
#1 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 11th of january 2016

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge

1 Communication & Marketing group

2 Lore Group

3 Event Group
3.1 Recruitment is opened!
3.2 Atysmas' mektoub race

4 Translation group
4.1 Recruitment is opened!
4.2 Correction of the ingame text

5 Support group
5.1 New recruits

6 Groupe Dev
6.1 Latest fixes and improvements

7 Groupe Ark
7.1 Player Event of La Firme
7.2 Matis rite 50

8 Level Design group

9 Graphics group

10 Next meeting

Last edited by Tamarea (8 лет назад)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#2 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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1 Communication & Marketing group

1.1 Track record 2015 of Ryzom
2015 year has allowed to install the structures and tools indispensable for the addition of new things in game. This long-term job, often unrewarding and which cannot be seen by the players, has allowed to put in place the foundations which will allow to add in 2016 what we are dreaming of and what we have promised to the community: new content.The details of this track record will be given in the next Ryzom Forge meeting (Monday 18th, January) which will take place on the Atys game server for this occasion. The written track record will then be translated in all of the game languages and published.

1.2 Ryzom roadmap for 2016
Ryzom roadmap for 2016 is currently being written.The main projects for the beginning of the year will be: adding Ryzom on Steam, adding the matis 50 rite in game, and the ranger faction rite.

Last edited by Gaueko (8 лет назад)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#3 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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2 Groupe Lore

2.1 Nouvelle chronologie de 2194 à 2525
Gorias : "Je suis en train d'écrire une nouvelle chronologie, de 2194 à 2525. En fait plusieurs puisque c'est une chronologie par peuple et une par puissance. Ça devrait aider pour la suite."

2.2 Chronologie à partir de 2525
Les contributeurs le désirant sont encouragés à aider à mettre à jour sur le wiki Lore la chronologie à partir de 2525, en y ajoutant notamment les events joués en jeu. L'équipe d'animation n'est pas assez nombreuse pour cela, aussi toute aide sera la bienvenue. Les changements auront bien sûr à être validés (par le logo de validation officielle).

Q : Quand tu dis ajouter les events dans la chronologie, ce n'est pas en faire des chroniques ?
R : L'idée est de reprendre les pages de chronologie, par exemple [i]http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_FyrosNewBeginning[ /i], en l'enrichissant avec les données des events passés et présents. Atys ne s'est pas arrêté de tourner en 2525, mais rien de ce qui a été joué depuis en events n'a été ajouté à la chronologie existante.

Q : Ok, et par exemple, sous la lore en jeu, ça dit que Yrkanis est toujours Roi. Mais en fait, c'est son fils Stevano. Comment change-t-on ces textes ?
R : Le texte en jeu est en cours de correction par l'équipe de traduction. Les mises à jour comme celle-ci seront faites par cette équipe.

Q : Pour la chronologie, tu suggères qu'on propose des histoires à ajouter dans les chronologies pour remplir les trous de l'histoire ?
R : Pas que vous inventiez, mais que vous recherchiez dans les forums officiels, de guilde, etc toutes les informations sur les events officiels joués depuis que le jeu est ouvert (avec leurs dates) et d'intégrer les éléments qui vous semblent important dans la chronologie historique. Les events ont été différents selon les serveurs, aussi l'histoire d'Arispotle ne sera que sur le wiki EN, celle de Leanon, que sur le wiki DE, et celle d'Aniro, que sur le wiki FR. A partir de la fusion, les chronologies seront de nouveau identiques pour tous.
Si écrire seul ou à plusieurs sur un pad vous semble plus pratique, il est possible de travailler dessus, et même de le faire valider avant de l'intégrer au wiki. Par exemple, [i]https://lite6.framapad.org/p/Atys_chronology_fyros_EN[/i]pour la chronologie fyros sur Arispotle puis sur Atys. Ou [i]https://lite6.framapad.org/p/Atys_chronology_matis_FR[/i] pour la chronologie matis sur Aniro puis sur Atys. Etc.

Q : Je pense que le plus souvent on peut partir de rapports RP écris à l'époque.
R : Oui. Parfois, il est possible de récupérer certains sites dans les archives web. Ça serait dommage de perdre la trace de tout ce qui a été joué (officiellement, ou en events joueurs), alors que ça a sa place dans la Lore de Ryzom. C'est un travail que l'équipe d'animation (qui recrute ! ;)) ne peut pas assurer par manque de monde et de temps. Mais une partie des joueurs dispose de trésors de souvenirs dans leurs archives ou celles de leur guilde, et en ajoutant les écrits officiels, logs et reportages, il y a de quoi rattraper le retard de mise à jour de la Lore, tous ensemble.

Q: On peut inclure des noms de guildes dans les Chroniques ? peut-être d'homins ?
R : Oui, s'ils ont laissé une trace.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#4 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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3 Event Group

3.1 Recruitment
The event team is recruiting!
We are in great need of support to let us offer to the players regular events and to prepare and play properly the four big event sequences planned for 2016.
If you're interested, send an e-mail to volunteer@ryzom.com mentionning you're applying for the Event Team. For more details see: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22046/2# 2 

3.2 Mektoub race of the Atysmas event
The rewards for the mektoub race active during Atysmas haven't been sent yet, because we are inquiring about possible cheating. A decision will be made in a few days.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#5 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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4 Translation Group

4.1 Recrutement
Translation team is recruiting!
We're looking for translators / proofreaders to English (3 FR => EN), to German (2), to Spanish (2), to Russian (2) and to French (2).
If you're interested, send a mail to: volunteer@ryzom.com mentionning you're applying for the Translation Team.

4.2 Fix of in game text
It's still ongoing. The more than 2000 pages per language have to be fixed before end of March 2016. Upate like the ones for the current leaders will be part of the fix.

4.3 Game languages
Some players had proposed their help, some time ago, to translate the game interface, or even the whole game, in other languages (such as Polish or Portuguese). It is now something possible. But, if we add other languages in the interface one day, the translations for the same languages won't be done in the official announcement nor during the events.

Q: It is really useful?
A: It is players who're natively speaking the considered language who're proposing it. And of course it's not mandatory, only a possibility.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#6 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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5 Support group

5.1 Recruitment
We've welcome 4 new French CSR in December. Welcome to Amosys, Kanynda, Pipoka and Tykus!
Recruitment of German and French CSR is closed for now. English speaking CSR are still required.
If you're interested, please read this thread: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22047/2# 2


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#7 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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6 Dev Group

6.1 Latest fixes and improvements 
Here is the list of the last fixes and improvements sent by Kervala:
- Complete removal of the Yubo chat.
- Use of optimmised models for the boots when wearing a mage dress.
- Fix of the bug of the red underwears at launch.
- Checking the video memory and using the adequate textures cache.
- Compiling the crash-report, ryzom_configuration_qt and the ryzom_client_patcher for all clients.
- Fixing several textures and generating the textures with the new tools.
- Fixing the dead keys on Linux. 
- Synchronous/Assynchronous launch of an application on all platforms.
- Using whole screan instead of windows mode when launching Ryzom if the screen is already in 1024x768.
- Upading the LZMA/7z code.
- Adding the textures_optimizer tool to detect the textures which can be optimised and optimsing them if needed (useless alpha channel, grey shaded images recorded in colors, etc).
- In the occupations, fixing the bug on the degree icons.

Reminder: the whole list for fixing and improvements can be found there:  https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomcore/commits/all and the simplified one is here: http://ryzom.kervala.net/clients/ryzom_changelog.txt.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#8 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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7 Ark Group

7.1 Player event of La Firme
The player events of La Firme are in alpha tests on Yubo, translations are still to be added.

Zakkk: I sent to the Ark team the first "anomalies" report (doesn't say bug). Some of the events haven't been made and for now our animation week is very... "races" positioned.  We're working to find replacement events or to addapt what we had proposed to what can be done.

7.2 Matis rite 50
Writing it into a Ark script is still on, and the Dev creates the missing Ark modules as we go along

Last edited by Gaueko (8 лет назад)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#9 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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 8 Level Design Group

8.1 Matis rite 50
PtitBill: Creating the matis rite has, as said above, required to create new Ark modules. I hope it will surprise as many players as possible. It has been thought differently from what you're used to see daily on Atys. It's something of a test for me, and i'm waiting to see your reactions for the further steps. Knowing that next 3 rites will be in the same idea.

8.2 Missions and occupations
PtitBill: Regarding the Ryzom Forge Level-Design, the team had some holidays during the end of the year and we'll now dive again very soon in what we started.
I'll give again for the summary in the forum the links to hte pads for the ones who wish to help by proposing missions, occupations, or who have found ideas proposed in the depths of the forums.
We'll restart soon the validation of the proposals for the missions which were waiting forthe advices of the Lore and Level-Design teams. These proposals, except in case of negative recommendation announced which is seldom, arent forgotten but we sometime get stuck on the description given by the author.Please contact me to ptitbill@ryzom.com for any Level-Design topic.

Q: Some players have gotten discouraged about submitting ideas that they believe were ignored such as Virg's ideas and Rahael even Talkirc.
I am wondering about this disconnect or problem and how it may be improved. 
I hear complaints from players like this often. i try to tell them to join Ryzom forge.
A: We don't know of any proposal by Rahael or Talkirc. Virg one, yes.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gaueko (8 лет назад)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


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9 Graphics Group

9.1 Current creations
Some creatons are in progress, but we cannot tell you anymore because it's about the future rites.

9.2 "Blender Exporting" Test
Kaetemi needs as many graphic 3D creations as possible, made mainly (but not only) with Blender to test the new "Blender Exporting" tool.
As a reminder, this tooll, which step 1 is currently being tested, aims at allowing infographists to get rid of 3DSMax (paying software) by exporting directly their graphic productions from Blender or other softwares to Nel, the free engine of Ryzom.
Till the end of the tests, it can be compiled from here: https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomcore/commits/all ). It can also be downloaded through ryzom_tools_static_*.zip on the http://ryzom.kervala.net/clients/ page.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#11 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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10 Next meeting

Next Ryzom Forge meeting will be on Monday, January 18th, at 20h15 UTC / 21h15 CET, on Atys game server. the agenda will be 2015 track record for Ryzom


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#12 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Is the David Cohen Corval interview still coming?


Ryzom LFG

#13 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Is the David Cohen Corval interview still coming?

Hello, it will be published as soon as the translations will be done.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#14 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

awesome, i've been waiting months now to read that interview....


Remickla (atys)
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#15 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

It google translated well enough for me to understand it :)
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