
#1 [en] 

the upper branches project
idea: create new content for ryzom
include every aspect of the game that is already in place to make this a simpler task. some of these would have to be added at the launch of the new content to allow for it to be used however some of the following could be added little by little to promote the long-term addition of content, but with a set limit in time as to how long before all additions would be in place, say no longer then 4 real life years. (i know that's a long time to trickle content in, but let's keep in mind the limits of income for ryzom, though perhaps this would be a good project to allow the ryzom core more influence on adding content to the game, thus off-loading the workload from the company, perhaps letting ryzom core do the coding and programing, and having the dev's do the alpha testing, and the active player base do the beta testing live on the server (the player base could also do the alpha testing, long time players are very used to bug's and problems, and we're still here playing because we love the game), players can file tickets when they find bugs, and more tickets related to the same bug would show the severity of the issues.

the idea is to use the old starter islands, they's running on the server now, as you read this post, or play the game, they're always running, unused by the player base. (though rumors are that the csr's like to visit them from time to time with their magic teleport commands.) that's a potential source of content being wasted right now. this idea is to take advantage of that wasted content and put it to good use. because of the high number of higher level players in the game this new region would be level 150 to 250, and mixed through out, as each of the 4 lands would all be a single region. this would increase the difficulty of the region and allow for interesting variations. for example let's say that the mob herds (or groups, if you prefer) would change not only locations with the seasons, but also the levels of the mobs. to explain better see another topic called mob movements and levels of the upper branches (you'll find links below for all the sections of the greater idea).

the upper branches would be empty of homin life to start with (other then bandits, explained in the cities section). only the "great explorers" (see teleportation to and from "great explorers") will be there at the launch, with of course wildlife that is found everywhere in the surface atys ecosystem would be there (see mob movements and levels). the fact that there is no homin life (other then bandits, again see cities section) would promote the reason for only finding higher level mobs in these "new" lands. over time homins could "come out from hiding" (see cities section again), these homins would become the mission giving npc's described in other links related to the over-all upper branches project.

this single thread is for a basic discussion of the "upper branches" idea over-all, and the sub points to the idea each will have threads, which will all be linked here. this will allow the player base to discuss each major point of the whole idea, as well as allow the dev's to offer their ideas and input (hopefully) on each of the various points along with this main idea. the goal of the over-all project is to create new content for ryzom, which could bring back players we have lost in the past, as well as keep current players that are starting to feel there is too much stagnation playing. I also believe that this will give everyone playing the feeling that ryzom is still a game with a strong future. other games have much larger player bases and they regularly have expansions, ryzom lacks the income for large numbers of expansions, but after 9+ years it's time for one. this is the goal of the upper branches, to produce that "expansion".

here is the "outline", i would like everyone (players, csr's, translators, writers, dev's, and anyone else from WG or working on any aspect of ryzom) to keep in mind that these are not all expected at one time, but as stated previously in this post over time, and by ryzom's 15th birthday most if not all of these ideas would be in place on the active server. please keep in mind that ALL of these are exclusive to the "upper branches" lands (to exclude "great explorer" npc's). each of the links below these points is the link to the individual threads i have created related to the over-all project, so that each single idea of the greater whole can be discussed and considered. it is also my hope that this will give the developers (and with luck the ryzom core with new found usefulness and more input into the actual game) a chance to look over each of these ideas and choose the best path for them to implement each of them. there are a few of them that would be required at launch to follow the overall stories that i've wrote, (this work is now over 29,000 words, with the stories i've written to explain and support this project of course {that's the bulk of the words, go figure, lolx}) the teleportation section, mob movements and levels, and cities would be required at launch, the other ideas could be added in the given time frame of 5 years.

-mob movements and levels (at least partially required at launch)

-teleportation to and from "great explorers" (required at launch)

-cities (required at launch)

-welcomer missions and rewards (optional)

-rites (optional)

-occupations (optional)

-new mission npc's (required at some point)

-new mat's and mob's (partionally optional and required {required parts based on roleplay stories})

-pilgrimage (required {npc's that would choose to move to the new lands})

-future events, bandit invasions (partionally optional and required {required parts based on roleplay stories})

there will also be several role-play stories that i've already written and completed prior to this being posted. those will be released over time to give this project an over-all feel and a background story as to why and how these new lands came to be found. there will be links to those placed here as well, for those that are truly interested in the complete work that i did for this project. all role-play stories are wrote in simple terms. there is a poll on ever thread related to the ideas of the project, which will allow everyone a chance to vote for the ideas. for anyone official that wants to contact me about the whole story because they're really going to try and make this idea (in at least it's basic form) really happen, i'll share the completed works with them, note that you will be required to contact me with OFFICAL toons. (note that any official contact will be kept with the up-most confidence and secrecy, this is one thing i'd not want to spoil for ANYONE, since it would be NEW)

seven is the number of stories up to 20+ chapters long. some will run with other stories at the same time, others, will be single chapter works. they all work toward a greater story.

i had input from many other players about this project. while the project over-all was my own doing, i would like to give them credit for offering input and their thoughts when i first started this. those homins are (in no special order): eruv, bones, lamda, mainpixels, ikarra, ishamal, rosina, seralee, nuno, corwin, astarth, suboxide, divinesoul, marceline, cyndalia, alassea, lilz, luciel, virg, emilie to name just a few of the players that i give credit to for helping me build and grow this idea of mine, you could simply say that all the "cookies" helped me to work these ideas out, as well as many other homins on atys. (please forgive me if i didn't directly name anyone that may have helped me with my ideas, there's a good chance that if you talk to me much at all, that you have had some influence on this.)

one last thing i would like to ask anyone willing to help with this could be requested of anyone that is willing to translate this into any of the following languages: french, German, or spanish. these are the main forum languages, i would be happy to have other languages if someone is willing, to prevent any spoiler only the current chapter of any part of the stories will be released for translation. if the official translation members wish to help, i request they have a official contact me for the full story, i will then post the translated story chapters as quickly as i can with the english story posts, each post would be in it's respective language forum. (if there is a official story translation i would be happy to allow an official to post the story chapters in all languages, meaning that i would be willing to work with the officials on release dates and times.)

Edité 10 fois | Dernière édition par Talkirc (il y a 10 ans). | Raison: added the links to the other ideas


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

there are some things to keep in mind about the upper branches as a whole. one of the things to keep in mind about the upper branches is that there is NO FAME involved with them in any way. part of the idea of the upper branches is that they are a free lands where many of the commonly found and argued about things on the surface that homins have to deal with do not have a place on the upper branches. the upper branches are a government free and religious free zone. as you will see in my role-play stories all homins are on equal ground in relation to the upper branches, government, religion, or the lack of have no ruling place in these new lands.
i have no doubt that many players reading this post will disagree with that point, and the supporting parts of it. we have the surface zones and PR to have fight's over and between various groups based on factions and/or religions. the upper branches will be a place of equality and new found freedoms from the normal ways of atys. i can't really go too into it because i've wrote all of my role play stories already prior to posting this or any other part of this idea. it's my hope that there will be enough support from everyone that the dev's will see the desire of the server for this to be made real and go beyond the ideas forums.

one thing i want to make very clear is that anyone or any group i speak of in my stories is NPC's that do not exist, i did not have the ability or the desire to enlist the player elected government members to partake in my writings. (however they may feel free to contact me if they have a desire to offer working with my project, keeping in mind my project is already complete and the work is done prior to posting any of this as i've said previously.)

a final note about my stories i've written, they are intended to give the dev's time to make this over-all idea a reality, if the idea to open the old starter islands is approved and i'm given an estimated time frame, it would greatly help me in knowing how long to draw out my role-play stories. (meaning i would have an idea of how much time i should make the stories progression last.) as much as they hate to release to anyone a time table, it would help me to know a rough time table. (i would keep that information classified much like my stories will be. {some secrets are needed})
the first of these stories will follow this post within 2 real life weeks, give or take a few days, in order to give the dev's or anyone else official a chance to contact me, after that point i will proceed without their response. (i honestly don't expect any contact, getting any reply from official sources is beyond rare however i will keep hope that i am proven wrong; saddly even if i do get the reply, the player base will not be allowed to know due to my oath to keep everything official in confidence and secret.)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#3 [en] 

I have two concerns:

1) the way you posted this idea as many entries seems slightly abusive, there is already your first Upper Branches post, and adding multiple additional post seems to be an attention-getting tactic.

2) you have already planned out everything to your liking, which would be fine if we still had the Ring and you could make a scenario for you and your friends, but it doesnt leave much room for other players to contribute to the idea...

#4 [en] 

The entire point of this 'project' if you will is to pull Atys out of its 10 year stagnation, it leaves the door wide open for any player to add whatever they wish or whatever thoughts they have like you, However you need to read the full thing and understand fully like i already told you in Uni as 'you are the confused one' not i. (:


"We won our freedom and will not fold to any homin laws of the New Lands. The only law we recognize is ours." ---Hail Melkiar the Black Varinx---

#5 [en] 

Talirc, I commend you on comming out with Ideas to add spark to Atys, and new content, stories, etc. But I have a problem understanding anything you said! You spend tons of words that dont make sense, so how can anyone translate, let alone be interested in reading so many words?
All i understand is you want to use the upper roots for a neutral place?
Please be more brief and to the point in your posts, including 'all' of your posts! You have so many of them! I think the fatigue of reading your posts hurt your cause. :(
But we love you still! Keep up the good ideas!

#6 [en] 

thanks naema, but i don't want any holes in my ideas for anyone to really pick at, i needed to be as clear as a child television show so that it was simple and clear for those that could do it, might do it. this is the master idea, new region, government and religion free, a place for high level players to find a place to have fun again, a hope that it will bring back many of those that are gone. i'm just looking for progress.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#7 [en] 

the first chapter of the first story has now been posted, below is the link to that post. (don't worry, compared to this it's very short, lolx)

first role play story for upper branches.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#8 [en] 

story 1.1, which goes along with story 1 is now also posted. it will do little good to read story 1.1 without reading story 1 along with it.

those against the scrolls, pt1.1 of UPPER BRANCHES

i hope you enjoy my stories, a new chapter every week (7 days)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#9 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
thanks naema, but i don't want any holes in my ideas for anyone to really pick at, i needed to be as clear as a child television show so that it was simple and clear for those that could do it, might do it. this is the master idea, new region, government and religion free, a place for high level players to find a place to have fun again, a hope that it will bring back many of those that are gone. i'm just looking for progress.

LOL! Any idea can be picked at, no matter how "complete". It is never possible to construct a complete and consistent rule-set. This can be mathematically proven.

It would help your presentation a good deal if you would find someone with a good knowledge of the English language to copy-edit your posts. I find the longer ones almost painful to read, despite the density of ideas, simply because of poor English usage and word choice.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 [en] 

if i thought someone would really be willing to take on that mission i would be happy to do it, and i thought i would bump this idea again, as this is the main outline, all the other supporting idea's are linked to this one, so you can read them at your leisure.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#11 [en] 

with the new forums there's a "translate" button that will use google to translate, at lest that will open the door, i've already read through several threads using that button for every post, it's a little slower reading, but at least i can get an idea of what someone was saying, and maybe even offer my 2 dappers now, since they can do the same.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#12 [en] 

the first two stories are now complete and here is the link to the first interlude story:

interlude story 1

if you've not read the first two stories in order, look for the upper branches story pt 1.



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#13 [en] 

the next stories are now in progess on the role play forums; again they run together in a set order. (the first story has the links in the proper places to read the counter story chapters in proper order.) below are links to both stories, the first story linked being the one to start on, and the second simply here to show it's title and allow access directly (though it wouldn't make sense without reading the other stories)

the great explorers chapter one

those against the great explorers chapter one


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#14 [en] 

the RP stories are getting close to being completely released (before the first chapter was posted i had wrote them out in total in several txt files. this rough outline is still very much alive in my mind, and there seams to be a following of the stories themselves, is there any chance that any of this will come to pass?

i've made a few attempts at some of the things through the ryzom forge already. it's an attempt by me to at least try to test the possibility of the over all ideas and concepts, thus far my attempts seam to show that indeed it CAN be done, but the question remains as to if it will happen. i already spent a large amount of time creating the ideas and stories, and have started to work on and learn the process of making it happen, but quite honestly i'd like to know if my efforts could potentially lead any where of if i'm simply wasting my time trying to make it real.

there is NO way that I alone can do it via ryzom forge, so anyone that's willing and would like to try to help with ANY part of the project is welcome to contact me about it. however i wouldn't want to waste anyone else's time anymore then i want to waste my own. that being said it would be nice to quietly and under a N.D.A (non-disclosure agreement) know that if the work is done, tested on the yubo, translated into the other main languages of the game, ect that it would not be for nothing in the end.

the forge is a great way to work on new things, but if a massive project like the one i'm trying to work on is completed and then is rejected, what reward do those that put in effort and time get?

keep in mind that I (or we if anyone wants to help) am not asking for anything in return to add content freely to a game that's owned and run for a profit.



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#15 [en] 

the next story is now in progess on the role play forums. below are links to both previous stories, the first story linked being the one to start on, and the second one to show it's title and allow access directly (though it wouldn't make sense without reading the other stories) and now the 3rd major section story is listed last. if you haven't read the other stories in proper order it's not likely to make any sense.

the great explorers chapter one

those against the great explorers chapter one

recovered scrolls of the great explorers chapter one

it should also be noted that the first two stories also have special links to "counter" stories at various points through each story, with chapters of the counter story linked at the proper places to read the next "counter" chapter. the 3rd story doesn't have a counter story.  should enough people request via izam mail, once the entire stories are released i'll be happy to post a single thread called simply "UPPER BRANCHES" with the entire set of stories in order as a single thread (with each chapter being a new post, will take me a little time to create but if there's demand i'll do it.)

Dernière édition par Talkirc (il y a 9 ans).


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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