
#1 [en] 

What to do with the stanzas that need to be learned at the request of the initial quests, which I do not need?

For example, "search - only good materials".
I don't use it, because there is "up to good materials", which allows to find usual resources needed for quests.

Similarly for skill of crafting weapons and magic amplifiers, spells of decay and roots, etc, which I don’t need at all.

#2 [fr] 

If you mean skills (or skill bricks), they remain in your account indefinitely. You can remove them from your toolbars, but they remain accessible, and you can reuse them in new stanzas...

#3 [en] 

while you are new and feel they are 'useless'; as you progress though the levels and leave the starter area of silan your going to find those all VERY useful on the mainland.

if your worried about having enough skill points: you can fully master and buy ALL things at the trainers and still have a surplus of skill points... that being said, i would still be careful what i spend skill points on untill you have at least one or two masters in each of the 4 major branches.

if your not sure as to why something is good, ask in uni chat, the community at large is fairly helpful and if your honest and genuine about learning, someone will teach you what you need to know.

Last edited by Talkirc (2 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
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#4 [fr] 

If you mean skills (or skill bricks), they remain in your account indefinitely. You can remove them from your toolbars, but they remain accessible, and you can reuse them in new stanzas...

that's something that took me a long time to understand. So for a while, I didn't dare remove them from my toolbar, for fear of having to buy them again. I don't know if there are better explanations now for beginners. But in 2011, it wasn't clear.


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#5 [en] 

they've tried to make it better with the new tutorial, and it even has pictures to help make it clear on how to build a stanza (or create one from scratch), but it's still poorly explained that you can delete things in the action bar without 'loosing' them or having to re-buy them.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#6 [fr] 

You can remove them from your action bar; all stanza are found in B actions tabs.

Left-click on the drag-and-drop stanza in the action bar to put them back.

If you delete them to recover XP points, you'll soon be doing others, and if you're asked to do them in the tutorial, it's to give you the basics for progress.

Last edited by Erenkyl (2 years ago)

Last visit Friday, 7 March 02:39:19 UTC

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