
#46 [en] 

Yup i'm having the same problem...

It says " This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate expired 13 days ago. "




High officer of Les Larmes

#47 [en] 

i've encountered the error as well, i ignore it and it works fine, i'll see about getting that worked on again if i can. not sure if development is ongoing still, but i'll also recap the requests and ideas:

a section to display individual toon fame (civ, faction, tribe)

an option to "compress" items and mats similar to how we can compress them in-game (the little button on the bottom right of the inventory windows)

a display of bulk and slots of an inventory

an option on the "my page" to refresh all data at one time vs clicking refresh for each key loaded into the app. (new idea i recently thought of)

not sure how hard or easy these might be, just getting them out there again, it's an awesome site with lot's of potential, after looking as some screenshots of the ios app, i did have other ideas, weather graphs for the different lands would be a nice one (or a single graph with each land a different color, similar to the bm one).


Remickla (atys)
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#48 [en] 

the problem has been fixed.

the address is

the problem was the site issuing the security cert.  the author of ryztools could not update the cert and until another option (like this one) can be used.

hope this works out everyone's problem with ryztools.



Remickla (atys)
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#49 [en] 

Woohoo! *does happy dance*

Thanks a bunch :)


#50 [en] 

guess when i stopped using this a while ago that was the end of anyone using it still, cause i tried to use it today for  the first time in ages and it's dead now :(


Remickla (atys)
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#51 [en] 

it died like 2-3 weeks ago



#52 [en] 

maybe i can reach out one more time and work some magic, i'll see what i can do to reach the right person again...


Remickla (atys)
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