

#64 [fr] 

Jazzy (atys)
Icus... Ezek...? T'es sûr???
Si on te tue, jveux plus voir ton perso IG... Pas sûr que tu acceptes!
Il me semble que le perso a été tué non ? (après qu'il ait rename ça je sais )as
Enfin j'avais cru comprendre ça lors du procès, mais me suis pitet trompé !
Ça change pas grand chose, ya quand même des persos qui sont morts sur Atys :-P


#65 [en] 

I think I do understand:

Me => plays for fun to relax totally not immersive or looking at anything
You => plays totally immersive (in role all the time)

< I don't mind somebody playing immersive (I don't understand why but then again not everyone is the same); what I don't like is being told i'm bad or being told I should get lost; or being forced stuff upon me, or ... wich seems that alot of immersive players seem to want to do.


#66 [en] 

hahahah subbo


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