
#23 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
the solo trekker having a rest from the camping alt.

Thanks, you did give me a good laugh with that comment.

#24 [en] 

Daomei (atys)

..[limiting boss kill per person]
Would not work. Mind that it does not need more than 3 or 4 players to kill even the hardest bosses. So this would only mean that larger guilds would mix their teams differently. And it would badly limit those who could only play on weekends and are used to intense boss patrolling and fighting at that time.

If changing anything, I would favor Casy's proposal:

Yes, I like Casy's idea too.

- Big guilds mixing it differently: so let them. They're bigger guilds, they'll have more gearing needs than the smaller ones but that said the per-person limit will:
a) ensure they can't go overboard with this;
b) abolish campers (not saying that every big guild has campers, but bigger guilds have a larger probability that a member has camper alts, and don't forget that it's much easier to create a camping alt than an actual one that can help with bosses);
d) make sure smaller guilds can get to bosses

- I don't think it would hurt casual or even weekend players. Maybe this would even benefit them, since they would have an entire list of bosses to kill!
Avvy (atys)

I think it won't work.

Very short respawn times will just lead to more mats in circulation.

What happens when you have a mixed team, some that have done it already and some that have not? There's also nothing stopping someone engaging a boss solo and a team healing that soloist and sharing the mats, then they can just rotate and do it again. Imo it's a messy way of doing it.

- The short respawn times will be balanced with the per-person-timeframe-kill-limit; the devs can tweak it to whatever they want

- Yes, the teaming might be an issue as teams with persons that have only killed that boss the past week or so will be eligible. But the issue should be able to fix itself with a few simple questions before actually teaming or even engaging. Also, the way I see it, any action involving a boss fight that has already been done within that timeframe should be prohibited (does my wording make sense?). If one is engaged in a boss fight, they should not be able to accept either OOT or in-team healing from others who have engaged that boss within that timeframe.

#25 [en] 

I would like to say something even using my terrible English.

1 - There are at least 6 different places for respawn in q250 areas and at least 4 different places for q200 areas.

2 - Place for spawn is random

3 - Spawn time is random

Now some facts

- There are 18 spawns in Wastland
- 6 in US
- 6 in Void
- 6 in GoC
- 6 in Loria
- 5 to 6 in SC
- 4 in thesos
- 4 in Abys

Just to mention the best places...

So, there are at least 56 boss spots to check.

Since the merge, there are 3 times the people hunting for bosses.

What is ridiculous is people complaing because they do 3 scouting a day and can´t find any bosses...SURE you can´t. Keep in mind some bosses will pop while you are sleeping, working or doing anything else.

Since it may take 5 days to pop and can be killed in 5min. is natural you get mad because some "SPECIAL" toon is camping.

Pay attention around where you are. In void there are at least 25 toons. So, once one boss pops in 5 min. it will be killed.

#26 [en] 

I am not saying every boss is being camped yorran, neither I am complaining about not getting any bosses. I am making the point that camping with alts will lead to more camping with alts and can get out of control as was seen at the atysmas trees.

6 different spawns aren't hard to camp as we both know considering loria had a refugue level 1 alt logged on at every spawn for about a week on ari.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#27 [en] 

Trabuco (atys)
All this made me think of a workaround: Maybe an additional game mechanic can be added; A character can only engage a boss (or named) fight once every a specific set period of time. Let's say half a day for nameds and half a week for bosses. That means that there is no reason for bosses and nameds to have large pop times. As soon as a boss is killed, let it pop in 5, maybe 10 minutes. It doesn't matter, as no person from the same team can benefit. Just move on to another boss you haven't killed these past few days.

What do you think of this one?

oooo mission activated bosses! bit like the crazy kizoar rite..
could almost work
infact team mission activated bosses...that become rites!
bah finish the encylcopedia...

Fixed quote

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Tiximei (il y a 1 décénie).

#28 [en] 

give it up people, we've made a huge stink about camping, let's see what the powers that be do about it.

a final thought though:

if the merchants sold something better then the poor gear and mat's they currently sell, there would be something worth buying, and far less fighting about this or that, and more time to just have fun and play.

if there was a merchant that sold supreme and excellent mat's, there would be no need to camp, they could buy what they need, and in the amounts they needed, when they needed them. (ryzom has no fix item, or repair item, so the good gear MUST be replaced) that would then allow the players that want the FUN of hunting bosses have it, without the worry of never finding one.

i know there will be lot's of people that will cry about merchants that sell sup and excl mat's will put too many top grade mat's out there, one point to make, who gives a s**t, it's a game, not real life, are you (the crying player) so bad a player that you can't win if everyone has the same equal gear? (if there was no PvP, no one would be here to complain, because NPC's just do what their told to do and don't care if you have the very best gear, or nothing but your naked hide and 2 hands)

on the topic i'm totally done, because it's going round and round


Remickla (atys)
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#29 [en] 

Talk, let's play a game of black jack!

I'll pick A and 10 as my hand cards. Which ones will you pick?

Oh, it's not a game anymore... okay.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#30 [en] 

poor example casy, and you missed the point i was trying to make, your stacking the deck in your example, i'm saying it's about knowing when to fold and walk away or stay and play, meaning do i have the skill to out whit the other guy, but as normal my point was missed.

i'll save us all the time, and save my thoughs, since they're always "stupid"


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#31 [de] 

I finally have an idea which would also end all camping worries.

The guilds frantically patrolling, and, as a set of 4 or 5 guilds, are monopolizing an estimated 90% of the available boss loot all time, and so for nobody questioned that. It gives, though, guilds with pensionists, unemployed, housewives, lazy students, and others with overcapacities of free time a huge overweight about everybody else.

A possibility would be to limit the boss fights per guild at 1-2 per day per boss level, at least for the boss levels beyond 200. That would force a more even distribution of valuable mats. Camping, no matter if it occurs to a significant amount at all, would be pointless. Instead boss hunters had to look for guild members entitled to do a boss fight.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Daomei (il y a 1 décénie).


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#32 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
...housewives... and others with overcapacities of free time a huge overweight about everybody else.

Wow...I mean wow...


#33 [en] 

Youi have to say Dao really does know how to bait - his ability to wind homins up is something I have not seen before
Hugs to all and please try to ignore him


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#34 [de] 

Binarabi (atys)
.. please try to ignore him
So much about insults and hypocrisy


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#35 [en] 

Closing this topic since it has gone from discussing bosses to bickering. Please try to express yourselfs in a clear way and act as polite and civilized individuals.


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