
#25 [en] 

chapter 20

this is the following order we found most logical for the scrolls:
"we have traveled a long distance from the lands above. what we are seeking is freedom and safety for all to enjoy. with these new beginnings we hope we have found a land to prosper and grow. it's our hope that we can live without need of fear and worry. now that we are here we will never abandon these lands that we have come to settle. the creatures in the lands we leave behind were getting far too dangerous for us to live and be safe in. our foolish idea to limit the skills of a single homin in our home land was our undoing and one we will not repeat. the one thing we will ensure is that all homins can pursue all skills they want. it's our hope that in these new lands we have found we will grow and learn from our mistakes. perhaps when there are enough homins in these new lands we can return to our old lands."
this would seam to be a history of some kind.
why have the powers that be been so afraid of us learning this amazing historical text? is there something about these that they didn't want us to know? is there more of this history that they know but don't want us to know? were there more scrolls at one time that have not been found? their reactions throughout our work would suggest that any of these questions could be very true.
our group does intend to learn more in the future about what these scrolls tell us. we hope that all our work will inspire more homins to search for things like the scrolls we've already decoded. it's our hope that perhaps more scrolls will turn up, or other stories that have long be considered wild tales will be shared now in light of what we have found.
it's our plan to continue working on finding more answers in the future based on what we have now found with this work complete. as always any homins that desire to join our group and it's effort are welcome to. we want to let all homins on atys know that all are welcome in the group as long as they hold true to one single idea: that we are working for the better of all homin life on atys, and not any one single group. please leave politics, religion, or the lack of either outside, our group is about equal progress.
thank you all for the support thus far, and we hope to find your continued support in our future endeavors. those endeavors may come sooner then most would think. the group is already talking about what actions should be taken based on what we've learned. you can be assured that no matter what choices are made we'll keep you up to date atys.

final chapter of those against the scorlls


Remickla (atys)
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#26 [en] 

as you might now my brother talkirc i've studied a great deal about this los fragments of atys history in search for those truths behind the lies of the higher powers, and there seem to be some old rumours abour homins who got lost and never seen again. though my own research have shown no proof supporting or denying such claims. this scrolls seem to be linked to those rumours and ill be glad to help the endeavours to decipher them as the ones writing them seem to be able to live without the need of either karavans or kamis.

in hopes of freedom

Free Homin of atys

#27 [en] 


at this point these two stories are now complete, but fear not my friends because the over all stories of the upper branches is only started, there's much more to come, the next chapters of the greater story will come out as each chapter of these two have, every week there will be a chapter posted. i still await any offical kind of response from the dev's about the upper branches ideas, and what or if anything will be considered. the time it's taken to post all of this story has been provided to give the dev's time to work, but with lack of contact of any sort, it's quite possible that i've wasted much time with this , both in the planing and the time to slowly trickle out the the stories a chapter at a time. i expect that still another few months are needed to tell the whole story, and what's been wrote here is but the first installment of what's a much longer and larger over-all story.

basically, don't be in a hurry to forget what you've read here, in just a few days you'll be seeing yet another part of the upper branches stories, as this is only the start (remember it's close to 20k words worth of stories, and this was but half of that)



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#28 [en] 

100% OOC post of course, but i didn't know where to post that so sorry to pollute the thread with that :)

Frankly, I didn't have a lot of things to do, so i decided to read your story ...
A little thing about the content : even if Icus doesn't agree to what you say, as long as it's only your personal saying, well you can do it. And you already adressed the issues with your theory if "those against", even if in this case the style is really, really strange (seriously, a text written by "the government and wise homin" together ? Like it's some sort of conspiracy and they meet each other to speak about some drunken Zorai theory ?)

So, for the style now. First of all, use your caps key, please. There is literally no phrase who begins by a capital in your text. Not a single one, and it's a pain in the ass to read :X
Second, there is a lot of typos and/or mistakes in your text ... I have wrote down only some of them, because I found them funny.

First of all, in almost every chapter, you can find that :
it seams that only a small number of homins
I never knew the scrolls were secretly sponsorized by the Seamstresses' Guild !

Chapter 1 :
(ooc) these are the stories, this is part of a large project you make have read about, it's my hope that it'll go somewhere. (ooc)
This is the first line, of the first post, and there is already a kinda-huge mistake (make should be may). Definitively not serious ...
chapter 5
the kami, karavan, tryker, zorai, fryos, matis, marauders, rangers, tyrtinists
I wonder what does tyrtinists looks like ... Are they Followers of the Great Tyrtin ?
chapter 7
the wise men
Are you sure it ain't homin ?
we feel that the reason that the wise homins and those in the highest of power view the scrolls as worthless has a reason
So, reason has a reason ? Wonderful !
Chapter 11
we have found that some scrolls are only one word of text, weather this
Dunno, it's pretty rainy here at the moment

Anyway, finding the text bad or good is more or less subjective, so i won't go further into this. But for the love of good, please read over your text before publishing them.


#29 [fr] 

@ Icus
En effet, tu n'as pas grand chose à faire Oo
Un petit mail ou un tell, ça n'aurait pas été plus mal.

Last edited by Nerwane (10 лет назад)

#30 [en] 

Deleted due to offensive content

Last edited by Tiximei (10 лет назад)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#31 [en] 

(( I can't figure if that "your" is an honest mistake or intentional :D ))


#32 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Deleted due to offensive content

Well this is completely ridiculous. One of the reasons for removing my post was I was told it wasn't RP. So I expect Icus' post to be removed as well as it doesn't contain RP? No of course not. GMs start growing up, stop acting childish and get rid of your complete bias towards favoring some players.

Also Icus your post is completely riddled with grammar mistakes so stop being so completely hypocritical and if you are going to point out people's grammar mistakes in the future- at least have the sense to make sure your post doesn't have any. Idiot.

EDIT 1: Just to say the phrase "grammer nazi" is a commonly used phrase even used in the telegraph- a newspaper reaching millions. Why my post was removed I have no idea.

EDIT 2: My comment about GMs growing up and stop having bias towards some players is not attributed to this post- but instead to the treatment my friends and I have received over the last 4 years.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Virg (10 лет назад)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#33 [en] 

Icus (atys)
... There is literally no phrase who begins by a capital in your text. Not a single one, and it's a pain in the ass to read :X
Second, there is a lot of typos and/or mistakes in your text ... I have wrote down only some of them, because I found them funny....

There is literally no phrase WHICH begins by a capital .... I have WRITTEN down only some of them ...

Quite honestly, Icus ... that/you is/are pathetic!

Nuff said ...

Seralee :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#34 [en] 



marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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