
#23 [en] 

ok, first off, where and how did name's and choice dropping mob's become a part of BOSS camping, the fact that named and choice dropping mob's respawn every hour is the EXACT reason they're not camped like bosses are, if the sup loot dropping bosses spawned every hour like the named did, camping would be histroy becasue it wouldn't take weeks and months to collect the mat's needed to craft an item.

because ryzom doesn't have a "repair item" skill, we are always going to be in need of more mat's to make the next item, with the long wait's for boss respawns there would be no camping, then it would become a matter of getting what you need in a few days time and making the item. the issue with camping is simple, the amount of mat's that are worth anything are VERY limited because of the limited number of bosses. (and for anyone that wants to say there are "x" number of bosses, keep in mind that the only one's i've ever seen camped are at least of Q220)

bottom line is simple, ryzom's very old, and the fact that all spawn points are known, that only some mat's are worth much if anything at all, and are very limited because of rather long wait's between spawns, there's going to be a HUGE issue over the very limited resources, saddly ryzom feels less and less like a game and more and more like real life and the misery that a game is susposed to help us escape.

i hate to say it but the bottom line is ryzom is very stale, it's become common for stagnation to be accepted as the norm. it's a sad though that the game i love so much will die, because i see more and more players going away, and less and less new players sticking around very long, in the time since merger i've seen many players leave ryzom, i've seen quite a few new players come, stay a little while, and then leave to go to more updated games, it doesn't take long playing ryzom to see that it's not moved much in years (a fact that a player i made friends with shortly after he discovered the game brought to my attention recently)

want to stop camping, they we need to push the dev's to do something other then talk, or fix things that don't amount to a hill of beans to the player base.

WE THE PAYING PLAYERS ARE THE ONES THAT HAVE TO RALLY TO GET CHANGE, sadly short of buying the rites to ryzom nothing's ever going to happen, it's been this way for years, and it's not getting any better anytime soon, maybe in 2020 ryzom will be what we all dream of it to be.

end all of it, make the respawns totally random in location, make the time between spawns shorter, and let the fun of a GAME return, or, be like real life, and make everything more and more (for lack of a better word) shitty.

i love ryzom, and ryzom could be more then any other game out there.

camping isn't very polite, it's looked down on, and as for anything else, i forgot why i bothered to waste my time typing all this because in the end, the people that really could do something about it, won't do a damn thing.

also a side note, there is almost no point in having player based CSR's, they can't do anything to correct the many bug's of ryzom, if the game messes up and cheats you, and you file a ticket, a CSR (condolence serving rep) will tell you they are very sorry but that there is nothing they can do about it, to me that is pointless, i really respect the CSR's that have responded to my tickets, and i really feel bad for them, it's there job to say "i'm sorry" when the game sticks it to us, the title should be changed to TSR technical support rep, because that's about all they can really do is offer tech support for issues, nothing more.

i'm done wasting my breath on this topic, and many of the other one's i've spoken of, i see now after my years here, that like many others, speaking out on the forums is pointless, because it falls on def ears when it comes to the people that CAN do something, how many idea's have been ignored since shortly after release? (hint, think apt and gh bulk and slot upgrades, i've been told by beta test players that it's been asked for since shortly after the inital release, 8 years later and no changes)

thanks for the time you didn't spend to read all that, have a nice day.


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#24 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
random boss spawn in same level and region would be a nice idea, indeed, at least for 250 PR and all 200.

But the camping whining and hysteria is widely overblown and abused as a disguise to violate forum and chat rules and to employ griefing.

So all calm down and let the little boys shout and cry

=> I haven't been here in months and as one of my first posts I read this looks alot like you abusing this forum to get some ppl to flame on yourself

ps. seeing that there are dozens of forums atm about just camping i'll skip em for now I guess, I'm not in the mood to go read 100ds of posts from different ppl about a camping problem that you say isn't there (I guess all those ppl are wrong and you are right)

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