Drain Damage Spells

i agree that drain spells don't much make sense, you can't train them solo, because you have to stay linked to the attacked mob, that's fine for a second or two untill the mob hits you, then poof link broken, gotta cast it again, whoops, got hit cast interruped, cast again, get hit link broken, cast again, interrupted again, ect, you can see the pattern, and while the mob looses 100 hp, your laying in a coma calling out in region for a rez please.

also, teams to train this skill, someone mentioned that, but because of the massive amounts of resists and quickly broken links it's still useless to do in a team of two, maybe even in a larger team if your all of the same lvl, the mob lvl's get higher with the bigger team (if your going for max xp per kill)
(the formula i've come to find works best for that is 1 toon = highest skill used plus 20, and for each team member doing the fighting {far away members don't matter at all if they're not fighting the same exact mob} add another 10 lvl's each, and while this isn't 100% true all the time, it does work quite often for most all mob's on the big tree)

to really make them useful something should be done, i like the options i've read here, and because i don't use these skills often (because of the lack of sucess) i do agree that something should be done to make them work a little better, after all i'd like to use them as i think it would be nice to find a real use for one of the many options a player has.

but that's "just my two dappers" (someone likes to say this in the forums but the name is eluding me right now, if someone can direct me to a post with it, i'll like to quote it and add it to my signature)

+1 firstdo for this idea.


Remickla (atys)
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