
#1 [en] 

See Original Post Here: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/21778



i think only allowing people that are matis or neutral will hurt the event over all, your excluding 75% of the player base (or more)

just my two dappers


Edited: Added a header to this first post 

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tiximei (9 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#2 [fr] 

Yet another classic example of ryzom fun spoiling. Pitty you lot are so afraid of us :)


"We won our freedom and will not fold to any homin laws of the New Lands. The only law we recognize is ours." ---Hail Melkiar the Black Varinx---

#3 [en] 

Some observations from an uninterested observer:

I love the format --
I did, however, miss one thing in the specs. Are the fighters allowed to use Self Heal (or was that what was meant by "regeneration")?

Lilz --

It's a Matis event, not an Atys event. However, they are holding it where you can easily come by and jeer at their lack of 1337 skilz. I fail to see how that counts as "Ryzom fun spoiling". If you want to hold an international tournament, feel free.

Talkirc -

Limiting it to Matis and Neutrals will certainly limit its scope. It might even make it possible to run the event in the time allotted. I'm presuming that the "fights" in the time schedule are actually what Zendae was calling matches. Fitting 20 of them into a 1.5 hour period is going to take good coordination.

[ooc] Edited to hide ooc content. The rest is well within my IC playstyle.[/ooc]

Not at all sure why this is now in the OOC reply section. As I noted at the bottom, it was IC for me.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (9 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 Multilingual 

This tournament involves only kingdom folk because it is organised in the context of Zendae's application to become Master of Arms.

((Please don't spoil something that has been planned for more than a month now. This is a player organised event, that makes part of the matis roleplay, not other races. If you want atys wide events, nothing prevents you for organising them

"Just my 2 cents"))

#5 [fr] 

Wait a minute.....marauders are civ neutral, none of us have declared an allegiance with any state. Does "Neutral" only apply if the fame is positive?

If we use this as context for "Neutral of civilisation", there aren't very many Homins on Atys who would be eligible to participate:
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Neutral?s=thttp://dictiona ry.reference.com/browse/allegiance

But in my understanding of the context of the game, "Civ Neutral"means you haven sworn allegiance to any nation:

This is a brilliant Idea btw, I'd love to come. even if I can't fight, it will be super fun to watch.

My apologies to the forum thread for the OOC comment

Last edited by Arugula (9 years ago)


#6 [en] 

MArauders are there own faction and clearly are ennemis of all other civ and power but i won't start the mara's troll here mara are ennemis of the kingdom so it's logical that the kingdom don't want them.
MArauder's Lore
Who are our enemies?
Homin governments: the Powers encouraged homins to devise separate governments only to divide hominkind. The only true civilization of Atys is that of the Marauders!

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Osquallo (9 years ago)


Les rêveries du yubo flaneur
The musings of the rambling yubo

#7 [fr] 

Arugula : stop arguing maraudeurs are not neutral... they are the one foe of every one, banned from every country...
quite far for the relationships with the citizen of atys...



#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Deles silam,

as Osquallo replied, tryker and zorai people are also invited.
The fyros case was discussed, I have to comply with the last decision.
Are the fighters allowed to use Self Heal ?

Yes. I've replaced the term I used, thank you and sorry for my english.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#9 Multilingual 

Zendae, at our last meeting in Yrkanis that is our National meeting, we voted for the Fyros to receive an invite to the tournament.

Now you inform me that, at the Avalae meeting held yesterday that the Noble had voted not to invite the Fyros. How can the Nobles vote on this when they were not all in attendance.

I was not informed about this before the Natae meeting and it was 2 hours after the Avalae meeting.

I don't know how a local meeting can over rule a National meeting.

My vote is to invite Fyros.


Member of the Court of the Karae,
Lady-in-Waiting of the Karae.
Matis Ambassador,
Matis Noble,
Royal Florist.

#10 [en] 

this is an event post in my eyes, and while wrote in a RP format i must ask: where else are people going to post their thoughts and comments on the event if not on this thread? (not everyone that plays ryzom does RP, but they do enjoy events that are or could be fun) i do clearly see that it's in the roleplay section (and not in the events section where it should be) and so i use the ooc tag for my comments.

this could be a very fun event for all of atys to attend, and based on the cookies that brought the post to my attention (kami, karavan, and mara cookies) had great potential until the limits of the homins that could attend was noticed, at which point the event went from sounding like real fun to just another way to omit people from what could be true fun.

you can have a rp event and still include everyone that wants to attend, you simply write the rp story without mention of those that didn't come to RP. should be easy since most rp is simply a history, and history as we all know is in the eye of the beholder.

as far as setting up events like this, we (cookies) did that, but due to some RL issues of our member that was head of that project, it's been put off for a little while.

we're a small game community, and while i understand that RP is important to some players, many are here to have fun first and RP second (if at all).

i've given my thoughts on the matter, and i don't rp in a style that my toon will ever do first hand. all my rp is done 3rd person, to prevent my toon from being locked into this style or that style, but if you want some IC post to make this discussion valid, i can do that.


RP (3rd person)

a homin reads a notice on the wall of the stable in yrk about a tournament for homins of atys. after reading the bulk of the notice and becoming excited about the chance to display their fighting prowess they notice at the bottom in small print the limits of who can join the tournament.

"bah, this is not a true test of a fighters ability!" says the homin reading the notice.

"how do you come to that conclusion?" asked the stable boy.

"you can't have a tournament to test fighting skills if you limit the people that can come. to truly prove you are the best you have to fight anyone and everyone willing to compete." replies the homin that was reading the notice with excitement.

"i can see your point, but i have nothing to do with matters of that nature. i'm simply the stable boy, but if you need a new mount or packer i can sure help with that."

"i have all i need at this time, but it looks like i'll have to wait to prove my skills until a true tournament is put together."

as the homin walks from the stable with a sad heart they do not notice the great discussion that their little outburst has caused. it seams that many homins didn't notice the fine print on the announcement the first time around. while they were in support of the tournament at first, this fine print has cast doubt on if this tournament could ever really declare anyone a true champion.



as you can see, i can do the "rp" thing if i have to so that i can make a point, but this should be an event post, as it's an event. (rp context doesn't change that it's an event) and so discussion will be both IC and OOC on an event related thread.

another two dappers from talk


Last edited by Talkirc (9 years ago) | Reason: typed too fast and missed a "you" in the conversation between stable boy and unknown homin


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#11 [fr] 

Yay. Ryzom is so much fun these days.

If you wanted to fit us into your RP you very easily could. Let me propose a scenario for you:

You hold a melee tournament. Who should you invite? How about the very people that despise you so you can humiliate them infront of your freinds and family? How about invite the people you hate so you can prove you are better than them?

Oh look.. that took me a whole 2 seconds to think of a reason why you could invite us!!

Don't hide behind RP.. It isn't a sheild..



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#12 [fr] 

I make one comment, a question I might add, and get called a troll by one and told to stop arguing by another, wow. Have fun at your little thing there. bye.

Question before I go, if Maruaders aren't civ neutral in the context of the game, then how come at the bottom of my forums page I can see the civ neutral and faction neutral forums? I couldn't see them when I was a Kami.



Topic moved due to error.


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Ryzom Support Team


Topic moved


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Ryzom Support Team

#15 [en] 

as i said on the cause of this, i used the proper tag's of ooc and rp as needed, i feel that moving my properly tagged posts simply show's that ryzom is falling apart in more ways then one.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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