#1 Añadido por Cookiesevents 1 década hace
What Cookies is about Contact Cookies Cookies at Events For Cookies Diggers and Crafters
2- The advertising system is via shouts (/y) and only 2 lines on the screen, that can be typed/macroed every 30 seconds (to avoid clutter and spam, the idea is that everyone can see what the players are selling)... so you have to be creative to get customers!
3- The place will be defined by the Cookies event team in advance one week prior to the event
4- Remember to be respectful to other players and offers,furthermore no advertisement can be made that makes reference to other player’s prices or adds
5- Sales aren't restricted to items, they can be craft services, trek services,etc, we support duel competition and bets regarding it, but its up to the players to decide a place outside the market location to make this happen.
6- As previously said, we encourage the attendants to use only dappers in the transactions, however its up to the players to bargain and decide prices or if the prices are to be paid in mats, crafts, dappers, etc.
Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Cookiesevents (1 década hace)
#2 Añadido por Astarth 1 década hace
#3 Añadido por Suboxide 1 década hace
#4 Añadido por Talkirc 1 década hace
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
#5 Añadido por Binarabi 1 década hace
#6 Añadido por Jarnys 1 década hace
...*any fortune tellers ?*
#7 Añadido por Binarabi 1 década hace
#8 Añadido por Talkirc 1 década hace
#9 Añadido por Naema 1 década hace
#10 Añadido por Suboxide 1 década hace
#11 Añadido por Eruv 1 década hace
#12 Añadido por Astarth 1 década hace
#13 Añadido por Talkirc 1 década hace
#14 Añadido por Astarth 1 década hace
#15 Añadido por Lacuna 1 década hace
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