
#81 [de] 

5. some further informations about Mezza Triva, the stele and Gilado Almati:

At the Assembly of Nobles in Yrkanis on Germinally 7th in the 2nd cycle of Atys-year 2574 (OOC: July 31st 2013) the royal advisor Mephyros Xytis (former Celiakos/senator of Emperor Dexton) informed the attendants that Mezza Triva has already been banned from the kingdom after the second Great Swarming for high treason. The real general of the guild of Karavia is now Ser Elran Antolli. No more details were revealed even upon request, and royal messenger Libi Freldo also did not know about the exact events - but Mephyros Xytis said that the nobles and audience in a former assembly of Avalae had been told all facts.

Awakened Fey-Lin Liang has seen the stele during the battle with the Kitins as well, and it's older text would roughly translate to:

Your bravery is impressive
But if you keep going on
You will face the truth
I doubt this would be enough
My researches on the flora of Atys are well known
The study of the roots is my real objective
If you succedded in deciphering this message,
Maybe you could understand what i am gonna reveal.

Awakened Fey-Lin Liang said that this might indicate that Gilado Almati had survived the second Great Swarming and may even be still alive.

Ranger Daomei Lin Carthan has collected informations about Gilado Almati that she was able to find here: 1


#82 [de] 

* latest events in the causa of the botanical solution to close the kitin-tunnels:

On Pluvia 28, 1st AC 2574 (OOC: July 26th 2013) a small group of homins under the guidance of Filira Salazar Caradini met in the Almati-woods. A ranger named Thopsan O'Jorliam told them that the rangers had found "stuff" inside the Kitin-lair indicating that Gilado Almati's laboratory had once been there at the exact same place where now the kitins are crawling under the bark. Thopsan O'Jorliam wouldn't say anymore, instead he suggested to talk to Orphie Dradius who was away but should be back somewhen in the future.

It still seems that an official letter to Orphie Dradius (to is needed to meet with her whenever she should be available again. In the meantime the rangers have not stopped their own activities with termites, even in the verdant heights, which lowers the chances for us Zorai by the day to find a better (botanical) solution together with the Matis nobles and such persuade the rangers of refraining from letting "altered" termites loose all over Atys. Wilk Potskin who coordinates experimentation-working-groups of ranger-aspirants did not want to meet with a delegation about Gilado Almati, claiming that he wasn't knowledgeable neither in diplomacy nor in botanics.

In my humble opinion it doesn't make the rangers look good that they sought for permission from the royal court while provocatively ignoring the wishes of the chamber of nobles, voiced beforehand by Filira Salazar Caradini who spoke clear words of warning to ranger Wilk Potskin about the Matis' nobles wanting to support the botanical solution and being against experiments with termites inside the kingdom. No documents nor any other proof of the said alleged royal permission were made public either.

More detailled records (chatlogs in English, German and a little French) about all the talks with the Gibads Ancient Dryads, Siblings of the Weed, Cuiccio Perinia, Mezza Triva, Ranger Thopsan O'Jorliam and Tao Sian can be found here:

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#83 [de] 

* review about the delivery of weapons from Zora to Pyr
50 electric maces, 83 electric bow-rifles (plus material for a lot of ammunition that Awakened Fey-Lin Liang did not want to include at the end) have been sent to Pyr. The raw materials have been provided by my humble self, Dextralame of Talian Zu from Jen-Lai and Sari from Hoi-Cho have crafted the weapons. Sari transported the weapons with her packers, accompanied by the Fyros Kyton Dedix and Xydon Meros loaden with additional dynastic 60 launchers through the forbidden source - with a group of homins who sometimes rather endangered the delivery than protected it, so Sari's mount died from yelk gas somewhere in the middle of the prime-roots. At least a group of bandits called firebooters was fended off at arrival in the desert. Celiakos Dios Apotheps (who is often present in Dyron) received the delivery in Pyr.

* information-board for Zora
All three cities have handed the raw materials and dappers needed to carpenter an information-board to crafting-master Lu Fan-Wan. It was said that the signboard might be finished and put up next to the stables of Zora until the next national Assembly.

* temple of knowledge (academy of Zora)
Sage Supplice / Sorrow wished to know about any news regarding the academy, for instance about it's main topic as had been suggested by Awakened Astarth. Unfortunately he was not present, but it seemed that everything else was ready and done, like documents and formalities to found the Zoraian temple of knowledge. The Sage reminded us that the academy would be born in a raw form at first like a tree without foliage that we will have to add in the future, so there will still be a great deal left to do. First physician Tao Sian has let it be known that she wants to attend the next national Assembly in Zora after convalescing from her transportation sickness.


#84 [de] 

* treaty of the four nations and free trade agreement
An official petition has been made by my humble self at the last national Assembly to the Sages (with Sage Sens / Gangi Cheng-Ho present) for permitting our representatives of the circles to meet with representatives of the other nations and the rangers to phrase an unified version of the old different treaties. Sage Supplice / Sorrow brought word from the council of elders and especially our beloved Grand Sage Mabreka Cho that this project should be undertaken by an international institution formed by representatives from all cities and neutrals.

The Sage also hinted at a future explanation to be announced about how our memories of the past can be so different. Still all our memories are real, he said, and that's a fact to be accepted. The unified treaties should be treaties of the future, not the past, under observation of everyone. Of course at the end of it all the leaders of the four nations would be the ones to decide about it by signing like it has happened in the past. Patriot Geyos told the attendants of the Assembly that the Sharükos Lykos has already shown interest in a rewriting of the TENANT-treaty of the four peoples.

Regarding the free trade agreement the Sage Supplice / Sorrow announced that the text of the old agreement will be published soon to make it possible to work out a new version together with the same international institution.

* honorary initiation
I have asked the Sages by izam, if the words of the Grand Sage Mabreka Cho about myself being a "special case" as an honorary initiate means that this title cannot be given to neutral homins nominated by the cities and chosen by the Sages in the future like planned, to enable non-intiates to take part in national politics. Sage Supplice / Sorrow replied that this question will be thought through and answered at the next national Assembly.

* Zorai-ambassador for the burning desert
Since initiate Altamira seemingly has gone missing a new Zorai-ambassador for the burning desert is needed. All interested initiates are being called upon to apply for this position.

* Goo-bill-draft
The first version of the goo-bill-draft has been proposed by Hoi-Cho on Fallenor 16th in the first cycle of Atys-year 2572 (OOC: March 1st 2013). Unfortunately we still haven't been told how to destroy Goo nor how to handle goo safely without being infected by Tao Sian nor other officials. So it seems possible that these additions or maybe more will be added later on to the goo-bill anyways. Like Sage Sens / Gangi Cheng-Ho has done before also Sage Supplice / Sorrow suggested to form a working-group from representatives of all three cities to find a phrasing for the goo-bill-draft that everyone will agree upon. As before only Awakened Fey-Lin Liang and myself seem to be interested in this topic though… And we are still trying to work out a solution that everyone will be content with. #31


#85 [de] 

* a note on a friendship-project between Hoi-Cho and Dyron:

On Thermis 22th in the 2nd Atys-cycle of 2575 (OOC: Oktober 18th 2013) the geologist Ulyton Meros from Dyron has found an underground-source of water in the Great Outback / Bushlands. There will be a petition from Hoi-Cho to the Sages to put up fences and guards at that place, while Dyron will send builders and construction specialists for wells. The place was marked by a lasting signal-fire by Ulyton Meros.

* letter to Orphie Dradius:

Atys'ata, honored Orphie Dradius;

It's been quite a long time since we all last met, isn't it? I hope you are faring well.

I am writing to you as a representative of the Zorai and I politely ask to meet you with a delegation of our Theocracy and friends, wherever and whenever you prefer.

You might have heard that the circles of the Theocracy want to try growing rotoas inside the kitin-tunnels with the help of tribes of the verdant heights to hopefully close these pathways of the kitins with hard wood. Unfortunately we would have to spur the slow-growing rotoas to block the kitins efficiently, just like you rangers need to enhance the growth-rate of termite-populations to make them useful.

If it's about making plants grow swifter, one name immediately occurs to most homins: Gilado Almati. And it seems that Almati's lost laboratory has been at the same underground place where the kitin-lair is today. There are even indications that you rangers might have found some remains of Almati's work that could help us to learn how to make plants grow faster - of course only if his discoveries are safe for use.

A ranger has warned us that you might not want to talk about Almati to non-rangers. Still I will not lie to you nor try to trick you with words. You already know very well that our wise Sages would never permit anyone of us to use techniques or methods that could pose a danger to nature. So please rest assured that we will not abuse any of the informations that you will want to share with us.

I do not doubt that you will support any means we homins can mobilize to dam out the kitins, because the rangers are well-known for their engagement for the good of all of Atys. I deeply regret that there have been frictions lately; but you surely know that even though Tao Sian and other Zorai view termites as too dangerous to be used on the kitin-tunnels, these good people are not hostile towards the rangers and meant no insult - and the rangers have always been well-respected by the leaders of all four nations.

If what we can reconstruct from Almati's work should prove to be too dangerous or unethical to be of use we Zorai will of course support the utilization of termites, and hopefully the Gibad's potions can also be of help then. But I am sorry to say that we cannot help with your work until we have found out more about Almati's work, as long as we still harbour hope that a safer botanical solution will be possible instead.

You can see how important it is for all of us to come to a conclusion with this topic instead of delaying it for much longer, since we have already been waiting for too long - and now the kitins are at our doorsteps.

Please let us meet with you as soon as you can manage to find time.

I bow to you with respect

Zhoi, for the circles of the theocracy


#86 [en] 

Records of the national Assembly of the Circles in Zora on Pluvia 3rd in the 3rd Atys-Cycle 2575 (OOC: November 10th 2013), officially the ninth Assembly, if you exclude a number of extracurricular Assemblies


* Information Board for Zora
* Temple of Knowledge (Academy of Zora)
* Ambassador of the Theocracy to the burning desert + Ambassador to the Rangers?
* Institution for a unified version of the Treaty of four people / nations
* Free Trade Agreement
* Honorary Initiation
* Jenaism
* Kitin observation camps
* Gib(b)ads
* Goo-bill-draft
* Taki Zoraï
* assassin Ezek

* Information Board for Zora
Sage Supplice / Sorrow / der Leidende announced that the information board has now been set up at the stables. Representatives of the amber cities are permitted to note announcements for events to come, and also whatever else the Circles consider important enough to be told to everyone

* Temple of Knowledge (Academy of Zora)

First dynastic physician Tao Sian announced the good news that the temple of knowledge is finally completed. Its symbol is a young sprout peeking out of the ground, symbolizing a new knowledge that has only just found the path to the light, growing bit by bit. Awakened Fey-Lin Liang asked for a seminar explaining how to fight Goo. Tao Sian confirmed that such an explanation is in the works.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#87 [en] 

* Ambassador of the Theocracy for the burning desert (and question about an ambassador for the Rangers)

Awakened Fey-Lin Liang asked for a new ambassador to be assigned to the desert, because Initiate Altamira, the former specialized ambassador, has been absent for a number of Atys Cycles. Awakened Liang herself refused to become a regular ambassador even though she is a substitutory ambassador and has always been present at every Assembly in Pyr up until now. Instead Initiate Zurchkuchna volunteered and was assigned as the new regular ambassador for the burning desert. Honorary Initiate Zhoi petitioned to also chose an ambassador who would be assigned to the Rangers. A decision about this query was postponed to future Assemblies.

* Institution for writing an unified version of old treaties similar to the TENANT

The term "TENANT" was explained at first: in the past a commission of this name had been formed by five homins: one each from Jen- Lai, Avendale, Avalae, Thesos and the Rangers. The name means "Treaty for Equilibrium Between The Atysian Nations in the New Territories", and the word also means "to support an ideal" or "to support someone". The TENANT-treaty was a reformed version of the peace-treaty of four nations/peoples.

Sage Supplice had already suggested during the previous Assembly to form a new international institution like the TENANT (most likely bearing another name though) consisting of representatives of all cities and stateless/neutral groups to rephrase the old treaty of four nations/peoples. Awakened Fey-Lin Liang volunteered to be the repesentative of Jen-Lai, Initiate Zurchkuchna as the representative of Hoi-Cho. Homin Fyranna said she wanted to be the representative of the stateless homins who are not Rangers. Min-Cho still has to chose a representative or else is permitted to resign from naming one.é_pour_l'Équilibre_des_N ations_Atysiennes_dans_les_Nouvelles_Terres

* Free Trade agreement

The text of the old free trade agreement of 2516 has now been published:

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#88 [de] 

we all clicked that empty board over 20times till it dissapeared so I think it lost all credability by now :(, maybe go for a new graphic so it looks new but with something on it this time. Some basic info about zorai or something why not take the stuff from and put that on there till there is an event?


#89 [de] 

Well, the information board is brand new and not all of us know how to deal with it yet. Let's be patient and wait until we have found out please. It's not like it's an urgent matter, is it?

(OOC: well, I also could not read anything after the sign-board was put up, not to speak of being able to write on it. I thought setting my client to German might be at fault. But let's be nice!

The Event-Team is made of humans, not gods. They are working for free as long as I know, and their tools are not perfect either. The Event Team has to set up a lot of items after every server-restart and it's a lot of work, so that's also the reason why the transporter of NH very rarely ever is moved close to the stables... Things are going to work in time, and we can do very well without it until then, no? ;) )

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#90 [de] 

* Honorary Initiation:

Sage Supplice / Sorrow / der Leidende clarified that the Theocracy does not wish to have more Honorary Initiates at the moment additional to Honorary Initiate Zhoi from Hoi-Cho, although some Stateless and Non-Initiates are acknowledged as a support for the Zoraï government. Still the Circles of the Zoraï are an important political part of the Theocracy, so the majority of their members should be "real" Initiates and Awakened.

So the Sage decided that the Theocracy will only consider the integration of new Honorary Initiates after involving more Initiates and Awakened into the Circles to strenghten the nation first.

* Jenaism:

Sage Supplice / Sorrow / der Leidende explained Jenaism: it is a Kamist-religion with the old belief that the "Great Kami" is identical with Jena (instead of being Ma-Duk). While the official religion of the Theocracy and the largest branch of Kamism is Ma-Dukism, Jenaism is also a branch of Kamism and in conclusion Awakened are allowed to be Jenaists, just like there have been jenaistic Awakened in the past, for example Ki'atal.

(OOC: it was said that titles for Jenaists will be available ingame in time.)

* Kitin observation camps:

Ranger Companion Daomei Carthan Lin pointed out that the camps constantly need more material supplies , not only riders doing the deliveries. Initiate Zurchkuchna praised her reports about the material-needs of the camps all over Atys: #33 A number of homins are updating their reports daily to inform harvesters about the materials needed. Fortunately the camp-building is proceeding quite well in the jungle

As the Akenak wants to contact tribes within their Empire and ask them to help out with their kitin observation camps in the desert, I suggested to do the same and ask befriended tribes of the Witherings to help us with rebuilding the observation camps just alike. Sage Supplice / Sorrow / der Leidende asked us to think about any kind of assistance that would be interesting and send an Izam to him then.

I insisted that the topic of which tribes to contact as well as collecting ideas about how to persuade them to help should be discussed during the next Assembly; also any developments of the botanical solution for the kitin-tunnels. In the audience Ranger Companion Daomei Lin Carthan asked the first dynastic healer Tao Sian about the condition of the Goo-infected Rangers inside the Kitin-lair, but unfortunately I could not hear any reply.

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#91 [de] 

* Gib(b)ads:

Sage Supplice / Sorrow / der Leidende recalled that the Zoraï delegation had promised the Gibads a few cycles ago to provide them with containers for fruit. It was surprising to hear that nothing had been done about it yet even though I had addressed this matter twice during a national Assembly right after our visit to the Gib(b)ads with no reaction by Sages nor Awakened at that time. During our visit with the Gibads we had already thought about asking the merchants of the amber cities or the tribe of the Icon-Worshippers to craft containers.

Initiate Zurchkuchna suggested writing an Izam to the Icon-Worshippers and promptly was assigned with this task. Sage Supplice / Sorrow / der Leidende also explained that the Theocracy would like to learn more of the language and customs of the Gibads. The attendees agreed; still no plan was made how to go about this task. A report about what was said and done during our first meeting can be read here: 4

* Goo bill draft:

Awakened Fey-Lin Liang has finally agreed to the law on how to handle Goo within the Witherings after she rephrased the complete text to her liking: #32 . Others, especially representatives of Min-Cho have not given their view on it though. So the Circles agreed with waiting for the reaction of at least one representative from Min-Cho and to also take a look at the full text of the free trade agreement that was published only recently to take it in consideration if needed.

* Taki Zoraï:

Awakened Fey-Lin Liang announced that she has obtained the rights to us "Tal'Zu", an organization doing research on the ancient language of Taki Zoraï: There will be an office to talk about Taki Zoraï in the dialect of Min-Cho. Later on lessons on Taki Zoraï might become possible, Awakened Fey-Lin Liang said.


#92 [de] 

Report of the regional Assembly of Hoi-Cho on Germinally 1st in the 1st Cycle of Atys-Year 2576


* Initiate Zhienkao Pai-Du from the Dynastic Circle
* Awakened Sartyrica Gū Niang Yèguāngyún
* Awakened ZurchKuchna
* Awakened Zhoi
* Initiate Sari
* Zorai Irfidel
* Seternulon, Chef der Sicherheit von Windermeer
* Ranger Companion Daomei Lin Carthan
* Myeomye


* changes in the regional constitution of Hoi Cho:
- each Awakened was assigned to be speaker of a regional circle (circle of spirituality, circle of defense, circle of reconstruction, circle of exploration)
-- added later on: a substitute arrangement as Sage Gangi Cheng-Ho has wished for from the beginning can now be added to the regional constitution as there are more available/active candidates
* renewed acknowledgement of Awakened Sartyrica Gū Niang Yèguāngyún as the intendant of Hoi-Cho
* changes in the entries about the "officials of the Theocracy" about the Awakened and the initiated Shi'zu of Hoi-Cho after the Awakening of ZurchKuchna and Zhoi
- to be clarified: the new national constitution for Zora does not include official informations about the system and government of the Theocracy. There is also the old information from before the second great swarming about the Theocracy, but this old text has different descriptions of the ethical and duties for the national circles of the Zorai

* city-friendship-project with Dyron: guards from Hoi-Cho were sent to secure the building-site for the well in the Great Outback until Dyron will sent engineers, who will then ask the cities for materials to build the well
* ceremony for the second Great Swarming: intendant Sartyrica Gū Niang Yèguāngyún will take care to draft the ceremony as the speaker for the regional circle of spirituality, and she will contact Awakened Fitis from Min-Cho to organize the ceremony together with her if possible
* reminder to the dynastic circle that we have asked for someone from the new temple of knowledge (NPC) to collect goo-materials - it was decided that this should rather be a national topic than a regional one
* a letter to the Icon worshippers has been sent asking them to craft containers for the Gibads
* suggestion to collect ideas about what to make public on the information board in Zora until the next regional assembly
* suggestion to collect ideas about what to do to improve relations with the company of the eternal tree until the next regional assembly


#93 [de] 

* documents hinting at a treasure in Aeden Aqueous: initiate Cuan Sa-Ki from the dynastic circle has traveled there to look for more information
* reminder to the dynastic circle to please explain the meaning of the wooden memorial/grave-stones at the Kami-altar in Zora and to tell us about the funeral-rites of our people
* talk about the amber cube chips that were found and deciphered before the second great swarming in which Nung Horongi described to Melkiar about his research on the Goo together with Muang Hoi-Gi / Marung Horongi: should this text be made public; perhaps at the seminar about Goo that was announced by Tao Sian, first physician of the Theocracy?
* suggestion to collect ideas about the founding of official regional institutions in Hoi-Cho like the archive and the master of magnetism that Jen-Lai has. A storyteller was suggested by Awakened ZurchKuchna, and a bar counter had been suggested by Awakened Sartyrica a longer while ago too

* Kitin-observation-camps:
- suggestion of an exchange-trade of materials with the help of merchants, especially so that specific materials could be exchanged with materials from the Grove of Confusion and materials from Haven of Purity that are hard to gather because of dangerous animals in those regions. Maybe trading-treaties will be necessary?
- question to the dynastic circle: will the names of the harvesters for the camps be published at the end of the work so that they can be rewarded additionally later on?
- an idea for a lottery was explained by Awakened ZurchKuchna for his yubo-plushie to be gained by harvesting for the kitin-observation-camps

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#94 [en] 

Waiting in anticipation on the zorai notice board


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