

#1 [en] 

Is this also one of the so called improvements to this game after rest?

On aristople ppl that went marauder got a marauder chat channel (same for atheist,antitheist,hominist,...) why have these channels gone away?

*this just pisses me off instead of adding content all that went on in the last year was removing content, how hard can a chat channel be that was already there?
I guess next year you gonna start removing one of the ingame races or something or maybe remove access to pr can always remove a region like void aswell it think.


#2 [en] 

what a chat that's not there, wait a minute, don't they have tp's? but not a chat channel? i'm confused wouldn't those go hand in hand??


Remickla (atys)
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#3 [en] 

I and most marauders hope the marauder channel will NOT be back.

It would only be another useless channel.

Having negative fame and being a marauder is 2 different things :D


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#4 [en] 

i guess no communication is the best way to play a game that was made to be played with others. (i have to wonder casy, why make a translator app if no one chats {ur a mara, so you are saying no mara's chat})

and if someone with negitive fame want's to join a mara guild, i guess they're out of luck just asking the "faction" (factions have tp's) in it's dedicated chat, if you don't want to read it, you can do like me with uni and eng uni, and turn them off on user tab and tabs, problem solved.

just my two dappers.


Remickla (atys)
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#5 [en] 

well nobody would force you to type in it if you don't like it then turn it off. Doesn't mean some ppl wouldn't like it and it was ingame before anyway.


#6 [en] 

very simple:

there already is a marauder chat (and marauder forums). no need for a downgrade in a sense that we get channel+forum that can be read by everyone. only real marauders can join the existing ones.

Oh: And turning it off isn't really a good option because someone might accidentally type in the wrong, official channel.

Last edited by Casy (1 decade ago)


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#7 [en] 

Well if you want to be in your own marauder chan that your choise. But that one is not official and not open to all who are marauder it's only open to who the ppl in the channel think are marauders in their way.
Even if the official channel would only be used once for 2 ppl saying hi that would be enough for me to re-add to the game. The other faction/civ based official channels aren't used alot either but now and then it happens there that somebody needs help on a mission or something and helpfull ppl jump in to help. Can't be against helping ppl out


#8 [en] 

[Any update would be appreciated.. even if it is "request not considered" yet]

Obviously we can make a custom channel, but why not an official channel like kamis and karas do have. There can be endless arguments but please tell if this request will be considered at all or not. Absence of this feature is killing marauder's game (no proper communication, no proper mara game play as brothers and sisters).

#9 [fr] 

Fishgod (atys)
Absence of this feature is killing marauder's game (no proper communication, no proper mara game play as brothers and sisters).

A big " LOL " ... It's already dead.

Last edited by Maxxye (1 decade ago)

#10 [en] 

Maybe it's death to you but if a person wants to try to breath new life into it don't shoot him of!

Yes never understood the removal if you don't like it and are a 12year old kid still believing in ppl wanting to spy on you you can always turn if of. For ppl who actually want to use it as a communication tool and have fun, help each other, meet, ... those channels are nice. Pre merger it was here just a stupid thing to remove a game function that works perfectly and doesn't hurt anyone because some ppl believe in ghosts and spies in a freaking game to be intrested in seeing them say hi and can you come rez me and so on ....


#11 [en] 

I just want to believe it's not dead Suboxide. But things are how there are and don't go further in the right way.
And ff course it would be great to have a realy channel, spies or not, if something has to be said in private it will be.

Last edited by Maxxye (1 decade ago)

#12 [en] 

I am already using 2 custom channels and I think there are many players with such situation.. Is it possible to increase the total number of allowed custom channels? At least 3 will help and let marauders create a channel for communication! By this I also mean that I have no intention of loosing any of my active custom channels.

I am missing a mara channel badly! How should mara greet each others and call for help for bosses or something? Maybe increasing the custom channel limit will help trytonist and rangers too.

#13 [en] 

We should have a chat channel all on its own just like each civ has one and kami/kara.


"We won our freedom and will not fold to any homin laws of the New Lands. The only law we recognize is ours." ---Hail Melkiar the Black Varinx---

#14 [en] 

the 2 custom channels limit is very foolish IMHO. and yes the mara should have a dedicated channel just like any one else :)


Remickla (atys)
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#15 [en] 

I'm against an official channel.

There is always dumb people who go with a fake character and reading channels.
Better a private channel with a word of mouth transmission :)


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