upper branches occupations

4 new occupations to start with, one for each land (these would be "basic" occupations.)
to promote travel (and create another reason to tp, which is one of the only dapper sinks in the game) and exploration of the surface world of ryzom.

----forest land can start there and take place collecting in jungle
would involve collecting goo related mat's, one part harvested, one part looted; the end products would give a resistance to goo damage for a short time

eg. grade one product would provide 10 seconds of goo protection, taking one second to consume {standing OR sitting}, improved grade one would provide 15 seconds of protection,
grade 2 product would provide 20 seconds of goo protection, taking 2 seconds to consume, improved grade 2 would last 25 seconds and take 2.5 seconds to consume

each grade would add 10 more seconds of protection and would require an additional second for consumption. consumption time for improved products would add .5 seconds to the consumption time for the basic grade time and add 5 seconds to that grades basic product effect time.

----desert land can start there and take place collecting in lakes
would involve collecting mat's from various aggressive creatures, eg. collect 20 basic kincher stings AND 20 fine zerx bones (or mission mats related to aggro mobs); the end product would provide a boost to dodge and parry stats for a duration of time

eg. grade one product would add +1 dodge and +1 parry for 5 minutes, it would require sitting to consume, and take 5 seconds to consume, improved grade one product would add +1 dodge and +1 parry for 7.5 minutes, and would take 7.5 seconds to consume.
grade 2 would last 10 minutes, taking 10 seconds to consume, and provide +2 dodge and +2 parry, improved grade 2 would last 12.5 minutes and take 12.5 seconds to consume

each grade would (as you may have guessed) add an equal dodge and parry factor as the grade level, thus grade 6 would add +6 dodge and +6 parry, the affect would last 30 minutes for basic product and improved product would last 32.5 minutes. taking 30 and 32.5 seconds to consume respectively

the improved product only adds 2.5 minutes of effect and would also add 2.5 seconds consumption time vs the basic product of that grade

----lake land can start there and take place collecting in desert
would involve harvesting of mat's (either mission or crafting) of at least choice grade; the end product would increase success
rate of harvesting action based on grade level of the product for a set duration of time (60 minutes regardless of grade).
eg. grade one product would add 10% success rate to harvest action for 60 minutes (10% less chance of damaging source / failure rate, which results in degrade of quality) grade one improved product would add 12.5% success rate for 60 minutes (12.5% less chance of damaging source / failure rate, which results in degrade of quality)
grade 2 basic would add 20% success rate to harvest action for 60 minutes, grade 2 improved would add 22.5%

each grade would add 10% to the previous grade, improved products add 2.5% to the basic grade's % of improvement.

----jungle land can start there and take place collecting in forest
would require collection of mat's, both harvested and looted. the end product would provide a boost to all 4 regeneration stats, while not a large boost, would last a duration of time based on the grade.

eg. grade one basic product would give a boost of 5 points for 10 minutes time, grade one improved product would give a boost of 7 points for 12.5 minutes. consumption time would be 10 seconds for both basic and improved grade one products.
grade 2 basic product would give a boost of 10 points for 15 minutes, grade 2 improved product would give a boost of 12 points for 17.5 minutes. consumption time would be 15 seconds for both basic and improved grade 2 products.

each grade would last 5 minutes longer then the previous grade, consumption time would also be 5 seconds longer then previous grade, improved grade adds 2 points to the basic grade boost and 2.5 minutes to the duration of the effect, consumption time is the same for improved grade as it is for the basic grade.


Remickla (atys)
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