Should we change to faction based PVP?
Yes, change the deathmatch PVP to faction PVP!
Atys: Cotare, Heernis, Jellona, Kaetemi, Kaylerys, Lacuna, Luminatrix, Mermaidia, Revvy, Sinvaders, Sowen, Tomstato, Vorazun
No, it makes no sense.
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Bazett, Eolinius, Jorgensen, Kurutani, Placio, Wirroy, Yper, Zendae
No, we are too few, there will be no PVP anymore!
Atys: Yuritau
1 (1)
Other thoughts (Please write it down)
Atys: Gidget, Maiyr, Victoriacamper
3 (1)
Atys: Vanixia
Abstain 6

#16 [en] 

Can you provide a rough description of how it was pre merge? It's been too long so can't really compare, thanks.

Patch 1.10 PvP

That was 9 years ago?! Where is my time machine? *checking out the  flux capacitor in my delorean*


Nicht klicken!

#17 [en] 

That was 9 years ago?! Where is my time machine? *checking out the  flux capacitor in my delorean*

So what? It never changed.

#18 [en] 

That was 9 years ago?! Where is my time machine? *checking out the  flux capacitor in my delorean*

So what? It never changed.

It was changed... Now it isnt fame based anymore.


Nicht klicken!

#19 [en] 

But I can understand that some of you like the feeling of a whole team sharing the same flag. I would agree of having them reintroduced as cosmetic only. And one could configure it's interface to hide them, like hiding guilds logo, titles or even names.

That mainly why we like it yes :)
It give a feel of faction unity, where you belongs to a faction, as a whole.
Which is missing in the game actually..

Not to mention, the settings "Roleplay Tag" in the configuration, that do absolutely nothing.

Here it is:

As Neira dropped the link earlier.

Last edited by Revvy (5 years ago)


#20 [en] 

It was changed... Now it isnt fame based anymore.

You seriously can't be that ... nevermind, I guess you can.

The old system is the one I linked and wasn't changed until the new system was put into place.
I thought this was an obvious conclusion, but ... see first sentence.

#21 [en] 

@ Revvy

Sandbox= how Marauders and Rangers used to play before it was even a game mechanic.

#22 [en] 

@ Revvy

Sandbox= how Marauders and Rangers used to play before it was even a game mechanic.

What could be nice, no trolling anymore btw.

Is to keep the FFA (Free for All) PvP tag we have today.
And include the lets call it "Roleplay or Faction Tag" which will be a cosmetic tag with your faction on it..

It may not fix the individuality in the game about faction play, but it may involve people to see faction logo, and feel a bit more united.

I can agree that, Roleplay wise a Kami can attack a Kami, if they opinion differ, or in a situation they need to take arms to each others.
As an example.

Since above all cults and nationship, we are Homins, and so we act like.

So FFA PvP Tag is valide.. still it feel like we are missing something important .. no? :)

Last edited by Revvy (5 years ago)


#23 [en] 

Otherwise, care describe your definition of sandbox? im very ignorant about this subject, i need your light.

You literally asked me to respond to you. I provided a perfect example of two player driven movements that eventually were incorporated into the game. And instead of admitting that Ryzom allows players to explore multiple skills and beilefs you just deflect away...

Last edited by Placio (5 years ago)

#24 [en] 

Just my opinion Namcha, but for me PvP tag changed killed factions... come in-game and see how everyone loves everyone and play with everyone.
Sometimes gameplay limitations are good to orientate the player, full freedom is a wrong design pattern to me.

#25 [en] 

Sometimes gameplay limitations are good to orientate the player, full freedom is a wrong design pattern to me.

This is a statement everyone should internalise down to the core. The question about how to handle flagging for PvP isn't the only one that should fall under this premise.
Albeit being what's commonly referred to as a sandbox-MMO, the near complete lack of limitations and restrictions (in terms of gameplay drawbacks and choices that actually matter), was and still is what's heavily steering Ryzom towards a setting where everyone gets to achieve everything under any conditions without any reservations.
The current road leads to everything being unconditional available. There's no advantages in making a specific choice, there's no detriments.
Under the banner of so called player-freedom, the game drives itself with its game-design into an one-way dead-end that's with every passing day harder to correct back to a proper track.
But that's an underlying structural problem which can very hardly get changed without completely redoing quite a metric ton of features and/or so called improvements.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Neira (5 years ago)

#26 [en] 

Just my opinion Namcha, but for me PvP tag changed killed factions... come in-game and see how everyone loves everyone and play with everyone.
Sometimes gameplay limitations are good to orientate the player, full freedom is a wrong design pattern to me.

I agree with one point: Orientation. You have allready much freedom. You decide a side and fight for something higher. Maras for strenght, ranger for balance, kami for the planet, kara against kami (ok somehow not that simple), but you know what i mean. Neutrals are out of this conflict und do their PVE.

Every Power has its goals. But beeing kara i.e. and fight against ranger with kamis? Does this makes sense? It is possible in this system, but it is fully against RP and more a "justforfun"-OOC-Fight with no meaning.


Nicht klicken!

#27 [en] 

Isn't it unfair to allow marauder to fight between themselves while other couldn't ? How does any faction/nation couldn't have an internal conflict ?

I dont think PVP should be allways the same everywhere. Mara are more for strenght and fight. So it is okey that maras can fight against each other.

Why should there be inernal conflicts in other factions? It isnt the goal of the others to be the strongest, but to keep Atys alive, somehow the methods are not the same. Was there ever an internal conflict? Not that i remember.


Nicht klicken!

#28 [en] 

Was there ever an internal conflict? Not that i remember.

Heernis, just because someone else took the same rite as me doesn't mean that I don't want to smash them with a mace repeatedly......

#29 [en] 

Was there ever an internal conflict? Not that i remember.

Heernis, just because someone else took the same rite as me doesn't mean that I don't want to smash them with a mace repeatedly......

You are right. There are such emotional conflicts... I know what you mean. But i fear that there will be no Factional PVP anymore if it goes on like this. Freedom is good. But Freedom means also peace when i look at todays Atys. PVP is dead, except some OP-Wars or Duels or fights in PR. If you wanna smash someone with a mace lure him into lands of umbra and kill him there xD


Nicht klicken!

#30 [en] 


@Sinvaders & others

Yes I know about the "we are all friend" shift in the way of playing. Complains appeared about this since years !

( btw, after a swarm, it's normal that homins support together)

As I wrote in "is pvp rp", I think to solve this, one should always pay consequences of its acts : lose/win fraction of fame each time you exchange, gain xp with, rez, an enemy/ally. (so a scope not only focused on pvp act)

something like 0.05 per act is enough to loose your 100%. But in detail, like pvp points calculation, the amout could be weighted by the gap between your fame and the other guy one's.

Last edited by Namcha (5 years ago)

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