
#1 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Yea basiclly what it says ;p

At the moment i only have one mmorpg that works without anything thats RIFT.

I recently started playing RYZOM.I enjoy it alot and wish i could play it from work.Problem is the home office blocks everything,so RYZOM couldnt even patch.

I have got now a http tunneling software and a proxfier software that allows me to bypass all of this. This helped RYZOM move from the login screen to patching.. problem is next stage,when it goes to charcter selection it hangs out showing "CONECTING" but not doing anything.

I got this letter from the http tunnel support:

" Hi,

I just want to show you an example of configuring the host file for a game.

Below is what is used for WoW:

Open the ( your ) windows hosts file with Notepad. Your hosts file can be found here: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ( If you need help with you host file email me and I will give you a few pointers. )

Add either of these 2 lines which ever is appropriate. localhost < You should alreadly have that line entered

Now enter either one of these, again, whichever is appropriate.

So it looks like this: localhost

Or This: localhost

Save in Notepade and exit.

Then I would instruct:

Now set Set-up Proxifier for DNS local then remote. Which I have screen shots.

This works like a charm for WoW players. "

So I have no idea if it will help but i need the RYZOM server name and IP to add to my host file.
the only address i found while searching google was :

Any help appricated,thanks.

Última edición por Darcek (1 década hace)


Originally Posted by Cephus at AOUniverse
I look at WoW as the crap-filter of the MMO world. It attracts all the idiots and lets the rest of us play in relative peace.

For me a good MMO is like good captivates,furstrates,ask things of you,changes how you see the world and yourself.

#2 Reportar | Citar[en] 

you can find them in the client.cfg/client_default.cfg

those I remember are: and just ping them or do a nslookup for them to get their IP

BUT... if you can reach those from your home office (with the right IP) you won't need to add the hosts
You'll probably rather need the Ports on which ryzom is running and it's using UDP as well as TCP which might be the reason why your tool has it's trouble with it.


#3 Reportar | Citar[en] 

a totally different solution and need a decent home connection but with software like splashtop you can actually stream ryzom pretty good. Added bonus is that all your macros and stuff are always there and there is no proof on work pc that you are gaming except splashtop wich is alot easyer to explain to a boss.


#4 Reportar | Citar[en] 

damn.. UDP then is the problem...

no tcp only server version in Ryzom?

hmm this splashtop seems intriging..kinda like Logmein ..

last i tryed logmein thou didnt work with 3d games etc,does this app let you play games from remote pcs?
that might be cool if it worked properly :))

Última edición por Darcek (1 década hace)


Originally Posted by Cephus at AOUniverse
I look at WoW as the crap-filter of the MMO world. It attracts all the idiots and lets the rest of us play in relative peace.

For me a good MMO is like good captivates,furstrates,ask things of you,changes how you see the world and yourself.

#5 Reportar | Citar[en] 

yup but game has to be setup in window mode (heard it doesn't have on some graphics cards but has to on mine), depending on connection it's quite snappy and don't know how they do it but it's not like most remote software where it refreches constantly but more like actual video streaming


#6 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Intresting i will try this tyvm :))


Originally Posted by Cephus at AOUniverse
I look at WoW as the crap-filter of the MMO world. It attracts all the idiots and lets the rest of us play in relative peace.

For me a good MMO is like good captivates,furstrates,ask things of you,changes how you see the world and yourself.

#7 Reportar | Citar[en] 

So was amazed by the news theres a new program out there,that can handle remote gameing..

As i thought thou was too good to be true...

This program is working,just like logmein,it will let you connect to PC remotly.And unlike logmein you can actually see games while remote connecting.

Problem is this program is only good for refrences,mayby in game chat,not actually playing.

The visuals are blurry,and theres a huge lag,you drag your mouse over it will move after 3-4 sec.. completly usless..
they also made me pay 2$ in advance before seeing results,so total rip off.

You said you need a strong internet connection.. i guss 8 mb isnt enought,well we dont all live in Japan.

Anyways im screwed with Ryzom cant play it from work.
If anyone know of another way would appricate it.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Darcek (1 década hace)


Originally Posted by Cephus at AOUniverse
I look at WoW as the crap-filter of the MMO world. It attracts all the idiots and lets the rest of us play in relative peace.

For me a good MMO is like good captivates,furstrates,ask things of you,changes how you see the world and yourself.

#8 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Sorry to hear, well I don't know about connections but for instance where I do my internship I can be ingame with the app like I was actually in front of pc at home (where my normal job is well there is depends but most of the time it's chat but that company has a shit connection)


#9 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Great news everyone!

I actually found an application doing everything I needed Plus it runs Ryzom without any problem ,I can now brows with my browser in all the locked areas plus another mmo i wanted to play work,everything is working perfectly and without any complicated configurations!

heres the application page if anyone wants to use for his own use,its only 29$ per year.



Originally Posted by Cephus at AOUniverse
I look at WoW as the crap-filter of the MMO world. It attracts all the idiots and lets the rest of us play in relative peace.

For me a good MMO is like good captivates,furstrates,ask things of you,changes how you see the world and yourself.

#10 Reportar | Citar[en] 



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#11 Reportar | Citar[en] 

You evil people! Does your Boss know what you are doing on the clock? XDXDD

#12 Reportar | Citar[en] 

yep, i got him to play for about a week, then he went back to battlefield. best boss ever! (helps that the company i was working for at that time was all about tech stuff, and with down time came a need to keep busy looking, only rule was no sound or use a headset :)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters
Useful Links:
cookies approved referance data, guides, and more. --- ryztools web version --- talkIRC forum post table of contents

#13 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Talkirc (atys)
yep, i got him to play for about a week, then he went back to battlefield. best boss ever! (helps that the company i was working for at that time was all about tech stuff, and with down time came a need to keep busy looking, only rule was no sound or use a headset :)


best post ever ^^


Originally Posted by Cephus at AOUniverse
I look at WoW as the crap-filter of the MMO world. It attracts all the idiots and lets the rest of us play in relative peace.

For me a good MMO is like good captivates,furstrates,ask things of you,changes how you see the world and yourself.
Last visit sábado 28 septiembre 17:21:25 UTC

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