
#1 Multilingual 

Il est vrai que par le passé , il était très facile de faire de l'argent . Que la difficulté a été augmenté pour s'en procurer . Chose qui est excellente car les dappers n'avaient plus aucune valeur , tellement tout le monde en avait à foison .

Mais par le biais des métiers , il est très facile de détourner le système pour en faire de nouveau en grande quantité . Je trouve cela un peu dommage . Avec un perso,et le nombre de 4 rerolls,il est tres possible de se faire 4 320 000,00.Juste avec un perso qui possede 4 métiers,qui permettent d'avoir de l'argent au Pnj New Horizon.

Donc je vous laisse imaginer,quand on multiplie cette opération plusieurs fois par jour.On peut se faire un joli petit pécule.Il suffit juste de créer un nombre suffisant de comptes free to play.Pour Avoir le nombre de rerolls adéquat.

Je profite moi aussi du système,car je compte pas rester en reste par rapport aux autres.C'est peut-etre voulu par le développement.Mais je pense surtout que c'est un oubli ou une erreur de conception.Car, ça va à l'encontre de la nouvelle politique des dappers sur Ryzom.

Pour mettre tout le monde au meme niveau,il suffirait d'interdire l'échange des items d'un avatar à un autre.Sinon bonne continuation à tous,j'en ferai de meme lool........


Chef De Clan " Les Prophètes De La Lumière "

#2 [fr] 

On peut se faire autant de dappers simplement en choisissant les bonnes missions d'artisanat. Faire les métiers prends aussi du temps, ça ne me parait pas plus facile que le craft pour un haut niveau. Pour un débutant oui, ça fait beaucoup de sous...
Et interdire les échanges entre perso tuerait le jeu.


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#3 Multilingual 

Je parle des echanges des items de metiers qui permettent de faire de l'argent,pas du reste.Le fait de pouvoir donner des items de metier à d'autres va à l'encontre du systeme de dappers.Car là,il suffit juste de sortir des perso de sillan,trop facile à mon gout.

Pour les missions de crafts,faut au moins avoir acheter les plans pour qu'un autre les craft en equipe.Là,il faut se bouger un mini.


Chef De Clan " Les Prophètes De La Lumière "

#4 [fr] 

OK pour les produits de métiers mais ça peut servir des fois d'en échanger pour ce qu'ils sont, et pas pour les dappers.
Par contre pour limiter l'abus avec les rerolls, on peut enlever le gain en renommée déjà, ça limiterait la capacité d'un perso tiroir caisse puisqu'avec moins de renommée, le NH donne moins de dappers.
La renommée de nation, on peut l'obtenir par les missions...


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#5 [fr] 

Oui,pas idiot,supp le gain renommée.La renomméé a acquerir comme avant.Ca pourrait limiter un peu,ou du moins freiner certains.


Chef De Clan " Les Prophètes De La Lumière "

#6 [en] 

Craft missions are definitely a better way to get rich, and you get craft XP too!

I do wonder if the limit of 36 items donated daily can be applied to an entire account and not just the individual toon...

#7 [en] 

wow, this is the first time i've seen someone say making dappers is too easy since the merger.

sure you can use alts to turn in to NH, let's keep in mind the fact that even with alts, you much spend time getting the stuff for that, you claim it's too easy to do, let's consider a few facts about making dappers:

NH: can make up to 360,000 dappers per toon per day (23 hours cooldown)
Crafting: single mission that gives 400,000+ dappers per 4 hours (can be done up to 6 times in a day, producing 2,400,000+ dappers with a single toon {would take about 7 toons doing NH to make the same amount})

NH: requires that you spend time doing an occupation, thus there is effort in getting the products to turnin to NH
Craft: requires that you spend time getting mats, thus there is effort in getting the mats to do the crafting

bottom line: the new post-merger economy stinks.
NH is a small helping hand (you can only do it once per toon every 23 hours, so it's not as profitable as one might think)
Crafting is much more profitable and also requires work (but crafting get's you xp in various skills, fight/magic for mob mats, harvest xp if you dig them, also the cool down for crafting missions is under 4 hours, so you can do them much more often the NH.

as for the use of alts with NH, let me just say to turn in on 10 toons, you must do a list of things: 1) collect occ components 2) practice the occupation 3) ware down the NH system enough to allow each toon to turn in (this part alone can take 30 minutes) 4) log in and out each toon and turn in 5) exchange the dappers to the main toon. this whole process for 10 toons is a huge amount of work for a small gain in the end.

i've found craft missions in the Q50 to Q100 area that pay nearly 100k per mission, and can be done every 3 hours, which takes much less effort then working all the alts in all the other stuff.

let's also take note that a f2p can't reach the huge paying missions previously mentioned, thus NH is the BEST paying option for them in terms of single line of effort for most reward.

i further would like to point out that often the people i see knocking NH as a source of income have high craft skills, which leads me to wonder if they are trying to instill a 1% into ryzom similar to the real world, where 1% have everything and anything, and the other 99% suffer and are limited.

if dappers are so worthless, why are you complaining that NH gives them? (the dapper must be worth something if some says there's a "too easy" way to get them)

if anything the cooldown on NH should be reduced to 6 or 8 hours, or the amount of products you can turn in per 23 hours should be increased. also, the ware on the NH system per tp is too low, but those are just my thoughts and opinions on the topic.

NH is an attempt to offset the fact that crafters can make more dappers then anyone else far faster then anyone without a craft. untill there's a mission that tells me "kill 20 Q200 najab's and i'll pay you 200,000" NH is simply trying to shrink the huge space between a hunter/mage and a digger/crafter.

(placio, even if limited to account vs a single toon, ppl could just make 100 f2p accounts with a single toon on each, so changing NH isn't a solution at all in the end, we need to look at creating something NEW that will create a source of dapper income that helps to close the huge gap between crafters and non-crafters)

just my 2 dappers

basically: stop knocking NH and start trying to come up with new mission ideas that don't involve crafting with a fair payout for said mission. (eg. kill 10 Q100+ gingo's and i'll pay you 35,000, with a cooldown of 30 to 60 minutes) the real fix is to crate something new that makes NH less of a source of income for the non-crafting/digging players. (let's face it, not everyone likes to dig and craft)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#8 [en] 

I tend to disagree to both Imotep and Talkirc.

Imotep does not see sufficiently that it takes a while to let a character do a citizen rite, and somewhat longer to reach 99 or 100 nation fame. Only then 360.000 dappers are given once a day in exchange for 36 occupation products. Getting the products also is not done in zero time, rather in about 20-30 minutes on average. And you have to develop every character at least a bit to achieve that and haven't him or her lying dead every couple of steps. This is nothing for a throwaway alt dropped from Silan at level 1.

So, if you want a million per day, you have to prepare 3 alts, log them in one after another, do their money job, deliver, and log out. It is feasible, sure. Yet this boring job is surely eating 1.5hr a day. I, for example, have no more time to stay on Atys than 3-4 hours maximum during workdays, recently. I can assure that I would not sacrifice half of this time for such boring stuff.

In fact, craft missions are great, and those still developping their skills can combine digging, hunting, and crafting gaining dappers. And it is not hard indeed to get the money one needs, and even lots more. When doing all missions in Dyron at the campfire overseer, I am earning approximately 1.6 million iirc. For that purpose, I am digging (in case I am) about 1200 mats of different kind. When doing level grind (for Diwu) I collect the loot and store it for crafting. That way, I may earn dappers while doing things which are fun like digging everywhere on the bark, or level grind which can be fun, too.

I disagree, though, that it is in any way hard to get the dappers one needs every day. Even a beginner may start with one occupation, spend 10-15 minutes to get the products, then earn 90k dappers per day as a civ neutral, or 30 minutes and 180k dappers when doing 2 occs. That is way more than a newbie will ever spend, allowing to buy packers and an apartment soon (if subbed).

Without that, a beginner would be left with corporal etc. missions earning 2-5k dappers or craft missions earning 5k to 20k dappers on beginner level (lvl 30 ca.). That is not much, but also no imminent threat of running out of dappers and being unable e.g. to teleport.

In fact, I am also against getting rid of NH, it is a good headstart and motivates players to familiarize with nations, citizenship, fame, and basic occupations.

Yet no, the economy does not stink. Players are just lazy.


To add one thing: A real problem is that after having learnt how to earn dappers, there is no realistic way to spend them except simply wasting, giving away etc., the wheel of fortune is too slow, dappers are faster earned than spent. But there is not much worth while to get from dappers.

A proposal I made long time ago was creating additional rooms, each with a slight increase of storage, in apartments on increasing scale: 2nd room 10m, 3rd room 50m, then 100, 500, 1000million. A 7 room flat would be something really extraordinary :).

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 [en] 

daomei, seams like we pretty much agree on everything but the fact that the new econ post merger stinks. every other point i made you basically agreed with, NH alts require work and time.

i also agree that there's not much to spend dappers on once you have all the basic stuff needed, another thing that should be improved along with missions for player that don't want to craft and dig.

on the part of players that are "lazy": getting a craft master is anything but fast, and as you point out Daomei, your play time is limited: this is the very fact as to why the econ stinks in many ways, i'm not saying give something for nothing, but let's face it, some people are only going to play an hour a day at most, thus they're not going to invest the effort required to get those high craft masters in a few weeks of playing. so they need a mission that can be done in that hour that will provide them with income to survive.

as for the issue of having things to spend dappers on: we need better day to day offerings from the merchants. right now the things they offer for sale are nearly worthless, and if sold for 2 dappers 90% of the server will still never buy the gear. i understand we need to keep crafting homins in business, but if the merchants sell things at least with decent stats and hp bonuses players might have something to buy.

as i said before: NH getting a change isn't the solution, new missions and merchants are.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#10 Multilingual 

Tout simplement interdire l'acces aux metiers aux comptes non payant.Au moins ceux qui veullent profiter du systeme,devront payer un abonnement,Ca devrait en calmer plus d'un.


Chef De Clan " Les Prophètes De La Lumière "

#11 [fr] 

J'allais dire oui, mais sa peut etre contourné, sa serait plus simple de reduire les dappers en divisant par 2/3 par exemple le nombre de dappers gagner et on augmente un peu le nombre de points de civilisation.

Les avatars devront vendre cata/cristaux/mps pour les dappers aux marchands.

#12 [fr] 

Une taxe!! direct dans les poches des marauds :) vous gagnez moins de dappers et nous, on peut aussi profiter de l'économie ^^

(daomei : tu peux choisir un drapeau pour tes posts? pas de traduction sinon :s merci )

sérieusement, arrêtez de vouloir toujours enlever des choses ou brimer des joueurs (vivi même ceux qui ne payent pas!) , ce serait mieux d'enrichir le jeu.. on gagne trop de dappers? trouvez des idées pour en dépenser plus :)

C'est là que je me fais taper dessus..
et .. et.. si les joueurs payaient pour leur équipement? y a une différence entre entraide et assistanat.. et ça motiverait peut-être pour remplir les marchands de choses à vendre. Parce que passer des heures à finaliser un produit entre les recherches de mats, le forage ou la chasse et devoir tout reprendre au bout de 6 jours.. ben tu le fais une fois, pas 2.. :p

Last edited by Nerwane (9 years ago)

#13 [fr] 

Nerwane: j'ai ajoutee le drapeau

Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#14 Multilingual 

Why on earth do you want to change the game/mechanics/rules to impose a dapper-based economy? In what way will the game be improved by making dappers the primary trading currency?

Last edited by Beeficus (9 years ago)


#15 [en] 

Just to get back to Imotep's first post: The idea is to prohibit item exchanges, I assume dapper exchange mostly, as a way to reduce exploitation of NH.

Now that I have re-read that, I am 100% opposed to restricting exchanges for paid or f2p. And as I said earlier, crafting is a much better way of making money, so if someone wants to waste their life logging into a dozen different alts then thats their loss :)
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