bulk upgrade for guild hall

well virg, i did have a thought about that, there could be 2 options, option one would require the help of myself and a few other cookies, we could heal a mara until they were close enough to the npc to use invul and buy it (not the best option, but i would be willing to loose fame and die to help the mara on this.) option two would be to make a special trigger to allow mara's to buy them all at once.

while one option would be a pain for all invloved, the other may be a pain for the dev's to code.

my inital idea that the npc's we buy apt's/gh's from would offer a new menu option that would just allow buying of more bulk for said apt/gh.

i agree that these would make it harder for mara's to do, (and i hate to do anything that would give one group an advantage over another) the mara way of life is a harder one and as such would require more risk and more effort to get the same things as civ neutral or civ aligned players.

i would like to simply see the option to buy more bulk, but i thought the more options i offer the dev's the more chance there will be for us to get them.

(also virg, i'm sure there's at least one player in syndi that has an alt that's not full mara, and anyone could make a f2p alt to buy the extra space, after all for a guild they need only be a member of that guild to buy the extra space, cause f2p's can make and own gh's)


Remickla (atys)
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