

#76 Report | Quote[en] 

I've seen quite a lot of exchanges about the way to interpret the Lore. Does it want to see homins leave peacefully? Does it mean there should be a perpetual war between factions or some nations?

Here are a few extracts I found on Ballistic Mystix and the old Chronicles of Atys site. I've chosen the extracts so I'm definitively biased. And even like that they can be interpreted with various meanings. But that's also what I wanted to bring out: in my opinion both pacifist and extremist characters have valuable reasons for the way they roleplay from the Lore. Every homin is free to seek for the future (perpetuating/avenging past wars or growing peace) he likes.
(And as far as I'm concerned all this only applies to players who're willing to roleplay, or to characters when IC)

Temple of Jena - pre-merge
The Karavan hope to save the homins who have been fooled by the lies of Ma-Duk. They try to make them see the error of their ways and lead them out of the shadows, so they may return to the light of Jena. But there are some who do not want to be saved, and who do everything they can to drag other homins to their downfall. In such cases, a confrontation is inevitable.


Sanctuary of Ma-Duk - pre-merge
The Karavan homins raise a quandary for the Kamis. These disciples of Ma-Duk would prefer to convert the homins rather than punish them, but they cannot do so by force. Those that have chosen to follow the dark ways of Jena seek to attract other homins into the shadows, and the Kamis will never allow this.


Chronicles of Atys
The Karavan - their goals
* Consolidate and extend their influence over homins
* Oppose the Kamis and prevent the worship of Elias Tryton from spreading


The Kamis - their goals
* Recruit Homins to their cause
* Oppose the Karavan


The Fyros
What are our goals?
* fight against the Karavan to impose a new order around Kami worship
* consolidate and conquer more territory.

Who are our friends?
* Matis: The Matis are our inherent enemy not to be trusted. We do not adhere to the Matis sense of justice which centers around the monarchy and Jena Law. Even in these times of peace we must stand vigil lest they team up against us.


How they see the Matis
The Fyros ceaselessly endeavored to keep the conquering Matis in check in the old lands. And Matis attempts to spread their religion often led to skirmishes, especially when the Fyros began to break away from Karavan influence. The Fyros never could abide the Matis sense of justice centered around the monarchy and Karavan Law. Conflicts with the Matis lasted over 200 years coming to a head when the Matis perfidiously took the city of Karavia during the Fire of Coriolis, and made an attempt to extend their dominions to Tryker lands and so deprive the Fyros of water supplies. The subsequent treaty of Karavia brought with it a time of peace throughout the lands until the terrible kitin onslaughts of 2481.
Despite the present state of peace, various incidents in the recent past such as frontier skirmishes in 2506, or Matis persecution of Fyros in forest lands in 2508, have kept the Fyros thinking that the Matis are still the same dangerous snakes as before.


The Matis
Who are our friends?
Since the Peace Treaty signed at Fairhaven in 2515, we have been at peace with the other homin peoples. But ten years of peace could never erase the scars of past infamy. Indeed our relations vary depending on the civilization.
* Zoraï: The Zoraïs are infidels and their paganism ought to be checked. Even so, it was a Zoraï warrior who saved the present king. With all due respects, many of us resent this 'debt' to the Zoraïs which tarnishes our credibility in the eyes of the Karavan. It is preferable that this does not happen again.
* Fyros: The Fyros are our inherent enemy who, over the past 44 years, have moved closer and closer to the evil Kamis. We mustn't forget that in the past they have succeeded in coaxing the Trykers to side with them against us. But the Fyros now prefer to side with the Zoraïs whose love for the Kami demon they share. However, we must remain vigilant that they don't try to convert the Trykers with their blasphemous talk.


How they see the Fyros
The Fyros are the inherent enemy of the Matis. In the old lands Dyros the Great, the Fyros Emperor, secured a water route from the lake lands to the desert through Matis territory. This 'intrusion' on Matis territory triggered the start of the war of civilizations. The intermittent skirmishes went on for over two hundred years coming to a head with the Fire of Coriolis. A peace treaty signed at Karavia brought with it a period of relative peace despite discord over Fyros placing national interests above Karavan Law.
The skirmishes that were rife during the reign of Jinovitch have given place to relative peace with the Fairhavan Peace Treaty signed in 2515 by the present Matis King, Yrkanis. Nevertheless, the Fyros moving ever closer to the Kamis has given rise to much agitation within the Matis court many of whom call for a firmer stand against Pyr and their policy of Kami proliferation.


#77 Report | Quote[de] 

So, und weil es ja auch deutschsprachige Spieler gibt, die wenig fremdsprachenaffin sind, wollte ich zumindest auch einmal einen Text in dieser Sprache schreiben. Ich verstehe nämlich durchaus, dass es für die französischen Spieler schwer ist, sich durch die anderen Sprachen zu finden. Für uns ist es aber umgekehrt mindestens genauso gruselig - was Google Translate hergibt, ist meistens ein sinn-, zumindest aber ein verständnisschwerer Krampf, so dass man nur hoffen kann, dass die Übersetzung ins Englische weniger verstümmelnd funktioniert. Das Sprachbabel hat uns freilich viele deutsche Rollenspieler gekostet, die keine Fremdsprachen beherrschen oder vielleicht ganz andere Fremdsprachen. Das ist ein Jammer, und es hat uns in manchen Ecken ziemlich ausgeblutet. Dass politische Sitzungen durch die Notwendigkeit des Übersetzens in verschiedene Sprachen zäh bis an die Grenzen des Erträglichen geworden sind und dadurch oft die Spontaneität über den Jordan geht, ist natürlich eine weitere Ursache für Spielerflucht.

What else can I say? Most likely I have less friends left in game than Erminantius, and yet I'm staying because I love the game so much - there's nothing else like it. Like all other players, I was more comfy in my own language, and I'm arrogant enough to say I'm pretty good in its use; I'm far less fluent in English, which is constantly annoying for me, and I don't speak or write French at all, so I feel like slipping and skipping over thin ice all the time now, moving between languages and playing styles, while at the same time trying to stay true to the character I'm playing. Our server histories are no anchor anymore. The only anchor left is the Lore, which has pretty much the potential for conflict, although not the need for open War. But if we are all in for a cuddle party, with "peace" signs als over the place, with sit-ins and sex, drugs, and Rock'n Roll (without sex and drugs because of the age rules), we don't need the lore anymore, or any background story actually, and that would be, indeed, the death of RP on Atys.

P.S.: I appreciate your empathy, Rikutatis. ;)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Salazar (9 years ago) | Reason: Tippfehler


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#78 Report | Quote[en] 

Aaaah, yes, of course: "opposing" the Karavan of course means attacking and slaughtering their followers! Oh, and in 2506 the young Mabreka Cho (while Fung Tun was the Grand Sage at that time) "fought in the ranks of Dexton to fend off Matis attacks in Sawdust Mines." Well, that's hardly what one would call a "war", or is it? But still some manage to base their IC-hatred on this.

That's how it always goes: players who want to personify hateful characters no matter what (mostly merely to have reasons to start/play PvP) will abuse whatever miscroscopic RP-insinuations and blow them up to absurdly overwhelming dimensions while completely ignoring hundreds of exactly opposite big fat RP-reasons that would demand of their characters to act/talk respectfully.

I have to voice this again: a number of players just wants to do whatever they please; and as per nature of humans they will always be able to find - or make up - flimsy excuses as "justifications" for whatever, as long as they're not clearly forbidden to act the way they do. Which is the reason why CoCs exist.

Haters will be haters.


As for "good" or "bad" roleplay we have already experienced it (even if very very rarely): whenever the nation's leaders have called to order, then these hater-characters, even as political representatives who should obey their leaders, would ignore these orders and would not stop insulting those who they chose to "hate" right under the noses of said leaders.

The biggest problem is that the proud battle seasoned leaders of the nations (played by the event-team) do not have the spine to draw any logical consequences like demoting characters who refuse to take orders. Most likely because the event-team OOC doesn't want to scare away players from political RP as there are already only few participants left by now. Instead they keep them in office and let them continue representing their nations...

There goes the roleplay-logic :(

As everyone knows: whenever officials stand idly by then mobbers, bullies, griefers, trolls or the like will feel supported by this passivity and the ones bullied will feel abandoned helplessly because they don't have the power to stop bullies.

It's the same thing in schools whenever teachers will not stop bullying (read Dan Olweus for instance if you want to know more), then this will always be understood by all involved parties as silent acquiescence in favour of the bullies.

Even more so if the "officials" tell the ones who feel griefed to be more "tolerant" towards the griefers and their "roleplaying-traditions", and/or will not react upon grieving-reports and/or will close forum-threads where those who feel griefed/bullied would complain without reacting to their grievances, just like it was to muzzle the victims of bullying/griefing in sake of trying to pretend that there's nothing going wrong.

It's quite possible that this thread will meet this kind of fate sooner or later as well.


So that's why we can talk and complain about it all we want in this forum-thread and others, but as long as "officials" like GMs and EMs will stay passive and keep their distance from their own business, then
* Ryzom-players WILL continue to refuse to resurrect newbies based on their titles, on their character's belief, loyality or even on their race only assuming that they "must" be nation-loyal or Karas/Kamis or whatever
* Ryzom-players WILL go on other insulting and mocking "heretic" characters half-IC-half-OOC
* Ryzom-players WILL continue with threatening Karavan-aligned guilds or single Karavan-followers if they dare to play peacefully alongside Kami-characters/-guilds and vice versa, or will even condemn them for teaming up with neutrals, calling it "bad RP" or even "incorrect RP"
* Ryzom-players WILL NOT stop ganking players in the prime-roots or Nexus for so-called "RP-reasons"
* so by actions like these Ryzom-players WILL continue to scare others away and reduce the Ryzom-community


Sure you can justify pretty much every kind of action as being "correct RP"!

The Lore tells us about mistakes that ALL factions and nations have made in the past at least. Or you can just interpret events as being the fault of any faction/nation if you so like. That of course is enough reason to IC fiercly hate this whole nation or faction - and naturally also citizens or believers who were born long after these events.

Plus your character has fought members of that specific faction or nation (no matter if your own character has started this fight against other players ingame himself/herself or if it's only a background-story of your character in an imaginary past that you have made up yourself), and so this just HAD to incite mortal hatred and a craving for bloody revenge in your character... And ever since you have fought so many more battles with members from said faction/nation that this has naturally only confirmed and hardened your IC-hatred for them.

As far as this kind of logic goes, the only reason you need is one member of a nation or faction doing something IC that your character views as despicable to IC hate their whole faction or nation for the rest of your IC-life.

Am I the only one to find it very understandable that - as per the exact same reasoning - now ALL "roleplayers" in Ryzom are gaining a bad reputation because of the griefing behavior of a few?


Oh, yes: you as humans of course are only playing intolerant characters in roleplay while being likable persons yourself.

You have buddies who can prove that, and everyone (who has won PvP-battles alongside you) you've been playing with had so much fun. Your opponents might have felt griefed or felt that their RP-experiences/events have been ruined? Ah no, no, nobody was ever offended! Not like you had ever noticed anything like that. And even if - who cares? These people have long left the game anyways; you never cared to learn why. Surely not because of you. And besides: they never contacted you and have never tried to understand you and your side of the story.

Because yours is the only side that counts.

You choose to play hateful characters instead of kind ones because... well, it's more fun, and it's not forbidden to play hateful characters, right? OOC you would of course be willing to explain all of your many perfectly logical reasons to the players that you have fought or perhaps angered, if they would only ask you by tell or PM.

(Although everybody who has ever tried this knows very well what opening a personal dialogue with a griefer / troll / bully will amount to: only more griefing and even more painful personal insults. So nobody in their sane minds would want to try their luck by contacting whoever might be a bully ever again...)

No, you don't need to let me in on the exact details of your "good" reasons, thank you.

By the way: until now I have come to learn that the term "Hardcore-RPers" usually applies to players who play very "strict" RP.

Like those who will always use walking-mode if not in battle, will put away their weapons and shields within cities or peaceful areas, will always use "correct" IC-speech according to the way the NPCs are talking, carefully devoid of any kind of RL-phrases, and will never use thought-emotes or anything alike - for example they will purely describe their character's actions and facial expressions without any kinds of hints to interpret their meaning.

Well, you get the picture.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Zhoi (9 years ago)


#79 Report | Quote[en] 

We are lucky you posted that on April Fool's day zhoi, i almost believed you were serious in your post !


#80 Report | Quote[en] 

Zhoi (atys)
Aaaah, yes, of course: "opposing" the Karavan of course means attacking and slaughtering their followers!
If you're answering my post, I never said that. I said it could be interpreted in very various ways, according to what the player want to do.
If you're not answering my post then forget I've written the above line..

Zhoi (atys)
I have to voice this again: a number of players just wants to do whatever they please
You're absolutely right: I want to have fun. That's the reason why I'm playing Ryzom. And that's the reason why I'm roleplaying, and enjoying a lot doing things I'd never do in RL.
Tho I won't do it to the extent of spoiling others fun if I can avoid it (and letting me know I'm spoiling the fun is a good starting point).
I hope that you as a player are also trying to do what you're pleased with.

Salazar (atys)
Our server histories are no anchor anymore. The only anchor left is the Lore, which has pretty much the potential for conflict, although not the need for open War. But if we are all in for a cuddle party, with "peace" signs als over the place, with sit-ins and sex, drugs, and Rock'n Roll (without sex and drugs because of the age rules), we don't need the lore anymore, or any background story actually, and that would be, indeed, the death of RP on Atys.
I agree totally with you Salazar.
Playing a peace-keeper takes a lot of involvement and courage currently with few reward. But I want for the story to move and I've read more books and seen more movies where the story moved because of some conflict than through peaceful daily routine.

#81 Report | Quote[en] 

Anastase (atys)
I agree totally with you Salazar.
Playing a peace-keeper takes a lot of involvement and courage currently with few reward. But I want for the story to move and I've read more books and seen more movies where the story moved because of some conflict than through peaceful daily routine.

I do agree as a rule. As Harry Lime said: "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

In a game, however, you have to take in the chances. If the "enemies" are more or less equal, you can bring the power play to an extreme and go to war. If not, you do have a certain loser, and no-one wants to be a loser - at least not permanently. Most likely from that you will lose players on the side of those who lost, which will lead to even more destabilisation. A game like ours is a very sensible ecosystem in a way, and a situation of conflict affecting all players, roleplayers, casual roleplayers, and non-roleplayers can be murderous for Ryzom. The exodus of players during the Temple Wars had pretty much a traumatising effect no-one wants to repeat - and with good reason.

Also with good reason we all want to keep those on board who doesn't care for the RP at all, but love the game, don't we? So I have no problem resurrecting an "enemy" calling for help in the Universe or Region channels, which are OOC anyway, or with joining in a mixed boss hunt, which I also don't take really seriously (I mean are the bosses always resurrected by Jena or Ma-Duk? Don't we put the Marauder bosses in jail? There would be problems with the logic of their existence anyway, so I see them as "casual RP element" - used only when it fits)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#82 Report | Quote[en] 

And without a bad guy, no heroes.

Ok, ok, a lot of player don't want to become heroes.

But to create a good drama, opposition and difficulties are important. If cute people can't show their valor, story is insipid. Ho, sorry, not always insipid. A love story, without any lover hidden in the wardrobe, with friends and parents who support totally this story, juste easy, no problem, it's so pleasant. A little. One day. No two.
"Melinda, I love you.
-Ho, what a surprise. I don't know anything about you, but I love you too. Do you want marry me ?
-Ho, yes !
-Ok. And now ?"

*see the clock*

"hem... porn ?
-Yes, porn."

I prefer to kidnap the married, play the rejected lover, maybe to be killed at the end (yes, kill me... I like that !). Good people win, wicked are defeated. Or not ; I'm a bad guy who accept defeat, but nobody wants to kill me. My only big defeat in RP is against... me (an another toon) because I'm borried that my friend prefers when wicked win (yes, a band of masochist. Me too).

But, if Zhoi is right, I'm a griefer, because I think adversity create good story. I should be a bad guy, in reality too, because I like epic story. I should have a big trouble, OOC, maybe I am a real psychopath. And I can't make difference between OOC and RP. Thanks, I note that.

Ho my god... so, I must to kill me ? Because one of my toon want to kill one of my other toon... and.... Haaa, and I have a horrible kamist in my toons... how I can resolve my schizophrenia if I can't difference OOC and IC ? I'm scarified, in reality too ? My mirror lie me, so !!!! Must be a kamist mirror...

#83 Report | Quote[en] 

Salazar (atys)
Well, according to that description of extremes I'm supposedly sitting between chairs. I do enjoy a bit of conflict, for without any conflict, without contradiction of opinion all what is left - especially in politics - is a bore; it's like your whole life in RP is forever trapped in an endless circle of small talk - which I even loathe in real life, to be honest.

On the other hand I try to take in that other people might be affected in one way or the other. But at least of the politicians in game I expect both the ability to seperate IG and OOC, and to take in a somewhat rougher handling, so to say - as I expect politicians in RL to deal with animosity and conflict, for one should not stay in the kitchen if one can't stand the heat. So I really don't mind if Binarabi verbally attacks Matis as a rule, or if Rikutatis takes a more subtle method to undermine our standing. Salazar will remember, and most likely will pay back debts if he sees fit. ;)

In both cases I don't see the need to deny help to someone who asks for it. That's more a matter of manners and common sense for me than of politics and conflict.

If a non/light-RP player whose character was of an opposing faction needed help, would you let RP take precedence over keeping Atys friendly to those who see Ryzom as a game rather than an interactive story? Would you be willing to break character to help them, or would you "stick to your guns" at the risk of causing OOC resentment?

One nice thing about being a Tryker is that RP-ing a proper Tryker pretty much requires OOC decency;

Chronicles of Atys
The Trykers
What we value most?

To be a true Tryker, you gotta live by the virtues of freedom, equality and sharing:

Freedom: Consider all homins responsible and free of their acts. Any homin violating the freedom of another will be in breach of the Homin Rights Act, which as it happens, was first drawn up by the Tryker Council.

Equality: Every homin has an equal right to walk the land, to obtain instruction, to harvest the natural resources, to choose their own destiny, as long as they don't encroach on other homin rights.

[p]Sharing: We believe that our force lies in our solidarity and that solidarity is borne from sharing. If we could persuade all Jena's children to be like us Trykers the world would be a safer place!

Note that nowhere in there does it say that we have to be peaceful about it, nor is there any prohibition against conflict.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#84 Report | Quote

oO ... walls of text about roleplay again. So much passion about how to do roleplay. ...

Is there any use to add more words? Maybe words with less passion?
Ryzom is an online game, and online game is leisure time. In leisure time people want to have fun.
Roleplay is cooperative story telling. 'Cooperative' means all people who play together want to have fun.

If people have no fun, people leave. Then no cooperation and no roleplay.
Define fun:
Some people say, roleplay without conflict -> no fun.
Other people say, roleplay with conflict -> no fun.
... problem ...
... solution?
-> People talk about 'how' to play conflict in roleplay.
Define 'how play conflict':
Conflict in storytelling has a start, a climax and a definite end. Best selling story books are with conflicts + happy ending.
Proposal one:
Conflict in roleplay best be consensual.
Proposal two:
Conflict in roleplay best with a start, a climax and a (happy) end.
How to do consensual rp?
Roleplayer one asks roleplayer two out of character (ooc),
if he / she would like to play a conflict story.

Roleplayer one gives a short ooc description [e. g. pn: ooc conflict description]
about start, climax and end of conflict story.
If roleplayer two agrees, both play a roleplay conflict story.

Roleplayer one gets conflict and is happy.
Roleplayer two gets happy end and is happy too.

Fellow players enjoy a cooperative roleplay story with start, climax and end - and are happy too.

'Conflict' can be a lot of things.

Kitins are conflict. Carnivores are conflict.
Cold winter / hot summer can be conflict. No water / flood can be conflict. Disease can be conflict.
No food, no tools, no clothes, no houses, no mektoubs ... missing things ... can be conflict ...
Peeing yubos can be conflict.

#85 Report | Quote[en] 

Gidget (atys)
If a non/light-RP player whose character was of an opposing faction needed help, would you let RP take precedence over keeping Atys friendly to those who see Ryzom as a game rather than an interactive story? Would you be willing to break character to help them, or would you "stick to your guns" at the risk of causing OOC resentment?

I think I already answered that, didn't I? See here:
Salazar (atys)
Also with good reason we all want to keep those on board who doesn't care for the RP at all, but love the game, don't we? So I have no problem resurrecting an "enemy" calling for help in the Universe or Region channels, which are OOC anyway, or with joining in a mixed boss hunt, which I also don't take really seriously (...)

As for OOC resentment: You will never please everybody. As we have read, you can receive as much OOC resentment by "breaking character" as by "sticking to your guns", if for very different reasons. I, personally, don't mind OOC resentments. People are free to love or hate me, as they please. What I actually do mind is if it colors their play - if it "bleeds" into the behaviour of their characters in game towards my character without any rational IG reason.

Gidget (atys)
One nice thing about being a Tryker is that RP-ing a proper Tryker pretty much requires OOC decency (...)

That depends on the quality of the player, I think, and on the question if a character in a game is neccessarily a mirror of the player who pulls the strings. I doubt the need (and indeed the truth) of this.

Apart from that, I'd like to remind you that the "Autumn War" and what followed was provoked by the Trykers breaking the international treaty ;):
2497: Trykers breach Edict of Four Peoples and sign a preferential trade agreement with Fyros, depriving Matis peoples of water supplies. Trykers refuse to renew lease of Lagoons of Loria.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#86 Report | Quote[en] 

Salazar (atys)
I think I already answered that, didn't I? See here:
Salazar (atys)
Also with good reason we all want to keep those on board who doesn't care for the RP at all, but love the game, don't we? So I have no problem resurrecting an "enemy" calling for help in the Universe or Region channels, which are OOC anyway, or with joining in a mixed boss hunt, which I also don't take really seriously (...)

I already knew your answer. I asked more as a rhetorical question for the sake of illustration/clarification.
2497: Trykers breach Edict of Four Peoples and sign a preferential trade agreement with Fyros, depriving Matis peoples of water supplies. Trykers refuse to renew lease of Lagoons of Loria.

Just as in reality, not all citizens agree with all actions of their government. Then again, the history between the Tryker and Matis nations have historically been rather strained to begin with, what with the expansionist Matis thinking they own us despite a few new treaties in the intervening IG decades.

The lore I've seen shows that the Trykers didn't break the treaty, we merely went against the will of those who thought they were our masters and it was the Matis that revoked the Edict of the Four People in 2499. As for depriving the Matis of water resources, I feel it understandable to deny resources to those who are engaging in an expansionist military campaign at your expense.

In 2501, a new treaty was signed that made Loria neutral territory, though the scheming Jinovitch decided to pick a fight with our trading partners, the Fyros. Following Jinovitch's well-deserved death and the ascension of a nobler Matis leader, we've had a new Free Trade Agreement, as well as a Homin Rights Act, so relations between Matis and Tryker have much improved.

Still, it's recent enough history that there is still some friction between us little freedom-lovers and our tree-hugging neighbors to the North. Some wounds take time to heal.


Nuzanshi - I don't feel like quoting your whole wall-o-text, but you do raise some valid/interesting points. Personally, I think that all toons should have a tag showing where they are on the scale of "just a game" to "Lore is my life!" to make it easier. I mean, asking questions gets tedious after a while, so why not just wear a "badge" instead?

As for the peeing Yubos, I personally think that the entire reason Yubos exist is to redistribute the water of Atys. Why we need them when we have clouds that can drop rain is beyond me, but at least they make more sense (to me) than Bolobis.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#87 Report | Quote[en] 

an occ tag would be awesome, it's like a big sign that says "roleplay isn't an excuse to attack me because i don't roleplay" only thing is that it's still going to require that someone ensure that a player with this tag on is protected properly, meaning that if someone attacks someone because of RP and the person attacked has on this tag that the attacker will be punished. so it's still going to require policing properly.

but i like the basic idea, at least it would help to cut down on the RP excuses to do things.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#88 Report | Quote[en] 

@Talk I think if you are ooc, or have a problem with being attacked for any reason you just don't tag, right?

My only reason to refer to lore earlier was to point out that there is no commandment to be a complete jerk. Yes, there is conflict on Atys, it adds interest to our lives, but if you choose to be so extreme, then people do not want anything to do with you and that does not add to the roleplay.

Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

#89 Report | Quote[en] 

Placio (atys)
@Talk I think if you are ooc, or have a problem with being attacked for any reason you just don't tag, right?

Not all attacks involve loss of HP though; words can be weapons too.

I have no problems with someone coming up to me in PR and hitting me with an axe without saying a word. After all, being in PR for more than 2 minutes is considered "implied consent" for that sort of thing.

I do have a problem when I am told I am playing Ryzom wrong because I help a Kami-cuddler train or rez a Marauder. I actually consider that more of an attack than being smacked upside of the head with a 2H Mace, and I can be "hit" that way regardless of whether I am PvP tagged or not. (And I'm generally not after having a friendly 3v3 between lowbies turn into target practice for a pair of multi-master griefers that were >100 levels higher than any of us were at the time, but that's a separate issue.)

Last edited by Gidget (9 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#90 Report | Quote[en] 

Gidget (atys)
Not all attacks involve loss of HP though; words can be weapons too.
Point taken.
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