
#1 Multilingue 

[OOC] This my first attempt at a RP post so please be understanding of that [/OOC]

Many of you may not know me but some of you may know I am the guild leader of Armageddons which is a Karavan guild based in Yrkanis. I must admit that I have sometimes explored the lives of the RPers on this section of the forum and indeed thoroughly enjoyed it and contemplated bringing Elvanae here one day. 


When I contemplated this idea, I didn't anticipate I would come with this very concerning and distressing issue that I want to raise to all Atysians.

Earlier today an outpost battle took place. A Kami guild which I believe is called "The Dogs of War" declared on the Karavan guild "The Outsiders" with respect to the Q200 Armilo outpost in Enchanted Isle, Lakes.

Upon attending the outpost to participate in the battle, I was shocked to see a great deal of Kami who had attended to fight for the OP. Indeed, it was interesting to note that there were also Kami who were fighting alongside us to defend it.

The curious Matis that I am, I took it upon myself to pose a question to the Kami.

*Whilst I lay dead with sand smeared over my face, I mustered all my strength and shouted loudly for all to hear: "Why are the Kamis attacking one of the few Q200 OPs we have?"*

What followed from my very innocent question were numerous comments from Kami followers which deeply shocked me.

The answer to my question was "TO is getting a message".

Is THIS the kind of reason we all want to be told when our OPs are declared upon? 

Do we have to watch what we say and what we do because if we do not, we risk the wrath of these Kami guild leaders who can take it all away from us?

I like to think that the majority of us on Atys are not so cruel and have learned from our agonizing past to have respect for each-other and not allow the weak to be crushed. 

Yes, I am a Matis and I am ashamed of our past behaviour towards the Trykers. I was born into this world with self-confidence and self-assurance but not with the desire to supress those who are weaker and not allow them the chance to advance and go so far as to take it upon myself to punish them when they try. Indeed, I am married to a Tryker who saw first-hand the darkness brewing in the souls of some of the Kami. Luckily, he and his guild left the Kami before it was too late.

*sigh in sorrow*

I cannot possibly accept that all Kami followers want to suppress weeker homins. I know many of them to be approachable and kind homins who fight only to keep what they have. Even more troubling, I have heard whispers of blood-thirsty Kami followers who even now wish to punish all the Karavan for the question I posed to them by declaring on the only Q250 OP that the Karavan hold and which is an OP currently held by Spiritus Artificis and not my guild.

I am approaching you all, Kami, Karavan, Neutral, Marauder, Trytonist, Rangers, whatever your calling, to rise up against these vile acts and condone this appauling behaviour. 

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good homins to do nothing." Edimyndi Byrki.

One is free to declare upon outposts with the aim to own it and the OP mats it produces. This is undeniable. What I will not accept is that a guild can declare upon another guild simply to punish them and send them a message. And when someone makes enquiries, certain Kami players want to continue on their rampage of punishing. 

This role play post stems from a discussion which took place on Universe channel.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Elvanae (il y a 10 ans).


#2 [en] 

Writes a quick note to Elvanae


I am so sad to hear of your plight, it is saddening indeed that some kami, and many of them do love to kill - as do a good number of homins everywhere, are pushing a false alliance up against the wall ... now might not be the time to mention that Jena the Goddess does not exist, but we can see here clear evidence that it is homins, and not the deities, that give strength to our arms in battle

There might come the day when all homins all over Atyss realise that the Deities are inventions, and the real power lies within homins themselves, perhaps at first they can unite under their respective race but in time, hopefully, all homins will unite to kill the kitin, and to explore the depths where we might uncover Truth

I am hoping that there are enough Kami of good heart - for their beliefs do include the protection of Atyss, to leave this outpost in your own hands where the mats can be shared with equally misguided souls

I finish with the cry given to us from the real maker of Atyss "Freedom!" and may all homins everywhere rally under this call


Binarabi hastily folds the letter, after wiping Miso's confiscated rum stains off and staggers to grab hold of the izam and wrap the message firmly around his leg


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#3 [en] 

Virg woke up in the dainty Matisian apartment to a thumping echoing through his head. 'By the love of Melkiar how much did I drink last night', he wondered. Virg paused for a second and quickly realised the thumping was not in his head but actually coming from the apartment door. He scanned around for Elvanae but it seemed she had left earlier that morning. Funny he mused, she usually sleeps in till midday!

An aggressive whiny high pitched matis voice shouted through the door, "We know you are in there Virg O'zin! Come out with your hands up and all weapons on the floor".

Virg hopped out of bed and looked down chucking to himself, 'Well there is one weapon that will never reach the floor!' He strode across the apartment gathering his armour. An izam fluttered through the window and upon seeing the letter was covered in rum stains, he knew immediately only one Trykerette could have sent it. He crossed the apartment to the window, took the letter and briefly read it. He put the letter down, ignoring the increasingly loud thumps coming from the door, and decided to respond:

Dearest Binarabi,

I could not agree more that the Kami are becoming increasingly blood thirsty. A trait I somewhat admire, except for the false ignorance when they claim they are anything but bloodthirsty. A kirosta is still a kirosta, no matter what sort of illegally stolen Kami skirt you put it in. Homins will unite one day, under us. I plan on creating a unified nation built on the blood of those who would see the Kitins swarm and kill us all. They are the real homins whose crimes against Atys will not go unpunished.

Freedom is coming, as is probably a reply from the white pasty one later on.


Virg attached the letter to the izam and threw it out the window. He began putting his trousers on when a loud crash resonated through the apartment. Groaning inwardly he stuffed the rest of his armour into the bag, flipped it onto his back and ran towards the window, picking his daggers up off the table. He stumbled somewhat as he tripped up over his half done up trousers, and with the grace of an overweight bodoc, fell headfirst out of the window. Twisting around he stabbed his daggers into the beautifully carved tree trunk, grinning slightly as he knew the Matisians would hate the scratches, and quickly worked his way around the trunk, moving out of sight of the window.

He waited for several minutes until he was sure the guards had thought him gone, and began climbing down the trunk. Along the way he froze as he saw a small Trykerette poke her head up out of a nearby window. Her hair was disheveled, her face covered in grime and she was wearing a headband made out of refugee rags. In a fraction of a second though she was gone. Virg looked at the window confused, slavery was abolished- he really must have had a lot to drink last night to imagine that. He climbed the rest of the way down and quietly slipped outside the city.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#4 [de] 

Salazar could not surpress a grin, which quickly flashed over his face when he, sitting lonely on the hill, saw the homin stumbling out of the window, his trousers almost down to his ankles. He then was amazed that the fellow crawled down the tree like a Gibbai, fast and with the grace of someone too used to actions like this. His first thought of someone's lover, discovered by a jealous, angry husband was quickly replaced by the awareness that either a thief or murderer - a marauder anyway - were the more likely options. But why should a thief - or a murderer, for that matter - let down his trousers? He watched the homin slip into the shadows, the shouts of the City Guard just like an echo somewhere in the back of his skull. Should he call them?

While Salazar's symphaties for marauders were more than just limited, he had some respect for their will and ability to live through hard times. His own stay during the years of the exodus was exhausting, depressing and far from fun, but he had kept away from the marauders as well as from the Kitins - he pretty well remembered the tales of Melkiar's invasion of the New Lands, and he remembered very well the murder of Still Wyler, the mad Muang whom he met more than once, the abduction of Stevano and Akila's efforts to blackmail Karan Yrkanis - they both had drawn their swords, and then Yrkanis had almost beaten the living daylights out of her, until she fled. Anyway, they were dangerous, bloodthirsty, unscrupulous and evil, and their hunger for power had led them on a path of corruption plastered with dead homins.

On the other hand, he also remembered the Alliance of Honor. He had fought against them, but also with them, and while he had loathed some of the rather irrational things they did, he had respected them as great fighters, and for their pride and firm belief in Jena. He liked to think that they had some respect for the Argo Navis as well, although they never voiced it; but then, his Order had never voiced the respect it had for the Alliance of Honor and some of their members. Also, Salazar had never seen them as as evil force. Misguided, perhaps. But they had not fallen from the grace of Jena.

So what about that ... villain? By now he had left the city, no doubt. Salazar decided to have a word with the Guards - it was their task to keep intruders out of the city in the first place. If they could not manage that - by Jena, what did they all have to expect the next time the Kitins came? Or the Kamists? Or the Marauders with all their force, for that matter? That one homin, he was of no consequence today. But they had to stuff the hole he slipped through. The next intruder might be less predictable, less harmless, and he might come with murderous intentions. Weren't there enough homins around trying to provoke a conflict, probably even war? They had to be alert at all times. That homin had just teached them a lesson.

They should be thankful for it.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#5 Multilingue 

Elvanae kicked a piece of her broken door out of the way and marched into her appartment. It had been a long day and she had had to spend the majority of it explaining to Miaccia Stazzo that she had no bloody idea how Virg had managed to get through the Yrkanis guards and that maybe he should bloody ask them for an explanation! She vowed to get to the bottom of how Miaccia Stazzo had found out about Virg...

Her vexation didn't last long when she noticed a funny smell in the room. She couldn't put a name to but it almost smelled like... 'NO! It couldn't be!
Alcohol in her appartment?! It must be a mistake!' The blood drained from her pristine white face. She stomped over to her windowsill and saw a note smothered in rum stains. 'Of course!' She sighed with relief. 'Binarabi!' Elvanae rolled her eyes and tried to open the letter without contaminating her gloves with the rum.

Elvanae sniffed loudly in dissaproval upon reading Binarabi's blasphamy but the Trykerette had a point that true power resides within homins... but it is only through Jena that this power can be safely wielded. Before she could seat herself by her desk to compose a response to Binarabi, a black Izam flew into the room landing abruptly upon the desk. Elvanae froze. She looked at the Izam with a sense of dread. Black Izams always brought bad tidings. She reached across to unfurl the parchment from the Izam's leg and tried to make sense of the scrawny handwriting. The note contained intricate details of Kami war plans. She flipped the note over and raised an eyebrow coolly. She had not heard of this 'Fureur d'Atys' guild before. This was interesting.

She seated herself before her desk. Removing the stopper from a delicate glass vial she dipped her Izam quill into the soft yellow liquid. Kirokya bile was very difficult to come by, but she only used it on special occasions:

Deles silam Binarabi-modin,

Firstly, I wish to thank you for the... interesting gathering that you invited me along to in Fairhaven recently. It confirmed a great deal of my suspicions! The Fyros are no-good alcoholics! If you do hold such a gathering again, I must remember to bring more refined kirosta secretion to protect my glowing skin from the awful sun rays.

I would also like to inform you that sadly I have heard of imminent plans of a Kami attack on my outpost in Fleeting Gardens due to take place tomorrow. Apparently when you ask questions about the Kami thirst for blood, you make yourself a target.

I hope that I shall fight alongside you and I hope you do not bring any rum to the battle, unless you fight better when drunk!

Jena aiye!


She blew gently to allow the Kirokya bile to dry and folded the parchment, tying it to the Izam's leg before gathering her focus light armour to go digging in the Grove of Confusion. She would have to send an Izam to Virg too so he could careplan for her. Freedom is of course a necessity... outside the boundaries of marriage.


Dernière édition par Elvanae (il y a 10 ans).


#6 Multilingue 

While passing through the forest on her way to feed the dogs - an act of foolishness some say, but she was determined to tame them at least enough to leave her rear-end alone - Marceline was stopped in her tracks by a very low-flying and tired-looking carrier izam. The exhausted bird nearly flew straight into her head before adjusting its flight path.

"Dogs on my arse and now birds on my head!" she grumbled loudly in hope the animals would hear, "One of these days" she added, "!'ll show 'em who's boss.... maybe."

Marceline continued along her usual 'safe' path towards Yrkanis, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the topless Matisian guards Binarabi so often talks about. Bina had been writing before Marceline left Fairhaven so was unable to point her in the right direction. Just as well really as Bina was painfully awful at pointing anyone in a direction of any use.
Marceline recalled her younger days as a desert homina and Fyros patriot and was now eternally grateful for the teachings of her old friend Lerya. Without those teachings and methods for following the suns for directions, who knows where she would be. Lost probably.
At this moment, Marceline was anything but lost. She approached Yrkanis and began to stare, albeit through the corner of her eyes.

"pffft, no luck again!" she moaned, "today is proving to be most disappointing."

As she circled the city, peering in and around, she could see the usual motley crew lazing by the dilapitated teleporter. Old Salazar sat on a grassy knoll, book in hand. Bubbles running around in circles. Some new fancy guards looking about as menacing as a Matis can look when draped in floral patterns.
"The usual." she thought as she parked her backside upon a patch of autumnul grass.
Minutes passed, perhaps hours - Miso's uncle's rum has a tendancy to distort ones sense of time - Marceline sat up straight, rubbed her eyes and tried to focus on how many fingers she was holding up. 3 this time, she was sure. She was about to stand when, out of nowhere and at great speed, another Izam charted a course for her head.

"For the love of Melkiar!!" she screamed, "will you please mind my head!? My hair is freshly washed." At that moment she paused and sniffed the air.
A familiar stink lingered on the wake of the Izam. "Miso's Uncle Xoep's rum!" she thought loudly, "I know that smell like the back of my hand." She sniffed the back of her hands to check that it was, in fact, not her that smelled so pungent. 
Upon agreeing with herself that she was not at fault and confusing herself musing as to why a carrier Izam would smell of rum, Marceline glanced afar to see old Salazar still sat on his knoll, but this time he was grinning like a madman.

"Crazy salad bar." she said, "What's got him so chuckly?"

Purveying the city again she was amazed to see what looked like Virg with his pants half down, clingling to a tree by his daggers alone. She rubbed her eyes, shook her head, refocused and tried to ascertain what was happening.
It was no good, Marceline could not work it out. it may have been the high strength rum she'd ingested (and as we know, Zorai are notoriously bad at handling their booze) or it may have been the after effects of a nap but, either way, she was confused.
She'd nearly been decapitated twice by carrier Izams and was now watching a display of sneakery that was simultaneously both excellent and terrible.

"Only Virg could pull that off." she nodded to herself. "How he's managed to evade whatever he's hiding from yet put his arse in full view, i will never know". At this point, Marceline realised she was talking out loud to herself. "Shush!" she added, before watching Virg skulk past the guards and off into the distance, pants still around his ankles.

Marceline stood up tentatively and set about plotting her route back home. 

"Well, today has turned out to be quite eventful." Marceline said to a grazing Capryni, "i think i'll go pay Virg a visit."

The Capryni looked at her judgingly, "Oh be quiet," snapped Marceline, "you were looking at his cheeks too!"

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Marceline (il y a 10 ans).


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters

#7 Multilingue 

(i realise i haven't actually added anything contructive here.)


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters

#8 Multilingue 

Multilingue | English | [Français]
[hrp] Même que Elv, ceci est mon premier post de RP, alors ne soyez pas trop critiques[/hrp]

Perdu au fond de ses réflexions pendant qu'il fourrageait peu d'ambre de qualité suprême, Aleeskandaro a été ramené à la réalité par la vue d'un jeune matis homina, éludant magistralement les créatures agressives, courir dans au loin, vers lui.  

Comme cette précipita être se approcha de lui, il pouvait distinguer la vue de Laelgia, son ami de toute une vie et avec qui il avait surmonté de nombreux dangers dans le passé; elle montait sa mektoub vers lui comme si sa vie serait perdue autrement. Une fois qu'elle est arrivée, Alee a vu, une visage craintif, inquiet, les yeux gonflés de déchirure ostensible. Pas minutes aprèsil apprit la raison de sa inquiétude: la guerre avait été déclarée sur "Finder's farm" le dernier avant-poste de leur ancêtres, qui avait été dans ses mains pour la génération après l'autre, aussi longtemps qu'il se souvienne et qui avait aidé beaucoup de jeunes homins une fois et encore ... Laelgia lui apprit qu'il était "Fureur d'Atys" celui qui avait défié le Armageddon, mais il ne pouvait pas comprendre pourquoi une guilde sorti du vide serait tellement gourmand que de vouloir prendre ce bien précieux de sa guilde et la Karavan. «Que Jena nous aide à sortir de cette vivant» murmura-t-il.

Le vent soufflant au loin et avec Laelgia par son côté il était capable de penser clairement, il devait parler à Elvanae immédiatement pour discuter leurs plans de bataille et a et enquêter sur la subjetc plus. Il rassembla tout ses ambres et les fourra dans son sac après avoir mis un pacte de téléporteur qui le ramènerait à la maison.

Arrivé à Yrk, il aperçut de Marceline, le maraudeur renommée qui a été répandu pour faire partie d'une guilde de trytonist, marchant maladroitement autour de la ville, et de parler à elle-même, dans un état clair de l'ivresse. La vue de maraudeurs lui donnait toujours suspecte, mais la voir comme elle était, ses yeux regardant dans des directions différentes l'ont fait éclater dans des rires. Quand elle a été en mesure de se concentrer ses yeux, Aleesk a réalisé qu'ils pointaient vers un des arbres résidence, d'où pendent Virg, se accrochait au tronc uniquement par ses dagues, pantalon à mi-chemin fait, rendre ridicule lui-même et apparemment ivres ainsi. Quelque chose passait vraiment, où se trouvaient les gardes royaux et pourquoi avait pas d'action en cours?

Sur son chemin, de discuter avec Miaccia Stazzo, chef de la Garde Yrkanis, il a entendu une violente dispute qui avait lieu. Il a identifié la voix en colère de Elvanae, son chef de guilde, une matis homina chaud-au-sang et il s'est rappelé ce qu'il venait faire. Il a calmement discuté de l'intrusion de maraudeur avec Miaccia et la ouvrit les yeux sur le fait que l'intrusion était de sa faute et uniquement la sienne pour avoir laissé les gardes royaux aller sur un pique-nique ... Voilà le genre de choses Alee a dû mettre en place pour Elvanae et son époux.

Bientôt assez de gardes sont arrivés avec Virg en détention, mais ferme Aleeskandaro et en colère Elvanae ont gestioné pour convaincre Miaccia en leur permettant d'escorter le maraudeur hors la ville et de nouveau dans son établissement à Hidden Source. Maraudeur ou pas, Virg était connu pour être combattant fort, et Aleeskandaro destiné à exploiter et de bénéficier de son avis en ce qui concernait la guerre imminente à venir.

[hrp] désolé pour éventuelles fautes d'orthographe, il est beaucoup plus facile de parler que d'écrire ^^!~[/hrp]


Edité 9 fois | Dernière édition par Bisugott (il y a 10 ans).



#9 [en] 

[ooc] Just like those above, RP really is not my thing, still .. I wanted to try. [/ooc]

Waking up early, feeling refreshed and happy after a wonderful evening of practicing her fighting skills back to back with her friends and guildmates Hilajo and Akura, Seralee hopps off her bed to stand naked in the summer breeze coming through her open window. "Maybe I should consider getting dressed", thinks the Trykette, "that cheeky Zorai Shonga DeFao is quite fond of not just overseeing the camp, he tends to take a look through my window too, I really will have to teach him a lesson one of these days!" Grinning to herself, and still very naked, Seralee steps over to the washbasin and looks into the stained mirrow glass above it. "I still can't believe that the lovely Ba'gan Bapie has finally made it to camp. I just adore her stylish haircuts and colours and I simply love my new blond look!"

Realizing that she is talking to herself in the mirrow, Seralee quickly gives her face a scrub and wash. After brushing her teeth and combing her hair, she jumps into her gold and black marauder skirt and pulls her favorite vest over her head, taking care not to destroy her new hairstyle. Washed and dressed she stands and thinks about the work ahead. These last days have been pretty active for her, she has been teaching good friends the art of fighting, honing her own skills to perfection by slaughtering those dreadful hornchers close to her favorite digging spot at that wonderful little waterhole in Loria as well as going through the daily routine of gathering materials to work on her crafting skills.

"I really do have to get back to concentrating on bringing in materials. I am pretty sure we will need a lot of new gear once Drezar and Buc Shotz return from their adventures. And it would be about time too, i miss that grumpy fyros just as much as the ever funny Buc." Having said that out loud, hoping that somehow her friends so far away would hear her, Seralee turns towards the door, stops and listens. For some strange reason there is lots of noise outside. Usually camp is really quiet this time of day, but it seems that something or somebody is getting the Aktimoskain guards all worked up. Stepping outside, slipping her hands inside her magic amplifiers, Seralee looks around to see all the camp guards rushing towards the entrance of the camp. Being a very curious trykette she runs to follow them, as she wants to see, what is calling all the guards to their attention. Arriving at the camp entrance, not far away, she sees something rather unbelievable.

"Oh my dear, I am gonna have so much fun, telling everybody, that Virg got caught pants down by the Royal Matis guards. He is never gonna live this down! Just wait till I tell everybody about this!" Barely holding on to that little bit of self controll she has, Seralee points at Virg and starts laughing. The Matis Royal guards, that had walked him from Yrkanis to the marauder camp in Hidden Source had not given him the opportunity to lift up his pants, in fact, it seems, they had escorted poor Virg home butt naked. The thought of Virg, trying to dodge those hungry ragus and gingos on the way over to camp, without getting bitten in the most vulnerable of places, makes her giggle again.

"Dont you dare tell anybody about this!" Virg says. "Its not my fault that they caught me, I was as good as gone but somebody must have blown the whistle on me! I was just about to sneak out the back and finally lift up and fasten my pants when they grabbed me!"
"Dont worry, dear Virg, I wont tell a soul", Seralee says, crossing her fingers behind her back. "Nobody will ever know that you got dragged pants down all the way from Yrkanis."

"Come to think about it, maybe we should talk about my visit with Elvanae", Virg replies.

"Eeeehm no thank you, friend, I am just not interested in the details of what you do with your wife and why exactly you was brought home pants down". Seralee grins at Virg, trying to controll herself.

Looking into Virgs thoughtful face, she realises that the time for joking has passed and asks: "What exactly do you want to talk about then? You look kind of concerned."

Both turning towards the inside of camp, slowly walking towards their favorite fire place close to their guildhall, Virg starts to explain about the note from Binarabi to Elvanae. He also tells Seralee about his reply. Feeling rage against those power greedy kami followers boiling in her stomach, she agrees with Virg that this needs to be stopped, that letting those crazed kamists try to overrun and fight down even the smallest resistance to their strange beliefs would end in the downfall of all hominkind.

"We really should get all our family together and talk about what is to be done, dear friend, but first ... cover your backside please! I just cant take any more of that view much longer". Having said that, Seralee opens her Zinu crystal to select her favorite destination. "Loria, here I come".


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#10 Multilingue 

The wind came from the south, roaring through Finders Farm outpost. One by one the homins who had come to defend it turned their gaze towards The Trove. Aleeskandaro had anticipated that the Kami would come from that direction and so the outpost guards were ordered to hold the north east section. Elvanae looked to Virg, nodding firmly. Virg mounted his Mektoub, whom he had fondly named elvanae. The creature raised its trunk and stomped on the ground, causing nearby Izams to flutter up into the safety of the trees. The wind had died down and the air was thick with anticipation.

“Homins of all corners of Atys! We are gathered here to speak out against those who thirst for domination over us all! Those homins are not Kami followers, for they do not follow the revelations of Ma-Duk. Ma-Duk teaches to oppose excess but these homins place greed before need!

We are here to say no to their tyranny, no to their intimidation and no to their oppression! This will indeed be a tough battle, but let our honour and integrity shine proudly and let our axes and swords slay those twisted souls! Get in position!”

A great many homins had arrived to support the outpost, amongst them Binarabi and her guild, looking suspiciously unsteady on her feet, the Crest brothers and the Spiritus Artificis family including dearest Tuxi, La Firme, Agan and the Dharm warriors, the Rift Walkers, Divinesoul the Marauder, the renown hunter Spettra and many others including of course Virg and his formidable family.

Elvanae looked to her own family around her, Ravenh and Lessah dazzling in NPC armour, Texon with a mischievous grin on his face, looking Sjhd up and down and Ahokii with a steely look of determination. Last Elvanae had heard, Eilvara, Mely and Guiguimoi were still deep in the Prime Roots surveying the land and battling with its dangers and Aleeskandaro was being held up by Miaccia Stazzo who had, earlier that day, demanded a meeting with Elvanae. The Chief of Guards in Yrkanis had looked as if she was about to explode with rage and would not say why. Aleeskandaro had stepped in for Elvanae. What could be more important than an outpost battle... Elvanae had wondered.

As last preparations were concluded, just over the horizon, a Frippo came sprinting towards the outpost. It raised its head to look up, digging its nails in the ground it halted, shaking and panting madly, clearly in distress. The sharp blade of a long axe came down upon it and the Frippo squealed. The Kami cackled madly in his helmet. And then, the horizon was a mass of shadows and all hell broke loose…

As the battle waged on, Elvanae took a moment to climb atop her mektoub mount and survey the field. She shook her head sadly upon seeing just how many homins had come to attack. Those twisted with greed had no honour to use innocent homins to do their bidding! They were as conniving as ever, luring the outpost guards away to their deaths and hacking them mercilessly.

The wind had picked up again and she saw Virg hastily giving out commands. Slowly, the warriors began to push into the line of Kami mages. It looked to be working… the ground soon became a litter of Kami corpses. Celebrations only lasted for a while before a scout reported sightings of them returning, only this time in even greater numbers. Elvanae felt a sense of dread overwhelm her, she had not dared to hope that she had seen the last of them. She dismounted and fastened her helmet surging into the advancing Kami.

The sun was beginning to set, the light fading. She stumbled over a body, she did not look to see which side it belonged to. She glanced to the left and saw Virg, spells smashing into the forcefield enclosing him, licks of flame and acid piercing inside, burning him. Each collision was causing the forcefield to flare an angry red as it became thinner and weaker. Behind her, a group of mages were being overwhelmed. So much death… so much blood… so much rage... and so much pain.

She felt a blow to her thigh and dropped to the ground. It felt to her as if time had stopped and she was slowly falling. The grass felt so soft, almost cushions. The outpost which had belonged to her guild for generations was being taken. Maybe if she just rested here for a while she could summon the strength to get up again, she owed it to everyone, she had to get up. But the Forest was calling to her. Summoning her. She grabbed hold of a handful of grass and closed her eyes slowly. The sound of battle faded into the distance and a tear trickled down her cheek.

The sudden warmth in her chest reminded her of the time when she had snuck into her father’s study while he was away leading a battle. Inspecting the items on his desk, she had smiled smugly. It had looked like a simple box made out of abhyah wood and decorated plainly with visc sap. She had felt for the groves and pushed hard into them. The box’s lid had opened with a pop. The rum had smelled vile but she had been surprised at the tingling warmth that had spread through her. She had spent the next few hours on top of the Yrkanis stables, refusing to come down and making rude gestures at Miaccia Stazzo. Her father had not been pleased when he had returned. But this time the warmth burned as the blade was pushed deeper...

Elvanae’s eyes burst open and she felt her heart race as she panted. Sweat had soaked her vest and she looked down to see her hand gripping the blanket. Composing herself, she sat at the edge of her bed and looked out of her window. It was still twilight. She sighed loudly. It had just been a dream... and the real nightmare was still to come.

She walked over to her wash basin and saw her reflection in the small pool of water. Her hair was disheveled, but her eyes were gleaming with determination. After visiting the hairdressers, she would make her way to Frahar Towers…

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Elvanae (il y a 10 ans).


#11 [en] 

Elvanae (atys)
Homins of all corners of Atys! We are gathered here to speak out against those who thirst for domination over us all! Those homins are not Kami followers, for they do not follow the revelations of Ma-Duk. Ma-Duk teaches to oppose excess but these homins place greed before need!

(ooc) This is funny, coming from a karavan follower, when the karavan are the greedy guys in the story...

Technically, for us, having kami drills all over Atys would be better than the alternative of seeing kara drills. Kami drills do their job gently, whereas the whole kara mindset is to go in without lube. It's one of the reasons why karavan has better placed teleport altars, iirc.

Seeing how no guild owns an outpost without installing a drill, of course we have to choose the lesser evil - gluttony over allowing you to place those filthy machinery on sensible soil.

Again, this is just addressing your IC post ... OOC we agree that lack of balance is bad. (/ ooc)


#12 [en] 

I have been listening in silence to this conversation for some days now, not truly wishing to interject my own sentiments, but I feel that I can no longer hold my tongue on this matter.

To Elvanae, I am sorry that the recent events have stirred such feelings of dismay in your heart and in your mind. It is just my nature to be saddened when I see any good homin faced with an anguished soul. I wish I could tell you that what you witnessed was an isolated incident that would not likely be repeated, but in so doing I would only be giving credence to the falsehood many still proclaim - that all in Atys is now as it has been for some ages – and this is not the case.

There are stirrings emanating from deep within the Prime Roots. At first these stirrings were barely audible whispers, but as time has passed they have become increasingly louder and impossible to ignore. Do not believe for a moment that both the followers of Jena and those of Ma-Duk do not hear these voices and are not troubled – for I assure you they are. Both the Kami and Karavan are coming to the realization that the day of reckoning is upon them, and they will soon have to answer for their many long years of misleading the peoples of Atys so that they might maintain their control over hominkind.

But we must not blame the Kara and Kami alone, for most of us have spent at least a portion of our lives in happy – albeit ignorant - complicity with this convenient arrangement. We have worn the badges of the Kami and Karavan so that we might justify our actions at nearly every turn, even when we knew deep in our souls that these actions were not always noble.

This, in no way, should be construed as statement that the followers of Jena and Ma-Duk are bad homins, for that is not my intention, nor is it my belief. Many of my own family follow the Kami path – as I myself once did. Additionally, I have many dear friends who hold true to their allegiance to the Karavan teachings. As with any system of beliefs, there are both good and bad homins that adhere to both the Kami and the Karavan ways. It would be wrong to allow an occasional bad apple to sour our opinions of the followers as a whole.

Nevertheless, great injustices have been committed in Atys by those waging wars under the banners of the Kami and the Karavan – and I too will have reconcile myself with my conscious over the part I have played in these events. In our blind devotion to these misguided faiths, we have seen Atys as the battleground in a war between Kamis and Karas, all the while ignoring that what we were really doing was drawing unnatural lines of division. Divisions that have pitted sister against sister and parents against their children. It is these sad divisions that an increasing number of us now hope to heal.

Returning to the concerns expressed by Elvanae that there are those homins who seek to suppress the weak, I say that I share your concerns, but we must look to the leaders of the Kami and Karavan faiths to find those truly seeking to suppress the peoples of Atys. Likewise all of us who have waged wars for far-flung outposts must equally share the blame.

When any guild from one land seizes control of an outpost in the land of another people, they are committing an injustice against those peoples in what should be the safety of their own borders. We must ask ourselves what good does an outpost in the Lakes do for the peoples of the Lakes, when its resources and controlled and, for the most part, carted off to another land? The invaders may feel that “liberating” the outpost from the control of those of another faith makes their actions justified and even noble, but if the outpost remains outside of the control of those who should rightly benefit from it, then where is the justice, and just who is being suppressed?

The once barely audible whispers are becoming a loud and vocal chorus, and the message is quite clear. The time has come to reject the falsehoods that the Kami and Karavan have been propagating these many long years, and turn our attention to fighting the true battle that must be waged – the battle to free the peoples of Atys and allow each land to control their own borders and determine their own destinies

Dernière édition par Rowwena (il y a 10 ans).


#13 [de] 

Mjollren (atys)
(ooc) This is funny, coming from a karavan follower, when the karavan are the greedy guys in the story...

Technically, for us, having kami drills all over Atys would be better than the alternative of seeing kara drills. Kami drills do their job gently, whereas the whole kara mindset is to go in without lube. It's one of the reasons why karavan has better placed teleport altars, iirc.

Seeing how no guild owns an outpost without installing a drill, of course we have to choose the lesser evil - gluttony over allowing you to place those filthy machinery on sensible soil.

Again, this is just addressing your IC post ... OOC we agree that lack of balance is bad. (/ ooc)

[ooc]Ah, but that's just a fairy tale. Even the Zorai have respect for the superior understanding the Matis have of nature, to start with (and I'm talking lore). They live in living trees etc., while the Fyros hacked Pyr into the bark, and the Zorai build their cities from chopped wood. If you ask me, the Kami drills look more pretty - that's all. But if you want to sell something nasty, you try to make it look harmless - especially if your marketing approach is, "We are the good guys. Trust us".[/ooc]


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#14 [en] 

Mjollren (atys)
Elvanae (atys)
Homins of all corners of Atys! We are gathered here to speak out against those who thirst for domination over us all! Those homins are not Kami followers, for they do not follow the revelations of Ma-Duk. Ma-Duk teaches to oppose excess but these homins place greed before need!

(ooc) This is funny, coming from a karavan follower, when the karavan are the greedy guys in the story...

Technically, for us, having kami drills all over Atys would be better than the alternative of seeing kara drills. Kami drills do their job gently, whereas the whole kara mindset is to go in without lube. It's one of the reasons why karavan has better placed teleport altars, iirc.

Seeing how no guild owns an outpost without installing a drill, of course we have to choose the lesser evil - gluttony over allowing you to place those filthy machinery on sensible soil.

Again, this is just addressing your IC post ... OOC we agree that lack of balance is bad. (/ ooc)

Please bear in mind this is a RP thread- something you enjoyed pointing out once to me. Right up until your post it was a nice collection of RP stories written by different people all merged together in various ways.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#15 [en] 

Deep in the jungle, the warm light of a campfire stood out against the darkness as the sun slowly set in the distance. Overhead, a small Izam flew by, a letter attached to its delicate leg.

Tear of Serenity sat by the campfire, an old issue of the Eye of the Tyrancha News forgotten on the ground next to her. She had a steaming bowl of food in her hands - a broth of some sort with big chunks of tender meat and cratcha leaves for flavor. The Zorai took another bite of the dark meat and a smile crept over her lips as she mused:

"And the faction wars rage on, as homins battle for the natural resources of Atys. The Kamists so confident in their position of power, thirsting for more and more. The Karavanists so bitter in their desire for retribution. If only they knew…"

At that moment shadowy figures began to stir in the darkness, their tall and twisted shadows creeping on the clearing, dancing with the fires. And yet, Tear of Serenity seemed oblivious to their presence, lost in her own thoughts:

"If only the Kamists knew the true shape and size of the menace brewing inside their own homes. If only they knew the darkness that encroaches on us, threatening to engulf it all. But ahh, they will know. They shall heed my words, for these words contain the future."

The shadowy figures emerged from the trees as one, surrounding the lone Zorai and her campfire. At last, Tear of Serenity stood up, her voice cold as it rang in the darkness:

"What took you so long?!"

As the sun finally vanished in the horizon, night embraced the Witherings.
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