
#1 [en] 

(ooc) these are the stories, this is part of a large project you make have read about, it's my hope that it'll go somewhere. (ooc)

chapter 1

there have been discoveries of scrolls that have not seen the light of day for time out of memory. these scrolls are badly damaged by age and poor keeping. as of now all of them are unreadable because they are wrote in an unknown code. a group of homins from all nations and even those that have no nation have come together to try to read them. they are like nothing seen in the lands. all of the wisest homins they've been taken to feel that they are of no importance. for many seasons now this group of homins has tried to seek out help from all those in the homin lands that have knowledge of code writing, code braking, history, or study of artifacts found throughout atys. as of this writing we have found no help from any of these wise and educated homins. we hoped that seeking help from the enlightened homins of atys would provide some clue. it's a sad fact that they do not believe that there is anything of use to be found in these remnants of the past. we feel otherwise and intend to continue to try to understand what we have.


(ooc) there are many chapters to the greater story, they will trickle out over time, i hope that you'll enjoy them, and that perhaps you'll feel the need to enrich this history (once the story is told, so that it won't clash with the completed works, but will work with it). it's my hope that this will open others up to trying to tie into this story with things that they want as well :) (ooc)


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

Bittty sits and scribes word carefully on a small scrap of parchment before sending it off by Izam to Talkirc.


Scrolls? Not amber cubes? No wonder the authorities dismiss them out of hand. Scribblings on parchment or paper are suitable for reports of lost children, ephemeral reports of current events (such as those I post on the stable walls from time to time) and the occasional communication such as this one. Surely no important knowledge would be scribbled on anything so easy to destroy.

Still, it might be that to the writer, the knowledge seemed incomplete or not worthy of inscription into a cube. He or she might then put down the notes, meaning to come back to them later, or perhaps simply did not destroy them once the cube was inscribed. To that author: worthless. To those of us in these latter days: priceless.

-- With interest in hearing the rest of the story.

-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 [en] 

Just a fleeting thought. If the dev team did want to introduce your upper branches idea, perhaps they wouldn't like everything all on the forums? An example of how this would be annoying is if all the megacorp documents had been released earlier for everyone to view- this wouldn't have generated the interest the documents received otherwise. It may be better just speaking to a dev about your ideas and send them to that dev?



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#4 [en] 

chapter 2

the seasons have changed many times now as we continued to search out the meanings of these ancient scrolls. only small parts of them have been read, the writing with which they were wrote is in a code we've never seen. it's the belief of the group that these are far more important then the homins we sought help from will admit. we feel that there is a truth hidden in these long forgotten and discarded scrolls that perhaps they don't want to be known. it's become clear that our attempt to learn those secrets is not a well liked idea by some of those that we have spoken with... what else should we think when we're told they are nothing worth any effort and nothing can be gained from them.


the link above is to the 2nd story of the Upper Branches, as you can tell by the title it's the other side (those in power) replying back to the homins involved with the scrolls. each time a counter story is posted the link will be placed here with the chapter that they follow. i hope that it's not too much to have the readers click on the links to read the replies, trying to put them all in a single thread would be confusing (at least that's how if felt when i was writting them). it's my hope that you'll enjoy them :) and to the CSR's, Dev's, and offical homins, i have the completed stories in a single file for those that want to read 20k words in one or two sittings, just in-game mail me with the offical account please.

Last edited by Talkirc (10 years ago) | Reason: added the link


Remickla (atys)
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#5 [en] 

Thank you Talkirc and all the others generating RP content via the various postings.

#6 [en] 

chapter 3

our efforts over time have given way to finally reading one of the scrolls. it seams that only a few words are made on a single scroll. the code in which it was wrote is the most complex work of scholars that we could hope to one day match. the group feels that there could perhaps be great knowledge hidden upon these scrolls. perhaps the effort our group has put into trying to learn this forgotten code has not been in-vain. at this time the single word discovered on this scroll means little more then this was a group effort with purpose, the first fragment is the following: "...we..." at this time we have no idea what that means beyond the fact that there are more then one author to these scrolls.


due to my new daughter being born this chapter is a few days late, the next chapter will come again on it's normal day. sorry for the delay, and for those that wonder, not every chapter of story pt 1 has a counter chapter for story pt 1.1, with each chapter that has a counter chapter there will be a link posted to the counter chapter thread.


Remickla (atys)
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#7 [en] 

chapter 4

more work has been put into reading the scrolls. more homins of the nations and those of no nation have joined our effort. yet even with all the new support and help the work we are doing is still very slow. we had thought that after the breakthrough reading the first word on a scroll that we would have a base for the code used to write them. we were wrong. it seams that each one is totally different.... as though it was many different codes used to write each scroll. our work is going to be one that will take a long time. while it seams that there was only a single word upon that scroll, we still feel that based on the large number of scrolls there is a much larger whole to be had. we shall continue to work on this and do our best to share our findings with all the homins of atys.


i hope your enjoying this "shorty story" and there's another counter chapter to follow this one, link will be posted below.


Last edited by Talkirc (10 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
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#8 [en] 

chapter 5

as the time has passed we've read another scroll, finally there's something that makes a little sense. a single phrase "...the lands..." it's but a fragment of a much larger whole, as we've said. however, it's the first part we've clearly decoded beyond our first success. we intend to keep working on it to put together the larger story. just this small part we have decoded has intrigued us like nothing we could have expected. the only part of all this that is more impressive then the secrets of the scrolls is the fact that so many homins have joined together to unlock them. the kami, karavan, tryker, zorai, fryos, matis, marauders, rangers, tyrtinists, and others many may have never known of all working together for a single common goal. this is the most unprecedented group of homins ever in our known history. these are a few that were willing to look past the common trivial issues of all our different peoples to learn the secrets within these long forgotten writings.


Remickla (atys)
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#9 [en] 

chapter 6

time moves on, for it stands still for no homin. as that time has passed our group has continued it's effort to decode the scrolls. it seams possible now that they are part of a history of some sort. still now we only have fragments of the greater whole that is this maybe history, this legend, or this story. we still have no idea what it's true nature is, and there is much guessing as to what we think it is. we have fragments that read "...we..." "...the lands..." " freedom and safety..." "...without need of..." "...for all to..." while these fragments mean nothing yet, they offer us great hope of what is to come with further effort to decode as many as we can. that effort will indeed come, for these fragments have captured us with their words. even in the face of adversity from those in power, we will not stop so long as the masses of atys is behind us.


Remickla (atys)
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#10 [en] 

or perhaps the scriber never had the knowledge of amber cubes....

#11 [en] 

(ooc: perhaps it's time to start alternative RP, and support those ideas no affiliated with the national assemblies i still feel the whole rotoa tree and kitins was a 2 year loss of time and rangers are still on hold, where they couldve been pushed better if not for the ramblings of the assemblies, so for me ill support this idea and all those which i deem as productive in terms of action and less of idle kiddie politics)

#12 [en] 

chapter 7

our efforts have continued to provide fragments. while these fragments are still not providing a full picture for us, they are still very interesting. at this time we have no idea what the whole story is, and no idea what order the parts go in. but we have more fragments to add to what we already have shared with you. here is the newest collection of decoded fragments: "...long distance..." "...abandon these lands..." " beginning..." are the new fragments we have right now. it is our goal to learn what all the readable scrolls say, and to try to put the story together in order. as always we shall continue to work on this effort, and share the truth with you all, regardless of what those in power or the wise men of our time say.
the homins with no nation have asked that this following statement be included in our public report:
"we feel that the reason that the wise homins and those in the highest of power view the scrolls as worthless has a reason. it's our belief that they know more about these then they want us to know. some of us with no nation have no doubt that this is because in their eyes it's a threat to their power and control. as everyone know's some homins with no nation answer to no one, and have no regard what-so-ever to the laws and rules of what they call the civilized lands. they call us marauders because we attack everything they stand for, and we have our reasons. but we also see that not all are to blame, and so those of us that are a part of this group are willing to work as a team, for what we hope is the bettering of all homins. it is our desire to show that we can work together when we feel there is a fair and equal chance for us all to share in something."
while the marauders are a part of the homins with no nation, they are not the only part, there are the rangers, homins that pledge no allegiance to any one nation, and many others. we want to be clear that not all of them wanted that statement added, but that we are all willing to allow anyone to have their say publicly just to prove we are seeking to better all homin kind.
it's no secret that our work is not popular with the homin government and those with power. we seek only knowledge and advancement of homins atys wide. it's not something we will keep from anyone, it's our hope that we can show homins everywhere that there are better ways, and that change from what we know isn't always bad. we will continue our efforts, and we will continue to share them with all of atys.

[link] 3 [/link]

Last edited by Talkirc (10 years ago) | Reason: added link to counter story


Remickla (atys)
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#13 [en] 

chapter 8

it's been some time since our last update and the reason for this is that we wanted to offer a larger number of fragments with our report this time. there has been more pressure on us to stop what we are doing. as we refuse to give up on this endeavor we have wanted to work on offering more to everyone following our work. the more homins following our project, and interested in our efforts the safer it is for us. we hope to have the masses help us to protect and promote the work we are doing. without further delay here is the newest collection of fragments: "...pursue all skills..." "...limit the skills..." "...was our undoing..." " safe in..." "...found a land..." "...we have traveled..." "...our hope that..." " we will..." "...far too dangerous..." "...we are seeking..." "...come to settle..." now we ask that you all keep in mind we don't know what these fragments mean, or even what order they go in yet. we still have many more scrolls to decode, and we're still trying to find the order they go in. our effort will continue until we have a clear picture of what this all means. as you can all see from the fragments we've decoded already there's a large story to be had. with everyone's help and support we will find the answers to as much of this as we can and we will share it all with you, our fellow homins of atys. now it's time for us to get back to work and learn more to share.


Remickla (atys)
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#14 [en] 

chapter 9

as promised we have continued to translate the code on the scrolls. our efforts have produced more fragments for us to ponder over. there is still no clue as to the order they go in and we feel that at this time trying to put the parts together will only do more harm then good by taking away from the effort to decode them. we've almost decoded all the scrolls that were in the best condition. soon our effort will turn to the scrolls that have aged poorly, been damaged by weather, or just neglected by those that assumed they were of no importance. here is our newest collection of decoded fragments: "...prosper and grow..." "...we can live..." "...fear and worry..." "...will not repeat..." "...these new lands..." "...from our mistakes..." "...our old lands..." remember everyone that these are but parts of a larger story and there are still many more scrolls to decode. those we have left to work on that are in good condition is a limited number, and then we shall turn our efforts to the scrolls that are not in such good shape. it is our intent to work on these scrolls until we can no longer decode them. it's our hope that we will discover the order of the fragments at some point, and the story can be shared with all the homins of atys. until our next report to the homins of atys we will be hard at work learning a part of something, be it history or a story, that's long been forgotten.


Remickla (atys)
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#15 [en] 

chapter 10

once again we feel it's due time to update the homin's of atys again with our progress at this point. we have a large number of fragments to share with you again this time. our latest decodes are the fallowing fragments: "...can return to..." "...these new lands..." "...there are enough..." "...we will grow..." "...we will ensure..." "...our home land..." "...our hope that..." "...foolish idea to..." "...lands we leave..." " to live..." "...that all homins..." while our efforts will continue to work on the remaining scrolls it's going to become much slower work. these were the last of the scrolls that were in good condition. our work now will require much more time and effort to get the results that everyone has come to expect from us. while we intend to continue to work on the scrolls we have, we also are going to begin to attempt to search for a key that will tell us the order they go in. our plan to try to do that is to go over the scrolls already decoded and see if there is anything that would give a clue to this mystery. we have hope that there is some sort of common part to these scrolls that will at least guide us to looking in the right place. even if that is the case we will very likely have to spend more time on that effort once the last of the scrolls is decoded, or at least as many of them as we can decode. we are still adamant about our effort to decode these scrolls to the best of our ability and to provide everything we find with all homins on atys. until our next report we will be hard at work trying to unlock the secrets of the scrolls.


Remickla (atys)
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