#23 Добавлено Talkirc 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
#24 Добавлено Nehrie 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#25 Добавлено Talkirc 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#26 Добавлено Nehrie 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
Last edited by Nehrie (9 лет назад)
#27 Добавлено Talkirc 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#28 Добавлено Naema 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
...and my mama,
#29 Добавлено Nehrie 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
because there are some that like to do so, this forum post if for all of you, the topic says what your doing in here, and you all do it well, might as well keep it on topic and do it here.....ready GO!talkp.s. this is so that when you have the urge to troll, you can do so in a place where it'll always be on topic.
#30 Добавлено Szocske 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#31 Добавлено Bitttymacod 9 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
I notice myself mumbling "Suckling yubo!" under my breath at people whom I might have before attributed as "fumbling imbeciles" or such.
#32 Добавлено Talkirc 8 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#33 Добавлено Yubina 8 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#34 Добавлено Talkirc 8 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#35 Добавлено Talkirc 6 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
#36 Добавлено Gloiste 5 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
wonder what looser made this forum post? further more, the net is full of trolls yet this thread hasn't had a single hit (until this post) in years what gives ya loosers, don't have anything mean to say, well cry me a river buttercup and let's have it.
Last edited by Gloiste (5 лет назад)
#37 Добавлено Talkirc 5 лет назад Доклад | Цитировать
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