

#91 [en] 

Sekumbe (atys)
Jarnys (atys)
On the other hand if I'm killed too often and the person seems to only kill me and none other of my faction I might go to the CSR (depends on the situation though eg. no CSR if he/she is my direct adversary in a competition)
And why should you go to CSR? You are in PVP zone. You entered there on your choice, and you know you can get killed there. If someone wishes to kill you and only you in a PVP zone, he has all the rights to do so. maybe he doesn't like you going around his territory. If your character is a weakling and you don't like PVP (including others killing you 20 time in a row), don't go to PVP zone. Easy enough.

Too often is NOT 2 or 3 times or like multiple times in EVERY round of a OP-Fight...
what you don't understand is the border between normal PvP and harassment and that border really depends on the relation between attacker, attacked person and the situation.
You know even "normal" PvE behavior can turn into harassment...

I've never gone to a CSR because someone attacked me in a PvP zone or because I was flagged for PvP - I just said that it might happen IF I feel harassed by it.
This might be the case on eg. a trek where I'm part of a bigger group and ONLY I am attacked over and over with no apparent reason other than harassing me as a person. Which is a scenario that's not impossible but highly improbable.

And I'd go to a CSR because I don't like mob law...


#92 [en] 

Gkr (atys)
Virg (atys)
Always thought that never said fighting over resources was wrong. Ganking mainly refers to killing someone defence-less such as diggers.

Yet our OP (original poster) explained very specifically what happened... and you took his side... LOL
It saddens me after all this time you still don't understand what I was actually saying. I never took anyones "side". I was responding to some of the things you wrote and I talked about how people should attempt to be good ambassadors for PvP and try to encourage it not gank others.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#93 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Gkr (atys)
Virg (atys)
Always thought that never said fighting over resources was wrong. Ganking mainly refers to killing someone defence-less such as diggers.

Yet our OP (original poster) explained very specifically what happened... and you took his side... LOL
It saddens me after all this time you still don't understand what I was actually saying. I never took anyones "side". I was responding to some of the things you wrote and I talked about how people should attempt to be good ambassadors for PvP and try to encourage it not gank others.

Right, right, you had all the good intentions, yet you say:

"I completely agree with killing someone who is attacking a boss btw. Fighting over resources is normal :) "

Can you follow your own flow of thoughts?

Because that's what he did! He attacked someone attacking a boss! (search page 3 where you say the attack is shameless)

So again, generally speaking you agree with but when it happens you dont? isnt this contradiction? am I missing something here?


#94 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Euti you have no reason to leave monks just because you have an opinion which you were judged upon, if that were true none of us would be in guilds. As regards to the manner in which you were attacked it is a shame but hopefully people will learn, and more situations like the manner in which Binarabi was attacked will become prevalent.

Need I say more?


#95 [en] 

Sorry that this comes from a Monk Eu, but I think you are out of your mind and your "moral code" is weird. It's like in a game of soccer, the goalies should step out, so the teams can play better. It defeats the purpose of the game by discarding part of it.

Don't get get my wrong, I think the Monks could have gathered some Kami and hunt that character and maybe his guild to kingdom come in retaliation for ambush on you.

However you can't abolish a player for playing. And you certainly shouldn't start griefing for it.

Ryzom is a lot more focused on actual RP that other games and that involves politics and other character interaction (good and bad)

It shouldn't surprise anyone when a Karavan/Marauder chances on a half dead Kami and decides to finish him off. It rather should be the norm, because that is EXACTLY what Ryzom is about.

You can certainly chance going into PvP alone, but expecting to make it out, is just stupid. Your Character can sure be upset for being attacked, but as a Player you should not, you should expect to fail (or not enter PvP, or get a team)

If you can't manage that, maybe Ryzom really isn't the game for you. Sounds to me like you want to play WoW, where everything is black and white and quarantined to avoid any player conflict.

Last edited by Keldun (1 десятилетие назад)


The only sane man is the one who considers himself to be insane. Im sane, btw. }¦-)>

#96 [en] 

Jarnys (atys)
On the other hand if I'm killed too often and the person seems to only kill me and none other of my faction I might go to the CSR (depends on the situation though eg. no CSR if he/she is my direct adversary in a competition)

Hopefully the CSR has big enough kahunas to laugh at you and tell you to stay out PvP zones if you don't like being killed. Unfortunately will probably find a CSR who want to end the incessant whine decide to unjustly punish the assailant for violating some unwritten "moral" code that whiners seem to embrace.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#97 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Yet our OP (original poster) explained very specifically what happened... and you took his side... LOL
It saddens me after all this time you still don't understand what I was actually saying. I never took anyones "side". I was responding to some of the things you wrote and I talked about how people should attempt to be good ambassadors for PvP and try to encourage it not gank others.[/quote]


Can you tell me what you mean by "bank" or "ganking?" I have always understood bank to either mean either (1) to steal; (2) have a group of charecters gang up on one or more players that do not have a chance to defend themselves; or (3) when one high level player attacks or kills a player way below his or her own level.

The first to steal might be to steal a kill as a result of PvP. Perfectly allowed and should encouraged. I have fond memories of hunting and killing a certain guild GoO when they were trying to kill a Christmas tree. In fact, while I am not certain, I think you may have helped. I'd post screenshots but I do not want the decedents to whine and have me suffer another forum ban.

As far as the later two go, they too are permitted under the rules. Once you've killed a player a time or two the novelty wears off and you seek new prey, or if they are smart they do as had been suggested they gather their friend and try to "out-gank" you. Or they whine to a CSR that you are picking on them, post ridiculous posts on the forum whining that some "baddie" has violated a "moral" code by "ganking" them.

If you are killed in a PvP zone the solution is either stay out of the zone, or gather your friends and hunt down your assailant(s) and make them pay. Whining about in these forums just makes you silly and weak.

Ganker of Whiners


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#98 [en] 

[quote=Keldun (atys)
If you can't manage that, maybe Ryzom really isn't the game for you. Sounds to me like you want to play WoW, where everything is black and white and quarantined to avoid any player conflict.[/quote]


Ryzom has plenty of areas that are quarantined and free of PvP. I think there are some who want the entire server to be PvP free.



Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#99 [en] 

Virg (atys)
I completely agree with killing someone who is attacking a boss btw. Fighting over resources is normal :)

Now there is the Virg, I know and love. Glad you have regained your senses.



Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#100 [en] 

Rollocks (atys)

The first to steal might be to steal a kill as a result of PvP. Perfectly allowed and should encouraged. I have fond memories of hunting and killing a certain guild GoO when they were trying to kill a Christmas tree. In fact, while I am not certain, I think you may have helped.


Last edited by Gkr (1 десятилетие назад)


#101 [en] 

Rollocks (atys)
Virg (atys)
I completely agree with killing someone who is attacking a boss btw. Fighting over resources is normal :)

Now there is the Virg, I know and love. Glad you have regained your senses.


He is utterly confused as far as I can tell.. but I guess if he does it to someone it is acceptable and normal but if it happens to him or friend or kami it is shameful! :-)


#102 [en] 

Time to close this topic and move on. Some interesting points on encouraging educating new players in PvP, so maybe start a new topic for this particular concern.

Last edited by Tiximei (1 десятилетие назад)


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