more bosses / shorter cool down / cool down based on lvl, choose what you like (please if you choose "other" explain why, and if your going to abstain why even vote?)
more boss mob's in the lower lvls (up to 100 or so)
Atys: Fishgod, Kilor, Talkirc
more boss mob's over all
Atys: Fishgod, Mypetite, Talkirc
shorter cool down times for ALL bosses
Atys: Gorath, Mypetite, Squires
cool down time based on boss lvl (lowest lvl boss mob's are [2] hours, highest are [3] days)
Atys: Eloan, Fishgod, Keldreth, Kilor, Lerya, Mypetite, Talkirc
Atys: Altira, Amiko, Bitttymacod, Casy, Chongon, Djedi, Drekkus, Firstdo, Jarnys, Karia, Legalizhurb, Meagon, Minou, Mjollren, Muffin, Naema, Razrah, Rollocks, Yenno
* 20
S'abstenir 10
Le sondage est clos

#1 [en] 

ok, i'm sure someone's had this idea, i've come to find out that there are not very many low lvl bosses in this game, sure named mob's are out there (like a sub-boss) and they spawn in a few hours of being killed, ok, that's fair, a few hours i could handle in hopes of finding one, but this is about the BOSS guys, 3 days to wait is a long time, i've yet to see one because of that, as well as the fact that it seams like a boss is only alive a few minutes before someone takes it out, i would like to see MORE bosses spawned, or have the cool down time be more realistic (3 days, sorry ryzom i do have a life and a job, so i can't hunt for a boss 24/7 and hope i find it before the guy(s) that killed it last time do)

i don't believe this is asking too much, i'm sure there are alot of other players out there that would like the chance to at least see a boss that they might be able to take on alone or with one friend.

i'm starting to feel like the really cool stuff in the game will take me a year of playing to see once, how about adding some "content" by giving EVERYONE a chance to kill a boss, name's are fun, but there arn't many of those that a player of a lower lvl can take on solo or with just one friend.

and i'm not saying make the boss easy by any means, just make more of them or shorten the cool down times for the ones we have, so a person can see one once in a while.

best idea yet: make the cool down time relate to the level of the boss in question, make low lvl bosses respawn in hours, and the higher the lvl of the boss, the longer the wait for the respawn, that will give low lvl toons a chance to say i got this boss or that boss, while the high lvl toons can go for the big boys, after all, sooner or later high lvl toons say why bother with that 60/70 lvl mob when it's a "one shot", then they leave it for the poor noob that would never have had the chance with the 3 day cool down (3 day cool down makes it far too sweet for any lvl toon to pass up when it does spawn.)

please post any insight to this idea dev's, i would like to hear your thoughts most of all, but let's see what the players that read the forums think of this idea with a nice little poll. (keep in mind EVERYONE this could benefit you if the cool downs are shorter)

Dernière édition par Talkirc (il y a 1 décénie). | Raison: typo


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

btw, i posted this because i've spent about 2 weeks looking for one boss that i might have been able to take on alone or with one friend, i've spent tons of tp's and time running around the lower lvl areas (up to 150, which i'm sure if i found one over 100, it would kick my teeth out in short order, but still fun to try) looking for a boss to try to take on, so far nothing, and that's a real pain, makes me feel like the only way to really see them would be to find out where it spawns at, then camp out there, all the while staying awake for about 96 hours (due to 3 day cool down you need an extra day to be sure to not miss the spawn) just to see it once.


Remickla (atys)
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#3 [en] 

I voted other (NO) because boss mobs drop sups mats and well they are not supost to be easy to get. People fight over the chance to dig a few of them in PR each season.
I don't see how the spawn times could be increased without causing other balance issues. More spawns per season would mean adding more sups to dig in pr and then that special supreme sword you got wouldn't be so special anymore because everyone would have it.

The only other thing could be to do something between named and boss mobs. Something with the guards that dropped XL mats in larger amounts. Im sure that would be lots of work to do, so I can't see it happening.

I understand what you are saying Talkirc many of the boss mobs are not seen by many ppl. Some I have only seen maybe once or twice in the couple of years I have played but hey thats what makes them special.


#4 [en] 

I also voted other "No" to it for near enough the same reasons as Legalizhurb.
Bosses are meant to be unique and even though I have a RL and haven't seen some of the bosses in the 8 years I played, I think they should remain difficult to get.
I am also frustrated that some guilds and players hunt them down before anyone else, but heyho, if someone wants to devote their lives to do so, well thats their reward and their time invested.
Rather make random cool down times, so that is less predictable and therefore enhances the chances of being spotted by other instead the same guys.

I actually would rather favour a hawker that exchanges sup loot for dig mats, eg. 1000 choice seeds for 1 sup nail of choice. This provides the option to put time and effort into getting something rare. Forrest hawker can be found in the forrest and only trade for forrest mats and so on. I think that would be fair.

#5 [en] 

i like the idea of a random spawn time, that would keep it more even, i can't see anyone that really likes to play the game sitting in one spot for days to try to get the boss when it respawns, as it is now, if i find one and set a timer for say 71 hours (like an alarm) then when my timer goes off, i log in really quick spend about an hour waiting and wham-bam i've got him again (not me, but someone else) with the totally random respawn time that would be a thing of the past, no one, not a single player, not a guild, could camp out just like that.

Razrah, i'm amazed that you've played that long and not seen them all at least once, but that does put into terms just how "deep" the game is. maybe with some luck i'll see a lower lvl boss i can do something to, or sooner or later i'll be 250 and then i'll have the chance to take out one of the big boys that i see more often, regardless of what happens i'll play the game, it just looks like i need to find yet another part to atempt to do, maybe i'll go back to the dapper grind to reach the 50m mark for the last 10 yobo points in crisis proof.

thanks for taking the time to read and reply, nice to know that i'm not alone in finding them, i no longer feel like i'm a hopeless noob looking for a boss.


Remickla (atys)
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#6 [en] 

Voted "Other" because there was no "No" option. The reason for not having more of them (I.e. a much shorter respawn time) has been stated by others, though I don't understand Legalizhurb's statement that changing the frequency of respawn would affect dug mats.

I've been playing 6 years pretty much several hours per day (even before I retired) and there are Named that I have never seen. (And then there's Fijoo and Slucer that I have seen altogether too often.)

As far as lower lever bosses are concerned, there aren't that many of them. Not every mob has a level 120 boss or even a 170. The ballistic mystix site has an extensive (complete?) list of mobs bosses. There are far more high level than low level ones.

As for the respawn time for bosses, I thought that it already had a random aspect to it. Certainly there is a spatially random aspect to it. I'm very sure it's not every 72 hours bang on the button. Clopperketh doesn't respawn nearly that often, and given the difficulty of taking down that little level 120 ***, I'm pretty damned sure it's not being seriously camped.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#7 [en] 

Hi Bittty I didn't mean directly affect dug mats but if boss sups became more available then dug mats would seam in even shorter supply unless everyone made boss mat only recipies.
It was more me trying to say all sups are limited and the slow respawn balances the dug/boss sups.


#8 [en] 

I haven't played much (a few months by now), but I've seen a good number of the lower-level bosses and a few of the higher ones (Cherkin I'm sure of). If you keep going out there, trekking or training, you'll come across them. That's for simply seeing them, can't say much about organized hunting.


#9 [en] 

other (no)

but fixing (extending) the random variance to the 3 days would be a very good idea


#10 [en] 

No, i find the system good.
and some low-levels bosses (raspaketh, lumpkoo for example) can be used in very nice jewels pvp set, it'll make them too easy to get

#11 [en] 

I don't agree with making more bosses, or making them easier to find either. They are already easy to find once you know all of the spawn points. The issue now is that it seems as though the server is either flooded with players looking for bosses, or someone has truely found out the respawn timer for the bosses(more on this later). I love killing bosses, before the server merge I would down atleast 3 bosses a day, sometimes up to 7(not named mobs). Now, coming back to ryzom, I have found 2 bosses in 2 weeks. I know the spawn locations haven't changed. I asked around about the bosses, and I was told that someone(in my guild) has witnessed people converging on a spot and a boss spawning a few minutes later. If someone has figured out the boss timers, then the rest of us will be hard pressed for killing bosses and getting these materials.
With that said, I would love for the timers to be reset. Make them truely random.

#12 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
btw, i posted this because i've spent about 2 weeks looking for one boss that i might have been able to take on alone or with one friend, i've spent tons of tp's and time running around the lower lvl areas (up to 150, which i'm sure if i found one over 100, it would kick my teeth out in short order, but still fun to try) looking for a boss to try to take on, so far nothing, and that's a real pain, makes me feel like the only way to really see them would be to find out where it spawns at, then camp out there, all the while staying awake for about 96 hours (due to 3 day cool down you need an extra day to be sure to not miss the spawn) just to see it once.

There is no need to run around like a crazy person. I posted a guide on bosses shortly after the server merge. If your looking for lower level bosses, check out the guide and scroll down to the maps of the lower level zones. Here's the link for you: 2

Hope this helps you a bit, Talkirc.

#13 [en] 

i hunt bosses quite often now, and now i know about spawn points and that it's random chance because there are so many people hunting them. but i've seen more then a few now, killed a few myself now at this point, but there for a bit was a stalemate, everyone was needing everything, so there was no real time for anything to live long with 3 server's worth of hunters looking for one server's worth of bosses. but thanks mate for the help offer. maybe i'll see you around the big tree.


Remickla (atys)
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#14 [en] 

Bosse respawn far too frequently, they should lengthen the time, perhaps have them spawn once every 4-5 months.


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*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#15 [en] 

then we can have npc bosses spawn every 2 months, named spawn every month, ect. ??? and dug sup mat's, those pop once ever 3 months too right? i don't think so, lolx.

let's not go crazy with it, the time now is good, and i see it works well, i thought it was broke when i first posted this, now i know it's not and understand that.

but it was a good laugh, and i enjoyed it.


Remickla (atys)
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