
#1 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Melee fighting TOURNAMENT


Proposed by the Kingdom of the Verdant Hights

According to a practice from Hamazans.

Place and date

The tournament takes place at FLEETING GARDEN, on a site composed with aerial roots

On Prima, Pluvia 7, 1st AC 2581 (december the 14th at 20h UTC, 21h Paris time)


Two teams with 3 to 6 members fight each other, but as successives duels. Each time a fighter falls, he is immediatly replaced by a fellow of his team. There is no healing between two duels.

You have to hold on the longer as you can in front of fighters who come one by one.

To begin, the first fighters are choosen randomly, Then, each team decides who to send.

Scoring system

The fight between two teams is called a "match", composed by "duels".

  • one defeated in duel = 2pt.
  • but if a fighter chain up by himself several opponents, each times the gained points are doubled. 2nd defeated= 4pt, 3rd = 8pt ...
  • The team which finish the match own 1pt bonus.

The teams will have the same number of matchs to perform.

The two teams that will have cumulated the most points during their match will access to the final.


Allowed :
  • Self healing
  • magic enchant with offensive elemental, any afflictions
  • all melee weapon except from outpost
  • all armors except marauder's
  • rubbarn or armillo boosted equipment
  • pvp shields or skirt
  • berserk
  • flowers
  • moving within the fighting zone
  • switch weapons, within the list of autorized ones

Forbidden :
  • All auras(melee, magic, électric, life, stamina...)
  • invulnerability
  • eggs
  • outpost weapons
  • marauder armor
  • ranged weapons
  • magic amplifier
  • receiving external assistance during your fight

The flow

(Paris' time)
20h30 => 21h00 : welcoming the teams
21h00 => 21h10 : drawing of teams for the order of the fights
21h15 => 22h45 : all the fights (20 maximum)
23h00 : the final fight

  • Team leader register their teams at the welcoming desk
  • You have to provide the name of your team and the number of members
  • the team is then invited in a league, which is forbidden to leave
  • all the members have to activate their pvp tag

The flow of a match

  • the fights occurs on the central footbridge
  • there are a main referee, and two assistants
  • the main referee calls for the two teams going to fight to stand on each side of the footbridge
  • each team has to invite one assistant referee
  • the teams quit the league
  • assitant referee makes a draw to choose the first fighter among the team he takes care of
  • the two choosen are invited at the center of the footbridge
  • the referee gives the start of the match
  • duels go on, other members don't have to wait for a sign to replace their partners.
  • but don't go too early ! only when your partner bites the dust.
  • the match is over when all fighters of a team are on the ground
  • referees lift up the figthers
  • teams recover the league, and let the place for the next ones.


There are 3 referees with two tagged, invited within fighting teams

The main referee may ask to stop the fight anytime by putting himself between opponents

Different kind of punishment are planned in case you don't respect the rules
  • Rehealing : a fighting fault (forbidden weapon, eggs, aura) is punished by the complet rehealing of your current opponent. the fight goes on just after
  • Penalty : In case of repeated fault, deliberated, the referee may cancel 1 to 5 pt of your team
  • Disqualification : serious misconduct. All the point cumulated on a disqualified team are canceled.

following scores

A information panel, updated after each match, will make you able to see the scores and the cumulated points of each team.


Do not wait ! Register your team by replying after this post
tournament openned to : Vassals, Citizens, Initiates, Patriots, Neutral of civilisation

4 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Zendae (vor 10 Jahren)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#2 [en] 

hi, you mention "no marauder armour", does this include the mara skirt?
i would presume skirts and/or shields would be allowed.

[ooc: Osquallo, i was replying in character.. i have removed 'pvp' as that could possibly be deemed an ooc game term.[/ooc]

7 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Marceline (vor 10 Jahren) | Grund: spelling


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
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#3 Mehrsprachig 

Placio reads the flier and many grafitti scribbled below it and says out loud to the neighboring homins:

"Excuse me, this is going to sound rude, but i think people should learn to read. The civ requirements are clearly stated:"

Placio points to the last line of the flier
Zendae (atys)
tournament openned to : Vassals, Citizens, Initiates, Neutral of civilisation

Placio remembers that:

Vassals= Matis aligned
Citizens= Tryker aligned
Initiates= Zorai aligned

and says to a curious homin:

"The only groups that are prohibited seem to be Fyros Patriots and Marauders, which is understandable since they are enemies of the Kingdom..."

Zuletzt geändert von Placio (vor 10 Jahren) | Grund: I'm still learning to RP, gimme a break :P

#4 [en] 

That's not how I read that statement at all, obviously. It looked to me like an appositive phrase for the first three and then a tag-on for neutrals, especially given the usual sloppiness with respect to the use of the word "citizen." Your reading makes sense as well, Placio, so we will await clarification as to what Zendae intended.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 [en] 

It's shame all those occ comment but we clearly need to clarify things.

All civ are allowed to enter the tournament excepts fyros patriot for some rp reason that involve some of their people.
And it's not the choice of zendae at all, it's a matis "government" decision.
And we had never say that those type of tournemant will never go back after outside the kingdom.
(for information in french the civ title are "sujet matis, citoyen tryker, initié zorai")

And no mara armor at all.

Now if you can stop being full OOC here it would be nice thanks, it's a roleplay section.

5 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Osquallo (vor 10 Jahren)


Les rêveries du yubo flaneur
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#6 [en] 

Some posts have been moved to this new topic, please do not have OOC discussions in an RP thread.

Discussion of the RP event "Melee fighting TOURNAMENT"

Edited the link, thank you Binarabi for pointing this out! 

Zuletzt geändert von Tiximei (vor 10 Jahren)


Senior Game Master
Ryzom Support Team

#7 [en] 

Please take discussions to the new thread (see above post)!

I thought Talkirc's post would be a good start of the thread and I hope you all will respect the decision to split the thread in posts concerning information on the event IC and in one thread for the discussion of it OOC. [/OOC]

4 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Tiximei (vor 10 Jahren)


Senior Game Master
Ryzom Support Team

#8 [en] 

Content deleted

3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Tiximei (vor 10 Jahren)


Remickla (atys)
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#9 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | [English]
oren pyr Serae Zendae,
I have been truely sorry when i learned we couldn't come smash a few matis head at your tournament ; but i would have probably have done the same thing (pure provocation, of course). The tournament idea is pretty nice (which doesn't surprise me as you are often seen in the Desert), but the weapon question is blurry to me : is the authorized weapon list the same for every match (and known before), or can it change every time ?

i wish good luck to every attendant, and attach a flower bucket that a vassal kindly gave to me (he won't need it where he is now, anyway).
akenak Fyros and proud Matis Killer.


#10 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Zendae looked with a half smile at the flowers bouquet tinted with coagulated blood joined with the letter.

She red the letter and wonder why he had questions about the tournament while he could not attend.
But she decided to reply, in case things would change on the last minute.
oren pyr the Kterhos

It's simple, each fighter may change his weapon at any time, as far as the new weapon still in the authorized ones.

About other things, it's going to be cold in forest at the tournament time. Bring some sawdust with you to sit, in case you come to see.

Zendae the Hamazan


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !


[OOC]Topic moved / Sujet déplacé. [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


Tiximei (atys)
Some posts have been moved to this new topic, please do not have OOC discussions in an RP thread.

Discussion of the RP event "Melee fighting TOURNAMENT"

This link does not work Tixi :)

This one does tho


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#13 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
The last preparations for the tournament were going well, and returns Zendae get about the concept itself were good.
However their was also teeth grinding. From strangers and other warmongers —this was not surprising— but also internal, in the Kingdom.
So that Zendae ends up summoned by the counsellor of the Karan, to talk about the situation.
It was admited that the tournament in its format had potential, and thus, it should be a opportunity for the Kingdom to shine.
To be sure it will be, one needed more time, and make all the cities of the Kingdom adhere to the project.

The tournament was then reported to Tria, Floris 27, 3rd AC 2581*

*Sunday january the 11th at 8pm UTC


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#14 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
As the new date of the tournament was comming, Zendae putted again some posters in Atys' capitals, including on walls of Pyr.

The next summer in Fleeting garden

will be a new tournament of :

✩chain-duels per team.✩

Come attending or just watching.

Interested fighters are requested to let them known by informing
♠Zendae the Hamazan♠

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Zendae (vor 10 Jahren)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#15 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English

registering to the tournament

- registrations will be openned at 20H30 CET, 19H30 UTC
- teams can have from 3 to 6 members. Be aware that a small team may nevertheless cumulate a lot of points.
- to register, you have to provide :
  • the name of the team, from your choice ;
  • the name of the leader ;
  • the represented country (Empire, Federation, Kingdom, Theocraty, ..) certifing by showing a title that you belong to this country ;
  • the number of figthers.
- isolated people willing to participate may already let them known, we'll help to find a team or set up one on site, to the extend possible.

Zuletzt geändert von Zendae (vor 10 Jahren)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !
Last visit Samstag 21 September 00:22:34 UTC

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