
#1 [en] 

It's come to my attention that there is a group of people who have 'cracked" the timers for boss spawn timers, this makes it extremely hard for just anyone to be able to get boss kills these days unless you are part of this group. The idea I have might be to hard to program, I do not know but I'll throw it out there and see what happens.
If there was a possibility to make boss spawn rate increased or decreased by number of people online at all times. There wouldn't be a way to have this timers set on their secret scedual.
Just an idea
Maby others have other inputs on this?


#2 [en] 

Well well well.. I did say it would only get worse..

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3

Someday the devs will realize that I actually make these ideas not for myself, but to improve the game. Despite the numbers of people voting for this it never came to light. Now we have a Ryzom where finding a boss is incredibly difficult for new players and as such they loose out chances of the best mats.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#3 [en] 

How can you crack a random timer? Unless it isn't random? Do you have proof or guesses? Just curious, feel free to send a PM if you think the info would get deleted here.

I'm aware of a group that scouts all day long, and when they do that, they get all the bosses. I wouldn't call it cheating though.


#4 [en] 

if a group of diligent players used a stopwatch system and staked out spawn points they could find the timer for a boss with a little effort, and it's been done in the past before. this is one of the reasons that camping toons were and are such an issue.

i'll simply say that until each boss has 20+ spawns and a set of "random" timers to randomly* choose from there's always going to be some that want to get all the bosses.

one more reason that every mat in the game should be for sale at a merchant, because that's the ONLY way to truly keep balance in the game (and if you don't think that's true balance i really don't know what to say but think about it, what's more fair then something EVERYONE CAN BUY**?)

*they have a fixed timer system now, a random random would be having x number of fixed times that are randomly choosen each time the boss is killed (the timer doesn't start till the boss is killed)

**queue up the the whiners that say that would claim that would "unbalance" the game (i say they whine because that would cost them the only edge they have is access to stuff not everyone can get.)


Remickla (atys)
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#5 [en] 

I tend to doubt the story of the "cracked boss timers". To the best of my knowledge, boss spawn algorithm is long known. After the demise of a boss, there is a cooldown period, assumed to be 36hrs (or 24). After that, the boss will spawn randomly at one of its spawn points (if more than one) within a period of other 36-48hrs.

To monitor boss spawning, one needs to roam the spots in question during the possible spawn period. A good patroller does a whole region in a couple of minutes using all possibilities (tp, death taxi, speedrun etc.). Several spawns are pointless to be monitored due to the constant presence of diggers or lvl grinders nearby. Professional boss hunters are maintaining a list with the last known demise of every "important" boss.

When players are getting more bosses than others, the main reason always was and most probably still is that they do more patrolling and/or are better networked with their faction, alliance, or friend list.

During the last months I have detected not few bosses in all regions I came around. Depending on my time and plans I either called friends, noticed friends without participating, or just ignored (somebody would take care ;)). Would there be the ingenious "boss timer crackers" I should not have seen them.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#6 [en] 

@ virg +1 + 2 +3
i like all those ideas
@ mjol: What ive heard are rumors, and based on people actually seeing people being pretty much ontop of boss when they spawn. Ok random timer, fine.. but how random is it? is it 3 random times, 5 random times? that only means they have to be at the spot at those 3 times, or 5 times within the 72 hour spawn time.. since ive returned in july ive actually killed 1 single 270 boss, and thats just because i got lucky, kizokin spawned practicly ontop of me, not only more then 5-10 min after i killed it i saw people checking spots in goc.
@ Talk: i agree about the everyone can buy, but someone is still stuck at the end with all the profit. and yes the 20+ spawn points with more random timers would make the possibility of "anyone" to get the bosses.

All in all, isnt it curious its allways the same people getting the bosses if its not a system?


#7 [en] 

Ok, in the end, make bosses to hard for 6 people then. bump it up to 15 player bosses


#8 [en] 

Not commenting on whether some people have cracked the system or not.  People love Kizokin; therefore, people run GoC constant. Your example, sounds like bias confirmation not evidence to me. How much time have you actually spent actively hunting?  From my guild's experience, active hunting has produced zero to 16 q220-270 in one day. That was just the combination of teaming with other active hunters and a LOT of luck.  Inceasing spawn spots will help, but that will only help active hunters more, since they are the ones who spend all, or almost all, their game time hunting.

Zuletzt geändert von Lacuna (vor 10 Jahren)


#9 [en] 

Keep in mind that the highly sought-after bosses are scouted regularly. The only time I've found Gubakoo or Kipeeketh on my own was when the server was literally empty, i.e. when it's morning in Europe.

I'm not sure if the next respawn time is assigned right after the kill, or it's just a random roll. What I do know is that boss spawns are done at certain intervals (can't remember if 30 minutes or two hours).

Oh, not to mention that some rumors say multiple bosses of the same level tend to spawn at the same time. If you find Cuttlekin, you should go check all lvl 200 regions.


#10 [en] 

Pappasmurf: I frequently run the 250 regions for named hunting (something Diwu and me can easily do in a team of two). And I have done the "I am a Legend" achievement, requiring to roam all regions and be present there for quite a time until gaining max fame with the tribes. Often I saw and see patrollers running the region, they are marauders, kara, kami, and neutrals of different kind. And yes, it's often the same people, some 5-10 players specializing on boss patrolling. It may be only 3-4 core groups monitoring the regions between hourly and twohourly approximately.

As to my observations, bosses may stand undiscovered no longer than an hour which is in accordance with the patrolling frequency observed. No additional hypotheses necessary.

As told, I have been spotting a couple of bosses just by chance, heard about more, sometimes asked to participate. And I have been boss hunting daily before the merge.

I do not believe that there are fix spawn times, it is contradicting the concept of randomness.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#11 [en] 

Pappasmurf (atys)
Ok, in the end, make bosses to hard for 6 people then. bump it up to 15 player bosses

I know homins who can kill Bosses like tyrakoo with a team of 2.  They deserve the kill for having the skills to do so. Nothing against making bosses harder, but I fail to see your logic here.


#12 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
I do not believe that there are fix spawn times, it is contradicting the concept of randomness.
I do wonder just how difficult really random would be to programme in - but something that has a cycle of "random" times would be possible between those hours you mentioned "36-48"

When I saw a famous hunter hanging about in SC - I did think about stading next to him, just to keep him company ofc. And I still remember another homin who kept an alt at each of the Loria spawn points for a few weeks "studying" or just using alts to wait there I have no idea - but after a couple of months I think he stopped - having gathered all his evidence perhaps

I must admit - personally, I do not have the patience for that kind of work - and would much rather just go on the odd boss hunt all over atyss and find the odd boss, killing named as we go, named mats are very nice as well - and have the advantage of being available every 45 minutes or so - is it?


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#13 [en] 

Lacuna (atys)
Pappasmurf (atys)
Ok, in the end, make bosses to hard for 6 people then. bump it up to 15 player bosses

I know homins who can kill Bosses like tyrakoo with a team of 2.  They deserve the kill for having the skills to do so. Nothing against making bosses harder, but I fail to see your logic here.
Yes, let those 2 get all the bosses, infact, just let those 2, get all the goods.. i cant agree with you there. If a boss is easy enough to kill with 2 people the concept is nearly gone. the logic is: Bumping difficulty so more players have to join for kill, giving others then those 2 a chance for mats...


#14 [en] 

The point is that it is not easy to kill! I can't do it, they can! I think they deserve it. Unlike you they spend most of their time hunting, so it is little surprise that they find bosses. I have never seen you hunting but you whine about others that do getting them.  According to you it is unfair that players who spend all their time hunting get most of the bosses. Ummmm....


#15 [en] 

Lacuna (atys)
but you whine about others that do getting them.  According to you it is unfair that players who spend all their time hunting get most of the bosses. Ummmm....
He is not whining Lac - just pointing out that maybe game mechanics could be adjusted - I am surprised at you going for a troll-attack here :(


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
Last visit Dienstag 18 Juni 01:54:48 UTC

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