Should we change to faction based PVP?
Yes, change the deathmatch PVP to faction PVP!
Atys: Cotare, Heernis, Jellona, Kaetemi, Kaylerys, Lacuna, Luminatrix, Mermaidia, Revvy, Sinvaders, Sowen, Tomstato, Vorazun
No, it makes no sense.
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Bazett, Eolinius, Jorgensen, Kurutani, Placio, Wirroy, Yper, Zendae
No, we are too few, there will be no PVP anymore!
Atys: Yuritau
1 (1)
Other thoughts (Please write it down)
Atys: Gidget, Maiyr, Victoriacamper
3 (1)
Atys: Vanixia
Abstain 6

#62 [en] 

Given the demographics of this server, I have little choice but to cross faction lines with regualrity; since I am neither Kami nor Marauder, it's hard for me to find people in my faction or my guild's faction to train or hunt with. My fear is that some of these proposals would lead to a decrease in the already small number of people who tag up for PvP, especially among the greatly-outnumbered Karavan. (Rangers are unlikely to tag regardless.)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#63 [en] 

Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

This is a good idea yes legit, but it implies we will all be thief.

Which may not be good for everyone.

And killing homins implies we are all murderers :D ... so maybe do not do such things if you do not like? :)

#64 [en] 

Do rangers kill only mobs (i.e no tribes and so on) on daily basis ?

#65 [en] 

Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

This is a good idea yes legit, but it implies we will all be thief.

Which may not be good for everyone.

And killing homins implies we are all murderers :D ... so maybe do not do such things if you do not like? :)

If i protect my son or even myself in the darkness of the Pyr street, when bandits and poor people are pushed to take weapons, the greed and the hungryness..
In the dirty soaked blood sand of the emperor city.
I don't think Revvy would like to earn dappers for this, it just make no sense.

Nor like i think it is by pleasure some Homins take weapons against each others.
One cannot want to be a Thief by taking weapons for reason.

This peace and love mentality doesn't apply for all on Atys, depending where you did grow Moniq.
But maybe.. it is just the Ranger mentality.. thinking of themselv to be more elitist than a high-graded Matis.


#66 [en] 

Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

This is a good idea yes legit, but it implies we will all be thief.

Which may not be good for everyone.

And killing homins implies we are all murderers :D ... so maybe do not do such things if you do not like? :)

If i protect my son or even myself in the darkness of the Pyr street, when bandits and poor people are pushed to take weapons, the greed and the hungryness..
In the dirty soaked blood sand of the emperor city.
I don't think Revvy would like to earn dappers for this, it just make no sense.

Nor like i think it is by pleasure some Homins take weapons against each others.
One cannot want to be a Thief by taking weapons for reason.

This peace and love mentality doesn't apply for all on Atys, depending where you did grow Moniq.
But maybe.. it is just the Ranger mentality.. thinking of themselv to be more elitist than a high-graded Matis.

I think what Moniq meant is that you are not automatically a thief just because the option to loot is there, you have to actually go to the corpse and loot it, which is a choice, that choice being available is a good thing.


#67 [en] 

Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

This is a good idea yes legit, but it implies we will all be thief.

Which may not be good for everyone.

And killing homins implies we are all murderers :D ... so maybe do not do such things if you do not like? :)

If i protect my son or even myself in the darkness of the Pyr street, when bandits and poor people are pushed to take weapons, the greed and the hungryness..
In the dirty soaked blood sand of the emperor city.
I don't think Revvy would like to earn dappers for this, it just make no sense.

Nor like i think it is by pleasure some Homins take weapons against each others.
One cannot want to be a Thief by taking weapons for reason.

This peace and love mentality doesn't apply for all on Atys, depending where you did grow Moniq.
But maybe.. it is just the Ranger mentality.. thinking of themselv to be more elitist than a high-graded Matis.

I think what Moniq meant is that you are not automatically a thief just because the option to loot is there, you have to actually go to the corpse and loot it, which is a choice, that choice being available is a good thing.

In this case it could make more sense, also with NPC's been lootable, +1 for this, it seem legit.
But -1 if the killed get his own money stealed, unless we want to give Ryzom PvP another direction.

Because clearly this won't encourage people to do PvP if they are loosing something valuable to them.


#68 [en] 

Well fame is also important to some, don't you see how empty your aruument is? Maybe read it again...

And maybe a marauder shouldn't be in pyr in the first place, let alone defending people?

Possibly food for another topic

#69 [en] 

Well fame is also important to some, don't you see how empty your aruument is? Maybe read it again...

And maybe a marauder shouldn't be in pyr in the first place, let alone defending people?

Possibly food for another topic

Marauder ? did i talked about marauder?

I think your excess of agressiveness is coming back once again, so take a drink and go relax far away from here.
Or at the very least, take your pills.


#70 [en] 

Do rangers kill only mobs (i.e no tribes and so on) on daily basis ?

This peace and love mentality doesn't apply for all on Atys, depending where you did grow Moniq.
But maybe.. it is just the Ranger mentality.. thinking of themselv to be more elitist than a high-graded Matis.

Moniq does not speak for all Rangers. Some of us will defend ourselves and those we travel with. Pacifism is a personal choice, not a factional stricture.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#71 [en] 

I thought about it again and slept on it one night.

Through the game mechanics we want to encourage you to use the fractional PVP more often.

If that's the goal, then plundering enemies isn't the way to go, as is artificially separating the factions, e.g. by not being able to kill the faction's own people.

For orientation, for example, the approach of avoiding friendly fire would be a win. That would make the cosmetic old markings for faction and citizenship. Then at least you know who you're dealing with.

Then of course it is important, as I think, that there must also be consequences for PVP. There is no death penalty for killed homins. That is fine. But the loss of fame in small steps or the increase of fame would be a wonderful menchanic and is legitimate to give homins an orientation to a faction, but not to force them strictly into a caste system. Since you have chosen a faction *voluntarily*, you can count on the consequences, just as in the countries of Umbra you accept the risk of being killed by higher levels. This should be extended to all PVP areas except duels and training in the Arena.

But no game mechanic in the world can encourage a player to play PVP. The main goal should be to increase enthusiasm for PVP. I remember the PVP competition organized by Agan. It was the first time I really saw PVP. It impressed me a bit and encouraged me to level up and understand the PVP way of playing better. Other PVP events would also be suitable. So you can see that PVP is not a pointless battle, it has a background. Role-playing can also be very important. A simple bump on top of each other is just as boring as scratching your back.

Someone told me that the fight between Kami and Karavan made the game great. So it was PVP that captivated people (but not only). The main part is said to have been PVP. Just to think.


Nicht klicken!

#72 [en] 

I think that factional PvP is far from the only reason people play. Personally, I stay for the detailed mechanics, especially dig/craft. However, since being a good crafter requires digging and hunting in PvP zones as well as some OP mats, any good crafter will either be a good trader or occasionally fight other homins for the good mats... and not all of us are deal-makers.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#73 [en] 

I thought about it again and slept on it one night.

Through the game mechanics we want to encourage you to use the fractional PVP more often.

If that's the goal, then plundering enemies isn't the way to go, as is artificially separating the factions, e.g. by not being able to kill the faction's own people.

For orientation, for example, the approach of avoiding friendly fire would be a win. That would make the cosmetic old markings for faction and citizenship. Then at least you know who you're dealing with.

Then of course it is important, as I think, that there must also be consequences for PVP. There is no death penalty for killed homins. That is fine. But the loss of fame in small steps or the increase of fame would be a wonderful menchanic and is legitimate to give homins an orientation to a faction, but not to force them strictly into a caste system. Since you have chosen a faction *voluntarily*, you can count on the consequences, just as in the countries of Umbra you accept the risk of being killed by higher levels. This should be extended to all PVP areas except duels and training in the Arena.

But no game mechanic in the world can encourage a player to play PVP. The main goal should be to increase enthusiasm for PVP. I remember the PVP competition organized by Agan. It was the first time I really saw PVP. It impressed me a bit and encouraged me to level up and understand the PVP way of playing better. Other PVP events would also be suitable. So you can see that PVP is not a pointless battle, it has a background. Role-playing can also be very important. A simple bump on top of each other is just as boring as scratching your back.

Someone told me that the fight between Kami and Karavan made the game great. So it was PVP that captivated people (but not only). The main part is said to have been PVP. Just to think.


Can't believe a player that do not PvP and are not taking part into this, nor did make it its own gameplay has such a sharp opinion,
smart, reflecting a big part of the communties since long time lost, reasonable and true.

While we see players that do not do PvP in other side, with opinion clearly biased, emotionaly involved in the wrong way and even poisonous.

I start to have hope again, thank you.
And really hope your idea, and your comment particulary this one will be picked up Heernis.


#74 [en] 


Yes, what Magez says. I expect there will never be any auto-loot.

It would be nice to be able to loot NPC, maybe players. However we need to be careful about both options.

#75 [en] 

Do rangers kill only mobs (i.e no tribes and so on) on daily basis ?

This peace and love mentality doesn't apply for all on Atys, depending where you did grow Moniq.
But maybe.. it is just the Ranger mentality.. thinking of themselv to be more elitist than a high-graded Matis.

Moniq does not speak for all Rangers. Some of us will defend ourselves and those we travel with. Pacifism is a personal choice, not a factional stricture.

There are no restrictions for Rangers about fighting NPC. As Gidget says, I do not speak for Rangers, just for myself. Maybe for few other friends. And maybe I do not feel to be a Ranger anymore while (by me) the faction slowly turning into bunch of mercenaries (with advantages that make me feel to be a cheater).

I think Rangers shall not fight any homins (players and NPC), not to kill animals without good reason (food, materials you need) nor forage resources for profit (or other low reasons like "get it before others will"). I think Rangers should also stay independent on high powers as much as possible (thus not using their services unless it is necessary).

By me, the Ranger badge should say you met a friend willing to help. I don't understand how could this work while Rangers attack other homins. And I don't buy the story about killing for peace, love and protection. Killing will only bring more killing and death. Maybe not today. But tomorrow for sure.

A lot of Rangers think that a conflict must be fought with a force, not many Rangers really follow what the Ranger cube says. Or maybe my cube is broken because I was unable to find there anything that approves many actions that some of so-called Rangers do.
Ranger cube
  • Unity is strength (hence compliance with the Treaty of Nations and in memory of the first treaty of Karavia)
  • Atys is our home, we must be careful not to damage it (Precept kami)
  • The truth is our only faith (Fyros)
  • Reflection is our light in the dark (Matis)
  • Synergy, sharing and solidarity are our social rules (Tryker)
  • Serenity is our lifestyle (Zoraï)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago)

#76 [en] 

I thought about it again and slept on it one night.

Through the game mechanics we want to encourage you to use the fractional PVP more often.

If that's the goal, then plundering enemies isn't the way to go, as is artificially separating the factions, e.g. by not being able to kill the faction's own people.

For orientation, for example, the approach of avoiding friendly fire would be a win. That would make the cosmetic old markings for faction and citizenship. Then at least you know who you're dealing with.

Then of course it is important, as I think, that there must also be consequences for PVP. There is no death penalty for killed homins. That is fine. But the loss of fame in small steps or the increase of fame would be a wonderful menchanic and is legitimate to give homins an orientation to a faction, but not to force them strictly into a caste system. Since you have chosen a faction *voluntarily*, you can count on the consequences, just as in the countries of Umbra you accept the risk of being killed by higher levels. This should be extended to all PVP areas except duels and training in the Arena.

But no game mechanic in the world can encourage a player to play PVP. The main goal should be to increase enthusiasm for PVP. I remember the PVP competition organized by Agan. It was the first time I really saw PVP. It impressed me a bit and encouraged me to level up and understand the PVP way of playing better. Other PVP events would also be suitable. So you can see that PVP is not a pointless battle, it has a background. Role-playing can also be very important. A simple bump on top of each other is just as boring as scratching your back.

Someone told me that the fight between Kami and Karavan made the game great. So it was PVP that captivated people (but not only). The main part is said to have been PVP. Just to think.

No game mechanic will ever encourage me to PVP. Rather the opposite, game mechanics that emphasize PVP too strongly would likely drive me away from the game permanently.

Already the enjoyment of my favorite part of the game (digging in the Prime Roots) is ruined by the automatic and unavoidable PVP flag just for being there.

If PVP is made to affect the fame levels that I've spent hundreds of hours achieving, then I would lose all interest in ever risking it, to be honest.
I think that factional PvP is far from the only reason people play. Personally, I stay for the detailed mechanics, especially dig/craft. However, since being a good crafter requires digging and hunting in PvP zones as well as some OP mats, any good crafter will either be a good trader or occasionally fight other homins for the good mats... and not all of us are deal-makers.

What drew me to the game back in 2004, and has kept me coming back ever since, was the beautiful and diverse game world with a variety of dynamic ecosystems (still unmatched by any other game, 15 years later), the incredible customizability of actions (still unmatched by any other game, 15 years later), the depth and complexity of the crafting system (still unmatched by any other game, 15 years later), an actually enjoyable harvesting system! (still unmatched by any other game, 15 years later), and (a couple years later) the Ryzom Ring and its crazy amount of detail (still unmatched in any other MMO, 13 years later).

No part of the PVP system in this game has EVER interested me in the slightest, and it never will.

And every time I come back to the game after an absence, I see discussions like this one in the forums, or in universe chat, and it ALWAYS makes me less interested in coming back.


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