
#31 [en] 

Though I understand and welcome the desire of all homins to jointly search for solutions for the kitin thread, I would also ask not to interfere into Ser (Filae I think) Erminantius' initiative.

In a situation of political quarrels and unrest, and even uncertaincies and open questions in the Kingdom he wishes to assemble his most trusted friends and companions to confer, to search, learn and take actions. He has already confirmed that later cooperation with forces from outside is not excluded, and most probably even desirable.

Please, do not spoil his initiative and let him go ahead as he originally planned.

[ooc: As this is the first time for him to take such initiative you are doing your best to discourage him when insisting that he has to fundamentally change the nature of his initiative]

kind regards, Daomei


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#32 [fr] 

[OOC] It's a bit difficult for me to follow the discussions in English, but I try.

I do not want to start the event here because for me this is all HRP. But I may be I wrong.

First :

The meeting did not even place them. And you run stories Goo or another without knowing me ... It's pretty amazing. Who spoke of Goo?


The Rangers have invited representatives of the four nations? Normal, they have accounts to the nations. Otherwise they would not exist. But every nation does not have to be accountable to each other.
Ambassadors are there to listen to other nations, questioning the assemblies and transmit.


if I invite initially as Matis and following of Jena, it's just a RP issue. Do you think the Matis authority would have accepted if I ask for help on the Kami or marauders... Let time do its work. This is just a first meeting to see. To start thinking about something else. The agenda shows, it seems to me that the discussion will be opened.
Let me at least the benefit of the doubt. Let me at least the time to the first meeting ...

Finally, I could just criticize the solutions of others and do nothing. Where not even criticize and do nothing. Or even just take care of my character to grow and do not occupy me another. Do you think it is ryzom?

PS:Fyranna said : "The Matis on the other hand, well, they did eradicate the species... " hummmm...  very interesting? And if we try to apply it to Kitins? (I hoped I understood the sentence.) [/OOC]

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)

#33 [fr] 

[OOC] Thank you Daomei, you understood everything. I thank you for.

I explained that was understandable. I'm not going to continue to try to justify myself. And I'll leave the RP follow his path. [OOC]

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)

#34 [en] 

You understood the part well, i believe. Though you do not understand it fully what it means to erradicate a species. Or what it may actually means. The Matis is trying to look to their Hystory, but they themselves destroyed their own history and created unbalance. Though it may be effective in the short run, in the long run you have no idea how it may affect the rest of the world. Disaster comes when arrogance is dominiant! Learn from the past and do not bury it!


#35 [fr] 

Mac'Od Bittty studies all the words that have been spoken thus far and feels a need to speak.

Nair-Daomei -- While I respect the power of mathematics, I also respect the fact that homins are prone to exaggeration. "Grown in an hour" could easily be a phrase meant to dramatically convey the speed with which Almati caused plants to grow. During the Exile I observed (as I recorded in my notebooks) the Growth of a new trunk of the Canopy. To those of us used to the calm of the New Lands and our histories of the Old Lands it was novel, catastrophic and very fast. Yet it did in fact take most of a Year of Jena to finish its growth cycle. In another 100 years, if it is remembered at all, it will be remembered as "overnight a trunk grew next to the Refuge and reached to the Canopy." I think it much more reasonable to assume that "in an hour" might mean something more like "in a few days." I think you would aggree that such speed would still be dramatic.

Nair-homini -- As for the dangers in such studies in modification of plant growth, we are taught about them as soon as we reach the ruins of Silan. In addition we have seen the potential problems that such modification can bring even as recently as some experiments of the Royal Botanist that happened in the years just before the Second Swarming (at least they were problems on Arispotle, thankfully destroyed by attending homins).

But I say this: What actions of homins do not have the possibility of harm or disaster? If I pick a flower in Fleeting Gardens, who knows what the eventual consequences might be? If a group of us endeavor to destroy the pods of white kitins in the Winds of Muse, what will the eventual result be? It is up to us homins to think about our actions, then to consider what we know of our world and potential consequences and, if the consequences are in doubt, to dare to act.

To do this, we must study our world. N'ASA, the New Trykoth Council of Scientists, the proposed Schola in Witherings, all exist to do this. We all know of notable researchers of all races in various fields, including the Royal Botanist. Such study is not without risks, as the noted kitin expert Daeronn Cegrips has demonstrated most vividly from time to time, but it must be undertaken.

Whether it is undertaken by a tightly knit group of friends and co-nationalists (as nair-Erminantius is doing) or by an open coalition of all the races of hominkind (as with the Rangers' investigations), we must study our world. If we do not, then in the end we will remain as ignorant as the Primitive Races despite all the surface "civilization" that we display.

As for the Primitive Races, there are some who claim that they are the primitive remnants of our ancestors. I am not sure about that (although the theory has some attractive points), but what is certain is that the Matis did destroy all of the Momos -- that much we know from the few amber cubes of those days.

Nair-Erminantius (and others) -- The Rangers do not invite representative of the Nations, but of the Races. I am just an aspiring Ranger (I have not earned the title of Ranger) but I know this much. The Rangers are separate from the Nations. We hope to have good regard with all of them (and I certainly work towards that with all my heart), but in the end our duty is to the Races of hominity, not to the Nations that they form. This is my understanding; I do not claim by making this statement that it is anything more than my opinion, but I think that the evidence, both historical and current, will support my claim.

Certainly Wilk Potskin, in the process of holding assemblies to instruct those who wish to become Rangers, has never stated that the Rangers oppose other investigations into methods to control the kitins and their passages that break the surface. In fact he has stated the opposite. It is his opinion, and that of others, both Ranger and non Ranger, that the use of termites as a possible ally in our fight must be studied. (N'ASA even held a symposium on the matter.) This does not mean that other methods cannot be or should not be studied, just that they will not be studied by the Rangers. As for the claims that the Rangers are withholding information about the works of Almati, I have seen no evidence or justification for that claim.

I know that there are currently those of some nations who feel that Wilk Potskin has insulted and acted arrogantly against them. I do not believe that this was his intent, but rather that, like Erminiantus, he has pressed forwards with his investigations despite the outcry of others.

Nair-Erminiantus, as I stated before I state again. I support your investigation.

--- Mac'Od Bittty, researcher of the NTCS, aspirant Ranger

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#36 [fr] 

Mac'Od Bittty studiert all die Worte, die gesprochen worden sind bisher und fühlt ein Bedürfnis zu sprechen. Ich für die beschädigten Goo Übersetzung entschuldigen

Nair - Daomei - Während ich die Macht der Mathematik zu respektieren, Ich respektiere auch die Tatsache, dass Homins zu Übertreibungen neigenden sind . " Grown in einer Stunde " könnte leicht eine Phrase soll drastisch vermitteln , mit welcher Geschwindigkeit Almati verursacht Pflanzen zu wachsen . Während des Exils beobachtete ich (wie ich in meinen Notizbüchern aufgezeichnet ) das Wachstum von einem neuen Stamm des Canopy . Für diejenigen von uns verwendet, um die Ruhe der New Lands und unsere Geschichten des Alten Lands war es Roman, katastrophale und sehr schnell. Doch es hat in der Tat nehmen die meisten von einem Jahr von Jena , seine Wachstums-Zyklus zu beenden. In weitere 100 Jahre , wenn es überhaupt erinnert wird , wird es als Erinnerung bleiben " über Nacht ein Stamm wuchs neben dem Refuge und erreichte zum Canopy . " Ich denke, es ist viel mehr davon auszugehen, dass " in einer Stunde " vielleicht etwas mehr wie meine " in ein paar Tagen. " Ich glaube, Sie würden aggree , dass eine solche Geschwindigkeit wäre immer noch dramatisch.

Nair - homini - Wie für die Gefahren in solchen Studien in der Modifikation des Pflanzenwachstums , wir freuen uns über sie gelehrt , sobald wir die Ruinen von Silan zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus haben wir die möglichen Probleme, die eine solche Änderung auch erst einigen Experimenten der königlichen Botaniker , die in den Jahren kurz vor dem Zweiten Schwärmen ( zumindest waren sie Probleme auf Arispotle glücklicherweise durch die Teilnahme Homins zerstört) passiert bringen gesehen .

Aber ich sage dies : Welche Maßnahmen der Homins haben nicht die Möglichkeit eines Schadens oder einer Katastrophe ? Wenn ich eine Blume pflücken in Fleeting Gardens, die wissen, was die langfristigen Folgen sein könnte weiß? Wenn eine Gruppe von uns bemühen, die Schoten der weißen Kitins in die Winde der Muse zu zerstören , was wird die letztendliche Resultat sein? Es liegt an uns Homins über unsere Aktionen zu denken, dann zu überlegen, was wir von unserer Welt und möglichen Folgen kennen und , wenn die Folgen im Zweifel sind , zu wagen , zu handeln.

Um dies zu tun, müssen wir lernen unsere Welt. N'ASA , die New Trykoth Rat der Wissenschaftler , die vorgeschlagene Schola in Verdorrenden , alles vorhanden, um dies zu tun. Wir alle wissen, von bemerkenswerten Forscher aller Rassen in verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter die Royal Botaniker. Solche Arbeit ist nicht ohne Risiken , wie der bekannte Experte Kitin Daeronn Cegrips hat am deutlichsten von Zeit zu Zeit gezeigt , aber es muss vorgenommen werden.

Ob es durch ein engmaschiges Gruppe von Freunden und Co- Nationalisten (so Nair - Erminantius tut ) oder durch eine offene Koalition von allen Rennen der hominkind (wie bei den Rangers ' Untersuchungen ) durchgeführt wird , müssen wir lernen unsere Welt. Wenn wir das nicht tun, dann am Ende bleiben wir so unwissend wie die Naturvölker trotz all der Oberfläche "Zivilisation" , die wir zeigen .

Wie bei den Naturvölkern , es gibt einige, dass sie die primitiven Überreste unserer Vorfahren sind gekennzeichnet . Ich bin nicht sicher , dass (obwohl die Theorie hat einige attraktive Punkte), aber was sicher ist, dass die Matis zerstören alle Momos tat - so viel wissen wir aus den wenigen Bernstein Würfel jener Tage.

Nair - Erminantius ( und andere) - Die Rangers nicht laden Vertreter der Nationen , sondern von den Rennen . Ich bin nur ein aufstrebender Ranger (Ich habe nicht verdient den Titel des Ranger) aber ich weiß so viel . Die Rangers sind getrennt von den Nationen . Wir hoffen auf eine gute Kenntnis mit allen von ihnen (und ich sicherlich auf , die mit ganzem Herzen ) haben , aber am Ende ist unsere Pflicht, die Völker der hominity , nicht zu den Nationen , dass sie zu bilden. Das ist mein Verständnis , ich weiß nicht , indem sie diese Aussage , dass es nichts mehr als meine Meinung ist, Anspruch , aber ich denke , dass die Beweise , sowohl historische als auch aktuelle , meine Behauptung zu stützen .

Sicherlich Wilk Potskin , in den Prozess der Haltebaugruppen für diejenigen, die Rangers werden wollen anweisen , hat nie erklärt, dass die Rangers in anderen Untersuchungen gegen Methoden, um die Kitins und ihre Passagen , die die Oberfläche brechen steuern. In der Tat hat er das Gegenteil erklärt . Es ist seine Meinung und die der anderen , beide Ranger und nicht Ranger, dass die Verwendung von Termiten als mögliche Verbündete im Kampf muss untersucht werden. ( N'ASA auch ein Symposium zu diesem Thema. ) Dies bedeutet nicht, dass andere Methoden können nicht oder nicht untersucht werden , nur, dass sie nicht durch die Rangers untersucht werden. Wie für die Ansprüche , dass die Rangers sind Quellensteuer Informationen zu den Werken von Almaty , ich habe keine Beweise oder Rechtfertigung für diese Behauptung gesehen .

Ich weiß , dass es derzeit die von einigen Nationen, dass Wilk Potskin beleidigt hat und arrogant gegen sie gehandelt fühlen. Ich glaube nicht, dass dies seine Absicht war , sondern vielmehr , dass, wie Erminiantus hat er vorne mit seiner Untersuchungen trotz der Aufschrei der andere gedrückt .

Nair - Erminiantus , wie gesagt , bevor ich wieder feststellen . Ich unterstütze Ihre Untersuchung .

--- Mac'Od Bittty , Forscher der NTCS , Aspirant Ranger

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#37 [fr] 

[OOC] Je m'excuse pour la traduction Goo corrompu [/OOC]

Mac'Od Bittty étudie toutes les paroles qui ont été prononcées à ce jour et ressent le besoin de parler .

Nair - Daomei - Bien que je respecte la puissance des mathématiques , je respecte aussi le fait que les homins sont enclin à l'exagération . «Cultivé dans une heure " pourrait facilement être une phrase destinée à transmettre de façon spectaculaire la rapidité avec laquelle Almati causé aux plantes de pousser . Pendant l'exil j'ai observé ( comme je l'ai enregistré dans mes cahiers ) la croissance d'un nouveau coffre de la canopée. Pour ceux d'entre nous habituer au calme des nouvelles terres et de nos histoires des Anciennes Terres c'était roman, catastrophique et très rapide. Pourtant, il n'a en fait prendre plus d'une année d'Iéna à la fin de son cycle de croissance . Dans un autre 100 ans, si l'on se souvient du tout, il se souvient que " du jour au lendemain un tronc a grandi à côté du refuge et a atteint à la canopée . " Je pense que beaucoup plus raisonnable de supposer que « dans une heure » pourrait signifier quelque chose comme « dans quelques jours ». Je pense que vous aggree que cette vitesse serait encore dramatique.

Nair - homini - En ce qui concerne les dangers de ces études dans la modification de la croissance des plantes , on nous apprend à leur sujet dès que nous atteignons les ruines de Silan . En outre, nous avons vu les problèmes potentiels que cette modification peut apporter même aussi récemment que certaines expériences du botaniste royal qui s'est passé dans les années juste avant la Seconde essaimage ( au moins ils ont des problèmes sur Arispotle , heureusement détruites en assistant homins ) .

Mais je dirai ceci: Quelles sont les actions de homins n'ont pas la possibilité d'un dommage ou d'une catastrophe ? Si je prends une fleur dans les jardins éphémère, qui sait ce que les éventuelles conséquences pourraient être ? Si un groupe d'entre nous s'efforcent de détruire les gousses de kitins blancs dans les Vents du Songe , quel sera le résultat final être? C'est à nous Homins penser à nos actions , puis de réfléchir à ce que nous savons de notre monde et les conséquences possibles et , si les conséquences sont dans le doute , à oser agir .

Pour ce faire , nous devons étudier notre monde . N'ASA , le Conseil de New Trykoth des scientifiques , le projet Schola Malade , tout existe pour ce faire. Nous connaissons tous des chercheurs remarquables de toutes les races dans divers domaines , y compris le botaniste Royal. Cette étude n'est pas sans risques , comme le célèbre kitin expert Daeronn Cegrips a démontré le plus clairement de temps en temps, mais elle doit être effectuée .

Si elle est effectuée par un groupe tricoté serré d'amis et co- nationalistes ( comme Nair - Erminantius fait ) ou par une coalition ouverte de toutes les races de hominité ( comme avec les enquêtes de la Rangers ) , nous devons étudier notre monde . Si nous ne le faisons pas , alors à la fin, nous resterons ignorants comme les races primitives , malgré toute la surface «civilisation» que nous affichons .

En ce qui concerne les races primitives , il ya certains qui prétendent qu'ils sont les restes primitifs de nos ancêtres. Je ne suis pas sûr à ce sujet ( bien que la théorie a quelques points intéressants ) , mais ce qui est certain, c'est que le Matis a fait détruire tous les Momos - qui , nous le savons depuis quelques cubes d'ambre de ces jours.

Nair - Erminantius ( et autres) - Les Rangers ne pas inviter représentant du Nations , mais des Courses . Je suis juste un Ranger aspirant (je n'ai pas gagné le titre de Ranger ), mais je sais une chose . Les Rangers sont séparés des Nations . Nous espérons avoir bien tenu avec chacun d'eux ( et je travaille certainement pour cela avec tout mon cœur ) , mais à la fin notre devoir est de les Courses de hominité , pas aux nations qu'ils forment . Ceci est ma compréhension , je ne prétends pas en faisant cette déclaration, que c'est quelque chose de plus que mon opinion , mais je pense que la preuve , à la fois historique et actuelle , soutiendra ma demande .

Certes Wilk Potskin , dans le processus de tenue d'assemblées d'instruire ceux qui souhaitent devenir Rangers , n'a jamais dit que les Rangers s'opposent à d'autres travaux sur les méthodes pour contrôler les kitins et leurs passages qui rompent la surface. En fait, il a dit le contraire. C'est son opinion , et celle des autres , tant Ranger et non Ranger, que l'utilisation de termites comme un possible allié dans notre lutte doivent être étudiées . ( N'ASA même organisé un symposium sur la question. ) Cela ne veut pas dire que d'autres méthodes peuvent ne pas être ou ne devraient pas être étudiées , mais simplement qu'ils ne seront pas étudiés par les Rangers. Quant aux allégations selon lesquelles les Rangers sont retenues à la source d'informations sur les œuvres d' Almati , je n'ai vu aucune preuve ou justification de cette affirmation.

Je sais qu'il ya actuellement ceux de certains pays qui estiment que Wilk Potskin a insulté et a agi avec arrogance contre eux. Je ne crois pas que c'était son intention, mais plutôt que, comme Erminiantus , il a appuyé sur l'avant avec ses investigations malgré le tollé des autres.

Nair - Erminiantus , comme je l'ai dit avant que je déclare à nouveau. Je soutiens votre enquête .

--- Mac'Od Bittty , chercheur des NTCS , aspirant Ranger

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#38 [en] 

My dear Bittty!
Where as i do agree and understand what you say, i simply cannot ignore the fact that they will deny entry and information to those who can't display their title of Karavaneer status or Matis Citizenship. There are plenty of us, including the rangers that gave up their citizenship and even religion to pursue their goal to help all homins without distraction of the mandatory religious practices of the day-to-day life and the politics of one's nation.
Demanding the show of one's aligiance for granting entry to a meeting where they are discussing topics that will affect the fate of all homins is in the least is an insult.
If we were to discuss the fate of the matis and the followers of Jenna, and not let them come to attend, would be percived by them as an act of war.
Therefore, as this meeting have the potential to influance the lives of all homins, I, in the name of all homins, small and big, aligned and not, male and female, I demand an open session!
The Matis are KNOWN for their trickery! They try to trick us on Silan! They succeed with some homins.
I feel that they are plotting to erradicate the kitin by killing off it's food supply. That would include Homins as well! They may have made deals with the Karavan to get sanctuary aboard their space vessels, while the rest of the inhabitants of Atys are wiped from existance.
I'm sure they will claim that this is far fetched, but then let us attend to see for ourselves!
The Matis isn't known for their self sacrifice, but for their trickery!


#39 [en] 

Mon cher Bittty !
Où que je suis d'accord et je comprends ce que vous dites , je ne peux tout simplement pas ignorer le fait qu'ils vont refuser l'entrée et de l'information à ceux qui ne peuvent pas afficher leur titre de karavanières statut ou la citoyenneté de Matis . Il ya beaucoup d'entre nous , y compris les gardes qui ont renoncé à leur citoyenneté et même la religion de poursuivre leur objectif d'aider tous les homins sans distraction des pratiques religieuses obligatoires de la vie au jour le jour et la politique de sa nation .
Exiger le spectacle de son aligiance pour l'octroi de l'entrée à une réunion où ils discutent des sujets qui auront une incidence sur le sort de tous les homins est le moins est une insulte.
Si nous devions discuter du sort de la matis et les adeptes de Jenna, et pas les laisser venir y assister, serait percived par eux comme un acte de guerre .
Par conséquent, comme cette réunion ont le potentiel d' influance la vie de tous les homins , moi, au nom de tous les homins , petits et grands , alignés et non , hommes et femmes , j'exige une session ouverte !
Les Matis sont connus pour leur ruse ! Ils essaient de nous tromper sur Silan ! Ils réussissent à certains homins .
Je pense qu'ils sont en train de comploter pour éradiquer les champs de la kitin en tuant son approvisionnement alimentaire. Cela comprend Homins aussi! Ils ont peut-être passé des accords avec la Karavan pour obtenir sanctuaire à bord de leurs vaisseaux spatiaux, tandis que le reste des habitants d' Atys sont essuyées à partir existence.
Je suis sûr qu'ils vont prétendre que cela est tiré par les cheveux , mais nous assistons à voir par nous-mêmes!
Le Matis n'est pas connu pour leur sacrifice de soi, mais pour leur supercherie !


#40 [en] 

Mein lieber Bittty !
Wo , wie ich nicht zustimmen und verstehen, was Sie sagen , kann ich einfach nicht die Tatsache ignorieren, dass sie Eintritt und Informationen für diejenigen, die nicht angezeigt werden können ihren Titel von Karavaneer Status oder Matis Staatsbürgerschaft zu verweigern. Es gibt viele von uns, darunter den Rangern , die im Berichtsjahr ihre Staatsbürgerschaft und sogar die Religion , um ihr Ziel zu verfolgen, um alle Homins ohne Ablenkung der zwingenden religiösen Praktiken der Tag-zu- Alltag und die Politik der eigenen Nation zu helfen.
Anspruchsvolle die Show der eigenen aligiance für die Gewährung von Zugang zu einem Treffen, wo sie diskutieren Themen, die das Schicksal aller Homins auswirken wird , ist in geringsten ist eine Beleidigung .
Wenn wir das Schicksal der Matis und den Anhängern von Jenna zu diskutieren, und nicht zulassen, sie kommen zu besuchen , würden von ihnen als ein Akt des Krieges percived werden.
Daher ist, wie dieses Treffen haben das Potenzial, das Leben von allen Homins influance , I, im Namen aller Homins , kleine und große , ausgerichtet und nicht , männlich und weiblich , verlange ich eine offene Session!
Die Matis sind für ihre Tricks BEKANNT ! Sie versuchen uns auf Silan Trick ! Es gelingt ihnen mit einigen Homins .
Ich fühle, dass sie sich verschworen haben , um die Kitin durch Abtötung es die Nahrungsmittelversorgung erradicate . Das wäre Homins gehören ebenso ! Sie können sich mit dem Karavan Zuflucht an Bord ihrer Schiffe bekommen Raum gemacht haben , während der Rest der Bewohner von Atys Existenz abgewischt werden .
Ich bin sicher, sie werden behaupten, dass dies weit geholt , aber dann lassen Sie uns besuchen, um für uns zu sehen!
Die Matis wird nicht für ihre Selbstaufopferung , aber für ihre Tricks bekannt !


#41 [fr] 

My dear Fyranna --

 Bittty grins a big Tryker grin

Surely you have learned enough while traveling the lands and avoiding Varinx, Ragus, Kincher, Vorax and Kirosta that you could shadow this gathering of Matis and Karavan and remain undetected by them while observing them closely. It should be simplicity itself!

However, I feel that you are possibly overly sensitive to the slights that *some* Matis have delivered. Sterga Hamla is not, in my opinion, a good representative for his Race. Yes, there have been errors in the past, but under Yrkanis and under Yasson, his son, the Matis have shown themselves generally to be civilized. (The recent break between the Karan and his Nobles might be attributed clearly to his youth and relative inexperience in governance.)

I will not be translating this to the other dialects, since it is not relevant to my main points.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#42 [fr] 

I still hear that trickery, even connivery are the main characteristics of the Matis race. I still hear we're evil, arrogant, and vulpine, and I'm pretty tired of it. One thing we're rarely charged with is stupidity, though. I have to mention this, as some of the comments seem to be a display in dullness - but then, they were not voiced by Matis, obviously.

So if these who can't stop to bother hominkind with their home-made paranoid hysteria of the evil nature of the Matis turn their attention to the Rangers, they will find out that not few Matis are part of their fold. If they give up watching their own bellies they will even realise that one of the highest officers the Rangers have, Melga Folgore, is - a Matis! So, according to their theories, the Rangers have an officer in command who is an evil, arrogant, vulpine trickster. Should we all be sorry for them - or should we congratulate them?

Now, if we turn the attention from that and ask ourselves whose words produced the biggest outcry here, I cannot ignore the fact that it obviously were the words of Ser Seternulon regarding pride and fame. Now, if you came to the conclusion from the reminder above that the Matis as such can't be evil and treacherous by nature, as that thought would have to produce a witchhunt in the Ranger's ranks (apart from the fact that such a stupid declassification of the Matis race as evil would be against everything the Rangers claim to stand for) you must agree that Ser Seternulon can't be evil by nature. I will tell you even more. I will tell you that Ser Seternulon is not a Matis Noble. He most likely is not even a subject of our monarchy. If I'm not mistaken he's a member of the Taliar Chanchey Breggan's guild The Free Soul and therefore most likely has sworn to neutrality, and yet he displays an understanding of the needs of such a meeting without the involvement of those sworn to other rulers and different beliefs. Make of that what you want; but I guess that some will get a bit lost during that effort, as stupidity is not an illness from which one can be cured.

Having said that, we all know that the Rangers, that every race meets in secrecy - in much higher secrecy than the gathering Filira Erminantius, who also is a member of the Academy, invites - as well as in public. Everyone who says otherwise is either a liar or a fool, really. The fact that not every single homin of that group of interests is invited to these is just as natural as common.

And if it happens that Ser Astarth reads this: I was never invited to an unofficial Ranger meeting. The last time I hurried to visit an official meeting, I was not very welcome.

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#43 [en] 

My dear Salazar!
The issue here is not one's origin, but one's aligiance. We have NEVER said that all Matis are evil, but rather the Matis goernment is. They never have put the interest of all homins in front, but rather their own interests above all, and they did not shy away from creating plants that now kill any who goes near, nor have they really try to put an effort into stopping it from spreading across Atys.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyranna (1 decade ago)


#44 [en] 

While I wholeheartedly agree to Salazar that none of the four peoples deserves to be called evil (and, by the way, also none of the governments of the four nations), I fail to see what this has to do with the Atys Rangers, who are sworn to refrain from any prejudice against race, religion, or conviction, and are striving for peace and mutual understanding of all hominity.

And, by the way, I do not know of any non public meeting of the Atys Rangers. Every of our assemblies has been announced in ahead publicly, and the minutes thereof been published openly readably for all homins in the three major dialects of Atys. As to the meeting Salazar mentioned, he himself was in no way unwelcome. A behavior of questioning the veracity of the words of senior officers of the Rangers could not expect applause, but I fail to recall any impoliteness against Salazar. The very reluctant behavior of our officers even made me fear that they would not clear themselves from the quite insulting suspicion implicitly raised against them.

Anyway, I agree that every nation, guild, or other group of homins has the indispensable right to assemble with a self-chosen number of homins anytime, in public or in enclosures, inviting whom they chose to. And we should stop to quarrel about. I am quite glad that the animosities among the peoples have not escalated so far as they had done in the past.

The hostilities before the First Great Swarming were a key reason for the catastrophic massacre which hit hominkind. Though we could not withstand the Second Swarm, a much more united hominity succeeded in providing an organized retreat into exile, and a victorious return which is still to be completed. Only when we stay united we can accomplish our victory and possibly prevent any further massive Kitin onslaught.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#45 [en] 

will leave you to your secrecy, to your animosity and your lack of tact regarding a delicate issue, sure you feel this is your concern, and i still fail to see reason behind your constant denials, which only depicts the level of biggotry rooted in the matis nobility.

Of course the Theocracy would never close the doors to you or to help you, and neither will I, but in this instance I feel your reluctance is a symptom that the theocracy cannot have propper diplomatic channels with the matis, since most of us are kamis (like the great historian Salazar should know some of our keen are jenaist and we respect them as much as we do the kamists).

As for me ill never say your evil or ill willed, i know that hasnt been your idea, just that i dont share your perspective on the actions to take

Astarth Li'lai ho
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