
#46 [en] 

I remember the lot of interactions I had with Ozwomen in the Ranger-Matis roleplay. We did not always conform, even had some conflicts, but I always respected and admired her dedication to roleplay on Atys and was glad when I was able to provide support.

Her demise is a sad loss for us all and we shall never forget her,

My condolescenses for her familiy and her friends

Dernière édition par Daomei (il y a 8 ans). | Raison: typo


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#47 [en] 

Ozwomen taught me how to do missions. Accepted me in her guild. And made me feel welcome.

She will be missed.

#48 Multilingue 

Hello Everyone in the Guild and Ryzom Players - I am the Son of Ozwomen, Thankyou for the condolences as mum passed away on saturday, She has suffered health wise for many years and fought a long and hard battle. This world of Ryzom she dearly loved it, many days and nights we sat and talked about all her adventures and those around her in the guild. I feel like I know many of you though we havent met but I spent a lot of time with mum and her Ryzom world. The wins, the battles, the politics oh..and the digging. She loved making things for others and always had lists of things to do and who to give them to. The Ryzom family helped her immensly in real life, Mum couldn't walk far so by being stuck at home this game provided her with a link to the world and she loved to sit around, press a button and talk to others. From my heart I thank you all, I hope her spirit lives on in the game and the guild grows and enters a new chapter. Thankyou so much for the time you gave my mum. Bless you all as Mum now dances with the angels and won't take her long up there to create another guild. Love to you all. Jack

#49 Multilingue 

I am so sorry for your loss. Please give my condolences to Oz’s RL and IG family.


#50 [en] 

It breaks my heart to hear of Oz's passing she will be greatly missed always and forever.

#51 [en] 

My condolences to Oz's family. Thank you, Jack, for being so kind to include all of us in Ryzom, in your thoughts. God Bless you, your family, and of course, your mum.


#52 [en] 

Omgoodness, I am so sad. I haven't been on much in the last 3 months, but I watched Ozwomen as a newbie on Silan with my alt and helped her, then watched her come to the mainland and make friends, and at first she was slow to learn, but soon she was using an alt, then mastered her digs, and crafts faster than me! Then she made a guild and helped so many, and helped the Roleplay in ryzom, even sponsored and put together events like the Tunnel of Woe exploration and invasion event. She even partook a lot in Ryzom city politics, then was ambassador for the matis toward the Rangers. This is such a loss. like I said, I am sad :(

She mentioned the death of her husband a couple years ago which must have taken a lot out of her, although she told me family supported her then by staying with her. Before this she talked to me about how she loved fishing a lot. She said if she ever came to L.A. we would go fishing. I am so sad I never met her, even though there was times she got mad at me, I didn't mind. I believe I understood her, and I hope she understood me, and I never the less mourn her loss deeply as all you do.
~my sincere condolences to you Jack and your Family,

#53 [fr] 

Sincères condoléances.

J'aimais bien Oz, qui avait un sacré caractère, et tenait très bien son rôle, intransigeante, une sorte d’écueil à tous ceux qui souhaitaient faire n'importe quoi chez les Matis. Elle avait raison.
Je suis certain que c'est un exemple à suivre, elle, soutenue par sa guilde, contre toutes les "dérives" RP des joueurs Matis, tenant son cap, ferme et résolue.

Elle restera pour moi un exemple dans le jeu.

#54 [en] 

As many have wished so far, may her family find strength and comfort in knowing that she will be missed by the Ryzom community.
-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#55 [en] 

My deepest condolences to Oz's family. Thank you so much for letting us know, Jack. I hope you will, from time to time, stop in to assure us that you are doing okay.
Oz was so special. As others have mentioned, she helped so many in here, always free to help others in many ways. For me, it'll seem like she's still watching over us for a long time to come. Oz and I had some very nice times when we felt very close to each other, and there were other times when we didn't see eye to eye - but always there was respect, for her, and for her knowledge. Miss you, Oz ;(

#56 [en] 

Sad news indeed, perhaps an admin/Gm should cut and paste to general English forums, as most players don't read guild registry.

Jack if you log on read the thread chin up mate, condolences to your family.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#57 [en] 

My condolences to Oz's family

She was the most kind and helpful person I ever met on Atys.

#58 [en] 

im saddened at the loss i had many a chat with ozwoman she will be missed by all who knew her
past her suffering past her pain
cease to weep for tears are vain
she who suffered is at rest
gone to heaven with the blest
we will miss you but not forget

azad guild leader of the fluffy bunnies

#59 [en] 

I am really sorry to hear this. Must she rest in Piece.

#60 [en] 

"I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are evil" - Gandalf, LOTR

It's with sadness i heard about Oz a few minutes ago, and i join myself to the people here. Never again will i great her at Yrk's Stables in the morning... May she see the white shores



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