A new continent

i like what your saying.

i have an idea that's similar to what your asking for, and it's got a large amount of parts needed already in place. and here it is:

recycle the old starter islands that are currently running unused by the player base, to start with they can be reached by a NH like transport system for all non- marauder players, and since the marauder tp system is based on webig (arcc) they can have tp's placed in the "new" lands, the mob level's on the old islands can be changed to higher lvl's, bosses that are not currently used in game can be used here, the cities can be the towns daomei is speaking of, one can be for the marauders, one for rangers, one for trytonists, and the last two (they each have 5) can be neutral (or one can be kami and one can be karavan, and neutral/neutral players can go to all but the mara one, since mara's don't like anyone with positive fame) the zone can be mixed mob's from say lvl 100 to 250 (like some regions of PR) same with mat's.

this is an ongoing idea that i have a small group of players helping me to outline, our idea's are not yet fully ready and i was wanting to wait for it, but this is the 3rd time in less then 6 months that i've read an idea related to our project, as a result i'm putting it out there.

(with our small dev team even this is very unlikely to happen, even with so much of the idea already in place and running on the server as we speak {the starter islands are running right now, with no one using them, what a waste of content that is})

please everyone feel free to comment (and sorry csr's for wanting to steel your hiding places for the rest of the players to enjoy)


Remickla (atys)
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