
Want to see something like this?
Yes, I love all of the ideas
Atys: Aaylejah, Binarabi, Fitis, Fyrencal, Jazzy, Karabas, Leetah, Marceline, Seternulon, Sherkalyn, Silanis, Sor, Suboxide, Tinial, Ulykus, Wrnsft
Arispotle: Subversive
17 (2)
Yes, but some ideas need work (pls clarify)
Atys: Irfidel
Yes, but some ideas should be removed (pls clarify)
Atys: Redishwolf
1 (1)
No, I demand real prizes for events (time is money) 0
No, I don't like these kind of events
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Mederi, Vitania
3 (1)
No, just no I hate the idea 0
Atys: Arfur, Bitttymacod, Rollocks
Другое 0
воздержаться 5

#38 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

it would require a judge for each digger in question, because they would have to be watched to ensure a proper count (yes the numbers above the head)

i don't know if there's a 100% fail proof way to have digging events, but i believe that the risk of error on the judges part of the risk of cheating could be kept very low.

possible format:
all judges are given a list of mat's to have dug, and a number for each mat, and the judge follow the digger from site to site, only telling the digger the next mat to dig after X number is dug of the previous mat, each time the player would have to show the judge in a exchange window the proper number of dug mat's at the proper Q, at which time the judge would tell them the next mat they need to dig, everything could be used, number of Qxx of x grade (Q250, fine, zun amber, 30 mat's) (Q230, choice, silvo seed, 50 mat's) things like that.

just a few more thoughts i was having about this as i read :)

another thought, an over all list of all players that partake in each event should be listed, just as a claim to fame for at least trying and showing up, if this happened every year it would be bragging rites for the all time looser to at least say, "look i've been doing this since the first time, and while i've never won, i'm always here, look at the yearly lists"


Remickla (atys)
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#39 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Well yes and no on the list of names. Getting ppl to pre register would make it alot easier for organizing thats true a heck of alot easier.
But problems with pre registering is some ppl just don't read forums annoucements and stuff and find out just at the start something is happening. Or find out during event 2 for instance. Some ppl might just wanna show up for the pvp while others just for the swimming for instance.
So while it's alot harder for 1 person since he needs to check all names for each event turning up and to add new names (and probably explain everything over and over again => will need a basic 3 language explain macro for around that explains atyslympics basics not the event since each event will be different).
I was thinking of using a simple google docs spreadsheet when a new player wants to take part in event he gets added to list gets 0 points for all previous events and then he's inscribed. Since we where thinking about points for first 3 in the event and atleast some points to show up each time.
With that list I'm sure we can make an easy way to post names + points each week on forums and change it after each event.


#40 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

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