which option would you like to see:
remove the limit of base markers.
Atys: Calestra, Cryangel, Drogos, Gazzi, Hwinoree, Jacp, Kimory, Leruella, Marikka, Phaozhu, Sienn, Suboxide, Sywendhyl, Yubina
14 (2)
double the base limit of markers. 0
triple the base limit of markers. 0
change the rite to allow unlimited markers.
Atys: Aelyne, Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Barukaa, Bazett, Ciliana, Djaimse, Gooony, Kaean, Lapiaz, Mjollren, Selair, Slorforn, Snarfster, Yubomei
change the rite to add double the base number or markers. 0
change the rite to add triple the base number of markers.
Atys: Kaehla
ANY of the above options would be fine.
Atys: Alrik, Bradbreddan, Bringidi, Gidget, Jarnys, Kovabon, Luminatrix, Marceline, Mikira, Mirakel, Nuzanshi, Oolykyloo, Raded, Tzarfati, Zam, Zoumpaf
16 (1)
NONE of the above options, things are good as they are.
Atys: Applejack, Arfur, Binarabi, Ventron, Zilon
5 (1)
Atys: Bitttymacod, Naema, Rubiksmomo
Sich enthalten 2
Die Umfrage ist beendet

#20 [en] 

the poll results so far suggest that some improvement is desired by the player base. one option or another would be nice.

if you haven't voted yet please don't forget to do so.

Zuletzt geändert von Talkirc (vor 9 Jahren) | Grund: added reminder to vote on poll


Remickla (atys)
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#21 [en] 

bumped to reach more voters.


Remickla (atys)
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#22 [en] 

Deleting dig markers in low level zones that I have no need for anymore was what I used to do as well...until I got low level friends who can hardly survive digging in lvl 250 zones and I realized I had no idea where the spots were when they asked me to show them. Sure, there is always BM but keeping 2 windows open is very, very uncomfortable.

Unlimited markers would be the best option, but even just increasing the limit by a significant amount would be fine.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#23 [en] 

I wish the rite was easier to find. I don't feel like searching info online while playing. Maybe some NPC could tell players who have many flags but haven't done the rite: "need more flags? do...".

Offtopic: Would be awesome if the flags were saved on server. Also a search would be nice.


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#24 [en] 

(re: off: All flags are listed if you right click on the compass. Assuming you have them properly categorized, it should help. You only see the flags for the current continent though. )

I like this idea of a "guide" npc. The rite of discovering more rites :p


#25 [en] 

any chance of a possible change to this? it would be nice and handy for those of us that enjoy marking things, and then using those things to help others (even lower level players) with referance points that are right here in game on the built in map, without an app or going to an out of game site.



Remickla (atys)
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#26 [en] 

still hitting the limit way too soon...


Remickla (atys)
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#27 [en] 

No worries, every now and then the client crashes while quitting/saving so you lose part of your map markers and you can save new ones. ;P


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#28 [en] 


I think I could use 4680 markers per region with my mark-a-lot-of-things style of gameplay, in case anyone wants a number.

400 markers per region is enough to mark one spot for each material per zone for all regions.


I thought I'd add some thoughts here about how many markers would be "enough" for me to write down all the things I want to. Maybe this is useful if anyone wants to ask questions like "ok, I think I want to add more markers than 256, but how many do I want to add? what are some considerations that might actually affect players, that I don't know about since my playstyle is different?"

I've been considering creating separate interface_carmy.icfg files to hold map markers for different zones. I could then relog, switching out .icfg files, when I wanted a map for a different zone. I'd have to redo my window and interface settings every time, but, it would allow me to have more markers. I was trying to think about how many I'd need, and came to 2 general maps, and 2 maps per zone. The max zones per region is 8 (the Fyros desert and Tryker lakes), which comes to: 256 * (2 + 2*8) = 4680 per region.

4680 markers. That's a lot more than the limit right now!

How can I possibly use that many markers????? Well, I like to mark a lot of things. It helps me feel like I know a place, and that the exploration knowledge is connected to that character. I like to mark fauna locations, predator/hostile locations, foraging locations, spots I thought were pretty, access routes in hard-to-navigate areas, TP locations, areas of personal significance. Yes, I can remember a lot of them eventually without a marker, but I'd prefer letting my character remember for me by making map markers, and I'd prefer that knowledge to last. I know it sounds like a lot of markers and just walking around marking things, but at least right now that's part of the game for me. I want to feel like I've explored a region and understood it with interest and attention, not just walked through it, killed the bosses, speed-leveled, and moved on. Making lots of detailed markers is one way of doing that for me. Although, writing this, I guess I could RP it as she "forgets", that's why I lose markers in areas I don't go to often.

Another number:
* There are about 50 different materials. Suppose there is 1 dig spot for each excellent material per zone in a region. For lakeland or desert, 8 zones * ~50 markers = about 400 markers per region with max zones (lakes and desert).

I hope this post came off as not complaining, but offering information if someone wants it. Of course getting more markers right now would solve some of my problems, but that's not what I want most in Ryzom, I want Ryzom to be Ryzom! I don't know everything that went into the current vision, and I'm happier if the people developing (thanks!) just develop as they think is appropriate, from their vision. So if devs want to know about map marker limit considerations that matter to players like me within the current system, those are some. I had some numbers to add since I was thinking about this, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to post some.

I guess this post ended up a bit long, sorry. I tried to highlight the actual numbers.

Zuletzt geändert von Carmy (vor 8 Jahren)

#29 [en] 

wow, all that work you did carmy, i'm impressed and thanks for the nice clear number you could use, i ran out of map markers in Siland.


Remickla (atys)
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#30 [en] 

feels like this could use a bumb as well, still limited as to what we can store on our own personal storage devices.



should be a simple change to the 256 number to 2,137,463,600 (nearly max dword value before things get strange)


Remickla (atys)
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#31 [en] 


map marker limit was removed 2017-04-07



#32 [en] 

strange, i'm still haveing the issue of my markers vanishing after i log out and back in, as i've been at the limit for ages in jungle

i'll have to make a few more and really double check, but if this has been done, i'm very sorry for my mistake.


Remickla (atys)
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#33 [en] 

No limit. Look at jorgensen art picture :D

Zuletzt geändert von Ulukyn (vor 1 Jahre)

#34 [en] 

nice picture, i thought he did it all in a single log in session when i first saw it, just went afk when not working on it, lolx, i'll make a few really clear ones and make sure i'm totally wrong about mine vanishing still, remember ulu that i need that updated EXE file because i run the client directly with out any launchers. or did i miss that post too?

i've been working hard on trying to catch up on what's been done and what hasn't but it's a really mixed bag with the bad or no translations directly on the forums page like the past was. makes reading and catching up hard, i noticed that most french isn't translated anymore at all, so it's hard to keep up with anything they talk about (wish i could, i'm sure they have great ideas i'd support too, like some would support mine if only they knew) forums felt kinda dead since i came back, a whole week neted 4 new posts, before i left i could read 5 to 10 new posts every morning with my coffee. anyway getting way way off topic.


Remickla (atys)
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