anyway, the rift thing with kara/kami on Aniro is mostly historically inaccurate. This has been mostly pushed by new FR players to the game (I play since the beginning and this bullying thing is quite new : 2-3 years top). Also, you do not have to be bullied into doing sth. If someone says it's not RP or whatever, just answer back in RP and say you are moderate. Not talking to the other faction is extremist. There's a range the k/k stuff (from the most moderate to the most extremist). Nobody can argue anything on a RP basis if you just answer on the same.

What I was thinking about is more about ingerance. E.g. my character is a Tryker Citizen, he's no ambassador and not really active in politics. I would not even dream to start inferring with other nations if there is no direct link between the context around my character and what is happening. You won't see Maximus barging in some assembly in some forsaken place just because it is an event... But then again, I am limiting myself, why should anyone expect the same from anybody.

Regarding Marauders, it has been explained since the beginning, these are rogue bandits, not friends or lovers or anything. They pissed on everyone/everything to live their lifestyle. And if they do not want to be like that, then just do not be a maraudeur. There are enough nice other options to take if you want to be friend with everybody (let's say Rangers for instance ?) or even create a neutral knightly movement or whatever.

#43 Report | Quote[en] 

well maximus yes thats how mara was played and portraid on your server maybe on our server EVENT TEAM as Akilla cinder Ash Storm herself was telling us a way more moderate point of view. Maybe they addapted to the ppl on aristople that went mara who knows. But mara where not portraied as being against all. Last orders we got 1 year before server merge (when I heard half ari event team was fired without knowing why) was that we should go out in public and talk to other homins in civ/factions about how they are lied about and free them from their chackless and bring them to our camp to be shown what freedom means. (after that meeting we never saw akilla, event team or anything mara related again).

To us the event team played out that we the player mara where converts and 'unbrainwashed' (my words not event team) that had to make the camps ready and find safe lands to build the free mara city in. And we where told over and over by mara event team civs din't want us in their land and hated mara for coming back. Being seen as savages and civ govs feeling we would over run their city's with the millions of homins still trapped down there => you know not enough food for all in new lands and such.


#44 Report | Quote[en] 

Binarabi (atys)

Elias Tryton had no alliances - except to homins - so all homins could be in a guild
Elias Tryton had a magic key for all transporters - we will wait for this - until then we use our magic key for kami ones - and mara ones - and ranger ones
The Trykers have Trytonists hidden in their midst - they will never bend-the-knee to Matis - or the Real Karavan so no problem there either

Ummm... Bina? As far as we can tell from ancient records, Elias Tryton was a Karavan. (Some Trykers believe even that he was married to Jena.) He is hated by the Karavan because he advocated that homins should share in their knowledge, and for that he was declared apostate. The Kami hate him because he is Karavan.

He is known to have been responsible for the creation of the Rainbow Gates that allowed many homins to flee the Great Swarming of the 2480's. His guild was responsible for the Rainbow Gates that allowed many homins to flee to the Refuge during the Second Swarming. (There are reports from some homins that he was even seen during the Exodus, protecting the homins and activating the gates.)(*)

There are no magic keys to Ranger teleporters, since the Rangers do not have teleporters. Transport from the camps in Silan and Almati Woods is via Karavan and Kami transporters. (Senior Rangers also know of paths from the New Lands to Almati and from there to the Old Lands as well.)(**)

Maximus, there seems to be some difference between the Marauders that were originally organized by Melkiar and the recent recruits to the Marauder cause who were recruited (at least as I remember it) by Akillia, Melkiar's daughter. I remember clearly that at the end, when we were fleeing to the Refuge that Akillia called upon her Marauders to face the kitins and to protect the stragglers of the fleeing homins.

So there is room in role-play for the concept of "Noble Marauder", and there is much confusion about Elias Tryton.

(*) Taken from ancient amber cubes.
(**)Taken from information given at assemblies of Ranger aspirants.

Last edited by Bitttymacod (10 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#45 Report | Quote[en] 

omg yes bittty totally forgot about that how could I.

Don't know on other servers but on ari mara actually gave their lives to protect the homins from kittin  so they could flee to the teleporters. Not much of us where in end able to make it and ride the teleport there was me, fitis, rahael, toak, ... some others. The rest died trying to  hold the kittin back. So lore wise us mara who made it can be seen as wimps I guess but our brothers did give their live getting you to survive the swarm. Being a wimp shouldn't make us a villian, in end you didn't stay behind to give your live either.


#46 Report | Quote[en] 

Suboxide (atys)
well maximus yes thats how mara was played and portraid on your server maybe on our server EVENT TEAM as Akilla cinder Ash Storm herself was telling us a way more moderate point of view. Maybe they addapted to the ppl on aristople that went mara who knows. But mara where not portraied as being against all. Last orders we got 1 year before server merge (when I heard half ari event team was fired without knowing why) was that we should go out in public and talk to other homins in civ/factions about how they are lied about and free them from their chackless and bring them to our camp to be shown what freedom means. (after that meeting we never saw akilla, event team or anything mara related again).

To us the event team played out that we the player mara where converts and 'unbrainwashed' (my words not event team) that had to make the camps ready and find safe lands to build the free mara city in. And we where told over and over by mara event team civs din't want us in their land and hated mara for coming back. Being seen as savages and civ govs feeling we would over run their city's with the millions of homins still trapped down there => you know not enough food for all in new lands and such.

Well, obviously if she's recruiting ppl she will say that the mara faction is the bestest thing on Atys and that the other power are just liers. You don't have to take everything at face value ! :-) Having someone says something does not mean it's true. E.g. if my character voices an opinion, it does not mean it is the TRUTH. Every character is bound to spin things his way, isn't he ?

Also, how would you explain then that the Maraudeurs (as NPCs) are bandits and attacking hominity ?
There were quite a few maraudeur invastions a few years back. Why would they kill the homins if the powers are the bad guys ? Looks pretty fishy to me.

On Aniro, Akilia called the Maraudeurs and said they would survive on their own, and not take the road of exodus. They basically had the choice of staying with homins or go and run 'wild'. They chose to run wild.

Last edited by Maximus (10 years ago)

#47 Report | Quote[fr] 

Djaimse (atys)
... Mais la fusion des serveur a fait changer les choses, et le RP maintenant ne s'applique que lors des moments RP". C'est comme ça, soit on reste comme avant, et globalement, on ne joue presque plus, par manque de participants, soit on s'adapte, et on change ...

Soit on part.


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" : https://la-guerre-sacree.fr/

#48 Report | Quote[de] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
Ummm... Bina? As far as we can tell from ancient records, Elias Tryton was a Karavan. (Some Trykers believe even that he was married to Jena.) He is hated by the Karavan because he advocated that homins should share in their knowledge, and for that he was declared apostate. The Kami hate him because he is Karavan.

From the Lore I know, Elias is clearly not "a Karavan". He is a personality of unknown descent to the homins, with abilities making him an equal to Jena and Ma Duk rather than to the Kamis or the Karavan. He was able to create gates where homins as well as Kami and Karavan were able to step through without any limits of space and time. Even Elyssa, the leader of the Guild of Elias, who shortly appeared during the Temple Wars, and then next time before the Exodus during the Second Great Swarming, was in possession of powers at least comparable to Karavan and Kami.

There are rumours that Elias was even able to connect to completely different worlds, and more powerful than Jena under this respect - this rumour has never been proven. Equally unproven are rumours that he had a liaison to Jena (and even a son existed). Nobody knows, and nobody possibly ever will know.

In our history (Leanon), Elias appeared once in person before a secret assembly of guild leaders, teleported on top of Frahar Towers by his powers. I personally knew and interviewed two witnesses of this event, one of them ist still among us. So I have to acknowledge his existence, while I never saw neither Jena nor Ma Duk. Though I admit not few evidence for their existence, I still reserve the merit of doubt (while I actively disbelieve into the existence of the dragon, a concept I perceive and confirm at best as symbolic).

Trytonism as a religious or philosophic concept, as far as I learnt about, was about consequent if not radical hominism while rejecting both religions blaming them for selfish and dishonest motives in their conduct towards homins.

Me, not being a Trytonist, am not going that far. I am not hostile to religions, and concede that they have done much good to hominity, and that their teachings contain beauty and wisdom. Nevertheless, I can't but concede that conspicions about dubious motives of both churches are not completely unfounded, and accusations against one another to be profoundly evil are hypocritic and plain wrong. That is why I could never join any of them. And much more the ruthless and cruel prosecution of followers of Elias are highly repulsive and demonstrate that the power of any clerics and fanatic followers must be contained.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#49 Report | Quote[en] 

++1 Daomei :))


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#50 Report | Quote[de] 

Daomei (atys)
Trytonism as a religious or philosophic concept, as far as I learnt about, was about consequent if not radical hominism while rejecting both religions blaming them for selfish and dishonest motives in their conduct towards homins.

Well, as far as Leanon is concerned (while most likely not on the other servers, which had a better balance between the religions back then), during the Temple Wars Tryton called his followers to arms to fight with the Karavaneer agains the Kamists to "keep the balance" between religions instead of keeping his followers out of the war. So Tryton's philosophy is quite able to take a radical course, and does not shy away from fighting other homins - which is at least an eccentric variation of hominism.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#51 Report | Quote[de] 

The Temple Wars were long before my appearance on the bark. But from the archives I learnt that Tryton had warned that the total victory of one of the sides during the wars would lead to the destruction of Atys and of all of hominity. That was the reason why he appealed to his followers to support the inferior side in order to keep the balance. That may contradict a strictly pacifist stance, one neither of the religions ever took.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
Last visit Friday, 7 June 07:19:15 UTC

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