
#1 [en] 


This post has two reasons.

# 1 To ask for your suggestions to find a name for the Neutral faction.

# 2 To included in the the name in question. When I'm in a PvP conflict, killing another player, my told me that I gain points for the <.name> faction.

To be neutral in this game do not mean "pacifist". In Ryzom, it simply means : not to chose a country or a religion. Neutrals are here to stay, it is a base of players who do not want to be dictated a precise philosophy like the Maraudeurs.

My only suggestion will be: "The House of Winds"

Please be constructifs.



Le Grand Oignon nous enseigne : Parler peu, jouer beaucoup, le défi ultime.

#2 [en] 

If the "faction" of "neutral" does not involve choices, then you will gain no points for that faction. There is no way to assign them.

There are two "neutral" factions already in the works: Rangers (all fame +) and Trytonist (civ positive, cult negative). I doubt very much that the Rangers will have "fame merchants" (*I* certainly wouldn't program them in, but don't know if others might). Trytonists might (given that Elias Tryton is a clever homin).

But if you don't have any faction? How can there be a fame merchant for "no faction"?

There's a good name... "No". It almost fits the phrasing of the line. "You gain points for the No Faction." A little bit of programming and you can even get rid of the intrusive "the".

Yes - this comment is serious.

The Trykers are the Children of the Wind. I think that House of the Winds would be bad for that reason.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 [en] 

children of atys

the confused homin

homin's without a home

atys homin's

the undecided

the chosen

the unbound

the free traveler

homin of the free

there's a few ideas, to support the over all idea of the thread, while i don't understand exactly what we're looking for beyond a name, i can at least offer ideas for a name for an un aligned civ-free group.

please note some names are ment to be funny, but no cruel intentions were ment by any of my names.
(call it serious with a touch of humor)


Remickla (atys)
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#4 [en] 

Don't we already have a name? Hominists? It denotes caring for, or working towards unity as a race of people on Atys. All races protecting ourselves from the potentially manipulative designs of the Kara and Kami, Of which we are still not certain of, but still do not wish to pledge ourselves in a rite to either. Also, they are not in harmony with the phylosophy of the marauders, as neutrals wish to Unite, not divide.
Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 14:21:18 UTC

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