

#1 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I keep hearing people say it's important to back up your Ryzom data, but I hadn't seen a complete-ish guide about it yet, so I thought, why not make one. Please reply with additional information or corrections if you want to; I might work them back into this post if I can.

Thank you to many past forum posters and everyone who answered my questions in-game for sharing this information.

Edit: continuing to update to reflect corrections and additional information


Locally saved personal data

Ryzom saves some information related to the game locally on the computer you use to play the game. Data that's saved locally:
  • Map markers
  • Macros
  • Custom keybindings
  • Interface layout
  • Game configuration settings (edited in-game in the Game Configuration window)
  • Screenshots taken using the in-game screenshot feature
  • Chat logs (made with the /chatLog chat command)

Data locations and files

This data can be found in your Ryzom local data folder. (Note that this might be a different folder than the folder where Ryzom is installed and stores other files it needs to run, like the executable program itself.)

These are the default/common locations for the local data folder that I know about:
Relevant files and folders:
  • client.cfg: some game configuration settlings
  • in the save folder:
    • interface_character name.icfg: some game configuration settings, window positions, map markers
    • keys_character name.xml: keybindings and macros
    • keys_r2ed_character name.xml: I don't know what this one is for.
    • log_character name.txt: chat logs made with the /chatLog chat command
  • in the screenshots folder: screenshots taken using the in-game screenshot feature

Other useful files/folders:
  • data folder(linux only?): I'm not sure what's in here. I think it might be automatically downloaded graphics the game needs to display properly, like the shape and texture of characters, buildings, etc.
  • user folder: I'm also not sure what's in here. It might be graphics data sent using the patchlet system for special events, like the alternative graphics for stables during Atysmas.

Backing up

It's a good idea to back up this data so you can restore your map markers, etc if they get corrupted due to a technical problem like a bad game crash. (Yes, this really happens that the files get corrupted or deleted, even if it is rare. I've known players it's happened to.) You might also want to copy the data to a new computer if you get one, or make sure the data is saved someplace safe before you install a new version of Ryzom.

If you decide to try editing one of these files, you should probably back that file up first in case your edit doesn't work quite right the first time.

To back up the data, copy the files listed above outside the Ryzom directory, so they won't be affected if Ryzom crashes or you do a reinstall. To restore the files, just copy them back to the appropriate location in the Ryzom folder.

Here's a windows batch command script by Robplus to backup the files quickly and easily.

Editing local data files

Here are some ways you can modify these files, that I know about.

** Note: some of these modifications may void your right to receive technical support from game staff. **


Possibly useful modifications to client.cfg by Ulykus (post #3 in this topic)

Editing macros with a text editor

I haven't done this before, but I think this can be a good idea if you have a long, repetitive macro, for example if you wanted to say a bunch of things in sequence, or try to target a bunch of different things in sequence. It can be faster to create a macro like that in a text editor instead of using the in-game macro editing interface. I think there may also be a limit to the number of commands that can fit in the macro editing window in-game, so you might need to edit the file out-of-game for any particularly long macro. (Thank you to Bubbason for taking the time to explain a lot of this to me.)

  • Create a new macro. Give it a name and keybinding and at least one example of the repetitive command you want to use.
  • Exit Ryzom (Ryzom only saves macros when you exit, and you want to leave the game closed to prevent the game from writing to the macro file while you're trying to edit it.)
  • Back up your keys_character name.xml file to be sure you have a working copy just in case
  • Open your keys_character name.xml in a text editor
  • Find the lines describing your new macro by finding the macro's name
  • Edit or copy the immediately following "<command ... " lines to create the macro you want
  • Save the file and exit your text editor, restart Ryzom, and try out the macro.
  • If it works, great. If something goes wrong, you can always copy the backup macro file back, start over, and try again.

Increase maximum map zoom: solution by Talkirc

Instructions for increasing map zoom (post #18 in this thread)

LandmarksEditor by Mirakel: A program to browse, edit, and import/export landmarks from interface_character name.icfg

Editado 20 veces | Última edición por Carmy (9 años hace)

#2 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Nice guide!

just one note: the log is in .txt format, not .xml


#3 Reportar | Citar[en] 

out of game editing is a must (and the only way) to make a "one key for all" boss, named, and choice loot mob hunting macro.

(going to add this to the cookies reference list carmy)



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters
Useful Links:
cookies approved referance data, guides, and more. --- ryztools web version --- talkIRC forum post table of contents

#4 Reportar | Citar[en] 

What would be great would be a guide how to (probably hexedit) the landmakrs - mostly their names.
As I gained more experience with the game I eventually ended up with a lot of landmarks. When I started their names were really simple, while as I progressed Ifound duplicate names which made it more difficult to distinguish them from the list. With that I tried editing or deleting the old or duplicate landmarks in game - which (at least then , notsure if it's fixed by now) in turn led to all landmarks younger than the landmark edidted (or deleted) to get corrupted and removed from the list entirely.
In the end I wiped out the whole local save and started making new landmarks with a name pattern which would prevent duplication issues , but it would still be useful to be able to edit them locally without the risk of corrupting or loosing them.


#5 Reportar | Citar[en] 

As a brief comment: I run Linux. While, I guess, that Ryzom defaults to ~/.ryzom, On my computer, I have placed Ryzom into /opt/ryzom, although there is a smallish entry (less that a few KB, in ~/.ryzom.

So, if you do not see ryzom where you expect it... you need to look around for it.


I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#6 Reportar | Citar[en] 

the guide is for the DEFAULT locations i believe, anyone that uses a custom location will be more then savvy enough to find the needed files.



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters
Useful Links:
cookies approved referance data, guides, and more. --- ryztools web version --- talkIRC forum post table of contents

#7 Reportar | Citar[en] 

@Siela: Thank you for catching that and replying! :) Corrected.

@Talkirc: Thanks for the added info, and honored to have this added to the list :) I have the cookies guide post bookmarked and use it all the time.

@Amiko: I would love to be able to edit landmarks locally. And I didn't know the markers could get corrupted like that, good to have the warning :/ Personally I'm not really sure how to even start thinking about how to edit the map markers locally since interface_carmy.icfg seems to be a binary file of some sort. If you have any more thoughts about how we might be able to do this please feel free to post them. I guess I could try looking at the source code to see if there are some functions in there that already parse the icfg file... hmm. Anyway, I would love to be able to do this and would love to hear anyone's ideas about how to.

@Kovabon: Updated, thanks for the note and for replying!

Última edición por Carmy (9 años hace)

#8 Reportar | Citar[en] 

About extracting markers from interface_xxx.icfg:

It is possible and there is a working solution for it BUT i dont know if its against ryzoms rules, cause landmarks could be exchanged with other users.

Would be great if a gm or dev could post a statement if its legal or not.



#9 Reportar | Citar[en] 

About extracting markers from interface_xxx.icfg:

It is possible and there is a working solution for it BUT i dont know if its against ryzoms rules, cause landmarks could be exchanged with other users.

Would be great if a gm or dev could post a statement if its legal or not.


It is ok to use tools to add and remove landmarks, but if players destroy the *icfg file and end up with problems, we cannot support them.

/sGM Boar

#10 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Thank you so much for adding an official reply, Boar!

Another question, if possible: Is it permitted for players to exchange map markers with each other? For example, is it legal for Marie to send her map markers to John?

Does anyone know any more about a way to change the map markers in the .icfg file? Or have information about its safety? I've heard elsewhere too that there was a script of some sort people used to import/export markers, does that tool still exist?

#11 Reportar | Citar[en] 

...Does anyone know any more about a way to change the map markers in the .icfg file? Or have information about its safety? I've heard elsewhere too that there was a script of some sort people used to import/export markers, does that tool still exist?

I made a tool (for Windows) which is able to edit, remove, export & import the markers. It always generates a backup of your current icfg when saving the new one thus your makers should be safe at any time.

Till now i havent released it but i will in the future.
Here is a Screenshot


#12 Reportar | Citar[en] 

wow... want... this... program...

I'm probably stating the obvious, but that looks amazing Mirakel! I wasn't expecting anyone had made anywhere near such a complete solution. I'm sure you'll make a lot of people happy if you decide to share this :)

#13 Reportar | Citar[en] 

wow... want... this... program...

I'm probably stating the obvious, but that looks amazing Mirakel! I wasn't expecting anyone had made anywhere near such a complete solution. I'm sure you'll make a lot of people happy if you decide to share this :)

thx :)

i will share it to the public but currently working on some improvements (adding a zoom-/pannable map showing marker locations)


#14 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Hey Mirakel,

Is it possible to publish the source code, so that we can port it to other systems? Even make a webapp with it.

It seems a good job! I Would like to try it :)


Wu She-Peng

#15 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Hey Mirakel,

Is it possible to publish the source code, so that we can port it to other systems? Even make a webapp with it.

It seems a good job! I Would like to try it :)

Don't think a webapp is possible cause u can't open/upload a file to the webserver via webapp.

Currently i have no plans to publish the full source but i can publish the icfg related stuff.
Another idea would be to move all icfg stuff to a separate dll and then publish that source. this dll could also be used to build your own frontend.

BTW: till now i added a static map (should fit for the beginning):

Última edición por Mirakel (9 años hace)


Last visit domingo 6 octubre 09:13:42 UTC

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