

#1 [en] 

the title says it all basically.

three times now i've tried to create an account for the ryzom wiki and ryzom forge wiki, each time i was told i can't create an account, only admin's can, so you must request one.

i go through the whole process of "request an account" and submit that.

i check my e-mail, open the e-mail, click on the link as directed; i get a new page that tells me my password will now be sent to me now that my account is created so i can log in.

days go by and no e-mail with a password. i go to the log-in screen and put in the user name, and because i've not gotten the password i was susposed to get, i click on "forgot password" then i'm told that my account doesn't exsist! WTF? i was told when i clicked the link in the e-mail that my account was created, so what's wrong with it?

we're asked to create a wiki account to edit things and help keep things going, but when we do we get this stupid run around. i'm forced to ask: "how the hell am i susposed to do anything productive if i can't even get access?"

i'm awaiting a reply from someone that runs the ryzom wiki and i'd like to know what the problem is? is the wiki broken? is it just something that we can read and not a true wiki where we can edit and update things as needed? what's the point of asking people trying to help out and be more proactive if they're blocked at every turn with a million steps to do something simple?

let's get this show on the road and get things working and more user friendly, i'm about ready to give up my efforts at this point becasue i feel like we're asked to help then blocked by the same system that's asked for the help.


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
the title says it all basically.

three times now i've tried to create an account for the ryzom wiki and ryzom forge wiki, each time i was told i can't create an account, only admin's can, so you must request one.

i go through the whole process of "request an account" and submit that.

i check my e-mail, open the e-mail, click on the link as directed; i get a new page that tells me my password will now be sent to me now that my account is created so i can log in.

days go by and no e-mail with a password. i go to the log-in screen and put in the user name, and because i've not gotten the password i was susposed to get, i click on "forgot password" then i'm told that my account doesn't exsist! WTF? i was told when i clicked the link in the e-mail that my account was created, so what's wrong with it?

we're asked to create a wiki account to edit things and help keep things going, but when we do we get this stupid run around. i'm forced to ask: "how the hell am i susposed to do anything productive if i can't even get access?"

i'm awaiting a reply from someone that runs the ryzom wiki and i'd like to know what the problem is? is the wiki broken? is it just something that we can read and not a true wiki where we can edit and update things as needed? what's the point of asking people trying to help out and be more proactive if they're blocked at every turn with a million steps to do something simple?

let's get this show on the road and get things working and more user friendly, i'm about ready to give up my efforts at this point becasue i feel like we're asked to help then blocked by the same system that's asked for the help.

Should be fixed. Can you please stop whining about every little thing ?


#3 [en] 

no icus i can't, because if i don't "whine" as you call it, things DON'T GET FIXED. (maybe i should note how this has been an issue for about 3 weeks, and i was fed up with not getting any results trying to figure it out on my own.)

i also don't care for your tone either, it's that type of talk that is the very reason it's so hard to get people to report issues, or to have a desire to help out with things.

keep being a @$$ and we'll just loose more people that are willing to try and help out because they don't want to be spoken to like that, and won't be around for it.

and yes i do complain and gripe, it's my god given right to and it's part of what i'm paying ryzom to allow me to do. untill your paying my sub's you have NO right to tell me not to "whine".


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#4 [en] 

Your account request was made 2 days ago. Since the last part of the validation need to be done by an administrator (basically, zorroargh, tamarea or me) manually (and the notification of a new account request isn't the most visible thing in the earth), it can takes some times (related to the fact people have an RL life).

You could have juste asked nicely here (or on IRC, at a better time than 1:40 AM in europe where everyone is sleeping), it would have worked too (i must say i considered rejecting your account demand simply because of the way you asked for it)


#5 [en] 

Gosh guys, please both calm down! Talk, you did request it in a rather frustrated tone and your response was not kind at all either, but Icus you responded in the same manner, and as someone involved in the operations of Ryzom, both of you need to set a proper example please.

As all things in Ryzom, there is much frustration to deal with, but things eventually seem to get fixed albeit slowly at times. We do not want to chase people off as suggested by Talk of course! But then again, many helping to make Ryzom work are volunteers and don't do this as a job, so it will get fixed when it gets fixed. Patience is the key, not angry words. This is supposed to be fun :)
Take care guys

#6 [en] 

yes, my 3rd attempt was made 2 days ago, the other two went to the same point, and after waiting a 5 days the first time with no reply, i went and tried again, then waited 3 or 4 days after the 2nd attempt and stopped looking, then after a meeting and discussion with someone else that was also having the same issue (waiting days with no reply) i made this most recent attempt waited 2 days, asked around, and then after waiting a few more hours made my post on the forums.

we're offering our time free the same as you are (or maybe your officially paid, i don't know). perhaps the first e-mail should include a notice that the final e-mail will come sometime in the next X day(s) or week(s) because it requires approval from an admin, in other words a real person. the e-mail is, imho, rather vague about that part. right now it says "If the account is created, only you will be emailed the password." because the process seams automated and does not explain that a real person has to approve the request I was under the impression that perhaps something was broken. I did ask on IRC, in several channels, with no response from anyone one way or another, i also asked in uni chat if anyone had any idea or knew anything.

as it stands now i was under the impression it was all automated and the excessive steps were to help thwart spam bots and those that don't have a genuine desire to help.

I will be adult and say that i was a little extreme in my post, but you have to understand that this was my 3rd attempt to create an account to edit the ryzom forge wiki. (i have no idea what happened to the first two) this is not including the 4 or 5 attempts i made to create an account to edit the old ryzom wiki related to the occupation recipes, which i ended up posting on the general forums with spoiler warnings due to never being able to gain access to edit the ryzom wiki.

regardless, the issue is fixed at this point and for that i'm thankful.

EDIT: naema, you and i must have been writting our replies at the same time, lolx, mine took a little longer because of RL distractions, seamed like it took me 2 hours to write the "small" post above.

Last edited by Talkirc (9 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#7 [en] 

Just double checked, There was an account accepted on the 10 march and the 28 february (by zorroargh & tamarea, respectively), which means that your account request has been made after those two (because i see no reason why they wouldn't accept your account), so there was probably no request done before by you (or tamarea/zorroargh really doesn't likes you and didn't want to accept your request), ie you didn't waited 2 weeks for an account but 48 hours because you failed to complete your precedent request.


#8 [en] 

it's fixed now and for that i'm thankful, everything else is a mute point.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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