The Great Explorers, UPPER BRANCHES part 2

chapter 8

homins of atys:
something new worthy of the dispatch of a message home. one of our teams has discovered something of interest at one of the abandon camp sites we've been finding. by pure chance this great find was discovered. as all of you at home know, we've been fighting aggressive creatures at every turn on our journey. as a result of these seemingly endless encounters our weapons are in need of regular replacement. as our luck and wise planning had it we have in each team masters of craft and of harvesting. which was in our thinking as important as the masters fighters and mage's. it was this wise foresight that has allowed this discovery to come to pass.
while collecting much needed materials for the crafter's to replace items that were almost beyond use a lucky stroke of the pick stuck something not expected. as the harvester was seeking ambers with which to use for crafting amps, the sound of bark being struck was heard. this was not to be expected as there should not have been any in this area of harvest. curious as to why this would happen the harvester looked closely at where their pick had struck, and to his amazement he saw what could not be. an object that from what could be seen looked as though it was crafted. so the harvester carefully began to remove the coverings of this object. as more of the object was uncovered it was clear that it was not of nature. soon it was uncovered and clearly in view, it was a box of some sort. made of bark and covered with ambers.
by now the harvester had sent for the rest of the team, and together they quickly removed it from the ground which it had been hidden in. carefully the team worked at trying to open it and after some time and effort did so. inside this box were scrolls and a single set of jewels, armor, and daggers. the jewels, armor, and daggers were in the words of the teams master crafter's some of the finest they had ever seen.
it was the scrolls that interested us most of all, as they were much like the ones that started us on this grand adventure from home. they were of the same type and seamed as aged as the old scrolls which the rumors and legends are based on. however these differ from those at home. they don't seam to be in any code, but wrote in what the homins without nations call the old texts. the homins without nation claim that while this is no longer used in our lands, it's still taught to those that desire to lean it, and as fate may have it we have one with us that learned it. though we have one that learned it the ink that was used to write upon the scrolls has faded and made them hard to read. to be sure that the messages written are correctly read we're going to allow the one to study them for a few days to learn the secrets they contain.
as soon as the secrets they hold are clearly read we shall again dispatch a message home. until that day we intend to continue onward on our journey. it is still our goal to find the rumored cities and lands and we don't intend to give up that goal.


Remickla (atys)
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