


Hello everyone!

Please report all bugs related to the Achievements in this thread.

I think it will be easier to keep track and speed up fixing things.

How achievement tracking works / Known issues:

Currently we can only evaluate your character's save file which is created by the server in roughly 8min intervals. You can see when you character is saved in the "System info" chat tab. It will say "[Name] has been saved."
This means that everything that happened between two saves can not be evaluated.

Meta Achievements:
Meta Achievements require you to finish other achievements instead of explicit tasks. These achievements may require one or two additonal "saves" of your character after completing the last of the meta-objectives to register. That's by design to keep server load low and not a bug.

You will have to stay in a region for the exploration achievements, until your progress has been tracked and shows up on the achievements.

Please keep your broken tools in your inventory (bag/room/meks) until the progress has been tracked.

Bejeweled / Well geared:
You must wear the gear until it has been tracked.

Title related achievements:
Same here. Display the title until it has been tracked.


* removed tool crafting tools from "Tooltime" since they seem to be unbreakable
* PvP achievements should now finally track
* "Not again" should work correctly now
* "Liberty Lake" is now a meta requirement for "Aeden Aqueous" exploration
* New achievements added (3x, exploration)
* All regions for exploration that have a TP should now also trigger when a TP-pact is in your inventory.
* "That sells - of course!" fixed
* New category: Fame
* "Tooltime!" should be fixed.
* "Neat!" now requires the items to be raw materials
* "Doubtfully Undecided" was moved to the Heroic Deeds category and rewards no points any longer.
* The achievement for the q300 item has been lowered to q290
* "Not Again ...!" has been reset due to a bug
* Many thanks to Karu for fixing the bugged regions. I had almost no hope there ^^
* "Crisis proof!" now has additional steps above one million.
* More achievements have their own unique icon now.
* All players who had a valid account before the server merge should have a new "Heroic Deed" unlocked.
* "Paramount Stock" and "Mull of Despond" should now trigger correctly
* Replaced all polygons for exploration tracking with those used by the game.
* Player vs. Player: There is a new subcategory called "Outposts" that requires you to visit all PvP outposts.
* Exploration: Verdant Heights now has an achievement for exploring the marauder city
* Exploration: There is a new subcategory called "Outposts" that requires you to visit all non PvP outposts (=ruins).
* Exploration: There is a new subcategory called "Old Lands". There are two new achievements for Almati Wood and Kitin's Lair. Also Silan achievements have been moved into this category.
* General: New achievement "Stablemaster" that wants you to put a Mektoub into one/all stables on Atys
* Heroic Deeds: There is a new heroic deed. I won't tell you what it exactly is about, but it involves Mektoubs.
* "I am Legend" (Reach maximum fame with all tribes of Atys) has been moved to Heroic Deeds an will no longer be worth any Yubopoints
* "Stablemaster" now requires Packers and won't work with Mounts any longer.

Silan exploration

If you gave up on exploring Silan because of the lazy tracking, please report in this thread!
I will have a look and unlock the achievement if the progress that was tracked suggests that you actually completed it and it was just a technical issue.

I will try to fix all reported bugs as soon as possible :)
Yours Cotare

PS: (german) Wenn ihr es vorzieht auf deutsch zu schreiben, immer gerne. Bin ja selber Österreicher :) Dann aber bitte per Mail-System, damit der Forenthread einheitlich bleibt.

21 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Cotare (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)




Resting Waters ("Liberty Lake") won't trigger for me, also "Liberty Lake" is not a sub-achievement of Exploration of Aeden Aqueous.


Ryzom LFG


Civ achievements are wierd : to unlock them you need either to go from theist/tenant then marauders or the other way around, but no need of joining any faction, 25 would just do. What about faction aligned people, with fame upped to 100 or -100?


It's not really a bug, but I tend to agree with Timna, that it would be nice to have more fame achievements. Since yesterday my 25+ fame achievements started to track, but it seems there's none for a fame of 50. That would be nice. And even if I can never get them (due to roleplay issues) I'd like to see achievements for +75, +100 and possibly similarly for negative fame.

Thanks SirCotare for all the work you're putting into this! It already was a great achievement to have achievements on your webpage. But moving it into the game is a huge benefit for all of us. Great spirit!


cheers! I will try to draw my friends' attention to this post's contents should not be so hard to break one too each again :) i did suspect it had to do with staying logged in for a while until the character was saved or something similar because it took some time to get the silan achievements for exploration i did not want to leave without them......

what happens to people who left silan without getting them because they were frustrated ? there is no chance to get them again, any way to get around this now that we know how to do it?


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* I added Liberty Lake to the meta achievement for Aeden Aqueous. Thx for reporting that one.
* Resting Waters is now under investigation.

@Timna & Irfidel:
I am already working on the Fame achievements as a new category.
The PvP category that we have now works as intended. It only tracks PvP tags that were introduced in Patch 1.10.0: PvP
... to unlock them you need either to go from theist/tenant then marauders or the other way around ...
Yes, that is correct. To unlock them all you will have to change your PvP tags with all consequences involved. But consider that as a possibility, not as a must!

Some more words about Fame and achievements:
There are currently over 50 factions you can have fame with. The maximum amount of fame you can have with a faction depends on your racial and cult allegiance. Eg.: (neutral, Matis,Tryker, Fyros, Zorai) / (neutral, Kami, Karavan). So each combination of race/cult has its own set of fame caps. That's 15 combinations * 50 factions.
On the Ryzom Armory, the system did not consider that and required you to gain "impossible" fame in order to complete the achievements. I want to change that here, but it takes time. You can see, the matter is complicated.

That's a good question... well...
I think the best thing to do is having players that missed some Silan regions to report here. I will take a look at their status and decide what to do. Eg. having explored "Kitin's Jungle" would require to have moved through "Shining Lake". In that case I will grant "Shining Lake".
So please report in here, if you want me to take a look. I'll try to be generous :)




I don't know if you can filter that info, but tribes might count as faction, but only the 6 main factions are of interest (matis tryker fyros zorai karavan kami) the 44ish tribes, i guess no one ever maxed up their fame to the tribes, so this data can be neglected


Yes, you are right. The most interesting ones are the six main factions. But the problem still remains, that the maximum amount of fame one can have with a faction depends on his/her allegiance. I don't want the system to say "gain 100 fame with xx" while a character is neutral/neutral and can't gain more than 50 fame with most factions.
So basically the system will offer different sets of achievements depending on your allegiance. I'm working on that right now.




I don't want the system to say "gain 100 fame with xx" while a character is neutral/neutral and can't gain more than 50 fame with most factions
It's already the case, as matis/karavan i can't validate +25 fyros and kami fame


Oh here comes that headache again ^^

Well, from my point of view the PvP category contains achievements that are a matter of choice. Of course that choice is also biased by your current allegiance with race/cult. The point is, that all possible PvP related fames show up here, no matter what, since you can always change your mind and go from eg. marauder to hominist again (or am I mistaken about that?).

The general Fame category should offer only those fame achievements you can currently achieve. So we are not tracking the choice you made like we do in the PvP category, but we track actual fame progress.

I know it is a little hard to explain the concept I have in mind....




i'm missing two from silan, areana, spent about an hour sitting there, got killed once even, but was rez'ed by the "killer", and the kavan embassy (spelling is wrong sorry), i was there too for a few hours, had to go afk and i was picking up a mission when i had to go afk, didn't realize i didn't get credit for those two till after i had came to ml and was checking out my points, not a big deal if you can't do it, but it would be nice to have that extra few yobo points.

thanks so much cotare for all your hard work, your the bomb man, keep it up.


Remickla (atys)
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Talkirc (atys)
i'm missing two from silan, areana, spent about an hour sitting there, got killed once even, but was rez'ed by the "killer", and the kavan embassy (spelling is wrong sorry), i was there too for a few hours, had to go afk and i was picking up a mission when i had to go afk, didn't realize i didn't get credit for those two till after i had came to ml and was checking out my points, not a big deal if you can't do it, but it would be nice to have that extra few yobo points.

thanks so much cotare for all your hard work, your the bomb man, keep it up.

Agreed, was just noticing the same today. Can't get back there to "correct" it either.


Runku'Lam Loi


Both of you should have the achievement now.




thanks so much cotare, glad to have those yobo points for silan, keep up the awesome work.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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In Silan, the Karavan embassy didn't trigger. I stayed there until the game saved my character, and the it did trigger.


Last visit Samstag 28 September 21:13:35 UTC

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