

#125 [en] 

Teleportation technology is based on the seed of life, and mektoubs don't have one.

Daily mission will use server time but the change won't be midnight UTC. More something like morning in Europe. It is yet to define.

That's a hard argument to sell to an atheist ;)

If it helps pick a time, remember that those of us in the Pacific time zone (West coast Americans) get our nightly Please Wait storm around 19:45-ish; about mid-evening. Those in the Midwest get it a little later, but still during peak time.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#126 [en] 

@yaandor : I think you better ask this in a new topic, like ideas section.

Last edited by Namcha (5 years ago)

#127 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Compte rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge - 8. 7. 2019

Tamarea 19:37
Voici l'ordre du jour :
1 - Missions classiques, métiers et NH
2 - Gameplay maraudeur
3 - Rite ranger
4 - Recrutement

1 - Missions classiques, métiers et NH

Tamarea, 19:39 UTC:
Lors du patch JY2603, nous avons débuté la mise en jeu d'un projet visant à (re)mettre en valeur les quelques 11 000 missions du jeu ( ).
Toutefois , il s'est avéré que par excès d'enthousiasme, nous sommes allés un peu trop vite et avons retiré un peu trop tôt les récompenses liées à l'ancienne version de NH, avant d'avoir correctement revalorisé et équilibré les missions et les métiers.

Par conséquent, nous avons décidé de remettre temporairement en jeu l'ancienne version de NH, ce qui permettra :
  • de ne plus pénaliser les joueurs à cause d'une mise en jeu de la nouvelle version de NH faite avant que les missions et métiers ne soient revalorisés et équilibrés
  • de nous laisser le temps de revaloriser et d'équilibrer correctement les missions classiques et les métiers.

Ensuite nous remettrons en place la version actuelle de NH.
Riasan (dev) travaille cette semaine à recoder l'ancienne version de NH et elle sera mise en test ce week-end.

Q: En quoi les récompense de NH étaient sous-évaluées ? NH a pour role le transport, pas de monter ses points de nations !
A: Ce sont les récompenses des missions classiques qui sont sous-évaluées.

Lumae 19:49 UTC:
Je ne sais pas si ma question est pertinente vis à vis des modifications des missions, mais il me semble que lors de la fusion une des idées était de réhabiliter l'économie, à savoir un dapper avec une valeur, j'ai le sentiment qu'on revient aux matières premières comme moyen d’échange à Ryzom. Que je lie aux missions, entre autres fonctionnalités.
Shylai 19:49 UTC:
Il faut remettre les points de nation, on en a besoin pour acheter les cristaux. Sans cristaux y'a pas de pex
ou alors il faut compenser les points de nation.
Sinvaders 19:50 UTC:
Ne pas pouvoir pex sans cristaux, c'est un autre problème que celui de l'économie.
Shylai 19:50 UTC:
Non c'est juste une facilité pas une fin en soi .
Lumae 19:50 UTC:
il me semble que les missions génèrent trop de dappers // pas assez bas level, trop haut level .
Tykus 19:52 UTC:
En fait pour être précis, ce n'est pas tant les dappers que le NH rapportait mais surtout les points de nation, nécessaires pour acheter des cristaux ou des MP génériques , nous avons entrepris une revalorisation des missions d'Atys et NH en fait partie, mais tant qu'on n'a pas achevé le rééquilibrage, les points de nation de NH manquent au joueurs. :)
Rizyinshi 19:58 UTC:
Peut-être les points de nation pourraient-ils être donnés à nouveau mais pas la renommée ?
Shylai 20:02 UTC:
je parle pour la mécanique du jeu pas pour moi.
Sinvaders 20:03 UTC:
@Shylai, mécanisme de jeu pas mécanisme de RP.
Bubbason 20:05 UTC:
Tykus 19:52 UTC:
En fait pour être précis, ce n'est pas tant les dappers que le NH rapportait mais surtout les points de nation, nécessaire pour acheter des cristaux ou des mp générique, nous avons entrepris une revalorisation des missions d'Atys et le NH en fait parti, mais tant qu'(on a pas achever le rééquilibrage, les point de nation des NH manquent au joueurs :)
Je ne suis pas d'accord.
Tamarea 20:09 UTC:
Je rappelle que le retour de l'ancienne version de NH n'est que provisoire ! Dès que les missions et métiers seront revalorisés et équilibrés, nous remettrons la version actuelle de NH en jeu.
Rissa 20:11 UTC:
La récompense en points de nation et ou dappers devrait surtout prendre en compte le temps passé, la renommée obtenue uniquement par les missions classiques .
Tamarea 20:18 UTC:
Une autre réaction avant de passer au sujet suivant ?
Une annonce officielle à propos de ce premier sujet sera faite dans quelques jours.
Bubbason 20:48 UTC:
S'agissant du sujet NH et d'un commentaire affirmant que le principal intérêt de l'ancien fonctionnement résidait dans les points de nation, je m'inscris en faux, au moins en partie.
En fait, les joueurs préféraient l'ancien fonctionnement parce que, après 30 minutes à exercer leur métier pour gagner des points et des dappers, ils pouvaient jouir d'Atys comme ils l'entendaient. Ainsi, l'ancien fonctionnement respectait la liberté de chacun.

Q: Votre proposition de revenir temporairement à l'ancien fonctionnement, très bien. Mais il faudra veiller à ce qu'au rétablissement du fonctionnement actuel nous ne subissions pas le même désastre que lors du Patch2603.
A: Nous allons procéder en plusieurs étapes :
1 - remettre l'ancienne version de NH ;
2 - revaloriser et équilibrer les missions, vous laisser les tester en jeu et nous faire vos retours ;
3 - revaloriser et équilibrer les métiers (peut-être en remettant les métiers avancés), vous laisser les tester en jeu et nous faire vos retours ;
4 - remettre la version actuelle de NH une fois que les points 2 et 3 seront terminés.

Q: Donc, vous proposez de rétablir l'ancien système de NH pendant que vous rééquilibrerez les missions en permettant aux joueurs de tester ces dernières, avant de supprimer de nouveau l'ancien système NH ?
A: Oui.
Triplex 21:03 UTC:
S'il y a des missions utilisant les métiers, le point 4 est superflu. Car personne ne l'utilisera s'il en existe un meilleur que le système NH actuel. Ainsi, s'il y a des missions utilisant les métiers, NH doit utiliser un nouveau système ou disparaître.
Fyrosfreddy 21:04 UTC:
Si je peux me permettre, je pense que le point 4 signifie une version modifiée dans laquelle vous ne pouvez pas obtenir une renommée de 50 en quelques heures.
Bubbason 21:04 UTC:
Hm, je ne vois pas comment cela va fonctionner parce que la plupart du temps, il semble que les joueurs ont préféré les récompenses de NH + la liberté de choix que cela leur donne. Les missions rééquilibrées prennent trop de temps.
Tryroamer 21:09 UTC:
Suggestion : lorsque tout aura été rééquilibré et testé et jugé correct, alors les produits des métiers pourraient se voir attribuer une nouvelle valeur pour la réalisation d'autres objectifs.
Peut-être ces missions mettant en jeu les métiers font elles déjà ça ? Si c'est le cas les problèmes qui nous inquiètent ici n'ont pas lieu de le faire.
Triplex 21:11 UTC:
Hmm je pense que la traduction ne fonctionne pas correctement, mais oui, le NH ne doit pas sortir "il mourra, car personne ne l'utilisera avec l'état actuel.
L'ancien statut vous oblige à le porter lorsque la limite est atteinte pour que vous puissiez abonner.
Le nouveau système apporte un mauvais rendement. Les deux ne sont pas des systèmes équilibrés.
Tykus 21:16 UTC:
Je vais essayer de répondre à tout le monde.
Oui, c'est pour cela que lorsque nous avons recodé le NH, nous avons fait le changement, mais c'était un cas d'urgence, recoder le NH comme il était prenait plus de temps que recoder sans récompenses.
Mais faire ainsi a créé un trou dans les récompenses pour les joueurs.
Le système reste très sensible est était souvent bloqué et pas très accessible aux CSR pour savoir qui avait donné quoi.
Triplex 21:20 UTC:
L'ancien système sans plafond de 3000 et un peu moins de récompense, alors tout le monde a le libre choix, n'est pas limité en permanence si 3-4 personnes donnent en même temps et obtiennent toujours une récompense utilisable.
Tamarea 21:23 UTC:
Triplex: Je vous encourage à rejoindre l'équipe dev pour aider!
Tykus 21:26 UTC:
Pour Freddy: il y a beaucoup de façons d’augmenter ta notoriété jusqu’à 50, NH était si facile, il a été utilisé au détriment de toutes les missions consacrées à la renommée. :p

2 - Gameplay maraudeur

Tamarea 20:18 UTC:
La nouvelle région maraudeure en création se trouvera près du Nexus et sera reliée à celui-ci par un vortex.
Le groupe de travail est en train d'ajouter de la végétation sur cette nouvelle zone, qui est vide par défaut.
Remarque importante : cette nouvelle carte est la première que nous créons de toutes pièces, ce qui est très prometteur pour la suite !
Nous avons donc réussi à atteindre l'étape ultime rêvée lors de la création de Ryzom Forge : "La dernière étape, nommée projet New Zone, consistera en la création d'une nouvelle zone de jeu."
Lumae 20:23 UTC:
Juste un mot : félicitation pour ce travail!

Q: L'outil en question permettant de faire des zones sera disponible quand ? Pour tester, proposer des zones. etc....
A: Pour le moment, la création se fait manuellement. Il est prévu d'écrire un manuel expliquant comment.

Bastien 20:30 UTC:
ok si besoin je suis prêt à aider (si je suis pas trop bête a comprendre :-) )
et félicitations bien sûr !

3 - Rite ranger

Tamarea 20:33 UTC
Il a été corrigé et est de nouveau opérationnel.
Tryroamer 20:34 UTC:
Se levant pour s'adresser à tous : Je suis ravi d'apprendre que le Rite Ranger a été réparé est qu'il est opérationnel à nouveau.
À qui doit-on (Trytrytry, par exemple) s'adresser pour le suivre, je vous prie?
Kiwalie 20:37 UTC:
Merci à toute l'équipe pour le rite :)

Q: Pourquoi, bien qu'ayant levé la main, ma question est-elle ignorée ?
A: (non répondu)

Bubbason 20:38 UTC
Mais, puisque vous avez commencé une autre discussion, vous pouvez aussi bien continuer :--)
Tamarea 21:25 UTC:
L'heure tourne et il est temps de passer au dernier sujet. Nous reviendrons sur celui-ci lors de la prochaine réunion. De plus, une annonce officielle sera faite, donc vous pourrez aussi réagir sur le forum.

4 - Recruitment

Tamarea 21:25 UTC:
L'équipe de traduction recrute des bénévoles !
Traduire / relire en espagnol
Traduire / relire en russe
Traduire / relire en allemand

L'équipe de support recrute des bénévoles !
D'Amérique du Nord
D'Amérique du Sud (parlant espagnol et anglais)

L'équipe d'animation recrute des bénévoles !
D'Amérique du Nord
D'Amérique du Sud (parlant espagnol et anglais)
Nous avons notamment besoin d'animateurs américains afin de pouvoir jouer des events roleplay sur les créneaux horaires US.
Pour toute question ou candidature, veuillez envoyer un email à

Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago)

#128 [en] 

Arf! All I want to know is this now..
Q: Why do I raise my hand, and still get ignored?
A: (not answered)

Whoever you are, some souls here in the darkness shall listen x)


#129 [fr] 

if there was a reasonable way to get crystals again would start subscribing again

#130 [en] 

if there was a reasonable way to get crystals again would start subscribing again

Blackmail? How low :P

They rollback NH, so you can farm crystal again!


#131 [en] 

Slightly offtopic, but you make some awesome solo hunting videos Revvy! Ryzom has so much to offer, a true sandbox with lots of goals for every play style.



#132 [en] 

Slightly offtopic, but you make some awesome solo hunting videos Revvy! Ryzom has so much to offer, a true sandbox with lots of goals for every play style.


These demos are mostly from last year, sadly Ryzom do not have much to offer me anymore..
So this is act of memories ;)

I'll upload solo boss hunts also, Thank you for the feedback :)


#133 [en] 

if there was a reasonable way to get crystals again would start subscribing again

Blackmail? How low :P
Consider it karmic payback. It's also wrong to force stuff down the throats of those who come from other places where tastes differ and belittle their feedback, but there's been a few years of that. (For now, we'll ignore that the few who can attend meetings that happen in the middle of our workday are ignored or, in some cases, told to shut up.) Maybe another 6 years of "blackmail" will balance the scales?
Ryzom has so much to offer, a true sandbox with lots of goals for every play style.
I'd like to be able to believe that, but I've seen enough people clamoring to change that and enough mechanics contradict that that I simply cannot. To be sure, we do need some restrictions, but the game itself forces players in ways that totally contradict every definition of "sandbox" if know of, and the 2603 patch made it worse. But if penalizing folks for their RP choices (especially the choice to not swear loyalty to any nation or religion) and having the game center around fame management more than anything else is the desired result then things are on the right path.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#134 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (August 5th, 2019)

Date: monday, August 5th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)
  • chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge (

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • In-game auto-translation via DeepL
  • August Promotion and Atys Games
  • Back to the game's roots: Storyline project
  • Improvement and enrichment of Ryzom Wiki
  • Switch to open source for translation files
  • Return of the old version of NH
  • Recruitment

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#135 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report - 5. 8. 2019

  • In-game auto-translation via DeepL
  • August Promotion and Atys Games
  • Back to the game's roots: Storyline project
  • Improvement and enrichment of Ryzom Wiki
  • Move to open source for translation files
  • Return of the old version of NH
  • Recruitment

In-game auto-translation via DeepL

Tamarea, 19:50 UTC:
The integration of the DeepL translator in play will be done in 5 steps:
  • Step 1: test in the around channel (in progress)
    DeepL is currently being tested in the "around" channel. It automatically translates into the interface language what is said on the channel. Supported languages: English, German, Spanish, Russian and French.
  • Step 2:"dev" work for DeepL to manage the translation between the game channels and
  • Step 3: Create the configuration interface and add options in the chat window

    The interface should allow you to:
    • choose if you accept to be translated (see GDPR)
    • choose the channels to translate (example: surroundings, guild...)
    • choose the languages to be translated.
    • choose the language in which you want the translation to be done.
    The options in the chat window will allow you to:
    • enable / disable translations (on/off)
    • identify the translated sentences (different color?)
    • display the original version of the translated sentences
    • (subject to) see the translation of a sentence initially displayed in its original language
  • Step 4: DeepL integration on dynamic and regional channels
    This includes universe channels.
    We will certainly take this opportunity to remove language-specific uni-universe channels, which will no longer be useful.
  • Step 5: DeepL integration on guild, team, league and private message channels.
Please note that we will then be able to activate automatic translation into all languages supported by DeepL (currently Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Italian) if necessary.
Now it's your turn to talk: what do you think about the addition of DeepL in game and the ongoing test on the around channel?
Tryroamer, 19:59 UTC:
i understand that for normal purposes no language specific channels be in case of DeepL success and ingame integration as proposed, but i would nevertheless welcome having the possiblility of splitting off of the one language origin chat to an own channel tab within the main chat for special purposes, naturally, while still allowing and following the chat originating out of all other languages within the uni chat
Heernis, 20:05 UTC:
Do you mean that there should be a translated channel and an untranslated channel ingame?
Tryroamer, 22:07 UTC:
Not really, but there is yet a need as i see it, for me to at times isolate the chat originating in the one language into its own channel, otherwise the other conversation might / would stretch out the particular thought thread out of recognition (fifo principle)
Heernis, 20:11 UTC:
ok, simply a hint, or as a overlay, as with the items, of the original text, would suffice, wouldn't it?
Hayt, 20:13 UTC:
The problem of double translation. Can the translator determine the language in which the phrase is spoken?
Now the language from which the text is translated and the language into which the text is translated is tied to the interface language
But the player uses one interface language, and can speak several
In this case, I noticed that if the language of what was said differs from the interface language, then the translator first translates the text into the interface language, and then only further
Tamarea, 20:17 UTC:
From my experience on, DeepL usually determines the language of the text on its own. This is not yet the case during the test, because for the moment it is the language of the interface of the writer that is taken into account.
Tamarea, 20:25 UTC:
What do you think (briefly) about the integration of DeepL into the game?
Scooby, 20:26 UTC:
Krinseus, 20:30 UTC:
Very convenient, especially for those who do not speak other languages than their own.
Heernis, 20;33 UTC UTC:
If you use no native slang, write full sentences and don't make mistakes while writing... it could be usefull, otherwise there could be a lot of misunderstandings. Well also lets say... "Rendor" will be translate into "Verkäufer" (Reseller) in german. Or Ranger > "Waldläufer" (Forestrunner) ... ^^ But overall, a good thing for communication, so it is far from perfect.

Q: Would it be possible to have exceptions or pattern for ryzom specific names, cities, regions etc in the future? Maybe on client-side?
A: It's planned

Q: I think it very convenient, more than come-go with Google. And a question: will the translation of /tell texts come soon?
A: It should be as fast as the around channel.

Tamarea, 20:34 UTC:
Thank you for your feedback. Let's move on to the next topic!

August promotion and Atys games

Tamarea, 20:34 UTC:
Announcements on the forumOther publicationsWhat are your feedback on the promotion and games? Who wants to speak?
Scooby, 20:39 UTC:
As for me, I think 5,000 choice tokens is very very much for an earning. The water bombs had very good press :)
Kiwalie, 20:42 UTC:
Great, the water bombs! The ultimate weapon of Rangers!
Hayt, 20:43 UTC:
5000 tokens sounds big quantity, but it's only 141/200 of plushie and 0/250 of zig and it's imposible to waterbomb bosses
Kiwalie, 21:24 UTC:
I just want to say a big thank you to the ryzom team for the August event, memorable evening with players from all nations and factions on the rendors :)

Storyline project

Tamarea, 20:50 UTC:
We return to the basics of Ryzom by placing the advance of history at the centre of the game.
Thus, instead of having on one side events, and on the other side heterogeneous additions, we will have regular gameplay additions that will logically follow the progress of History, over the events. With, of course, a role for the "Power to Players", since the turn of events will depend in part on your actions!
Before embarking on a Season that will bring many new features (we already have a number of them in mind!), we chose to start with a Season allowing us to finally finish the unfinished gameplay content. You'll learn more soon!

Q: Whereas I agree that Storyline should be of top priority, where does this project leave everything that was being worked on? Everything that's already been announced like: OP changes, Nexus Reloaded, Ranged fight fine tuning and so on... Also Pocket Worlds, Boss in a Pocket, and and and? Do we have a status update on those projects? Are they aborted?
A: These additions are still scheduled. They will be largely implemented as Storyline progresses. However, some content, such as OP refactoring and rebalancing shooting weapons, will be used in parallel. The first step of Pocket Words, "Guild Islands" is already in game. We will now improve it. On the other hand, "Boss in a Box" is put back on hold because the one who developed it is no longer available.

Moniq, 21:01 UTC:
We will call for players to help with Outpost battle changes and Ranged weapon changes in some time. We need to finish many other changes and fixing and also well prepare a series of tests.

Q: Is the storyline the same as we were following before?
A: I won't reveal anything more for the moment! ;)

Tryroamer, 21:08 UTC:
I have followed with some interest the discussion in the forums about just what roleplay actually is on Atys. One aspect that I feel has been in the past but seems nowadays completely absent: one's own personal rp history ingame. I hope that such become respected again where and by whomever practiced
Tamarea, 21:17 UTC:
DeepL could contribute to this by facilitating roleplay between players from different languages.

Improvement and enrichment of Ryzom Wiki

Tamarea, 21:17 UTC:
I give the floor to the contributors!
Nilstilar, 21:24 UTC:
What I can say about the wiki, is that I published 231 articles about the plants of Atys since a month from a document provided by Namcha. But Dorothée, Heernis and Zorroargh are working hard, too.
Heernis, 21;48 UTC:
hm... the wiki is accessible through mobile phones, but a mobile css layout is not available for it (for better view)

Q: A reminder of the url?
A: Main page, Atys commons, Flora

Q: I'd like to know if an android version of the client is under development, sice I read something about it posted a yaer ago in the forum. So, is there any dev team working on it, or is it abandoned since?
A: We do not have enough developers nor testers for current supported platforms. It is maybe a project (or former project) of Ryzom Core. That user never shared code, so no android client.

Move to open source for translation files

Tamarea, 22:45
The largest translation files of the ingame text, which were still private, have just switched to open source. So much so that all translations are now in open source! You can find them here:

Return of the old version of NH

Tamarea, 21:54
It is imminent... provided we find a tester on Windows!
Which introduces the last topic: recruitment!


Tamarea, 21:58 UTC:
We are looking for volunteer testers (Windows, Linux, Mac). Indeed, the current lack of testers means that features and patches remain in test for a long time, which delays their application. In particular, we are looking for players who are familiar with OP battles in order to test "OP refactoring". For more information, please contact Moniq or Tamarea. To apply, please contact Tamarea (on or by email to
Currently, future additions and maintenance are blocked for far too long in the test phase due to a lack of testers. Which is a pity! (This is currently the case for NH.) We need testers on all 3 platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac.
We are looking for two types of testers:
  • "Generalist" testers for general tests.
  • "Specialist" testers for precise tests. For example, tests on OPs, or on shooting weapons, or on PvP....

Q: What knowledge is required to be a tester?
A: You should have some knowledge of the game, be patient and expect long and boring work :). Any advanced knowledge in IT is welcome but not necessary. There are not any real requirements, if you have will, you can learn what is needed and how to test. Oh and you should be dutiful and careful.

Q: Which level is required for testing? I start playing three days ago...
A: You can join today, however the testing will spoil your game experience so maybe wait some time and enjoy playing first. It is not about your character levels, the testing is being done on separate testing servers and we have some tools for help. But again, I think it is too soon. Enjoy the game and get familiar with it. You can join any time. We have a great need for testers, but we can wait for you and let you have the pleasure of discovering the game!

Tamarea, 22;03 UTC:
You can contact me on Ryzom's chat or by email at when you feel ready. :)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Some typos in FR text

#136 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (August 19th, 2019)

Date: monday, August 19th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)
  • chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge (


Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • OP refactoring: recruitment of testers
  • Range weapon balancing: recruitment of testers
  • DeepL: give your feedbacks on external sites and social networks!
  • Publications of websites
  • Ryzom wiki (maybe)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tykus (5 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#137 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – August 19th, 2019

Refactoring of the outpost battles : recruitment of testers

Tamarea (RT) – 19:39 UTC
Phase 1 of outpost battles modification project is currently being tested.
We are looking for more testers to join the group, whether as experts of outpost battles or as mere participants.
The tests take place on the test server (logic!), directly with the player account, which then receives a special "beta tester" access and ad hoc equipment.
If you like PvP, come and try it while having fun! To apply, contact Tamarea (by RC direct messaging or e-mailing to

This is followed by an exchange between those in the audience who have already participated in these tests, which confirms the pleasure we take in it and that Tamarea concludes with a “Join us, we need you! And come and protect me from them. Help!”

Range weapon balancing: recruitment of testers

Tamarea (RT) – 19:49 UTC
You are experts in shooting weapons and dream of seeing them finally balanced?
Come and join the group of testers! You can test the different shooting weapons in PvE as well as in classic PvP and/or outpost battles.
You will have access to the test server with your player account as a beta tester.
To apply, contact Tamarea (by RC direct messaging or e-mailing to

DeepL: give your feedbacks on external sites and social networks!

Tamarea (RT) – 19:57 UTC
The integration of the DeepL translator into Ryzom is still being tested. The translation is currently limited to the AROUND channel and is not yet configurable, but as the test is very conclusive, we will soon move on to the next steps, as announced here: 35#135
• Step 2: Development work to enable DeepL to manage the translation between the ingame channels and
• Step 3: Creation of the configuration interface and addition of options in the chat window.
• Step 4: Integration of DeepL on dynamic, universes and region channels.
• Step 5: DeepL integration on guild, team, league and private message channels.
• Step 6: Add exceptions for words and names specific to Atys, such as place names etc.
This integration is of interest and is very closely watched outside Ryzom, both on social networks and on websites.
So, I call on you to help spread the word by publishing, commenting, giving your opinion about this addition on social networks and websites.

This is followed by several positive comments from attendees and a precision from Tamarea: while the translation of the emotes channel (/em) is also planned, DeepL will not allow the automatic production of meeting minutes in five languages!

Publications of websites

Tamarea (RT) – 20:08 UTC
Below are the publications of two websites:
• slator-and-whips-up-a-new-map
• eur-automatique
Do not hesitate to comment and/ore share them!
Your challenge, if you take it up: make more comments and publications about Ryzom than there are beers drunk by the Trykers!
Then don't waste any time! On your fingers, get set, go! Before you start, though, think about sending me a message to apply as a tester! This one is the meeting of challenges ! ;)

Ryzom Wiki

Zorroargh (WT) – 20:24 UTC
I am very happy and honored to see an increase in what is the most important for a wiki: its frequentation.
I note that it is being consulted more and more, thanks to all the volunteers who contribute to it.
I give the floor to Tryroamer, not without asking you to applaud the whole small team, of which Tryroamer himself is a member.

Tryroamer then proposes the use of a particular title (a kind of "university degree" – from Bachelor to PhD) to acknowledge the greater or lesser knowledge of the Lore by the character-players. The idea is that the desire of players so titled to upgrade would be for them a powerful incentive to contribute to the Ryzom Wiki.
On which Namcha points out that the Lore Team (of which he is a member) has already proposed a list of titles intended to recognize the volunteers' involvement in their character (and therefore in the Lore).
Others then ask the question of the exams to be organized to obtain such degrees, of their display in game, etc....
The meeting turns into brainstorming (Moniq
dixit) and ends in a hubbub at 21:09 UTC as Thols and Tryroamer agreed to continue the conversation in private.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago)


#138 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge Meeting (30 september 2019 - 19:30 UTC / 21:30 CEST)

Location: Atys, on the public channel Ryzomforge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags), or on chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge ( )

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.

- Celebrations of Ryzom's 15th anniversary: summary.

- Update on the progress of the projects under test: daily missions, OP refactoring, shooting weapons.

- Coming soon: launch of Season 2 of the Storyline.

Edited 11 times | Last edited by Tykus (5 years ago)

#139 [en] 


Ryzom Forge Meeting (30 september 2019 - 19:30 UTC / 21:30 CEST)

15:30 EDT / 12:30 PDT on a Monday... why are these things never when any non-EU player with a day job can attend?

Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

Last visit Sunday, 9 June 00:13:51 UTC

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