Level Design


#1 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English

Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - monday, 30th of april 2015.

PtitBill is still writing the Zoraï 50 geography rite. He can do without the Ark to test the change he wants to prepare.

He's looking for good wills who'd come help the team to design new missions.

=> Volunteers: Virg, Sagaofbastien.

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 6 Jahren)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#2 [en] 

i have ideas for missions, and would be willing to offer what help i can. (thinks about amp crafting missions....)


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#3 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Meeting's report - 13th of april 2015:

New Encyclopedia
[PtitBill] On the Level-Design topic, not much new, we're waiting for the Ark Team for the first rites. We have to organise ourselves in oder to meet on another day than Mondays. As I mentionned on the forum, I'm looking for volunteers to help writing missions. The Zoraï rite is progressing, but slowlier than expected. Ark is also interfering. The missions workflow is being proofread.

Weapons tribe craft plans
[Skeepy] I am checking datas and I have found a whole bunch of weapons tribe craft plans ready to use, they even are translated. They are mainly grade 3 plans of nations with specific bonuses. There is around 50 plans ready to use (to check exactly but I picked some up and they were alright).  And a pinch more to check moreover, as they are not translated I presume they are not finished, but it has to be checked. I gave the list to Tamarea, I think she will forward it to people in charge.
[Virg] Could marauders get a new sheild skin or could the tribe get a new one?
[YannK] It means creating a new texture but also, and especially, a new object .sitem, and hence modifying everywhere in the code to distinguish the calls between the tribe shield and the marauder shield, so it's not as simple as that, and will require some time. It means also creating a new craft stanza, by the way, and so define its addressing. Adding an object which cannot be crafted by the homins is never trivial.

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 9 Jahren)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#4 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Level Design group

Meeting's report - 13th of april 2015:

*Wiedii: Level Design team is currently working on two things: rites and missions.
The "Rites" project, alas, has to wait for the development of new ARK tools so that the ARK team can start writing the script, and give feedbacks on the the methodology and the presentation in the development of other future Rites. It's the "Verdant Heights" Rite which is putting up with early problems. The next 3 ones will progress more quickly. These 3 other Rites are already quite advanced, without progressing for the last few weeks alas (Ptitbill and myself not being available, and waiting for feedbacks from ARK team).
Regarding the Mission part, the "workflow" document (the process and the rules) to write a Mission is under proof-reading. Once validated, this document will be translated, and all the volunteers wanting to join in writing Missions will be welcome... It should be a matter of days.
Ptibill is aslo working on a proposal for a new occupation, but it's just a first draft for now.

<Goki_ET> regarding waiting for feedback, before continueing > please feel free to continue working on the ideas and development for the next rites, the ark team will catch up once the needed tools are ready :)

<talkIRC> question on rites: what type of feedback is needed? testing? i have both a player and GM account on the yubo and would be happy to help with testing.  for missions i await the "workflow" document to know the guide lines.
*Wiedii: For TalkIRC: we're just waiting for he ARK team to start transforming blueprints into ARK scripts, in order to know if our work is matching what they're waiting for, there's nothing to test for now... the tests will be done by the ARK team

<Remigra> was an irc meeting with ptit and co, which was already announced last times? and when will now be inm irc chat? Mean for the creation of missions. Is there something fixed? time and day?
*Wiedii: The LD team includes Ptitbill and myself, and you can find us on this channel, and on #ryzomleveldesign. There has been no meeting for now, since we were waiting for the workflow documlent to be ready. Nothing fixed for now, but it would be a good idea... Since Ptitbill isn't there, I prefer not to give a date, but I'll ask him for us to organise this. But we have first to wait for the workflow document to be validated. We'll write the date on the forum Remigra.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#5 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [Français] | English
Réunion du 11 mai

[Tamarea] Le Dev travaille à fond pour développer les modules manquants d'Ark, pour permettre aux Arkitects de scripter les rites écrits parle Level Design. La machine est longue à se mettre en route en raison des modules Ark à créer par le dev, mais une fois lancée, elle devrait tourner assez vite.

[PtitBill] Le workflow des missions doit sortir "très bientôt". Il permettra à tous de nous aider.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#6 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
25th of may 2015

New encyclopedia
- Verdening heights" rite is written for its introduction and step 1 and half translated... under move to Ark. Ptitbill and myself have to continue to write the diagrams and the missing dialogs for the rest of it. And I've got to send the second half of the content which is already done to the Translation team for them to work on it.

Missions workflow
- It is written, not translated, and will be available to the RF Level Design volunteers as soon as validated and translated

City banners
- Ongoing thinking on the banners of each city of Atys (see http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=forum/view/3896/ ). Once a city banner is validated (both by the players of this city and by Ryzom), Infographist will work on it.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#7 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
June 18th, 2015

Wiedii has been a lot less available in the past weeks. Tamarea would like to compensate for him and help the LD team when he is not, or not much, present.
What could she do for this? What are the dreams or needs of the team at the moment?

LD and Lore
[Ptitbill] Writing missions, and even more rites, commands a good knowledge of the Lore. Otherwise, there is a risk that the mission cannot be implemented.
[Tamarea] It’s absolutely true. For example, Virg proposed a very interesting mission, but didn’t have it validated before almost finishing its script. And unfortunately, a part of it doesn’t match with the nation he had considered for it: changing the nation will require to rewrite a part of it.

Collaboration between teams
[Tamarea] Hence it’s capital for the teams to work together upstream. For example in Lore/LD, or Ark/LD, or Lore/Ark/LD mini-meetings.
But meetings require time, and often a translator also: how to facilitate cooperation inside a group, or between groups?

- First idea: using pads. It allow everyone to work at the time that suits him/her most. And in his/her own language potentially: translation can be done through goo-translate or by a translator when one of them is available.
For example, the pad with the ideas for missions is there: https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/Ryzom_Level_Design_Ideas_2015. Everyone can add something there.
- Second idea: using more regularly the #ryzomforge channel. It is common to all groups, and the teams can more easily mix there. And invite by-passing players who may not have joined otherwise.
- Third idea: having a shared working place. For example Asana: it is a tool meant to be collaborative, free for small groups (up to 15 people), and the members under NDA already use it. Everyone could then know on what the others are working, propose validations to the Lore team, ask for a translation or a script…
- Fourth idea: having audio meetigs, a lot swifter than the ones on IRC. For people using the same language preferably, and on condition to remember to write a report, even a short one, for the ones who weren’t present.

Teams motivation
[Lyne] Giving precise objectives and deadines is motivating for some players. And presenting ones job (done or ongoing) at the next meeting also.
[Tamarea] Asana is the right tool in this context.

Missions workflow
[Tamarea] I’m late because of my RL work, but I’ll validate the document ASAP.
[PtitBill] Yes, with this document, ideas will have the same presentation, and we’ll all see what the designer has in mind.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#8 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
13th of july, 2015

1 Validation of the mission workflow

It is validated!
It will be added in the wiki and translated (currently in french only).

Q: Is there a link ?
A: Not now, it's just validated and is still in a private document.

2 Lore group's study of the ideas of missions proposed by Ryzom Forge

The main pad is here:  https://semestriel.framapad.org/p/Missions_LD_2015_DitG10mp64AhiS .
All the current ideas in it are in study both by the Lore Team and the Level Design Team.
Don't hesitate to put yours inside!

3 Creation of a RF Level Design group on Asana

The Level Design group needs to be better structured, so Tamarea opened a RF Level Design group in Asana (a tool for team management). 
Asana groups are free (as with no charge) untill 15 people in a group, but it will be enough for our actual needs. Nevertheless this group will be reserved to the LD team, because of this restriction.
To ask for an access, send an email to tamarea@ryzom.com, who will invite you.

The advange is that the Ryzom teams under NDA already use it, and it is possible to share a task between groups. So it's possible to follow a task with more than 15 people.
It will be able to follow the advancement of missions by Level Design group, Lore group, Ark group, with the possibility to send validation requests.
Asana sends emails notifications in case of adding or modifying a task (except if you prefer to desactivate the feature).

Q: Do we need to create an account before ?
A: It is not necessary, invitation is possible with an Asana account or with an email.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#9 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
27th of july 2015: 

1 A new Level Designer in the team

Welcome to Lycimima, new level designer under NDA ! He will also help with Infographics and make so some projects don't stay on paper.

Q: did you play Ryzom a lot?
A: Yes i know quite well the game.

2 Creation of a Ryzom Forge Level Design group in Asana

The group is created since two weeks on this tool for managing teams, and two LD members of RF joined it. We are waiting for the other ones!
Contact Tamarea at tamarea@ryzom.com to give her your email, you will receive an invitation to join the group.

Q: Only 15 members can join? 
A: In the free version, yes. If we have one day more than 15 RF members (without counting those under NDA), we will have to be clever by sharing tasks between different groups.

Q: Can pictures and graphics be posted on Asana?
R: Yes. We can creat tasks, second level tasks, following a task, assign it, put a deadline, join a file, a tag, etc.

3 Mission workflow

It is readable here : http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Mission_Workflow.
It is in French for the moment but translation team is working on it, So it will be available also in other languages.
The diagram is already translated:
DE : https://lut.im/mmpu2xrf/O32oqYsb
EN :  https://lut.im/xsGERH45/UI7Ab25k
FR : https://lut.im/TpwZXOzi/gpi2cnJw

Q: Does a mission has to be created in a certain language at the beginning, so before translation team works on it?
A: No because we are much more productive in our native language. DE, EN, ES, FR, no matter. Internally we work also like that and it's going very well.

4 Study and validation of the missions ideas

The pad to write down your ideas is here :https://semestriel.framapad.org/p/Missions_LD_2015_DitG10mp64AhiS .
It is less convenient than Asana but usefull while waiting for all volunteers to get access.
Its content is copied within Asana, and each week Lore and LD teams gather to study and validate (or not!) proposed ideas. A feedback is then done to creators.
Once creators on Asana, all the implied teams can follow the work in progress, advice, validate, help by creating missing item, etc...
Members of RF already in Asana group have already started to add directly their new ideas and detailed their valid ideas.

3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 8 Jahren)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#10 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
17th of august 2015

1 Mercurial repository

I just wanted to mention that in the frame of Khaganat, we're creating a Mercurial deposit server (for your own needs) and that we have created a place for the graphical assets of Ryzom Core / Ryzom Forge. Since we're often working from these ones and organisation of this database is important to know for us, let use it also for RF, especially since the old site has disappeared. For now, there's just Kaetemi updating f zip file on the Ryzom Core site, but it's not always easy. Here, with a Mercurial server, it will be easier to add files for the additions made by RF, be them .max or textures (for now). The server can be reached anonymously for read and one can even download a .zip, a .bz2 or a .gz. The address is: http://depots.khaganat.net/scm/hg/ryzomcore_assets

 If some of you have files which are only available in the rev4 of the assets, it would be great if you put them at disposal. For now, the simplest way is to ask me through PM here, but we'll also open the deposit in commit/writing to some of you eventually.

 In the meantime, you just have to send me the existing .max / .png (since I don't think there are animations, skeletons or particle systems newly created) and I'll add them in the deposit little by little. And these additions will then be available for everyone easily, without requiring to download everything each time.

And regarding the project about sounds which Gaueko introduced, we can create a deposit dedicated to RF/RC sounds the same way.

It allows us, in Khaganat, to study what is done, to use it eventually for our project, and will allow an easier sharing for the RF members also.

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 8 Jahren)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#11 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English

21th of september 2015

Missions written by Level Design group

PtitBill: On hold, I've got a matis rite 50, a 50 zoraï, a 100 tryker, Wiedii has prepared a 50 fyros. Zendae, Bastien and Deed are waiting on the new missions and occupations.I'm sill trying to find Canif and KaizeFX.I'm still looking for writers to propose new missions ideas. If you've got proposals to give to us, I'm listening to you.If you like and want to do some sorting in the propositions forum, we should be able to find lots of good ideas there.

Gaueko: I have tones of ideas for missions related with Marauders Ptitbill, but first I have to finish the Lore.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 8 Jahren)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#12 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français
28th of september 2015

Missions written by Level Design group

PtitBill: "Aileya and Yubo are back all start again. Deed works on its matis project, bastien on the Fyros one. We have a very interesting proposition from Bastien for a all countries project, including Marauders and Rangers.Matis rite is, if no error, being scripted. All will follow.If some volunteers wants to sort in the propositions, do it in forum. If some of you wants to propose ideas, mission or occupations ideas, contact me.

"Gaueko: "About the relation between Rangers and Marauders, or any other idea related to them, please wait. I have something that is under validation and when that happen, you all will understand better the past of the Marauders and how they see the rest of the homins and factions of Atys."

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 8 Jahren)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#13 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français
05th of October 2015

Missions written by Level Design group

Ptitbill: Nothing new, the Level-Design Team for Ryzom Forge is working hard, everyone on his project, and as for me I'm preparing the next of the Encyclopedia and some suprises about which, of course, I won't speak. Of course I'm always looking for voluntaries eager to join us, if you have ideas and want to implement them on Atys, contact me!

TalkIRC: I always have ideas, but like to test them out a little on the Yubo before I bother anyone offical with them. I also like to do all my writting before I do anything, to ensure that I've already got a story to go with things (the stories are good even if the content never comes). But that's it from me this time around, thanks.

Gaueko: Be sure that any new idea is sent to Lore Team for validation too. Or to Level Design, who will share with us for validation.

Q: can we imagine some stuff like eggs could be obtain not only on OCC event ?
A: right your idea and share your idea with any Lore or LD Team member for the validation Zendae. We work together for the missions validations so it will be the same. Since I am in the Lore Team you can send to me directly if you wish to gaueko@ryzom.com.
TalkIRC: one advantage to them is that they can't be traded from homin to homin, but in great numbers they could be very overpowering durring pvp, i think that would have to be a consideration to be taken into account, but i do like the idea in general.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 8 Jahren)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#14 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français
19th of October 2015 

1 Missions in preparation
PtitBill: At the moment Deed works on a new occupation, Zendae and Bastien on 2 new missions. Each project is fine and I hope it will have a good welcome from players. As each monday I will shout my alert: I need new authors to invent future missions and occupations for Ryzom. If some of the ones who are here today or others who will read later want to try ... contact us ! It would be a good thing that Zoraï specialists give us some ideas. For the moment, we have Matis, Fyros and Trykers projects, we miss the others. Of course that doesn't mean that we refuse other projects for Trykers, Matis and Fyros. Ideas in link with tribes or powers are also welcome. Come with your vision of Atys, we'll try to do it together.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#15 [en] 

Should we tell ideas here, or in private email to you? And what would that location be? I have a big idea :D

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 9 Jahren) | Grund: Edit to fix language button.

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