

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

I originally wanted to post this on the Kami forums but then I thought it might be nice to see what other people from other factions have to say about this.

Teaming with other factions for hunting/training has been a hot topic in Kami chat for as long as I can remember but whenever I raise my voice there, I get so much hate that I can barely finish what I was trying to say.

First of all, I am not saying this for my guild, only for myself. It is my personal opinion and I don't want my guild to be affected by it in any way.

I was down in SCi for Tyrakoo with Lost Girls today, there were also teams of Syndicate and DDD there and it was a huge mess of KP and heavy aggro so congratulations to whoever managed to get the boss in that, honestly. Quite an accomplishment. Important part is, I got a tell saying "you are healing the marau :O"

Yes. I was healing the Marauders. And guess what, sometimes I heal the Kami, the Karavan and the Neutrals, too! Because I see people as more than just their guild symbol and faction. Because I'm not a hardcore roleplayer and I want to have friends across all nations and factions. If you are a hardcore roleplayer, good for you, enjoy. But don't hate on me just because I see it differently.

After I told the person who sent me the tell this (well a slightly different version of it anyway), the response (in terribly bad English so I barely understood) was something like: If you want that, become neutral!

To which I say: No. I became Kami because I wanted to be Kami since I started the game and met my first Kami on Silan. Because I like their policy of protecting the planet and taking only the resources we need and purifying it from the threat of the Goo. So no, I did not become Kami for the OP mats or for the TPs as some people say.

Moreover, I always stand on the Kami side in OP wars as well as SN battles. I feel like what I do beyond that should be my own business and nobody should have the right to dictate me what to do with who.

So, bottom line is, I will continue teaming with my friends from other factions. And if that's too much for you to stomach and you want me to revoke my Kami religion and declare neutral, go ahead. Make me.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#2 Report | Quote[en] 


i too will heal and/or help whomever i please. a homin's choice of belief is none of my concern.
i have friends all across atys (and a few enemies too) that span all the known creeds. i have also received many a message telling me the 'error' of my ways and how i am a traitor and/or fraud. it used bother me (a little bit) but as i have grown older, i realise that none of it matters to how i live my life. 
i will continue to do as i please and i shall enjoy doing it. people may get angry, they may get insulted, none of that is of my concern. it's their problem, not mine.
if they choose to live with their small-mindedness, apartheid, discrimination, let them. it's their loss.


fuck it. (^_^)


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Roleplay is often used as an excuse for have all, is not a case that mostly roleplayers are kamist (apart rangers and neutrals but that is different) stronger faction and lot of them untag when they kill a boss or never refuse an invite if can get something. Anyway them really dont know what is 'roleplay' coz is a concept very great and can have infinite variations that they cant judge. You can play as allied of 2 factions or a lonely people that want be alone or u can have friends in other factions or u can be a marauder anarchist coz u dont like civilization but this dont mean u like kill homins or act as an idiot. Nah, theyr roleplay is kami-kara-mara, maybe coz they have nothing to do and want all. Little people have little imagination. Will finish for play alone, when all quit so can measuring p....s with cratchas. But more important thing is that roleplay is only a part of this game, and not a law. So as u respect them for do roleplay they should respect u for dont. But this seems has no value here.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

[ooc] Luminatrix, from an in-character point of view, the person(s) accusing you of "fraternizing with the enemy" had a valid point. You could maybe retort that Lost Girls are in fact mercenaries, and that they don't stand for the marauder values. Otherwise, a Kami (and a nation-aligned character, too) should at most maintain polite distance from karavans/marauders, because they hate the factions you serve. Hell, your character should maintain polite distance from rangers too, because they're asskissers for karavan, your sworn enemies :)

Sure, you can flesh out a backstory where your character has very good reasons to help everyone - showing the peasants how good Ma-Duks followers are? Trying to convert people over with your goodwill? You could make something up, but until then just try to understand the point of view of the other roleplayers.

Also, it would be just easier to tell the people that you don't roleplay, end of story. This topic would be beter suited for the Roleplay (ooc) forum is we still had it. [/ooc]


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Luminatrix (atys)
Teaming with other factions for hunting/training has been a hot topic in Kami chat for as long as I can remember but whenever I raise my voice there, I get so much hate that I can barely finish what I was trying to say.

... you want me to revoke my Kami religion and declare neutral, go ahead. Make me.

Just wanted to add that there are some really Bad Mean Evil marauders about - and some very nice ones - and, when all said and done, some of them elected to stay and fight the kitin menace - Akilla asked them to - in fact asked homins in general to stay and fight the kitin - so why do we have to hate them all, just because some of them are very Evil?

As us Trytonists know - there are no deities called Ma'Duk or Jena - so all homins are worthy of teaming with - and though some may continue to believe we are on different sides - the Truth is out there ...

Of course ... Matis are Evil though ...


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Well kami channel and tells aren't supposed to be IC, so the basic answer should be to just ask them to pour their hate in the only IC channel there is, which is "around".

This topic is not roleplay, though, so I believe it should be moved.

Otherwise: Mjollren is right. You can build a RP that implies some sort of contacts with marauders and the karavan, although it is very hard to justify teaming up with the enemy against your fellow Kami, as well as helping the enemy arm him/herself (on magic nodes or bosses). "Well that way at least Kamis have a share!" can do the job for that last one, but fighting Kami alongside the marauders may need a bit more working onto it. Occasional grinding sessions with the enemy can be explained by an attempt at converting them.

I'm giving a baseline for justifications here but, for the records, I believe it would be best for consistency in the game if players who don't intend to keep a close eye on their associations didn't join a faction. I also believe that if we enforced that, there would quickly be no game.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Well I guess I'm just a very tolerant homin who believes Ma-Duk loves all his children, even the misguided ones who don't believe in him.

I don't team up with the "enemy" against other Kami and I don't intend to unless I will be pushed to do it. All I do with them is occasional training or a boss hunt.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

im actually wishing for a separate server for RP and non RP, since its obvious there's no place for tolerance in the RP comunity. you can propose different "RP excuses" but in the end they wont be received as valid. so at this point i say its pointless to keep this debate as both sides of it are unwilling to compromise.

Sadly for some of us the narrowminded RP is turning this game into a carbon copy of WoW, where youre either the horde or the alliance and once you get to any pf them you are even forbidden to speak to the other side even if youre RL friends (amaziing how kami alliance/karavans sound so close to that).

Just hope this whole issue reverse and RP harcore players get to see that this RP just dont have a future in a gema where player numbers dont grow (and even lessen through time)

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Since when exactly is RP only about factions anyway?



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

On Aripostal we had the best community out of them all - RP/Faction only came into affect at certain events and Outpost battles as it should, NO ONE, and i mean NO ONE, said "oh im not teaming with you or healing you because your kami/kara/mara"

Why do you think we dont see shalah/plod teams like back in the day? because those anal players came into the game and tore it down with constant non stop virtual sticks where the sun dont shine 24/7.

This is one thing that makes me very mad. Im -100 all fames Full out Marauder and i will rez/team/play with any player, kami/kara/trytonist/ranger/neutral.


"We won our freedom and will not fold to any homin laws of the New Lands. The only law we recognize is ours." ---Hail Melkiar the Black Varinx---

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Luminatrix (atys)
Since when exactly is RP only about factions anyway?

another good point the narrowminded kami/kara roleplay will also affect nation RP and all other RP if it's not already doing that. and wouldnt call it roleplay as it's not really playing a role with a character, people trait, and such. its a unidimensional pose about hating another person, if it was complex and serious as they pretend they would have spies, and value marauders as potential mercenaries, spies or even agitators.

Moreover, the current kami pose is becoming quite similar to Stalin's communist party

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Lilz (atys)
On Aripostal we had the best community out of them all - RP/Faction only came into affect at certain events

Well, you sort of cannot say that - can say in your opinion though ...
I think on Aris game became more about personalities - so if there were some people (rather than homins) that you did not like - then it could make the game miserable for you.

I agree with Asty that there are some role play opinions which are verging on fascist - partly fueled by trolls, I do not think - as far as I see names on these forums, that all role play is fascist - it requires imagination, it needs planning, sometimes it is really poetic, it often builds over many months - and it needs a homin, a homin who becomes immersed in the game each time they wake up in here.

Events grow from development of stories and lore and these in turn grow from meetings ... on Aris I tend to think we waited for Event Team to invent things for us to do - here, I can see that event team will work alongside us in developing a story ...

If Aris' homins react strongly and angrily to taunts about healing - then it becomes sort of fun to tease - and please, please remember - it really is a very few who are running about teasing

I am making a request for all Angry Aris Homins to just respect the different ways of playing - and for the Role Play Trolls to put a sock in it - there is a good deal of lovely stuff going on here.


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Luminatrix (atys)
... there were also teams of Syndicate and DDD there and it was a huge mess of KP and heavy aggro so congratulations to whoever managed to get the boss in that, honestly. Quite an accomplishment....

Quick hijack of the thread .. but please do not congratulate him, whom I will not name on winning Tyrakoo, as he only did so by dragging a whole boatload of agro onto us while we were on Tyrakoo, but whatever ...

I myself do not mind peeps wanting to keep teams (training, bosses etc) inside faction but as in rl being tolerant seems to be the only way in a comunity so small ... I let you play your game your way, if you let me play mine the way I want to. I have quite some friends in DDD .. they dont wish to be healed or rezzed by Seralee, the marauder, thats fine, i respect that, thats their choice. But telling others (of their own faction but not their guild) what to do or how to play their game, sorry guys, I love you lots, but that just aint on in my opinion.

Seralee :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Im inactive for a while, ..since shortly after wipe. I heard from guild members that after merge the former leanon guilds encounters a "problem" ...in leanon EVERY guild (roleplay Ort not) makes exceptions in hunting, reviving or boss bunt (except NPC bosses, one kami guild was trying to break it, but the Rest oft the Server didn't want to make it pilitical). So for me it's hard to understand, why its a problem. In leanon we were in first "fans" of this game, that is already in a hard position ...so why scare newbies !? And at first its a game with many different contents. Of course its nice, when RP guild is consequently combining all the content ...but others mayjust see it different AND the content is NOT developed for fraction wars ...outpost is "open for everything" ...so if the guild is not making just guild on guild, they should respect other points of view. Same is for bosses.


Purg Derren

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

no matter what stance anyone takes, there's one thing we can all agree on: we all like to play ryzom.

now i ask this: why do we have to make it so complex to play.


Remickla (atys)
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