
#1 Quote[en] 


I am unable to login to the game.

I originally downloaded and installed from the torrent and I've been getting error code 62. I read elsewhere on here that the torrent installation is an old version so I uninstalled and then downloaded and installed from the direct download (from SourceForge).

I am still getting the same error. On another thread from about a month ago somebody else was advised to check their config file had the latest up to date entries and mine matched the ones on that thread. I have disabled my firewall for now. I tried pinging the su1 and the dl addresses and they both respond.

So I cannot see what the issue is. I notice the person on that month old thread was also running on Windows 7 64bit and he never actually responded to say the problem was fixed.

Am really keen to try this game out but at the moment... :-(

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Dawmdt -- In addition to posting here, I hope that you have written to -- it doesn't hurt to use both the belt and suspenders when attempting to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Good luck.

Since you are downloading for SourceForge, I assume you are running Linux. There was, at least some time ago, a static executable available from a player, but for the life of me I can't find it now.

((Not Linux user, but I do understand it a little bit.))

-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 Quote[en] 


No, am using Windows 7 64bit. If you follow the direct download link from the main website it takes you here: ownload

Which is a Windows executable, about 1.4GB in size.

I'll e-mail support as you suggest and see what comes of it.


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

I just downloaded the setup you've got via the link and had a look at the config:
"setup config"
StartupHost = "";
StartupPage = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl = "";
PatchServer = "";
InstallWebPage = "";
"My config"
StartupHost = "";
StartupPage = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl = "";
PatchServer = "";
InstallWebPage = "";

As you can see: my working config uses instead of


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

To counter that, Jarnys, my working config reads:
"my working config from client.cfg"
StartupHost = "";
StartupPage = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl = "";
PatchServer = "";
InstallWebPage = "";
LanguageCode = "en";

This would appear to be a mystery. However my client_default.cfg (the one we aren't supposed to edit) shows:
PatchServer = "";
SignUpURL = "";
StartupHost = "";
StartupPage = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl = "";
CreateAccountURL = "";
InstallWebPage = "";

This would imply that the "su1... " is the correct one since client.cfg over-rides client_default.cfg.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

To further confuse matters, my client_default.cfg match's Bittty's, but my client.cfg has none of those lines in it.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I think we need a CSR/Dev here -- stat!


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

None (atys)
To further confuse matters, my client_default.cfg match's Bittty's, but my client.cfg has none of those lines in it.

That's the same for me - I just looked at both files and wrote the "final" result (client.cfg overrides client_default.cfg)

Well at least dawmdt has something he/she can try out and give feedback if it's working ;-)

And in general there are a LOT of old config-settings in the client_default.cfg from the setup so the devs should REALLY update it...


#9 Quote[en] 

Thanks for the replies everyone.

I've tried both configs and am getting the same error message (error code 62).

Any other ideas? I may try it on my wife's machine to see if it works on hers... or I could just simply uninstall/reinstall on mine...?

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Sometimes uninstall/reinstall helps and we don't know why.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#11 Quote[en] 

Hello, I'm having the same problem. I've downloaded the torrent version and have no luck logging in with that, so I uninstalled it, removed it and tried the windowed direct download. I still get an error 62.

This is not looking good for new players like myself, who are likely to give up quickly and try something else.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

not sure if this matters or will be the help or not, but a direct x redistribuite from june of 2010 fixes some known issues with getting ryzom to work with windows based systems, not sure if it also works for linux and mac (as i don't know exactly how direct x works with those two OS options)

but look for this directx redistrivuite june 2010, sorry for spelling error, but you know what to google, my spell check is not working, lolx.


Remickla (atys)
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#13 Report | Quote[en] 

There's no Direct X for Linux, so this doesn't apply there.
Talkirc (atys)
not sure if this matters or will be the help or not, but a direct x redistribuite from june of 2010 fixes some known issues with getting ryzom to work with windows based systems, not sure if it also works for linux and mac (as i don't know exactly how direct x works with those two OS options)

but look for this directx redistrivuite june 2010, sorry for spelling error, but you know what to google, my spell check is not working, lolx.

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Original poster was on Windoz, so it might. However a couple of more ideas have occurred to me.

First make sure that the entry in either client.cfg or client_default for cfg for 3D engine is set:

Driver3D = "Auto";

Second, I run on Win7 on a 64bit machine, but I put it in the Program Files (x86) folder. Since the client is really a 32bit client you might check to be sure that the Windoz isn't trying to force it to 64bit. I've checked mine an the compatibility settings are all unchecked. For the shortcut I have it running in "Normal Window" and starting in the same directory as the program is in.

I think I'll poke a CSR or two..


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

HI all sorry for the late response on this ...

I looked up error code 62 and the error Codes 60,61,62,63 all are a result of the client not being able to contact the server, so it is a connection issue.
So dont be going around changing any client configuration files if you have been able to play the game in the past on your current setup.
It looks to me like a it could be a random internet routing problem with your ISP provider and the game, this can occur from time to time and is not particularly anyones fault.

Things to try on a windows installation. (there would be similar commands in linux and Mac and perhaps those players with this knowledge can add to this thread)
1. Flush the DNS cache.
Get a dos box running (click start and type cmd in search it should find it click to run)
At a dos command prompt type..
>ipconfig /flushdns [it should respond with a "done and success"]
2. Next run a ping to see if you can connect to game servers using the command ping
At the dos prompt type

The result should translate address to and IP address and give you a connection speed or fail, if it fails then the game servers are not contactable so there is a problem, a big ms figure say 3000ms would be a issue as well
3. Next run a trace to see if its a routing issue to game and not a problem with the game servers using the command tracert

This will reveal the path of internet addresses your computer takes to get to the game servers and the time it took in mseconds, it might be failing somewhere on route or taking too long which is out of anyones control so go and get some fresh air and come back later.
Sometimes turning off your modem for an extended time say 5-10 minutes will make your ISP reissue a new IP to your modem and a new route to game. (only works if you have a dynamic type ISP address ofc)

So by the time you finish mucking around with the above, if there had been any issues with the game servers they should have rebooted/repaired themselves :D

PS moral of the story ...dont go fiddling around with you configuration if the game was working ok previously, and definitely dont edit the client_default.cfg file or you will break the game and may need to re install.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Mokoi (1 decade ago)


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Last visit Tuesday, 11 March 05:10:37 UTC

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