
#1 [en] 

new horizons reward system has greatly enhanced the usefulness of the fame mechanic in ryzom, there are more solitary homins as well as guilds now that align, even if it is primarily for the faction points, and some of these guilds may even choose to go down a roleplay path. 

it is not quite fair to say that you should not align for the sake of points, true enough that should not be your only reason but i say to you, so what if it is? what if, i am happy that the empire is willing to reward good service?

the purpose of this post is to propose a scaled system so that there is a slow and steady increase in reward with fame increase

edit: i am aware of the possible significances for the cutoffs that exist right now, i approve of the fact that 51 fame is a cutoff because it "forces" you to align, yes, this is bad for neutrals perhaps, but it also opens up some opportunities, people who may never have even thought about aligning, now might consider it. and the 99/100 fame cutoff is logical since it is at the end, the 30 point one looks arbitrary. so before someone tries to point out that the 51 has a significance, just wanted to cover myself on that one

using the existing cut-offs of:

30 fame 50 points
51 fame 80 points
99 fame 200 points

we could employ either exponential or polynomial best-fit to get:

exponential : faction points = 27.6*E^(0.02*reward)
polynomial: faction points = 0.0155(fame)^2 + 0.17(fame) + 31

results are as follows:

(i am sure someone else can refine the formulas if they wish this is just a guideline, the polynomial formula as listed matches well enough for my needs here)
fame	expo. poly.
1 28 31
2 29 31
3 29 32
4 30 32
5 31 32
6 31 33
7 32 33
8 32 33
9 33 34
10 34 34
11 34 35
12 35 35
13 36 36
14 37 36
15 37 37
16 38 38
17 39 38
18 40 39
19 40 40
20 41 41
21 42 41
22 43 42
23 44 43
24 45 44
25 46 45
26 46 46
27 47 47
28 48 48
29 49 49
 30     50     50
31	51	51
32 52 52
33 53 53
34 54 55
35 56 56
36 57 57
37 58 59
38 59 60
39 60 61
40 61 63
41 63 64
42 64 65
43 65 67
44 67 68
45 68 70
46 69 72
47 71 73
48 72 75
49 74 77
50 75 78
 51     77     80
52	78	82
53 80 84
54 81 85
55 83 87
56 85 89
57 86 91
58 88 93
59 90 95
60 92 97
61 93 99
62 95 101
63 97 103
64 99 105
65 101 108
66 103 110
67 105 112
68 108 114
69 110 117
70 112 119
71 114 121
72 116 124
73 119 126
74 121 128
75 124 131
76 126 133
77 129 136
78 131 139
79 134 141
80 137 144
81 139 146
82 142 149
83 145 152
84 148 155
85 151 157
86 154 160
87 157 163
88 160 166
89 164 169
90 167 172
91 170 175
92 174 178
93 177 181
94 181 184
95 185 187
96 188 190
97 192 193
98 196 197
 99     200    200

100 204 203

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Eruv (1 década hace)


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#2 [en] 


Maybe not such a fine-grained system, but even an increase/decrease of reward every 5 fame points would be nice.


#3 [en] 

i just suggested a formula because its probably easier to program than to put

if 5 then
if 10 then
if 15 then

at least that's my experience with the little rpg making ive done in my time :P


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#4 [en] 

i agree, because then it works as you work.


Remickla (atys)
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#5 [en] 

I don't really care about a change, just want to mention that there is no fame reward at 99+ fame (no, it's not the 100 fame cap, you just don't get any fame reward after hitting 99). That's probably the reason for the big reward increase at 99 fame.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#6 [en] 

100 fame requires that you do missions to get he last fame point, takes about 15 bandit missions, 10 kill kipee missions, several hunter missions... all together for one way of many..... you get the idea.
i have a 100 zorai toon :)~ (just not IRC) (it can be done in one day, or you can do crafting missions.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#7 [en] 

Are you talking to me? If you do, i can't see what that has to do with the topic or what i said.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#8 [en] 

anyway.... what ever the reason is for the cutoffs, i cant think of any downsides to scaling the reward (if it can be easily programmed)


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